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Simulation Of DS-CDMA system by using Matlab

Thesis · February 2015

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12286.59201


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1 author:

Mohannad A. M. Al-Ja'afari
Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University


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Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
University of Kufa\College of Engineering
Department of Electronic & Communications Engineering

A project submitted to the college of engineering university of

kufa as a partial fulfillment for the requirement of B.SC in
electronic & communications engineering

Done by
Mohy aldeen M.Riza
Mohammed Aboud
Haider Jasim

Asst. Lec. Mohanned Adnan
Committee certificate
We certify that we have read this project entitled “simulation of
DS-CDMA system by matlab”.
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opinion it meets the standard of a project for the degree of B.SC in
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I certify that this research entitled “simulation of DS-CDMA

system by matlab”.
Was prepared under my supervision in order to obtain B.SC degree in
electronic and communications engineering.

Supervisor : Asst. Lec. Mohanned Adnan

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‫ق ال تعالى‪:‬‬

‫بسم ال الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫(( قالوا سبحانك ل علم لنا ال ما علمتنا انك انت‬

‫العليم الكيم ))‬

‫وق ال امير المؤمنين (ع)‪} :‬اقيلوا ذوي المروئات عثراتهم ‪ ,‬فما‬

‫يعثر منهم عاثر إل ويده بيد ال يرفعه{‬

‫وما ابريء نفسي ان النفس لمارة بالسوء ال ما رحم ربي ان ربي غفور‬

‫شكر وتقدير‬
‫الحمد ل الذي هدانا لهذا وما كنا لنهتدي لول ان هدانا ال‬

‫واسع شكرنا موصول الى الستاذ المشرف على هذا البحث‬

‫الستاذ‪( :‬مهند عدنان)‬
‫الذي كان له الدور الفاعل في انجاز هذا البحث وإتمامه‪.‬‬

‫كما نود شكر كل من اعطى علما لجل ألعلم فأتاحه مجانا على شبكة‬
‫ألنترنيت ‪ ,‬فلول رقي بعض الباحثين في التفكير وإتاحة جهودهم كي‬
‫يستفيد منها نظراؤهم وترفعهم عن البخل في اعطاء المعلومة العلمية‬
‫لما استطعنا انجاز هذا البحث‪.‬‬
‫فكل الشكر لهم‪..‬‬

‫" الى كل من ساهم في وصولنا الى نهاية مطاف رحلة امتدت على‬
‫عاما‪ ..‬الى المتفانين من اساتذتنا ‪ ,‬الى الداعمين من عوائلنا ‪ ,‬الى‬
‫الناصحين من إخواننا‪.‬‬
‫والى من بسببهم نجلس بكل المن هنا‪"..‬‬

‫نهدي هذا الجهد البحثي متمنين كونه حلقة من حلقات النهوض العلمي‬
‫في عراقنا العزيز‪.‬‬
This project deals with study of CDMA system and simulate it
by computer program called “matlab”.

we discuss in this project in first chapter multiple access

techniques briefly and make a comparison between it and from
it enter to cdma technique with development history and main
advantage and disadvantage.

and in second chapter we talk about 3 types of modulation

BPSK, QPSK, and DBPSK and some type of channel which
we used in simulation..

in third chapter we discuss The working principle of CDMA

(spread spectrum techniques) and its main two types direct
sequence and frequency hopping, also talk about two types of
code used in CDMA Walsh code and maximal length PN

In fourth chapter you will see our results that we found by

matlab for cases illustrated in fig(1.1), and conclusions.
Figures Content

Chapter 1
Fig (1-1) . . . . . . . . . . simulation cases
Fig (1-2) . . . . . . . . . . describe the FDMA concept
Fig (1-3) . . . . . . . . . . the TDMA scheme concept
Fig (1-4) . . . . . . . . . . the CDMA scheme concept
Fig (1-5) . . . . . . . . . . specific area divided into cells
Fig (1-6) . . . . . . . . . . Frequency Reuse in similarly numbered

Chapter 2
Fig (2-1) . . . . . . . . . . BPSK waveform
Fig (2-2) . . . . . . . . . . BPSK modulator
Fig (2-3) . . . . . . . . . . BPSK demodulator
Fig (2-4) . . . . . . . . . . DPSK modulator
Fig (2-5) . . . . . . . . . . DPSK de-modulator
Fig (2-6) . . . . . . . . . . QPSK waveforms
Fig (2-7) . . . . . . . . . . QPSK modulator
Fig (2-8) . . . . . . . . . . QPSK demodulator

