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Present Simple.................................................................................................................................4
Present Continuous..........................................................................................................................9
Present Perfect...............................................................................................................................20
Present Perfect Continuous............................................................................................................29
Past Simple....................................................................................................................................37
Past Continuous.............................................................................................................................52
Past Perfect....................................................................................................................................57
Past Perfect Continuous.................................................................................................................67
Future Simple, to be going to, Present Simple and Present Continuous with a future meaning...71
Future Continuous.........................................................................................................................79
Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous..............................................................................83
Revision of the Tenses...................................................................................................................90
СПИСОК ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ....................................................................98

Present Simple


Exercise 1. Form the 3rd person singular of the following infinitives paying attention to the
spelling rules. Read the words paying attention to the way the suffix is pronounced.

To play, to copy, to do, to stop, to cry, to win, to wash, to see, to understand, to stay, to try, to
say, to crash, to live, to have, to pass, to make, to love, to carry, to watch, to go, to lie, to lose, to
box, to study.

Exercise 2. Change the Present Simple sentences using the word in brackets as the subject.

1. They go to the country every weekend (Mary). 2. I never talk to strangers on the train (He). 3.
Some people like to have bread with every meal (My brother). 4. Many people don’t drink coffee
(Alice). 5. Some countries have more than one official language (Canada). 6. Do you want to
become famous? (Nikita). 7. Some people remember their early childhood (Sally). 8. Some
people watch TV every evening (My granny). 9. They don’t get up very early (The child). 10.
Some animals like bathing (My dog). 11. I don’t understand Japanese (Kate). 12. Some metals
don’t react with acids (Gold). 13. Her sons play basketball (Eric). 14. Do they live in
Manchester? (Your cousin). 15. Where do they keep their car? (Your father)

Exercise 3. Make the Present Simple sentences interrogative and negative.

1. We get a lot of presents for Christmas. 2. They study Economics. 3. I speak several foreign
languages. 4. Sandra loves cats. 5. My mother washes clothes in the washing machine. 4. You do
the dishes in the dishwasher. 6. Jeremy works as a journalist. 7. Mary and Sarah live next door.
8. Jenny reads a lot of books on space exploration. 9. The train arrives at 8.45. 10. The English
prefer to take their tea with milk. 11. I usually start work at 11 o’clock on Fridays. 12. The fable
stresses the importance of regular work.13. Teenagers use social networks. 14. Many students do
their homework in front of a computer.15. The kitten always sleeps after eating. 16. Emily
sometimes goes to work on foot. 17. Many people jog in the morning. 18. We send many e-mails
every day. 19. You cook Mexican dishes well. 20. Ann waters the flowers in the garden every
other day.

Exercise 4. Ask Present Simple questions to the following sentences beginning with the words in

1. My brother lives in a small town in the North. (Who? Where? What kind?) 2. J.K. Rowling
writes interesting books for children and adults. (Who? What? What kind? Who…for?) 3. The
train to Manchester goes every hour. (Which? How often? ) 4. Martha goes to the gym on
Friday. (Who? What? Where? When?) 5. Thomas studies Engineering at University. (What?
Where?) 6. Bill drives an old car because he has no money for a new one. (Who? What kind?
Why?) 7. Carla’s children speak four languages fluently (Who? Whose? How many? How?) 8.
They live 25 kilometers from Novosibirsk. (Where? How far?) 9. Uncle Bob listens to country
music. (Who? What kind?) 10. Her son usually has macaroni and cheese for lunch. (Who?
What? When?)

Exercise 5. Put all the possible questions to the following sentences using the Present Simple.

1. My friend lives in a big new block of flats. 2. Steve drives a Japanese car. 3. Dr. Brown treats
many difficult patients. 4. Every Sunday all the family goes for a walk in the park. 5. I often go
to the cinema on Saturdays with my friends.

Exercise 6. Use the prompts to write Present Simple questions and complete the dialogue.

A: (how often / use / a computer) ?

В: A lot. I like computers.
A: (where / use / them) ?
B: At home and at school.
A: (what / do / on your computer) ?
B: At home? I do my homework on it and use a Messenger for chatting.
A: (play / games / it) ?
B: No, I don’t. I play games on my PlayStation – it’s better.
A: (surf / Internet) ?
B: Yeah, sometimes I look at stuff about football.
A: (how long / spend / on the computer each day)?
В: I don’t know. One or two hours.
A: (learn / computers / school) ?
B: A bit. We have an IT lesson on Fridays.
A: (interesting). .. ?
B: Well, sometimes it is.
A: (who / fix / the computer / if it goes wrong) ?
B: My dad. He knows a lot about them.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with the correct Present Simple form of the verbs in

1. I (play) tennis after school. 2. You (start) school at nine o’clock. 3. We rarely (have) lunch at
the university cafeteria. 4. They (watch) TV after dinner. 5. She (not / get up) at seven o’clock. 6.
We (go) to bed at nine o’clock. 7. What time Mark (get) up? 8. What she (do) after school? 9.
Zlatan (play) football very well. 10. Susan (go) to the cinema once or twice a month. 11. My
mother (start) work at half past seven. 12. What they (do) in the evening? 13. How you (spell)
that in English? 14. Brian (get) up at eight o’clock.15. Where John and Martin (work)? 16.
Serena (not /know) what to do. 17. Wendy (not/ like) to do shopping. 18. My grandfather (not
/live) in London. 19. My sisters (walk) to school every day. 20. My best friend (like) math. 21.
My brother and I (have) breakfast half past seven. 22. My cousin (study) biology. 23. We (go) to
the country at the weekend. 24. When Mary (start) school? 25. Gill (not /work) in a supermarket.

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with the correct Present Simple form of the verbs in

1. Anne (not/ watch) TV because she (not / like) it. 2. Peter (not/ study) French. 3. Jerry (watch)
TV every evening. 4. Antonio (play) computer games after he (come) home from school. 5. Mike
(not / read) magazines. 6. Martha (listen) to music? 7. Bob (tidy) his room every week? 8. My
parents (not / read) The Sun, they (read) The Guardian. 9. When your brother (surf) the internet?
10. Who you (play) football with? 11. What your sister (do) on Saturday? 12. Blanca (go) to
college. 13. Isabel (not/ phone) her friends in London because it’s too expensive. 14. I (eat) a
hamburger every weekend. 15. My Mum (like) classical music. 16. Marcy is a ballet dancer. She
(keep) to a strict diet. She (not / eat) pizza or sweets. She (not/ drink) Cola, she (drink) only
water or green tea. 17. Gordon (be) good at Math and he always (help) his friends with their
homework. 18. Carlos (have) a good sense of humour. He often (make) people laugh. 19. Alan
(be) shy. He (not / like) talking to new people. 20. Chris (do) the housework for her parents. 21. I
(want) to join Daniel’s fan club. 22. Isabel and I (see) each other every week.

