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Kant thinks that the only way to reach enlightenment is to first become mature.

He states how

man has been taught to be afraid of maturity and independence as they become afraid of

failure. HE talks about how men just stay under the wings of those around them. They allow

other people to make choices for them whether that be work leaders, religious leaders,

government, or even their parents. He really focuses on how if man does not learn to think for

himself and question things then he will never become mature and never reach

enlightenment. With all that being said he also mentions to take that with a grain of salt for if

man is to always argue and question one another that will also lead many conflicts and there

will be no peace. So he brings in the idea of self leading and questioning but with obedience.

“ ‘Argue as much as you want and about what you want, but obey!’ Here as elsewhere, when

things are considered in broad perspective, a strange, unexpected pattern in human affairs

reveals itself, one in which almost everything is paradoxical.”(5). While I think that

questioning things is good. I don’t fully agree that we should encourage arguing, if everyone

is taught to only think for themselves, then it will only lead to an endless cycle of anger and

frustration. The arguments will be pointless as each party believes that only they are right.

Everyone will only be looking out for themselves and their selfish needs. I believe strength

comes for quite the opposite thinking of others and of serving others. It’s by the lifting of

others that brings us our satisfaction. Of course thinking of oneself is good but we must also

put ourselves into others shoes so that we can reach a deeper understanding of each other.

When looking at music from the mid- to late eighteenth century it can be seen how there is

such a large range of genres, ideas, topics displayed. Many are secular and sacred. Kant's

ideas really shine through in this period as composers really start to take in to creating their

own “unique style”. It could be inferred that people may have started to question and make

up their own minds as to what music was and what it should be about. Looking back to
earlier music much of what was written was only sacred music. But as we get closer and

closer to the present it can be seen how more and more genres are being created and how far

music has gotten from the church.

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