Chapter 3
Fig (3-1) . . . . . . . . . . spreading signals
Fig (3-2) . . . . . . . . . . CDMA transmitter
Fig (3-3) . . . . . . . . . . CDMA receiver
Fig (3-4) . . . . . . . . . . transmitter signals
Fig (3-5) . . . . . . . . . . modulation signals
Fig (3-6) . . . . . . . . . . receiver signals
Fig (3-7) . . . . . . . . . . frequency hopping
Fig (3-8) . . . . . . . . . . FF transmitter, receiver
Fig (3-9) . . . . . . . . . . fast FF
Fig (3-10) . . . . . . . . . . slow FF
Fig (3-11) . . . . . . . . . . generation of Walsh code
Fig (3-12) . . . . . . . . . .3 users PN code generation circuit
Fig (3-13) . . . . . . . . . .7 users PN code generation circuit
Fig (3-14) . . . . . . . . . .15 users PN code generation
Fig (3-15) . . . . . . . . . .32 users PN code generation circuit
Chapter 4
Fig (4-1) . . . . . . . . . . . BPSK 4users Walsh code/AWGN
Fig (4-2) . . . . . . . . . . . BPSK 8users Walsh code/AWGN
Fig (4-3) . . . . . . . . . . . BPSK 4users Walsh code/AWGN + fading
Fig (4-4) . . . . . . . . . . . BPSK 8users Walsh code/AWGN + fading
Fig (4-5) . . . . . . . . . . . BPSK 3users PN code/AWGN
Fig (4-6) . . . . . . . . . . . BPSK 4users PN code/AWGN
Fig (4-7) . . . . . . . . . . . BPSK 7users PN code/AWGN
Fig (4-8) . . . . . . . . . . . BPSK 3users PN code/AWGN + fading
Fig (4-9) . . . . . . . . . . . BPSK 7users PN code/AWGN + fading
Fig (4-10) . . . . . . . . . . QPSK 4users Walsh code/AWGN
Fig (4-11) . . . . . . . . . . QPSK 8users Walsh code/AWGN
Fig (4-12) . . . . . . . . . . QPSK 4users Walsh code/AWGN + fading
Fig (4-13) . . . . . . . . . . QPSK 8users Walsh code/AWGN + fading
Fig (4-14) . . . . . . . . . . QPSK 4users PN code/AWGN
Fig (4-15) . . . . . . . . . . QPSK 7users PN code/AWGN
Fig (4-16) . . . . . . . . . . QPSK 4users PN code/AWGN + fading
Fig (4-17) . . . . . . . . . . QPSK 7users PN code/AWGN + fading
Fig (4.18) . . . . . . . . . . DBPSK Transmitting signals
Fig (4.19). . . . . . . . . . DBPSK Receiving signals
Fig (4.20). . . . . . . . . . BPSK Transmitting signals
Fig (4.21). . . . . . . . . . BPSK Receiving signals
Fig (4-22) . . . . . . . . . . DBPSK 1user Walsh code/AWGN
Fig (4-23) . . . . . . . . . . BPSK 4users /Walsh code/fading
Fig (4-24) . . . . . . . . . . BPSK (2,4,8)user 8 Walsh code/AWGN
Fig (4-25) . . . . . . . . . . BPSK (2,4,8,16)user 16 Walsh code/AWGN
Abbreviations and symbols list
AMPS. . . . . . . . . . . Advanced Mobile Phone Service
AWGN. . . . . . . . . . Additive White Gaussian Noise
BER . . . . . . . . . . . . Bit Error Rate
BPSK. . . . . . . . . . . Binary Phase Shift Keying
CDMA. . . . . . . . . . Code Division Multiple Access
DAMPS . . . . . . . . . Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System
DBPSK. . . . . . . . . . Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying
DPSK. . . . . . . . . . . .Differential Phase Shift Keying
DS-CDMA. . . . . . .. Direct Sequence-Code Division Multiple Access
DS_SS . . . . . . . . . . .Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
FDD. . . . . . . . . . . . . Frequency Divis ion Duplex
FDMA. . . . . . . . . . . Frequency Division Multiple Access
FH/MFSK. . . . . . . . Frequency Hopping- Multiple Frequency Shift Keying
FH-SS. . . . . . . . . . . Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
GSM. . . . . . . . . . . . Global System for Mobile communications
IS-136. . . . . . . . . . . Interium Standard 136
IS-95. . . . . . . . . . . . Interium Standard 95
JTACS. . . . . . . . . . Japanese Total Access Communication System
MFSK. . . . . . . . . . . Multiple Frequency Shift Keying
NMT. . . . . . . . . . . . Nordic mobile telephone
PDC. . . . . . . . . . .. . Personal Digital Cellular
PNcode . . . . . . . .. . Pseudo Noise Code
PSD. . . . . . . . . . . . Power Spectral Density
QPSK. . . . . . . . . . . Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
SNR. . . . . . . . . . .. . Signal to Noise Ratio
TACS. . . . . . . . . . .. Total Access Communication System
TD-CDMA. . . . . . . Time Division-CDMA
TDD. . . . . . . . . . . . Time Division Duplex
TDMA. . . . . . . . . . . Time Division Multiple Access
UMTS. . . . . . . . . . . Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
WCDMA. . . . . . . . Wide band-CDMA
Bc . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . The Coherence Bandwidth
Bs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Signal Band Width
BWss. . . . . . . . . . . . Bandwidth after Spread Spectrum
C(t) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Code Sequence
CRe(t) . . . . . . . . . . De-Coded Signal
Eb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmitted Signal per Bit
fc. . . . . . . . . . . Frequency of Carrier
G. . . . . . . . . . . Processing Gain
k. . . . . . . . . . . Number of Runs
L. . . . . . . . . . . Number of Stages
m`(t) . . . . . . . . Signal After Decision
m(t) . . . . . . . . Narrow Band Binary Signal
N. . . . . . . . . . . Length of Code
Nbit . . . . . . . . . Number of Bits
NSs(t) . . . . . . . noise Received Signal
Pb . . . . . . . . . . The Probability of Error
r(t) . . . . . . . . . Received Signal
Rb . . . . . . . . . . . Bit Rate
Re(t) . . . . . . . . Demodulated Signal
s(t). . . . . . . . . . The Transmitted Signal
sd(t) . . . . . .. . . Reference Signal
Sn(t) . . . . . . . . Wide-Band Coded Signal
Ss(t) . . . . . . . . Modulated Transmitted Signal
T. . . . . . . . . . . . Pulse Duration of Input Data
Chapter 1 1
1.1 Aim of work 2
1.2 Multiple Access techniques 3
1.2.1 FDMA 3
1.2.2 TDMA 4
1.2.3 CDMA 5
1.3 Wireless Communication Systems Generations 6
1.3.1 First Generation 1G 6
1.3.2 Second Generation 2G 7
1.3.3 Third Generation 3G 7
1.4 Cellular Concept, Frequency Reuse, and Multiple
Access Schemes 8
1.4.1 Cellular Concept 8
1.4.2 Frequency Reuse 10

Chapter 2 11
2.1 Introduction 12
2.2 digital modulation 12
2.2.1 Binary phase shift keying (BPSK) 12 Transmitter 13 Receiver 14 Probability of error 15
2.2.2 Differential binary shift keying (DPSK) 15 Generation of differential encoded sequence15 Transmitter 16 Receiver 16 Probability of error 17
2.2.3 Quadriphase-shift keying (QPSK) 17 Transmitter 18 Receiver 19 Probability of error 20
2.3 Channels 20
2.3.1 AWGN channel 20
2.3.2 Fading channel 21
Chapter 3 22
3.1 Introduction 23
3.2 Spread spectrum theory 23
3.3 Types of spread spectrum 25
3.3.1 DS_SS (direct sequence spread spectrum) 25 Signals shapes at DS-CDMA 27
3.3.2 FH-SS (frequency hopping spread spectrum) 28 Fast frequency hopping 29 Slow frequency hopping 29
3.4 Walsh code 30
3.5 Maximal length (PN code) 31
3.5.1 Generation Code for 3 users 32
3.5.2 Generation code for 7 users 32
3.5.3 Generation code for 15 users 33
3.5.4 Generation code for 63users 33