Exercise 9. Complete the sentences with the correct Present Simple form of the verbs in

1. Uncle Joe (wear) glasses. 2. Ducks (love) water. 3. The sun (rise) in the east.4. The children
(not/ go) to school by bus. 5. Joanna (enjoy) singing. 6. Banks (lend) money to customers. 7.
Monkeys (like) bananas. 8. Peter (not / collect) stamps. 9. The earth (go) around the sun. 10. It
often (snow) in winter. 11. We (wash) our hands before meals. 12. We (eat) three meals a day.
13. He (type) very fast? 14. Lucy (work) as a lawyer. 15. Everyone (make) mistakes. 16. Winter
(not / come) after spring. 17. You (like) my new bike? 18. She (walk) to school? 19. Pedro
(speak) English very well. 20. My dog (bark) very loudly. 21. Sara (read) in bed? 22. Babies
(sleep) during the day? 23. Eva (be) a doctor. She (try) to help her patients. 24. Eagles (fly) high
in the sky. 25. My sister (cook) all our meals.

Exercise 10. Make sentences about yourself using the Present Simple and the time expressions
from the box.

Model: I go to the dentist once a year.

Once a month twice a year every Thursday at the weekend early in the morning
in summer in the evening every month three times a week in the afternoon

Exercise 11. Rephrase the sentences using the Present Simple and the adverbs in brackets.

1. I get up late (often). 2. She goes to work by bus (usually). 3. I am late for class (never). 4. I
sleep well (always). 5. My neighbours listen to loud music (sometimes). 6. His brother calls him
(never). 7. She is tired after work (often). 8. Melissa goes to the theatre (rarely). 9. I am sleepy in
the morning (usually). 10. They cook dinner together (often). 11. He watches the news on TV
(never). 12. Martin and Jane eat out (seldom). 13. We visit our granny in the country

(sometimes). 14. He swims in the river in summer (usually). 15. Do you go to work on foot
(always)? 16. I finish work at 6 (normally).

Exercise 12. Translate into English using the Present Simple.

1. Я обычно завтракаю в 8, а обедаю в 4. 2. Иногда мы ходим в бассейн. 3. Земля

вращается вокруг солнца. 4. По выходным ее сын просыпается поздно, около 12. 5.
Спортсмены тренируются каждый день. 6. Стивен очень хорошо готовит. Мне особенно
нравится его шоколадный торт. 7. В хорошую погоду он ездит на работу на велосипеде, а
когда погода плохая – на автобусе. Он никогда не ездит на работу на машине. 8. Ты
ходишь в спортзал? – Да, 2 раза в неделю. 9. Как часто вы едите рыбу? – Очень редко. 10.
Джеймсу не нравятся фильмы ужасов. Он предпочитает комедии. 11. Когда ты обычно
выходишь из дома? – В понедельник и в среду я начинаю работу рано, поэтому я выхожу
из дома в 8. А в остальные дни я работаю с 12 до 8, поэтому выхожу из дома в 11. 12.
Марк живет в центре города. 13. Марта работает юристом в большой компании. У нее
всегда много работы. 14. Кошки не едят шоколад. 15. Твои дети спят днем? – Эшли любит
спать днем, а Том думает, что он уже большой, и поэтому не хочет ложиться спать.

Exercise 13. Translate into English using the Present Simple.

1. На занятиях по английскому мы обычно читаем и переводим тексты, слушаем диалоги,

делаем грамматические упражнения. 2. – Летучие мыши едят фрукты или кусают
животных? – Я не знаю. 3. Ты не любишь медленную музыку, не так ли? 4. Стив не ест
орехи, у него аллергия. 5. – Ты занимаешься спортом? – Я иногда хожу в бассейн. 6. Как
часто ваш сын ложится спать поздно? 7. Я редко смотрю телевизор. Если я хочу
посмотреть какой-нибудь фильм или сериал, я нахожу его в интернете. 8. – Какие книги
он обычно читает? – Разные, но мне ни один из его любимых авторов не нравится. 9. Раз в
год она ездит в отпуск к морю и берет с собой детей. Они проводят там 2-3 недели. 10.
Джерри свободно говорит на 3 языках. 11. Минди ведет здоровый образ жизни. Она бегает
по утрам, не курит, ест много овощей и фруктов. 12. Вы принимаете душ утром или
вечером? 13. Вы пьете чай или кофе? – Я предпочитаю зеленый чай. 14. Весной тает снег,
начинает расти новая трава, птицы возвращаются с юга. 15. Чем занимаются твои
родители? – Моя мама работает бухгалтером, а отец – врач.


Exercise 14. Explain the use of the Present Simple in the following sentences. Translate them
into Russian.

1. My sister lives in Moscow. 2. Trams run on rails. 3. A lot of people in the USA never have
breakfast. They just drink a cup of coffee on the way to work. 4. The concert next Tuesday
begins at 7 p.m. 5. I think you’re right. 6. Do you see that girl over there? 7. Every summer a lot
of tourists come to this seaside resort. 8. I hope you’ll be fine. 9. First you take two eggs and
then you beat them lightly with a little milk. 10. He goes to bed at midnight. 11. The Volga flows
into the Caspian Sea. 12. My birthday is next week. 13. I don’t agree with you on that point. 14.

“The Hornet Flight” by Ken Follet: The summer of 1941. Hitler’s army occupies most of
Europe. Harald Oluffsen, a Danish teenager, loves jazz, nuclear physics, motorbikes, planes, and
Karen Dukwitz, his classmate’s sister. 15. Parliament Lashes Out With Criticism Over Taxes.
16. I feel sorry for you. 17. An elderly lady calls the technical support and says, “My computer’s
not working!’. The tech support replies, “Try pressing any key and say what happens”. After
some time the old lady says, “Nothing”. The tech support: “What key did you press?” The old
lady: “First, my car key, and now my house key!” 18. If you leave now, you’ll catch the train.

Exercise 15. Put the verbs in bracket in the correct Present Simple form.

1. The plane (leave) in half an hour but Nick (not / be) at the airport yet. 2. My best friend (love)
science fictionfilms but they (not / interest) me. 3. I (not / study) chemistry because it (be)
difficult, and I (not / dance) because I (think) I (look) stupid. 4. The Sun (not / go) round the
Earth, the Earth (go) round the Sun! 5. My new computer (do) lots more things than my old one,
and it (not / crash). 6. My dad (not / have) any qualifications but he (have) a really good job. 7.
Fire (need) oxygen to hum. It (not/ burn) without oxygen. 8. My teacher (not/ own) a mobile
phone because some people think they (be) bad for your health. 9. According to scientists,
animals (live) longer if they (not / eat) too much. 10. He (seem) to know everything about
computers. 11. You (hear) this noise? – No, I (not / hear) anything. 12. If he (call) you, tell him
what I said to you. 13. First you (put) the frying-pan on the stove and (pour) some cooking oil.
Make sure that the oil (not / become) too hot. 14. After the accident he (need) help with many
everyday tasks. 15. Coffee (grow) is the so-called coffee belt near the equator. It (not / grow)
anywhere in Europe. 16. The colour of the flower (vary) from light pink to rich purple. 17. How
often you (swim) in the swimming-pool? – Twice a week. 18. Who (bring) you food when you
stay at work during your lunch break? 19. How long you (walk) your dog in the morning? –
About half an hour. 20. This bag (not / belong) to me, I (not / know) who it (belong) to.

Exercise 16. Read the text and put the verbs in bracket in the correct Present Simple form
(affirmative, interrogative or negative). NB! You decide when the form should be negative
according to the context.


