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Nim : 20059202
Department / Semester : MANAGEMENT DUAL DEGREE / 2

the characteristics of a monopoly market that distinguishes it from other types of markets:
• Goods or products that are sold have no substitutes (no substitutes)
• The market share of the product is very large or there are many buyers
• It is difficult for new companies or producers to enter the market because there are many
obstacles such as laws and regulations, technology and large capital.
Examples of monopoly markets: Pertamina as an oil company, PLN, PDAM, to PT Kereta Api

The basic characteristics of an oligopoly market that distinguishes it from a monopoly market:
• In an oligopoly market, there are usually two to ten producers who dominate the market (best
known to consumers).
• The types of products traded tend to be homogeneous, such as soap which is generally the same
between one company and another so that it can still replace one another.
• Usually there is one major producer (the largest) who can control the market so that its policies
affect the policies of other companies.
Examples of oligopoly markets: Kitchen and household goods are examples that are closest to
our lives such as bath soap, shampoo, mineral water, cooking spices, and so on. Other examples
include cement products, cigarettes, and motorbikes.


if the cooperative enters and sells its products to a market that has a perfect competitive
structure, then the cooperative can only follow the market price as the selling price of its
products. The cooperative will not be able to influence the price, even if all the products of its
members are collected and sold through the cooperative.
The role of cooperatives in the oligopoly market is as retailers, because to enter this oligopoly
market requires capital intensive (high capital). Cooperatives can act as retailers of various types
of products from several manufacturers. Profits are obtained from sales profits.

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