Chapter 4 34
4.1 BPSK modulation 35
4.1.1 Walsh code 35 AWGN channel 35 Fading + AWGN channel 36
4.1.2 PN code 36 AWGN channel 36 Fading + AWGN channel 39
4.2 QPSK modulation 40
4.2.1 Walsh code 40 AWGN channel 40 Fading + AWGN channel 41
4.2.2 PN code 42 AWGN channel 42 Fading + AWGN channel 43
4.3 DBPSK modulation 44
4.4 Other cases 47
4.5 conclusions 48
4.6 Describe the simulation 50
References 51
1 Chapter


1.1 Aim of work

The aim of this project is studying CDMA system (Direct sequence type) and use
matlab to simulate the system and find the signal graphs at each part of the system ,
how the signal changes after coding and modulation , how the noise effect it at the
channel , and how can we receive it by making decoding and demodulation. also
Study the performance of the DS-CDMA system in term of bit error rate with signal to
noise ratio (SNR VS BER) for 3 kinds of modulation (BPSK , QPSK , DPSK), 2 kinds
of codes (Walsh , maximal length PNcode) and 2 kinds of channel (AWGN ,
Fading+AWGN). And make a comparison between all these cases and figure(1.1)
illustrate the cases we use in programming .

Fig (1-1) simulation cases

1.2 Multiple Access techniques

For some circumstances the cost become very high or setting base stations become
not useful practically , so we need techniques that keep our spectrum efficiently or
increase it's capacity , that all lead to develop the multiple access schemes.

In the mobile communications enormous number of users connect to the same point
and through it , simply this is the concept of multiple .

Users here share the same base station , and the scheme type will be specified
according to one of following domains :

a- frequency b- time c- code

every single one will produce different scheme so that we have FDMA (frequency
division multiple access) , TDMA (time division multiple access) , CDMA (code
division multiple access) . [12]

1.2.1 FDMA

this technique gives every distinct user a distinct channel in the cell , the channel here
is a frequency band from the total bandwidth of the cell which is distributed among the

Fig (1-2) describe the FDMA concept

The channel will be specified for a single user while he is calling and no other users
can use it till he finish his call .

Some of the disadvantages of this scheme are that when the channel is idle ,users
from the same cell cannot use it and this is waste for resources , another thing that a
strict RF filter is required to decrease the interference ever since channels frequency
band is narrow. [4]

1.2.2 TDMA

Users here get separated channels within the cell , every channel is a time slot. The
channels are periodically regenerated within the total time slots. Figure 1.3 below
describe the concept of TDMA involving time , bandwidth, and code.

A channel is given to the user when needed, and no other user can use it during that
call. Differ from FDMA , TDMA is discontinuous, due to the nature of locating a
repeating time slots , and that forced us to use digital data and digital modulation .

Information of each user will be cut into a small frames of time , with very small time
values enough to be unnoticed by the user.

One major difference for TDMA than FDMA is that all the mobile users of TDMA have
the same carrier frequency in the same cell , this will not cause any interference
among these channels ever since a non-overlapping time slots separate them. [4]

Fig (1-3) the TDMA scheme concept

1.2.3 CDMA

Is a technique where the narrowband user signal multiplied by a wideband code , and
the codes are orthogonal to each other in the cell. For any single user the coded
messages of the remaining users will appear as noise in the back of the received
signal. According to that users here can share the same frequency and the same time
domain of the cell. Figure 1.4 below describe the CDMA concept according to the
code , time , and bandwidth.

Ever since increasing the number of users will increase the noise inside the cell , then
the cell can take unlimited number of users under a condition that SNR stay
correctable , this is considered a CDMA capacity limitation.

Nevertheless CDMA still so preferred access technique because it spread the

message bandwidth throughout a finite spectrum of the cell.

After transmission the signal will look distorted because the message power will be so
low compared to the noise power, this is considered a very important security feature
of CDMA scheme.

For the sake of decoding a message, the receiver must already know the spreading
code that treated the message. Some of the common orthogonal spreading codes
are: PN sequences, Walsh, and Gold code. [2]

Fig (1-4) the CDMA scheme concept

1.3 Wireless Communication Systems Generations

The first three generations will be discussed here focusing on the important sides of

1.3.1 First Generation 1G

The first generation of the wireless communication systems appeared in the start of
1980s, and only analog signals used in it where the voice calls were get modulated to
a higher frequencies with the frequency division multiple access FDMA scheme .

Only voice calls were supported in this generation and there was no roaming service,
in addition to that low capacity, unreliable handoff, and no security at all, so it's
considered the least efficient and with the least service quality as compared to it's

Nevertheless it has some advantages, one of them was that the bad quality calls
could travel very long distances as compared to the digital signals.

Some of the international standards of this generation were :

 AMPS (advanced mobile phone service ) the standard of united states.

 NMT (Nordic mobile telephone )the standard of Nordic countries (Finland ,

Denmark , Iceland , Norway and Sweden ).

 TACS ( total access communication system ) the standard of united kingdom.

 Radio Com 2000 the standard of France.

 C-450 the standard of West Germany , Portugal and South Africa.

 JTACS (Japanese total access communication system ) the standard of Japan. [11]

1.3.2 Second Generation 2G

This generation appeared in the mid of 1990s , digital signals and modulation used in
it for the first time to overcome the obstacles of the first generation , because these
signals offer a higher reliability in the regeneration of transmitted signals without noise
at the receiver , and it also offers advance transmission and signal processing and
discontinuous transmission .

This generation supported data transmission beside the voice call service and the
roaming service was a new thing in this generation , FDMA no longer the preferred
technique here and it's replaced with the TDMA (time division multiple access ) and
CDMA (code division multiple access) .

Some of the 2G advantages were the higher capacity , better voice quality , longer
battery lifetime than 1G and it also had a high security .

Some of the international standards of 2G were :

 GSM (global system for mobile communications) firstly in Europe and then the

 DAMPS (digital advanced mobile phone system ) or called IS-136 (interium

standard 136) and the IS-95 (interium standard 95) which known now as CDMA
one both are the standards of the united states.