What (do) the body do to protect itself? Your body (prevent) harmful microorganisms entering
and causing harm. The skin, for example, (allow) microorganisms to enter. Hairs and mucus in
your nose (catch) invaders, and then you (push) the mucus out when you cough, sneeze or blow
your nose. Enzymes and acids in the body, and white blood cells also (destroy) bacteria.
Antibiotics (help)? Doctors (use) antibiotic drugs to fight bacterial infections, but antibiotics
(work) against viruses. This is why doctors (give) antibiotics to patients with a common cold or
flu. How (work) immunization? Immunization or vaccination is another way of protecting the
body, by injecting the body with dead or inactive microorganisms. After vaccination, the body
(start) to make antibodies that destroy the microorganism. Because the microorganisms in the
vaccination are not dangerous, the person (get) ill. When they (come) into contact with a live
dangerous microorganism, then the antibodies (destroy) the infection before it makes them ill.

Exercise 17. Use a dictionary when necessary and write an example for each of these verbs
using the Present Simple:

Belong; consist of; contain; cost; depend on; deserve; matter; own; possess; resemble.

Exercise 18. Translate into Russian using the Present Simple.

1. Если подняться в горы, вода закипает при более низкой температуре. 2. Дети
заслуживают похвалы. 3. Размер кратеров варьируется от 2 до 15 метров. 4. Действие
книги происходит в средневековой Англии. Компания бродячих актеров приезжает в
маленький городок. Все идет хорошо, пока один из актеров не обнаруживает тело
девушки в их повозке. Разгневанные жители обвиняют актеров в убийстве. 5. Маркес
выбегает в центр поля, обходит защитника, передает мяч Рамиресу. Рамирес бьет и
забивает! Гоол! 6. Новое здание напоминает старый особняк, который стоял здесь раньше.
7. Кому принадлежит этот чемодан? 8. Сначала берешь картошку и лук, чистишь их и
нарезаешь кубиками. Затем добавляешь нарезанную кубиками ветчину или колбасу и
жаришь все на сковородке. 9. Нью-Йорк состоит из 5 частей, называемых “boroughs”. 9.
Идет человек по городу и видит объявление: «Продается (to be for sale) говорящая
собака». Он решает посмотреть и заходит в магазин. Владелец показывает ему собаку и
говорит: «Можешь поговорить с ним». Пес рассказывает ему про свои способности и
удивительные приключения по всему миру. Посетитель поражен, он спрашивает
продавца, сколько стоит такая удивительная собака. «10 долларов», отвечает продавец.
«Почему собака с такими чудесными способностями стоит так мало?», спрашивает
покупатель. «Я хорошо знаю этого пса, он все время врет!», отвечает продавец. 10. К
сожалению, решение вашей проблемы не зависит от меня. 11. В своей статье профессор
Блэк подчеркивает важность тщательного анализа данных. 12. Он должен банку огромную
сумму денег. 13. (заголовок) Астронавты начинают год в космосе. 14. «Не имеет значения,
насколько медленно ты идешь. То, что имеет значение – это то, что ты не
останавливаешься» (Конфуций).

Present Continuous


Exercise 1. Form the Participle I of the following infinitives. Mind the spelling rules.

To go, to leave, to play, to carry, to plan, to step, to greet, to try; to serve; to lie; to sit; to write;
to let; to tie; to drink; to occur; to offer; to feel; to expel; to begin; to arrive; to forget; to tidy; to
organize; to hit; to buy.

Exercise 2. Fill in the correct form of the verb ‘to be’.

1. He _____ taking a shower now. 2. I _____ lying on the beach and relaxing. 3. We _____
travelling to Spain next week. 3. They ______ staying with their aunt at the moment. 4. Martha
_____ making a cake now. 5. Alison and Jack ______ getting married next June. 6. He ____
talking on the phone right now. 7. Average temperatures ____ rising now because of the climate
change. 9. _____ you listening to me? 10. I ________ trying to open the window, but it won’t
open. 11. It ______ raining hard. Don’t forget your umbrella. 12. Amanda _____ waiting for you
in the room.

Exercise 3. Use the prompts to write full sentences in the Present Continuous tense

1. I/eat dinner now. 2. You / do your homework at the moment. 3. She / go to the park 4. John
and Sven / buy new trainers. 5. My parents / talk to my teacher right now. 6. We / listen to CDs
7. He / write a book about his life. 8. It / snow today. 9. I / work hard at my grammar now.

Exercise 4. Read the information about John’s day:

7:05 have a shower

7:30 have breakfast
7:45 leave the house
8:30 arrive at school
9:00 start classes
12:30 have lunch
16:00 go to football training
19:00 arrive home and have dinner
19:30 start homework
21:00 relax and watch TV
22:00 go to bed

A. What is John doing now? Look at the information and use the prompts to write Present
Continuous sentences.

Model: 7.03 / John / get up – It’s 7.03 a.m. John is getting up.

1. 7.10 / he / shower 2. 07.35 / he / have / breakfast 3. 08.00 / John / go / school 4. 09.15 / John
and his friends / sit / in class 5. 12.45 / he and his friends / have / lunch 6. 16.10 / he / play /
football 7. 22.45 / he / sleep

B. Now write negative Present Continuous sentences using the prompts.

1. 07.05 / he / sleep 2. 08.45 / he / go to school 3. 10.00 / John and his friends / do / their
homework 4. 12.35 / he / have / breakfast 5. 15.00 / his team / playing football 6. 18.45 / he /
have / lunch 7. 20.00 / he / watch / TV 8. 23.00 / he / do / homework.

C. Use the prompts to make a Present Continuous question. Then write a short answer.

1. 07.05 / John / having breakfast ? 2. 08.00 / he / go to school ? 3. 09.30 / he / sit / class ? 4.

12.00 / John and his friends / play / football ? 5. 12.45 / you / have / lunch ? 6. 19.15 / John and
his family / have / breakfast ? 7. 21.15 / he / relax ?

Exercise 5. Ask Present Continuous questions to the following sentences beginning with the
words in brackets.

1. They are writing a composition now. (What? Who?) 2. He is translating an English article.
(Who? What? What kind of?) 3. The dog is running after the cat. (What? What... after?) 4. He is
having dinner in the canteen now. (Who? Where?) 5. She is looking for her glasses. (Who?
Where? What... for? Why?) 6. I’m learning this poem by heart. (Who? What? How?) 7. They are
building a new school in our street. (What? Where?) 8. She is opening a letter from her mother.
(What? What kind of?) 9. She is constantly nagging her husband. (Why? When?) 10. Tony is
painting a new picture. (Who? What? What?) 11. You are talking too fast. (How? Why?) 12. My
parents are redecorating our dining-room now, because they never liked its style. (Who? What?
What? Why?)

Exercise 6. Ask questions to the underlined parts of the following sentences using the Present

1. It is raining heavily outside. 2. They are trying to translate this exercise. 3. He is drinking tea
in the garden. 4. Cinema audiences are declining now. 5. She’s listening to the rock music. 6.
You are trying to persuade him, but he won’t listen. 7. They’ve moved to a new house and are
buying new furniture. 8. You are constantly mispronouncing this word because you’re
inattentive. 9. None of them is taking part in the discussion: they are not ready. 10. Ellen is
reading a book on the veranda. 11. No one is trying to help him: he doesn’t like it.

Exercise 7. Ask all possible questions about the following sentences using the Present

1. The students are writing a dictation. 2. She is reading a letter from her mother. 3. The Browns
are leaving on Monday. 4. Betty is swimming in the sea. 5. Mike is waiting for Lucy at the bus
stop. 6. Miss Smith is having tea at the moment.

