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Financial technology, commonly known as FinTech, refers to the innovative use of

technology to provide various financial services.
FinTech uses software, data analytics, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and other
emerging technologies to revolutionize the way financial services are delivered,
consumed, and managed.

Future Trends (Beyond 2020):

The future of FinTech is likely to involve further advancements in AI, big data,
blockchain, digital currencies, and the continued expansion of financial services
through technology. Regulatory changes and collaborations between traditional
financial institutions and FinTech startups are also expected to play a significant
role in shaping the industry's evolution.
Throughout its evolution, FinTech has transformed the way people manage, access,
and interact with financial services, making them more convenient, accessible, and
FinTech has disrupted traditional financial services by providing innovative
solutions that challenge established players and norms in the industry.
It has the potential to democratize financial services, improve financial inclusion,
and reshape the way people interact with money and the financial system.

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