 PDC (personal digital cellular ) standard of Japan. [11]

1.3.3 Third Generation 3G

This generation supported the broadband data transmission for the first time (beside
usual voice calls and data) which offered video calls ,high speed internet access , and
high speed transmission rate could reach 2Mb/s.

The capacity also increased , the frequency spectrum usage became more efficient ,
the overall service quality had improved .

Before the development of 2G to 3G take place , an international agreement done for
the sake of united standards , this agreement stated two transmission modes :

1. Frequency division duplex mode FDD : based on the wide band-CDMA and use
CDMA scheme only.

2. Time division duplex mode TDD : based on the time division-CDMA , use both
TDMA and CDMA schemes , and has sub mode within called time division
synchronous-CDMA .

Some of the 3G international standards are :

 UMTS (universal mobile telecommunication system ) : contains the WCDMA and

TD-CDMA , and replace the 2G GSM and PDC standard.

 CDMA2000 replace the 2G IS-95 .

 UWC-136 (universal wireless communication) replace 2G IS-136 . [3]

1.4 Cellular Concept, Frequency Reuse, and Multiple

Access Schemes
1.4.1 Cellular Concept

Cellular concept is about making a finite frequency spectrum located to a specific

geographic area by dividing it into a smaller areas called cells . The cells which lie at
great distances to each other can reuse the same frequency spectrum. Each mobile
unit communicate with the cell's base station through a channel.

A channel is created and placed to the mobile user when the call is active, else it is
stay idle. The entire system channels are distributed between it's own cells ,such that
neighboring cells are assigned different channels . Channels interference is
minimized by efficiently spacing base stations , this also can allow the reuse of them
in the same geographical area. Figure 1.5 describe a geographical area divided into
different cells .
When the need for mobile service is low in a specific area , a large distances of it will
be covered with the same frequency spectrum and channels , this can be done using
a cell type called macro-cell which is usually 2-20 km in size. The antenna here
uses a high transmitting power and must be located very high above the skyline
around . When the mobile service need increase, the base stations number can be
increased for a better capacity , the transmission power should be lowered and
spectrums can be used much more times. The cells here are small cells called micro-

Using a lot of base stations will increase the capacity, but the efficient distribution of
frequency spectrum is the main principle of successful modern communications , ever
since reusing a fixed group of channels over a big geographical area will increase the
number of users arbitrary. [12] [10]

Fig (1-5) specific area divided into cells

1.4.2 Frequency Reuse

The frequency reuse process is all about distributing channels to different cells , it's
also called frequency planning. As mentioned before, cells that lie at large separating
distances can use the same frequency.

Fig (1-6) Frequency Reuse in similarly numbered

As shown in Figure 1.6 above, cells that carry the same number are using the same
channels , while close distinct cells use different channels , that will assure co-
channel interference reduction . The cells with bold borders above totally use all the
available frequencies , and it's called cluster , which is typically consist of either 4, 7
or 12 cells. cellular system capacity is directly proportional to the clusters' number on
any geographical area. The cluster cells take the shape of hexagon , because these
shapes have no interfered edges and no uncovered space among them .

This shape will assure the coverage for any user doesn't matter how far he is from the
base stations which designed to be in the center of the cell , this will make the handoff
process even easier and decrease the number of cells needed . [8] [12]

2 Chapter


2.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we will see the type of digital modulation and channel that we use in
our research. Where we will discuss firstly the type of modulation in section (2.2) and
the type of modulation. Section (2.3) consist two basic type of communication

In our project, we use three type of phase shift keying modulation, PSK is broadly
used in the industry of communication. In this section, we study modulation scheme of
the three type in a single part. Where signal description, block diagrams of modulator
/ demodulator, and probability of error of receiver are all included.
First, we present coherent binary PSK (BPSK) and its noncoherent counterpart
Differential BPSK (DBPSK), in part 2.2.1 and 2.2.2., respectively, finally we introduce
Coherent QPSK in 2.2.3.

2.2.1 BPSK (Binary phase shift keying)

Binary phase shift keying is a band pass digital modulation system or 2-ary
continuous wave (cw). Data are represented by two signals with different phase. The
carrier phase change according to input bit. If the input bit 1, 0 the phase change for
0,180 with respect to the carrier. Where the two signals.[9]

These two signals lead to minimum error probability for the same Eb/N because they
have a correlation coefficient of -1. It has the same frequency and energy.

The wave form of data stream (10110) generated by BPSK modulator shown in
fig (2-1). The signal has a constant frequency, the phase is not continuous at the
boundary of bit when transfer from 1 to 0 and vice versa as shown.

Fig (2-1) BPSK waveform

To change in phase at 0 and the frequency of the carrier must be an integer multiple

of the bit rate (fc = m Rb) where m is an integer Rb is the bit rate. If m not integer the
phase would not be at 0 or Transmitter :
Transmitter in BPSK very simple stream of bipolar data bits multiply by sinusoidal
carrier at modulator and then signal transmit as BPSK signal as shown. The binary
data obtained by.[9]

Where either -1 or 1, it's pulse defined in [0, T].

Fig (2-2) BPSK modulator Receiver:
The coherent demodulator of BPSK falls in the class of coherent detectors for binary
signal [9]. Matched filter or creator could be form the coherent detector, figure (2.3)
shows receiver using correlate it's reference signal (sd (t) = 2Acos 2πfct) generated
by carrier recovery (CR) circuit as difference signal. The received signal and the
reference signal must be synchronous in frequency and phase.