Exercise 8. Complete the text with the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Live Report

Good afternoon, everybody. I (speak) to you from Mount Surprising, the giant volcano. A team
of scientists (visit) the volcano, and I’m here for Big TV, just in case anything exciting happens.
I (stand) here near the top of the crater, and (look) down into the volcano. At the moment the
four scientists (climb) down into the crater. It doesn’t look very dangerous, I must say, but they
(wear) special clothes and a rescue team (stand by). A little bit of smoke (rise) from the volcano,
but that’s normal. Now the scientists (set) up their equipment. They (try) to collect some gas,
which will help them understand what exactly (go on) under the volcano. Wait a minute!
Something (happen)! The ground (shake)! The four scientists (climb) out of the volcano as
quickly as they can. They (shout) something as well. I think it’s time to leave!

Exercise 9. Translate into English using the Present Continuous tense.

1.– На кого вы сейчас смотрите? – Я смотрю на эту девушку. 2.– С кем разговаривает Ваш
друг?– Он разговаривает с нашим преподавателем. 3.– О чем вы рассказываете своим
друзьям? – Я рассказываю им о новом фильме. 4.– Вы сейчас пишете диктант? – Нет, мы
делаем упражнение 9. 5.– Куда вы идете вечером? – Мы идем в парк. 6.– Когда они
приезжают в Москву? – Они приезжают утром. 7. Мы уезжаем в Минск. 8. Эти студенты
делают упражнение или переписывают текст? 9.– Кого встречают эти студенты? – Они
встречают иностранных студентов. 10. Куда вы идете? – Я иду домой. 11. – Где Джек? –
Он принимает душ. 12. Какой прекрасный день! Светит солнце, поют птицы, дует легкий
ветерок. 13. Какой ужасный шум! Мальчики громко спорят о чем-то, их младшая сестра
плачет, собака лает, а еще звонит телефон. 14. На картинке трое мальчиков. Они строят
замки из песка на пляже. 15. Алло, Стив? – Да, мама. – Что ты делаешь? – Я сижу в
ресторане и обедаю. – А что ты ешь?

Exercise 10. Choose the correct form (the Present Simple or the Present Continuous).

1. The river Nile flows / is flowing into the Mediterranean. 2. My parents are living / live in
Moscow. 3. He usually stays / is staying at the Baltimore Hotel when he is in London. 4. Don’t
forget to take your umbrella. It rains / is raining outside. 5. I am leaving / leave. Good night. 6.
My dad is a teacher, but he doesn’t work / is not working at the moment. 7. The boy does / is
doing his homework now. 8. They seldom quarrel / are quarrelling. 9. The Earth moves / is
moving round the Sun. 10. Now they are crossing / cross the street. 11. Birds fly / are flying to
warm countries in autumn. 12. The children often laugh / are laughing at their funny little friend.
13. She always talks / is talking to him on the telephone. 14. – What does your sister do / is your
sister doing? – She’s a lawyer.

Exercise 11. Translate into English using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous tense.

1. По вечерам мы смотрим телевизор. 2. Сейчас вечер. Мы смотрим телевизор. 3. Я встаю

в восемь часов. 4. Сейчас восемь часов. Я встаю. 5. Посмотри в окно! Идет проливной
дождь. 6. В Петербурге часто идет дождь. 7. Миссис Браун, пройдите в свой кабинет –
звонит телефон. 8. Звонит телефон, и миссис Браун идет в кабинет. 9. Я вхожу в комнату,
но никто меня не замечает: все заняты: мать накрывает на стол, отец включает телевизор,
сестра режет хлеб, и даже моя собака не поворачивает головы, потому что лижет лапу. 10.
– Куда ты идешь? – Я иду в кино. – Ты часто ходишь в кино? 11. Ты пьешь кофе по
утрам? 12. – Пойдем в кино! – Нет, я занят, я чиню велосипед. 13. Сегодня суббота, и вся
семья Джонсов занята. Мистер Джонс стрижет газон. Его жена стирает. Дети убираются в
своей комнате. 14. – Том, ты сам стираешь одежду? – Нет, обычно моя мама делает это.
15. Кто в вашей семье готовит? – О, я ненавижу готовить, поэтому Ричард обычно
готовит, а я мою посуду.


Exercise 12. Explain the use of the Present Continuous in the following sentences.

1. It’s such a nice day today. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and a light wind is blowing. 2.
I’m going on foot today because my car is broken. 3. The people in the flat upstairs are always
having loud parties late at night! I can’t sleep! 4. It’s 2 o’clock. Mr. Brown and Ms. Clark are
meeting the Japanese delegation. 5. The tax rates are rising, and the profits are falling. Many
businesses are closing because of it. 6. We are leaving on Friday night. 7. It’s getting cold. I
think I’ll go inside 8. We are beginning to see the effects of the investments in the industry. 9.
You are always leaving your stuff lying around! I am forever picking up after you! 10. Where’s
Jamie? – He’s playing tennis.

Exercise 13. Complete the text with the Present Continuous form of the verbs in the box.

Cut get increase cause change melt rise have

Global warming
Power stations, cars and factories produce carbon dioxide (CO2).Trees and plants change it back
to oxygen, but we 1.______ down trees in the Amazon rainforests, so the amount of carbon
dioxide in the air 2._______. The carbon dioxide allows radiation from the sun to enter the
atmosphere but not to leave it. This 3_______ the atmosphere to heat up. Scientists think that
the polar ice caps and glaciers around the world 4._______. This is creating more water and the
level of the sea 5.______. In many parts of the world there is a possibility of floods on land near
the coast. In general, the world’s climate 6._______ . This means warm areas 7.______ colder
winters, and previously cold areas 8.______ warmer.

Exercise 14. Complete the text with the Present Continuous form of the verbs in the box.

Stay travel cycle cook sleep go enjoy

Simon and Sylvia live in London, but they 1. ___ in a cottage in the Yorkshire Dales this month.
The cottage belongs to a cousin of Sylvia’s, but she’s 2.___________ now. She 3._________
around Norfolk for a few weeks. Simon and Sylvia 4.________ themselves on holiday.
Normally, they get up at around six, eat at fast food places, and get practically no exercise as
they’re too busy, but these few weeks they 5. ____________ late, 6.________ for long walks and
7._______ healthy food.

Exercise 15. Imagine you’re hosting an American friend. What is s/he doing while s/he is here?
Make sentences using the Present Continuous.

Model: She’s using my car while she’s here.

Exercise 16. Translate into English using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous tense.

Трудный день
Мистер Брэдли – хозяин небольшой гостиницы. В гостинице работают 6 человек, но
сегодня на работе никого из них нет, и мистер Брэдли работает один. Он отвечает на
телефонные звонки и печатает документы, потому что секретарь, которая обычно это
делает, у зубного врача. Он работает с финансовыми документами, потому что бухгалтер,
которая обычно их составляет, в больнице со сломанной ногой. Он чинит компьютер,
потому что у системного администратора, который работает с компьютерами, грипп. Он
готовит завтрак для гостей, потому что повар, который готовит еду в гостинице, сегодня
женится. Он убирает комнаты, потому что горничная, которая обычно их убирает,
присматривает за больным ребенком. Он даже чинит кран (a tap), потому что сантехник,
который делает это, в отпуске. Бедный мистер Брэдли! У него такой трудный день!

