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Class Rules

Before we start our class, be sure to follow the

class rules listed below

Attendance Check

01 Before starting our class, the

teacher will do an attendance
check. Be sure to answer when your
name is called.

Electronic Use
All electronic use is prohibited when
class is ongoing, except when it is
needed on a topic.

No Food or Drink

03 Students are prohibited to eat and

drink while class is ongoing. You
may ask for permission if you need
to drink water.

Discussion Session

04 At every end of a class, there will be

a 15-minute discussion session. You
could ask the teacher questions
related to the class topic.

Projects and Homework
Students need to hand in their
projects and homework before the
deadline due.

Keep Listening
While class is ongoing, please listen
to the teacher carefully and take
essential notes.

Study Materials

07 At the end of the week, the teacher

has to send the study materials to
the students for them to study at
home also for project reference.
Classroom Rules
Come to class prepared
You must double-check your bag before leaving
the house, and you should get everything you
need ready the night before the class.

Be on time
Always attend your classes on time. Attending
classes on time not only builds good qualities but
also respects other people's time.

Keep your classroom clean

You will be staying in the classroom for one
academic year, so treat it like home. Maintain
cleanliness by doing aftercare and by being

Wear your I.D.

To maintain the security of our school, please
wear your identification card at all times.
Present it to the security personnel upon entry
and exit.

Choose kindness
Being kind does not require much energy to
exert. Always be kind in how you treat and talk
to others because kindness creates beautiful
sunshine every day.

Be active
Participate in class discussions. Ask questions if
you are curious or confused. Sharing your
thoughts is a great way to learn more things.

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