Fig (2-3) BPSK demodulator

Using Correlator is preferred than matched filter in passband since a filter with
h (t) = cos2πfc (T −t) is difficult to implement. Probability of error :

If the transmitted signal per bit (Eb) increase for specific noise spectral density then
the probability of error Pb is correspondingly reduce according to the equation


2.2.2 DPSK (differential binary shift keying)

Differential binary shift keying is differently coherent modulation method. DPSK does
not need a synchronous carrier at the demodulator. The input sequence of binary bits
modified such that the next bit depends upon the previous bit, there for at the receiver
the previous bit used to detect the present one. Generation of differential encoded sequence : .[10]

Let differential encoded sequence dk with an arbitrary reference bit, dk-1 it's dk delayed
by one bit and b(t) is the input binary sequence , then we get the following definition in
the generation of sequence .
-if the input binary symbol b(t) is 1, then symbol d k unchanged with the previous bit
and the phase shift of the carrier is 0
-if the input binary symbol b(t) is 0, then symbol dk changed with the previous bit and
the phase shift of the carrier is

Tabel 2.1 illustrateof generation of DPSK signal

b(t) 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1

dk-1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1

Differential encoded
1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
sequence d k
Transmitted phase
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table(2.1) illustrate the process of differential phase encoding ,note dk is the
complement of modulo -2 sum of b(t) and dk-1 . Transmitter :
Figure(2-4) shows the block diagram of DPSK modulator .it consist of logic network
interconnect with one-bit delay element to convert input binary sequence b(t) to
differentially encoded sequence dk , level generator produce NRZ signal from dk
sequence, dk used to modulate a carrier wave with frequency c then the result signal
is DPSK .

Fig (2-4) DPSK modulator Receiver :
DPSK does not require a coherent reference signal. figure(2-5) shows simple
differential demodulator which the current symbol demodulated by previous symbol.
The received signal faced with bandpass filter to reduces noise power and keep the
phase of the signal. The integrator output is.[9]

In the absence of noise and other channel impairment,

Where Sk(t) is the current symbol Sk-1(t) is previous symbol. The integrator output
positive if Sk(t) and Sk-1(t) are same, otherwise the output negative. In other words by
the difference between the two signals the demodulator makes decisions.

Fig (2-5) DPSK demodulator Probability of error :

Bit error rate for DPSK decrease exponentially with the increasing of Eb/No.

2.2.3 QPSK (quadriphase-shift keying)

Minimize the probability of error is an important manner in the design digital

communication system, but efficient channel bandwidth is also important manner. In
this subsection, we study a bandwidth-conserving modulation scheme known as
coherent quadriphase-shift keying.
In quadriphase-shift keying (QPSK), as which BPSK, information carried by the phase
of the transmitted signal. in particular, the phase of the carrier takes on one of four
equally spaced values .[10], such as , , , , for these values we can
define the transmitted signal as.[10]

Where ; E is the transmitted signal energy per symbol, and T is the symbol
duration ,the carrier frequency equals nc/T for some fixed integer nc. Each phase
value represent a unique dibit (digital bit), thus, for example, we may represent the
previous value by the gray-encoded set of dibit: 10, 00, 01, 11, note only one-bit
change from dibit to next.

Fig (2-6) QPSK waveforms Transmitter :

Figure (2.7) shows a block diagram of a typical QPSK transmitter. The channels with
cosine and sine references are call inphase (I) and quadrature (Q) channels
respectively. The incoming sequence of binary data faced with nonreturn-to-zero level
encoder to convert logic 1 to positive pulse and logic 0 to negative pulse at duration
Tb, data sequence is spreated to odd-numbered-bit sequence for I-channel and even-
numbered-bit sequence for Q-channel by series-to-parallel converter (S/P). Then
even pulse train multiplied by and the odd pulse train multiplied by .
I-channel and Q-channel are BPSK signals have the same amplitude with symbol
duration 2Tb, finally these two waveforms add to gather to produce the final QPSK

Fig (2-7) QPSK modulator

18 Receiver :

The QPSK receiver consists of two correlator with a common input. Each correlator
supplied with coherent reference signal and ,
as shown in figure (2-8).the correlator output r1k and r2k, produced in response of r(t)
received signal, each one compared with zero threshold. For (I) channel, if ( r1k > 0 )
the favor decision made is symbol 1, but if (r1k < 0 ) the favor decision made is symbol
0. Similarly, for (Q) channel, if (r2k > 0 ) the favor decision made is symbol 1, but if
( r2k < 0 ) the favor decision made is symbol 0. Finally these two binary sequences at
the (I) and (Q) channel outputs are combined in a parallel-to-serial converter (P/S) to
produce transmitted binary sequence.

Fig (2-8) QPSK demodulator Probability of error :

Coherent QPSK system produces the same average probability of bit-error as a

coherent BPSK system for same bit rate and Eb/N but uses only a half of channel


Now for Prescribed performance, QPSK uses channel bandwidth better than BPSK
.[10]For this reason, QPSK preferred to use over BPSK in practice.

2.3 Channels
Characteristic of channel is an important role for designing and studying the
modulation scheme. To check the performance of modulation scheme it is
test on different channels and then the modulation scheme are chosen for
channel that it is performance is better than the other this part we
will discuss two important model of channel, which they are very famous
model in mobile communication.

2.3.1 AWGN channel

Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel is a common channel model in the
analyzing of modulation schemes. In this model, white Gaussian noise are add to the
signal pass through the channel. this mean that the frequency response for channel's
amplitude is flat (thus with infinite bandwidth) and frequency response for channel's
phase is linear for all frequencies so that modulated signals pass through the channel
without any phase distortion and amplitude loss of frequency components. In AWGN
channel, fading does not exist, only distortion is included. So the received signal can
written as.[9]

where are the transmitted signal and the additive white Gaussian noise

The whiteness of n(t) implies that it is a stationary random process with a flat power
spectral density (PSD) for all frequencies (1). It is a convention to assume PSD of
AWGN channel as.[9]

Truly. The AWGN does not exist in nature since any channel cannot have an infinite
bandwidth, so that it is used when signal bandwidth less than channel bandwidth.
Practically many channels are approximate to AWGN channel. for example wideband
coaxial cable because it has only Gaussian noise. When the weather is good the line-
of sight (LOS) radio channel, including fixed satellite links and fixed terrestrial
microwave links, are approximate to AWGN channels.
2.3.2 Fading channel

Fading is a phenomenon happens when the phase and amplitude of a radio signal
change quickly over short time interval or travel distance. Fading happened when two
or more versions of transmitted signals have the same frequency and slightly
different times interfere with each other. These versions called multipath waves, meet
each other at antenna of receiver to give a signal change widely in phase and
amplitude. The multipath signals considered different signal if it delay longer than a
symbol period.
In mobile channel, such as satellite mobile channel, fading and multipath
interferences are happen when the transmitted signals reflect from the buildings and
terrains around it. In addition, the relative motion between the transmitter and
receiver, and the motion of object around the signals, like a vehicle. However, if the
surrounding objects move at a speed less than the mobile unit, their effect can
ignored. [9]
Practically there are many type of fading depending on the bandwidth channel
corresponding to signal bandwidth and the amount of delay of transmitted signal and
another parameter called Doppler spread. In our research we just use only on type,
called flat fading.