Exercise 17. Complain about someone using the prompts below and your own ideas. Use the
Present Continuous tense.

Model: My sister is always borrowing my clothes without asking!

Worry about nothing; lose one’s temper; ask too many questions; lose things; complain about
one’s health; talk nonsense; boast; quarrel; find fault with someone; forget about one’s promises;
make fun of people, etc.

Exercise 18. Comment on the use of the Present Simple and the Present Continuous.

1. I never talk when I am working, and never listen to her. 2. I hope that by the time she
gets into the public school system, things will be different. 3. Can’t you see he is laughing at
you? 4. I suppose it sometimes happens that letters arrive for people when in actual fact no
one of that name is staying here. 5. Do you know where Mary is? — I expect she is talking to
Mother. 6. “Oh, mummy! The coffee is boiling over!” 7. If anyone comes to the door I’ll go
and let them in. 8. I’m staying right here until she is out of trouble. 9. He’s going back to
America. 10. I can easily look the article through while you are having your bath. 11. Isn’t
mother coming? — No. She is not feeling well. 12. “So it all passes,” he was thinking, “passes
and begins again.” 13. She is always telling me that I should have some serious purpose in
life. 14. What are you listening to? — It seems to me I hear a strange noise outside. 15. You
are always dozing when there is something unpleasant to face. 16. Can we go over to Ann’s
today, Mummy? — You can, on your bike, if you keep to the side of the lane and are very

Exercise 19. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous tense.

1. What’s the matter? Why the child (cry)? 2. She seldom (come) home so early. 3. Hurry up!
The train (start) in five minutes. 4. They (not get on) very well. They (quarrel) always. 5. We
(read) many books in the original, now we (read) The Fairy Tales by Oscar Wilde. 6. Don’t
disturb her, she (work) at her essay. 7. You (see) well what (go) on the stage? 8. – Where (be)
the children? – They (play) computer games. 9. – What (do) you now? – I (make) an apple pie.
10. John (come) tomorrow to spend his holidays with us. 11. – Where is Kitty? – Susan (put) her
to bed. 12. Light (travel) more quickly than sound. 13. – Sorry, Ted. I must go. I’m late. – Where
you (go)? – I (go) to have tea with Nurse Hopkins. 14. He (laugh) best, who (laugh) last. 15.
Actions (speak) louder than words. 16. Robert (speak) just now to my uncle, and they (shake)

hands. 17. “Why you (not answer)?” – she cried. – “Because you (talk) nonsense”. 18. Every star
(have) its own orbit. 19. A stitch in time (save) nine. 20. "I’ve got fever, Kong," gasped Skelton.
"Get me the medicine chest and blankets. I (freeze) to death!" 21. That’s the way she always
(talk). 22. I’m so careless. I always (leave) my bag about. 23. I (come) to your house next

Exercise 20. Put the verb in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous. Explain your

1. It’s 2 a.m. Everybody (sleep). 2. I (not / believe) you. You (lie)! 3. He (think) she (not / love)
him. 3. Every day I (go) to the gym. I (run) on the treadmill and (lift) some weights. 4. Look!
The dog (play) with the kitten! They’re so cute! 5. The IT industry (develop) very fast at present.
6. Usually I (take) the bus to work, but this week buses (not / run) in my neighbourhood because
of road repairs. 7. What you (read)? – I (read) “David Copperfield”. – You (read) it in English?
– Yes. I always (try) to read books in the original. 8. Alex is a physicist. He (read) articles in his
field in English, German and Dutch and (understand) everything, but he (not / speak) these
languages very well. That’s why he (take) an English class at a language school now. He (want)
to present his research at conferences. 9. He (have) lunch now. He usually (have) lunch at 12
o’clock. 10. Mindy is a biologist. She (study) different sea animals. Now she (study) the effects
of pollution on seals. 11. What you (study) at University? – English. – You (want) to be a
teacher when you (graduate)? – I (not / know) yet. 12. I (begin) to get tired. My backpack is too
heavy. 13. I (use) my sister’s old phone because mine is broken. It’s being repaired and I (get) it
back next Friday. 14. You (have) any spare change? I (need) 10 p. 15. What’s that noise? You
(hear) it? It (sound) like a cat mewing! – No, it’s not a cat. The wind (blow) and (make) this

Exercise 21. Complete the text with the Present Simple or Present Continuous forms of the verbs
in brackets.

Population (mean) the number of people who live in a particular area. The population of the
world (not stay) the same. At the moment it (grow) at an increasing rate. In fact, scientists
(believe) that the world population will increase until 2200, and then stop growing. However,
things are not the same in all parts of the world. At present in many Western industrial countries
the population (fall). This (happen) because families are small, and health conditions are good. In
developing countries, on the other hand, the population (rise) sharply. In Ghana, for example,
most families (have) several children. Many children in Ghana (die) from illness, so it is
important to have lots of children. They earn money for the family and (look after) their parents
in old age.

Exercise 22. Translate the sentences into English using the Present Simple or the Present
Continuous tense.

1.Возьми зонтик. Идет дождь. 2. Поезд прибывает через 5 минут. 3. Не говорите так
громко. Я хорошо вас слышу. 4. Они часто говорят о вас. 5. Послушай, она поет какую-то

новую песню. 6. Мне не нравится ваш приятель, он все время ворчит и жалуется. 7. Кто
это стоит у окна? Я не знаю эту женщину. 8. Мы обычно ужинаем в 7 часов. 9. Я не
понимаю, что он говорит. 10. Мой друг уезжает в этот город завтра. 11. На уроках мы
переводим тексты, а дома учим грамматические правила. 12. На каком языке они говорят
сейчас с вашим другом? Они говорят по-английски, но мой друг знает также и немецкий.
13. Вы часто навещаете своих друзей? – Мы встречаемся каждую субботу. 14. Я пишу
письма каждое утро. 15. Она постоянно говорит по телефону.

Exercise 23. Translate into English using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous tense.

1. Каждый год он проводит каникулы в горах. 2. Мама на кухне. Она печет торт. 3. Наши
дети любят играть в саду. 4. – Где Том? – Он играет в саду. 5. – Что вы сейчас читаете? –
Я читаю "Прощай, оружие!" Э. Хэмингуэя. 6. Кто-то стучит в дверь. Откройте,
пожалуйста. 7. – Что-то дети очень присмирели. Сходите, пожалуйста, и посмотрите, что
они там делают. – Они что-то рисуют. 8. Он всегда пьет кофе утром, а сегодня он пьет чай.
9. Он обычно так быстро говорит, что я его не понимаю. 10.– Вы понимаете, что говорит
лектор? - Конечно.

Exercise 24. Translate into English using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous tense.

1. Что она обычно делает по вечерам? – Она обычно читает или слушает радио. 2. Каким
поездом вы уезжаете в Петербург на следующей неделе? 3. В следующее воскресенье к
нам приезжают друзья из Глазго. 4. Аня сейчас шьет себе платье. Она всю одежду шьет
себе сама. 5. На ней сегодня шляпа, потому что солнце очень жаркое. 6. Я не могу сейчас
дать вам газету, потому что я ее читаю. 7. – Вы много читаете? – Да, довольно много. 8.
Вы видите где-нибудь мои очки? – Нет, я их ищу. 9. Что у вас обычно на завтрак ? – Я
обычно ем бутерброд и выпиваю чашку кофе. 10. Почему вы так быстро идете сегодня ? –
Я спешу, так как я встречаюсь со своей сестрой в 4 часа. 11. В следующее воскресенье я
уезжаю в Эдинбург.


Exercise 25. Complete the text with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verb
in brackets.

Everybody (know) that the world’s rainforests (disappear). Although rainforests (cover) only six
per cent of the Earth’s land surface, they (contain) about 50% of all species of life on the planet.
They also (remove) carbon dioxide (СО2) from the air and (produce) oxygen (O2). As they are
important, why (they / vanish)? Most scientists (agree) that there are two main reasons. First of
all, the way of life in these forests (change). In some forests, big companies (cut) down more and
more trees (which is called deforestation) and (cause) damage to the land. In other places,
another kind of deforestation (happen). Here farmers (burn) more and more of the forest and
(use) the land to feed cattle. Now that governments (understand) the problem, they (begin) to
control these activities.

Exercise 26. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous form of
the verb in brackets. Comment on the difference in meaning.

1. a) I must stay in because I (expect) a parcel. b) I (expect) he’ll be happy to see you. 2. a) They
may not accept my plan but at least they (consider). b) Most critics (consider) him to be the best
actor of the year. 3. a) I (see) a young man in the corner. b) Brenda (see) John, and she hopes it
will become serious. 4. a) The jug (hold) one liter exactly. b) They (hold) the meeting to discuss
the matter. 5. a) What you (think) about? b) What you (think) about the new book? 6. a) He
(taste) the wine to see if it’s all right. b) The soup (taste) funny. What is it made of? 7. a) We’ll
discuss it later when we (have) more time. b) We (have) a lovely time, don’t you think so? 8. a)
I’ve lost my handbag. – What it (look) like? b) I (look) for a place to live. 9. a) He (appear) to be
very ill. b) He (appear) in “Aida” tonight. 10. a) This bag (weigh) a ton! b) The doctor (weigh)
the baby. 11. a) The soap (smell) like roses. b) Look! The dog (smell) the roses! 12. a) He (be) so
stubborn! I can never persuade him to do anything. b) I don’t understand why he (suddenly / be)
so stubborn about it. He didn’t seem to care one way or the other.

Exercise 27. Underline the correct form (the Present Simple or the Present Continuous).

1. Some kinds of fish contain / are containing high levels of dangerous metals. 2. Scientists
nowadays slowly begin to understand / are slowly beginning to understand more about how the
brain works. 3. What do you think/ are you thinking of Kate’s new hairstyle? It’s unusual, isn’t
it? 4. Loud music can be really annoying. Some people don’t realize / aren’t realizing what a
nuisance it can be. 5. You can’t really have seen a UFO! You imagine / are imagining things! 7.
The technicians report that they have / are having difficulty installing the new computer system.
8. No wine for me! I take / am taking antibiotics for an ear infection. 9. In career terms, having a
good degree appears / is appearing to make little difference. 10. The National Theatre considers
/ is considering putting on a new production of “Uncle Vanya”. 11. Does this wallet belong / is
this wallet belonging to you? 12. Does Jane come / Is Jane coming to the party tonight? 13. I sell
/ am selling this car. Do you want to buy it? 14. Does Jane come / Is Jane coming to your
lectures? – Sometimes. 15. Who exactly owns / is owning this house? 16. What do you do / are
you doing for a living? – I’m a physician. 17. What time does the post arrive / is the post
arriving? – Usually at 3 o’clock. 18. Why does the post arrive / is the post arriving so late this
week? – Because of the snow, I suppose. 19. What do you get / are you getting when you add
magnesium to water? – A big flash of light! 20. First, you take / are taking 2 cups of flour and
add / are adding 3 eggs and melted butter. 21. I see / am seeing the manager this afternoon.

Exercise 28. Put the verb in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. Somebody (knock) on the door. Can you see who it is? 2. First you (cook) the onions in a little
oil until they are golden brown. 3. Carlos (forever lose) his temper with people! He must learn
to calm down. 3. Here (come) the bus! You’d better hurry! 4. ‘Where’s Jack? – He (read) the
paper in the kitchen. 5. Whenever I put up my hand, Harry (kick) me under the desk. 6. I’m
sorry, but I (not understand) you. 7. Maria (leave) now, so could you get her coat? 8. Come and
eat your dinner. It (get) cold. 9. I (hear) you did really well in your exams. Well done! 10. You
(do) anything at the moment? I need some help with the computer. 11. This product (contain) no

added chemicals of any kind. 12. Nobody (visit) Rome without going to see the ruins of the
Roman Forum. 13. Sarah (begin) to regret not taking the job in France she was offered. 14.
Martin (see) Tina at the moment. They’ve been going out together for the past month. 15. I’m
sorry, but I (not know) where George is at the moment. 16. ‘Is Helen ready yet?’ ‘She (take) her
time, but she says she’ll be ready soon. 17. The larger of the two rooms (measure) 8m by 4m. 18.
What (happen) in the street now? I can’t see anything from here. 19. There’s nobody else to do
the job, so I (suppose) I’ll have to do it. 20. They (forever / whisper) behind my back! They
(think) I (not / hear) them, I wonder?

Exercise 29. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Present Simple or Present

1. I (think) you (behave) rather foolishly, darling. 2. I (think) about your behaviour. What you
(think) you (do)? 3. Your German (get) better? – Yes, but very slowly. 3. I (see) that you (have)
some problems with your computer. Can I be of any help? 4. He (to understand) the rule, but he
(make) mistakes very often. 5. How many parts this text (consist) of? 6. – Listen! You (hear) that
noise? – That’s our neighbours. They (shout) again. They never (tire) of it. – They always
(shout) like that? 7. Who this palace (belong) to? – Marquis of Carabas! 8. – Hello there! Where
you (think) you (go)? I (wait) for an explanation! – I (want) to go to the disco. – No, go and do
your homework, now! And I (mean) it! 9. – Why he (look) so gloomy? – Oh, he (have) a
headache. 10. – Who you (look) at? – I (look) at the girl over there. 11. What you (mean), you’re
not letting me go? Please, you just (be) pig-headed! I (know) you’re not like that, normally. 12.
How long it usually (take) you to do your homework? – Not very long. 13. I (not / understand)
him. He (say) he (want) to invite her to his wedding, and that’s after all those mean things she’s
done to him! – Come on, he just (be) nice. 14.You (say) that I must go alone? You (kid)? 15. –
Why she (complain)? I (have ) the same problems, but I never (complain)! – What? Come off it!
You always (complain)! 16. – Where is John? – He (have) a shower. – Oh, tell him to hurry up!
We (have) very little time left! 17. – What’s that noise? – Oh, it’s the kids. The (play) Indians. –
Why you (allow) them to make such a terrible noise? Why you (not tell) them to keep quiet? –
Oh but they can’t! Children always (be) noisy. 18. Oh, now I (see) the stage very well. Thank
you! 19. – You two (date) or are you just friends? – Well… We (see) each other. 20. You
(believe) in Santa Claus? 21. I (live) at my aunt’s until I (find) a place to live. 22. – Shhh! I (not
hear) anything! – It’s because you (not listen). 23. –You (threaten) me? – No, I (warn) you. I
(try) to avoid trouble, can’t you understand? 24. At a very boring party the hostess asked Bernard
Shaw, who was one of her guests: “You (enjoy) yourself, Mr. Shaw?” – “Oh, yes. But it’s the
only thing I (enjoy) here, I’m afraid”. 25. Normally, I (stay) at my friend’s when I (be) in St.
Petersburg. But this time my company (pay), so I (stay) at the hotel.