Flat fading
Historically is the most common model of fading used in the literatures, if a
bandwidth of wireless channel which it has a fixed gain and linear phase response
greater than signal bandwidth, then the signal suffer from flat fading. In term of
parameter, the flat fading is characterized by.

Where Bc is the coherence bandwidth (is defined as the band of frequencies over
which the channel can be described ‘‘flat’’ meaning the channel passes all spectral
components with approximately equal gain and linear phase) , Bs is the signal band
width, in other word the fading channel is flat if the channel coherence bandwidth is
much greater than signal bandwidth.


3.1 Introduction
In this chapter, We will offer a brief review about the fundamentals of CDMA
system, how over we will talk about The working principle of CDMA system that is
spread spectrum technique in its two types direct sequence and frequency hopping
and the codes that used in these systems, we chose main popular codes Walsh and
maximal length (PN codes). Also we discussed in this chapter the transmitter and
receiver of CDMA and what happen to the signal at each stage of system and make
plots for some of it by matlab.

3.2 Spread spectrum theory

In the last decade, cellular system hugely grown up a large number of users need a
large number of access channels. For that the need is raised to some kind of systems
offers the service for a very large number of users.

For that CDMA was founded , because it offers this sufficient number of channels. But
how can CDMA offers the large number of users? Here the magic solution has been
found which is the use of spread spectrum techniques. The spread spectrum can be
considered as a kind of modulation scheme has very large modulated (spread
spectrum) signal bandwidth than the message (baseband) signal bandwidth. [1] Thus,
spread spectrum is a wideband scheme. This technique actually invented by actress
(Hedy Lamarr) at 1940s. [2] In this technique we need to increase the bandwidth as
much as possible. On the contrary of most modulation technique trying to make the
bandwidth as much as possible low so as to increase the number of signals enter the
channel .
One of the main reasons led to find this technique is military applications, the system
that use this technique has a good security and immunity to jamming. [3]

We can explain the spread spectrum technique briefly from this example.. Suppose
there is a room has a number of people talk each others at the same time, and
someone enter this room during their talking, he surely will not be able to understand
what each one of people talking about, because all sounds sharing the same place
and enter to his ear at the same time, so when he want to understand what someone
of people says he need to ask the other people to lowering their voices.

Almost the same thing spread spectrum technique do with communication system in
transmitter and to prevent the interference at receiver, like the interference happens

when all people talk at the same time.

Signals before enter to channel All signals

lower its power and increase its bandwidth

-by some technique we’ll talk about later-
,now all signals enter the channel with very
high BW and low power. fig(3.1). (4)

Fig (3-1) spreading signals

At the receiver the signal that is needed to receive (voice need to hear) back to its
normal state with high power and Low BW and all other transmitted signals will stay
as high BW and Low power, so the receiver in spread spectrum schemes convert the
wide Band signal to its original with narrow band [6] fig(3.1d).

Now in receiver the desired signal has high power while other signals has low powers,
so the effect of other signals as interference on desired one will be low that’s clear in
fig(3.1-d). This effect is minimized when BW of signals increase, the increase in the
BW cause decrease in the power of the interference on the desired signal. And that is
the reason we need to make the BW in spread spectrum technique as large as
possible, also the excessive BW increase the receiver ability to reduce multipath. [5]

The increase in bandwidth by spread spectrum is represent by factor called

“processing gain” which equal to G=BWss/BW where BWss is the bandwidth after
spread spectrum and BW is the bandwidth of message before spreading. [6]

From that two main conditions can put to name a modulation type as spread spectrum

1) the bandwidth of transmitting signal is more large than minimum BW necessary to

sent it.

2) the data is spreading before transmission through a code which is independent of

the data sequence, and at receiver same code are used. .[10]

3.3 Types of spread spectrum
There are two main types of spread spectrum techniques:

3.3.1 DS_SS (direct sequence spread spectrum)

This type of spreading is most commonly used in CDMA systems. In this type the
signal is spreading by using high rate code that is independent of the message signal
[1], and this code is known only to the person whom the message is sent to him for
security purposes. The block diagram of the transmitter is shown in fig(3.2), where
m(t) is a narrow band binary signal, C(t) is a code sequence, S n(t) is a wide-band
coded signal which is greater in bandwidth than m(t) and that belong to the code
effect. The rate of code is much larger than input signal rate m(t), S s(t) is modulated
transmitted signal.

A transmitter of CDMA Typically consists of spreading unit (usually multiplier) where

the code sequence is either simply multiplied or XORed with each bit in the binary
signal separately. And modulation unit BPSK or QPSK or any other type of
modulations. [2]

Fig (3-2) CDMA transmitter

From fig(3.4) we can see how signal spreads when it multiplies by a code sequence ,
the rate of code in this figure is four time the rate of signal , so the coded transmitted
signal will has a bit rate four time the bit rate of data input. It is clear the code in figure
is Walsh code [1 -1 1 -1].

If the pulse duration of input data is T and the bit rate of it will be 1/T=f1. The signal
after code As is clear has pulse duration T/4 and bit rate of 4/T=4*f1. Because of the
impact of code each bit time is subdivided into N (length of code) short intervals called

As known The receiver does the reverse things that transmitter does, in receiver the

coded transmitted signal will demodulated and desperate by re-multiply it by the same
code sequence used at the transmitter and make the decision by match filter and
surly synchronization circuit needed at the receiver [2]. Just like seen in fig(3.3) where
NSs(t) is received signal with noise after it passes throw channel, R e(t) is
demodulated signal, CRe(t) is de-coded signal and m`(t) is signal after decision.