Exercise 30. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Present Simple or Present

1. – What your brother-in-law (do) for a living? – B: Oh, this and that, you know, he (not / have)
any permanent job. 2. We (move) house next week and the removal company (come) at 5
o’clock this afternoon. 3. – Why you (taste) the stew? – To see if it (need) any spices. 4. – Jake
(seem) to be rather nervous. – Well, he (appear) in the evening TV news, that’s why. 5. We

haven’t made any serious plans for the summer holidays, but we (think) of visiting Majorca this
year. 6. Louise, why you always (leave) your dirty coffee mug on my desk? It’s really irritating.
7. Life is so difficult! The unemployment rate (get) higher, the prices (get) higher, everything
(get) higher, only our salaries are still the same! 8. Brenda is away this week. She (do) a nursing
course in Coventry. 9. Let’s go over there! They (feed) the seals. 10. My Indian friend Vishnu
(think) it is wrong to eat meat. 10. You (know) who this watch (belong) to? 11. Joan is
downstairs in the kitchen. She (have) breakfast. 12. – What your mother (do) now? – The thing
that she really (hate) – she (iron) clothes. 13. My husband’s sense of direction is not very good.
Actually he (get) lost very easily. 14. Our old refrigerator has broken down completely and we
(look) for a new one. 15. Mary (do) the shopping and she’ll be back in about half an hour. 16. I
am not at all a religious person and I (not/believe) in reincarnation, ghosts or life after death. 17.
This is a historic moment. The President’s car (arrive) in front of the palace.

Exercise 31. Complete the newspaper articles with the Present Simple or Present Continuous
form of the verb in brackets.

Doctors express concern over heavy school bags

Every year thousands of children (go) to the doctor because of back pain, and in fact, this kind of
problem (rapidly become) one of the most common childhood complaints. And what exactly
(cause) this outbreak of back strain and muscle fatigue? It (seem) that even quite young children
(take) more and more in school – not just books, but also clothes and games players – and their
backpacks I simply (weigh) too much. ‘Some kids (carry) more than 25% of their body weight in
a bag that has a nice cartoon character on the back, but which (actually give) them serious
backache,’ reported Dr Kimberly Sachs, a GP in North London. ‘Most parents (simply not
realize) what (happen) to their children.’

Investigators to report on train crash

Accident investigators (still examine) the wreckage of the high speed train which left the rail and
overturned in northwest England last week. According to reports, they (not believe) the accident
involved driver error. ‘We (expect) to publish an inquiry into this accident quite soon’, a
spokesman announced yesterday. ‘Engineers (work) round the clock to replace the track, and we
(hope) to restore a normal service within two weeks. We (realize) that people (depend) on the
railway, and we (understand) how much everyone has been shocked by this accident. However,
we (check) thousands of sections of track all over the country to make sure that nothing like this
can ever happen again.

Exercise 32. Translate into English using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1. Фрэнк собирает марки, это его хобби. 2. Все больше и больше людей начинают
понимать важность защиты окружающей среды. 3. – О чем ты думаешь? – Я думаю об
отпуске. 4. – Господин президент, что Вы думаете об экономической ситуации? – Я
думаю, ситуация меняется. 5. – Как поживает твоя сестра? – О, она ждет ребенка. 6. Ты
прекрасно выглядишь! Мне нравится твоя новая прическа. 7. – Почему ты не ешь
отбивную? Она тебе не нравится? – Я вегетарианец, я не ем мяса. 8. Ее дети говорят на
двух языках. 9. Мама! Собака нюхает еду в твоей тарелке! 10. Мы сейчас не пользуемся

микроволновкой, она не работает. 11. Вообще-то Джон умный. Но сейчас он ведет себя
как-то глупо. 12. Мы подумываем о том, чтобы купить новую квартиру. 13. Вечно ты
жалуешься! 14. Ужасно пахнет! Что происходит? – Соседи красят стены у себя в квартире.
15. Ничто не происходит без причины. 16. Я коплю деньги, потому что в июле еду в
Париж. Мне нужно еще 300 евро. 17. Эти огурцы горькие на вкус. Я не хочу добавлять их
в салат. 18. – Где Питер? Поезд отходит через 40 минут, у нас нет времени! – Полагаю, он
все еще собирается. 19. – Я считаю, что погода на Земле становится теплее. – Я не совсем
с тобой согласен. Климат становится более переменчивым. Поэтому ученые чаще говорят
о «глобальных изменениях климата», а не о «глобальном потеплении». 20. Транспорт все
дорожает. 21. – Сколько весит ваш багаж? – Я не знаю, мой муж как раз взвешивает наш

Present Perfect


Exercise 1. Form Participle II of the following verbs.

Live; want; try; carry; go; forget; begin; need; speak; cancel; listen; hear; understand; play; visit;
study; wash, cry; tie; watch; create; pass; care; copy; end; prefer; offer.

Exercise 2. Fill in the correct form of the auxiliary verb ‘to have’. Use contractions where

1. I _______ watched this film twice. 2. He ________ never tried parachuting. 3. We _______
been to the British Museum. 4. Martha _______ not spoken to her husband yet. 5. ______ you
ever read “War and Peace”? 6. What ______ happened? 7. My boyfriend ______ just proposed!
8. How long ____ your parents lived in this flat? 9. Oh hi, Jason! I _____ not seen you for ages.
Where ____ you been? 10. We ______ known each other since we were kids. 11. Their brother
_____ travelled around the world. 12. What _____ the patient eaten?

Exercise 3. Use the prompts to write a sentence in the Present Perfect.

1. The teacher / arrive. 2. The students / leave. 3. The exams / finish. 4. Danny / break / leg. 5. I /
sent / you / e-mail. 6. She / see / this film / before. 7. Dave and Joe / win / a scholarship. 8. There
/ be / accident. 9. I / see/ UFO. 10. Martin / have lunch. 11. Serena / lose / key. 12. We / do /
homework. 13. I / hear/ the news. 14. They / visit/ the exhibition. 15. He / start / working.

Now make the sentences negative and interrogative.

Exercise 4. Put questions to all parts of the sentence.

1. He has told us of his good fortune. 2. I have found my son now. 3. I have put my things in
the room next to yours. 4. The cat has been asleep most of the day. 5. She has lived in Petersburg
for five years. 6. Her husband has never seen this awful letter. 7. I have written a line to your
mother to tell her your good news. 8. I have finished my writing for today. 9. The trees have
thrown off their yellow leaves.

Exercise 5. Think of questions for which the following might be answers.

1. Mary has cooked a wonderful cake. 2. He has gone home. 3. She hasn’t seen him since the
summer. 4. He has given her a beautiful rose. 5. The alarm-clock has just rung. 6. She has put her
umbrella into the corner. 7. It has begun snowing today. 8. The boy has broken the icicle. 9. She
has changed her name. 10. Mary has brought him home. 11. She has brought home a white
kitten. 12. She has always tried to stop him.