Re(t) CRe(t)

Fig (3-3) CDMA receiver

The received signal after multiplied by a code will de-spread and back to its original
base band information. Fig(3.6)

26 Signals shapes at DS-CDMA
To understand the DS-CDMA system, how using data look like what happen to it after
code and modulation, how noise effects on it and how can receive it by multiply
transmitted signal after noise Ss(t) by same code used at transmitter and make
decision by match filter. All these cases will be clear in the matlab graphs shown

Fig (3-4) transmitter signals

Fig (3-5) modulation signals

Fig (3-6) receiver signals

3.3.2 FH-SS (frequency hopping spread spectrum)

Is another type of spread spectrum techniques where a carrier hops between more
than one frequency. This technique is always used with MFSK modulation so they
named together FH/MFSK. The available channel bandwidth is divided into a large
number of sub channels arranged in continuous frequency slots selected according
to specific code. [6] fig(3.7)

Fig (3-7) frequency hopping

It is used for its large immunity to jammer signals, To overcome the jammer signal we
need to make the processing gain Pg=Tb/Tc as large as possible by making chip
width smaller Which leads to more bandwidth, [10] so this thing is difficult when using
PN code because the devices that used to generate PN spread spectrum signals is
unsuitable to achievable processing gain.

Fig (3-8) FF transmitter, receiver

The devices that operate on FH-CDMA system consume less power and have low
price than devices that operate on DS-CDMA, but the device which operate with DS
have more reliable and better to use. The biggest advantage of frequency hopping
lies in the coexistence of several access points in the same area, something not
possible with direct sequence. [10] There are two types of frequency hopping: Fast frequency hopping: in this case one data bit is divided over multiple
hops. Have Tc<Ts [2] Coherent detection is difficult. Give better performance than
slow FH fig(3.9). Slow frequency hopping: in this case one or more data bits can transmit
during one hop, have Tc>Ts, [2] coherent data detection can possible fig(3.10)

Fig (3-9) fast FF Fig (3-10) slow FF

3.4 Walsh code
One of the most important types of codes used in DS_CDMA is Walsh code, which is
a linear code mutually orthogonal error correcting codes. The importance of this code
come from a lot of good property has, it has good auto correlation and bad cross
correlation so it is orthogonal, [7] this Orthogonality is very useful property at receiver
to minimize the interference of one user to another users , if the receiver receive
coded signal of user 1 and by mistake use code of user 2 to decode the signal the
output in this case will be zero, because every code for every user is orthogonal to
code of other users.

Walsh code can be acquired from square matrix called “Hadamard matrix” of orders
which are a power of 2, the property of orthogonality is come from the property of this
matrix which has every row are orthogonal on every other rows and Columns [3]


Fig (3-11) generation of Walsh code

Now instead of 0 & 1 in Fig (3-11) consider -1 & 1 every row of hadamard matrix will
be a code for only one user.

3.5 Maximal length (PN code)
Another type of code may be used to spread signals is “maximal length code” is a
periodic binary sequence, the name of “pseudo noise” come from the reason that
sequence of code appears just like a white noise [10] (random signal) but in fact it’s not
, PN sequence is Characterized by feature on random signal which is Predictability,
unlike random signal which has no ability to Predict.

PN code Generated from number of shift registers with linear feedback, the number of
stages specify length of code N=2^(number of stages) -1 where N code length. The
position of feedback and initial value set series code. [2]

PN sequence has following properties: [10]

-The number of 1’s is always one greater than the number of zeros.

-auto correlation is periodic and is always equal 1 at zero shifting, but cross
correlation is equal to -1/N where N is total code length.

-Run property

By this property, we can predictable the output code and hence discover the errors,
every code sequence consist of groups of bits have one bit in a group or more if the
next bit like previous bit they will produce with all other successive bits one group and
if next bit is not similar to previous one will produce group alone, these groups called
runs. So if code sequence consists of k number of runs we can sure of half values of
this runs k/2 has length of 1 bit and Quarter length is 2bit and one eight of length 3
and 4. Just like this example:

For 4-stages pn code with feedback of stage 3 and 4 the output is:

The total number of runs is (N+1)/2 where N is 2^L+1, L is number of stages.

If these properties founded at a code sequence it called maximal length sequence

and have a random binary sequence which mean that presence of symbol 1 is equal
probable to presence of symbol 0

In this project The methods that used to generate maximal length PN code is as

3.5.1Generation Code for 3 users

Fig (3-12) 3 users PN code generation circuit

table (3.1)

3.5.2 Generation code for 7 users

Output of stage 2 and 3 XORed and the

Result set as a feedback to first stage. Fig(3-13)

after shift 7 the code begin to repeat table (3-2)

Fig (3-13) 7 users PN code generation circuit table (3.2)

initial value is: 0 0 1

out: 11 ,, 0 -1

3.5.3 Generation code for 15 users

Fig (3-14) 15 users PN code generation circuit

table (3.3)

3.5.4 Generation code for 32 users

Fig (3-15) 32 users PN code generation circuit


In this chapter we’ll discuss the results for all cases illustrated in figure(1.1) which
we have founded by matlab and compare between these results to understand the
performance of the system in each case. The results is based on these parameters:
number of bits per second 8000,number of samples per chip 12 , carrier frequency is
nc *Nbit where nc is integer number refer to code length, Nbit is number of bits=

4.1 BPSK modulation

4.1.1 Walsh code AWGN channel
-For (4) number of users:

Fig (4-1) BPSK 4user Walsh code/AWGN

-For (8) number of users:

Fig (4-2) BPSK 8users Walsh code/AWGN Fading + AWGN channel

-For (4) number of users:

Fig (4-3) BPSK 4users Walsh code/AWGN + fading

-For (8) number of users:


Fig (4-4) BPSK 8user Walsh code/AWGN + fading

4.1.2 PN code AWGN channel
-For (3) number of users:

Fig (4-5) BPSK 3users PN code/AWGN

-For (4) number of users:

Fig (4-6) BPSK 4users PN code/AWGN

- For (7) number of users:

Fig (4-7) BPSK 7users PN code/AWGN

38 Fading + AWGN channel
-For (3) number of user:

Fig (4-8) BPSK 3users PN code/AWGN + fading

-For (7) number of user:

Fig (4-9) BPSK 7users PN code/AWGN + fading

4.2 QPSK modulation
4.2.1 Walsh code AWGN channel
-For (4) number of users:

Fig (4-10) QPSK 4users Walsh code/AWGN

-For (8) number of users:

Fig (4-11) QPSK 8users Walsh code/AWGN

40 Fading + AWGN channel
-For (4) number of user:

Fig (4-12) QPSK 4user Walsh code/AWGN + fading

-For (8) number of users:

Fig (4-13) QPSK 8user Walsh code/AWGN + fading

4.2.2 PN code AWGN channel
-For (4) number of users:

Fig (4-14) QPSK 4users PN code/AWGN

-For (7) number of users:

Fig (4-15) QPSK 7users PN code/AWGN

42 Fading + AWGN channel
-For (4) number of users:

Fig (4-16) QPSK 4user PN code/AWGN + fading

-For (7) number of users:


Fig (4-17) QPSK 7user PN code/AWGN + fading

4.3 DBPSK modulation
Since there is no carrier at receiver in this type of modulation which is non-coherent,
CDMA system cannot work with it. It is not use with CDMA system, because the code
that used to separate users at receiver in CDMA and prevent the interference
between them isn’t doing its job at this modulation, so the signal for every user
Interferes with signals of all other users and cannot separate it anymore. Yes this
modulation work with just one user fig(4.22), but when two users as example used,
with same bits cannot receive it both correctly.

That could be clear from fig(4.18) & fig(4.19) which shows 2 signals for 2 users
during transmitter ,channel and receiver. So before decision at receiver fig(4.19) there
is two decoded signals. And if compare these two signals with decoded signals of
BPSK modulation fig(4.21) for same bits we’ll see difference between them.

Fig (4-18) DBPSK transmitting signals

It’s clear that the code does not change the power like it does in BPSK modulation.
But the change just happen in phase. So the decision to signal of user2 fig(4.19) will
be wrong, can sure about that by taking xor to the signal with initial equal to 0. Yes
the decision to signal of user 1 will be correct.

Fig (4-19) DBPSK receiving signals

Fig (4-20) BPSK transmitting signals

Fig (4-21) BPSK receiving signals

Fig (4-22) DBPSK 1user walsh code/AWGN

4.4 other cases

Fig (4-23) BPSK 4 users/ Walsh code + fading

Fig (4-24) BPSK (2,4,8)users 8 Walsh Fig (4-25) BPSK (2,4,8,16)users 16 Walsh
code/AWGN code/AWGN

In BPSK modulation with Walsh code and AWGN channel we can see from graph in
fig(4.1) there is an improvement in curve (SNR vs BER), when length of the code
increased for same number of users, same modulation. And that belong to the
increase in code length which increase bandwidth for each user and minimize the

Now if number of users increase for same length of code, the probability of error will
increase and the curve will be worse this case can be notice from comparison
between fig(4.1) and fig(4.2) in fig(4.2) the number of users are 8, the first curve (red
color) has 8 code length so by compare it with the second curve (black color) in
fig(4.1) we'll see for SNR is -2 the amount of error happen when number of users 4 is
(2*10^-2) but the amount of error for same SNR when number of users 8 is (8*10^-2)
,the increase in error is because the increase in users which cause large interference.
So to see the effect of increasing in number of users clearly notice figure(4.24) and
figure(4.25) for same length of code when number of users increase probability of
error will increase too.

fig(4.3) and fig(4.4) shows the effect of fading for 4 users and 8 users BPSK
modulation respectively and its clear from graphs there is specific value for SNR
make the error probability constant no matter how SNR increases the error will not be
better. this value of SNR cancel the effect of AWGN and remain only the effect of
fading Which is not affected by an increase of power (SNR). But there are different
techniques to get rid of it and remove its bad effect such as using rake receiver. So if
we neglect the AWGN and remain just fading effect fig(4.23) we’ll see a constant
value whatever SNR increased.

Now for other type of code (PN code) in fig (4.6) with number of users 4 the first curve
(red color) with 7 code length will give more error than the second curve (black color)
in fig(4.1) for nearly same code length of curve in fig (4.6) and that mean the Walsh
code is better than PN code , so if PN code used instead of Walsh and need to obtain
same amount of error in Walsh, number of users should be less in PN than in Walsh.
this Situation will be clear by absorption the fig (4.5) and fig(4.1) the amount of error is
almost equal for nearly code length.

the same thing can be seen in QPSK modulation by comparing fig(4.10) & fig(4.14).

Now if we compare the results of QPSK modulation with the results of BPSK
modulation we'll see small differences in curves and that Refers to a preference
BPSK on QPSK in CDMA system in fig(4.10) & fig(4.1).

4.6 Describe the simulation


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‫باستخدام برنامج‬ ‫بنوعه ال‬ ‫محاكات نظام ال‬

‫يعنى هذا البحث بدراسة نظام ال‪ CDMA‬والوقوف على اساسه النظري‬
‫وتبيان خصائصه ومميزاته وبعض انواع التضمين التي يتعامل معها‬
‫بفصلين حازا على الترتيب الثاني والثالث‪ .‬قبل ذلك اعطاء نبذة مختصرة‬
‫عن انظمة التصالت واجيالها وتطورها التاريخي والتقنيات المستعملة‬
‫فيها لحين الوصول الى جيلها الثالث ‪-‬والذي هو موضوع بحثنا ‪ -‬وقد حاز‬
‫ذلك على الفصل الول‪.‬‬

‫ثم محاكات هذا النظام باستخدام برنامج ال(ماتلب) لكثر من نوع من‬
‫التضمين ولكثر من نوع من ال‪ noise‬ولكثر من حالة من الكود‬
‫والوقوف على جودة النظام مع كل حالة من هذه الحالت من خلل‬
‫استخراج رسم يوضح العلقة بين مستوى الشارة الى الضوضاء ‪SNR‬‬
‫ومقدار الخطأ الحاصل بالبيانات ‪ BER‬وكانت النتائج في فصله الرابع‪.‬‬
‫‪View publication stats‬‬

‫وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي‬

‫جامعة الكوفة ‪ /‬كلية الهندسة‬
‫قسم الهندسة اللكترونية والتصالت‬

‫محاكاة نظام ‪ DS-CDMA‬باستخدام‬


‫مشروع مقدم الى كلية الهندسة جامعة الكوفة كجزء من متطلبات الحصول‬
‫على شهادة البكالوريوس في الهندسة اللكترونية والتصالت‬

‫أنجز بواسطة‪:‬‬

‫مي الدين ممد رضا‬

‫ممد عبود‬

‫حيدر جاسم‬

‫تحت اش راف‪:‬‬
‫م‪.‬م‪ .‬مهند عدنان‬

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