Exercise 6. Complete the sentence with a verb from the box in the Present Perfect and any other
necessary information.

Do stop rise get lose arrive change leave

1. Half an hour ago it was raining and now it isn’t. It ____ 2. John is at school. His homework is
at home. _____at home. 3. Ten minutes ago you ordered a pizza by phone. The doorbell is now
ringing. – Great. My pizza ______ 4. Last year the school had 540 pupils. This year there are
600. The number of pupils_______ by 60. 5. You can’t find your revision notes. _______ notes.
6. You’re doing an experiment. You did the same experiment last week and the week before.
This is the third time ______ 7. Philip Jones goes to your school. Last year he went to a different
school. Philip ______schools. 8. Last year your school work was easy. Now it’s not. The school
work _______ more difficult this year.

Exercise 7. Supply subordinate clauses with the verbs in the Present Perfect.

1. I don’t know why (she / not /come). 2. She asks why (you / not / lay the table). 3. I’d like to
know why (he / not / answer my letter). 4. Tell me why (you / quarrel). 5. She doesn’t say why
(she / refuse to take this work). 6. I can’t guess why (they / part). 7. She wants to know where
(they / go to). 8. I wonder where (they / live all that time). 9. He can’t say where (the dog /
appear from). 10. I just ask where (you / be since last Saturday). 11. Please tell me how long
(you / live in this town). 12. I wonder how long (she / work at our Institute). 13. I wonder what
(she / learn about it). 14. He asks what (you / cook for supper). 15. I’d like to know (what /
happen to the cake). 16. She doesn’t say what (she / do to him).

Exercise 8. Reply to the following commands saying that you have already done what is

Model: – Switch off the light! – I’ve already switched it off.

1. Get out of bed! 2. Put on your shoes! 3. Wash your face! 4. Turn on the cold water tap! 5.
Take a shower! 6. Get dressed quickly! 7. Turn off the hot water tap! 8. Take off your coat! 9.

Do your morning exercises! 10. Air your room! 11. Make your bed! 12. Put on your slippers! 13.
Do your lessons! 14. Switch on the TV! 15. Put your room in order!

Exercise 9. Respond to the following commands and requests using the Present Perfect tense.

Model: – Will you make some sandwiches, please? – But I’ve already made them.

1. Clean the flat, will you? 2. Will you sweep the floor, please? 3. Please give Peter this
dictionary. 4. Could you please send a telegram to Mary? 5. Please write them a letter at once! 6.
Go and tell Mother everything. 7. Will you show the children your new slides, please? 8. Could
you make some fresh tea? 9. Bring some more bread from the kitchen, could you? 10. Read this
article by all means. 11. Do exercise 5, please. 12. Would you wash up the dishes?

Exercise 10. Translate into English using the Present Perfect.

1. Вы когда-нибудь были в Лондоне? 2. Он когда-нибудь рассказывал вам о своей жене? 3.

Они когда-нибудь ссорились? 4. Вы когда-нибудь болели гриппом? 5. Он когда-нибудь
дарил вам цветы? 6. Вы когда-нибудь летали на Дальний Восток? 7. Вы когда-нибудь
видели такую красивую девушку? 8. Вы когда-нибудь учили французский? 9. Вы когда-
нибудь пробовали спаржу (asparagus)? 10. Вы были влюблены когда-нибудь?

Exercise 11. Translate into English using the Present Perfect.

1. Что случилось? 2. Куда он ушел? 3. Я уже прочитала эту книгу. 4. Начался дождь. 5. Я
его еще не видела. 6. Мать уже испекла булочки. 7. Ты когда-нибудь каталась на коньках
по замерзшей реке? 8. Сегодня я не была в библиотеке. 9. Реки и пруды уже замерзли. 10.
В этом году я часто видела их в кино. 11. Я не встречала его с весны. 12. Сколько лет ты
живешь на этой улице? 13. Я проработала здесь уже пять лет. 14. Будильник уже
прозвенел. 15. Дети уже приняли душ. 16. Ты еще не погасил свет? 17. Ты взяла с собой
зонтик? 18. Зима уже наступила. 19. Мэри надела плащ?


Exercise 12. Explain the use of the Present Perfect in the following sentences.

1. Quick! Put up your umbrella! It has started raining! 2. I’ve just spoken to Masha. 3. The
government has announced another tax increase. 4. Mr. Stilton has crossed the Atlantic in a
yacht twice. 5. Have you received my e-mail? 6. We’ve known each other since we were
children. 7. I haven’t seen any improvement in your work so far. 8. He has always made
wonderful cakes for my birthday. 9. You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. 10. Tony has
never been to Paris before. 11. Have you seen Melissa today? 12. John is not here. He’s gone to
the dentist. 13. Oh no! My car has disappeared! 14. Here’s your book. I’ve read it. 15. London
has been his home for over 20 years now.

Exercise 13. Complete the text with the Present Perfect form of the verb in brackets.

About 15% of protein eaten by humans (always / come) from fish. Recently, however, the
number of fish (fall). Several things (cause) this problem. Most scientists agree that
governments (not do) enough to stop overfishing. This means that fish populations (grow)
smaller. Many fish (not / reproduce) fast enough to replace their numbers. The population of
North Sea cod, for example, (reach) a dangerous level. EU laws (reduce) the numbers of fishing
boats. As a result, many fishermen in traditional fishing ports (lose) their jobs. In recent years,
fish in the UK (become) expensive, and many people (stop) eating it.

Exercise 14. Complete the sentences with ‘for’ or ‘since’.

1. Kathy has been off school _____last Thursday. 2. Graham has had his own car _____ a few
months now. 3. We haven’t had a holiday_____ Easter. 4. The school has had that old
microscope ____ years. 5. They have been friends _____ they were at primary school. 6. I
haven’t seen you ____ a while. How are things going?

Exercise 15. Which time expressions go with “for” and which go with “since”? Use the
expressions in sentences of your own.

1. ____you got married; 2. _____a long time; 3. ____several months; 4. ____2002; 5. ____we
last met; 6. ____a year; 7. _____a fortnight; 8. _____early morning; 9. _____April; 10.
____ages; 11. ______last summer; 12. ______years; 13. ______Easter; 14. _____yesterday; 15.
_____a few seconds; 16. ______a quarter of an hour; 17. ______this accident; 18. _____as long
as I can remember.

Exercise 16. Complete each sentence with one of the time words in the list. You will need to use
some words more than once.

Yet for already since

In the laboratory
Peter: ‘Haven’t you left ____?’
Alison: ‘No. I’ve been here____ 8.00 this morning.’
P: ‘Have you checkedthe results of the experiment _______?’
A: ‘Yes, I’ve_____ done that.’
P: ‘We’ve worked on this project _____ three weeks. Unfortunately we haven’t discovered
anything interesting ______’
A: ‘No, nothing has happened ______last Tuesday.’
P: ‘Yes, I know. I’ve ____seen your report.’
A: ‘So I’m going to do the experiment again. But I haven’t started it’
P: ‘Don’t bother. I’ve started it. I haven’t checked ______, but I think we’re going to get the
same results.’

Exercise 17. Answer the questions in the negative using the Present Perfect and the words in
Model: When did you see her last? (since autumn) – I haven’t seen her since autumn.

1. When did it rain last? (since September) 2. When did you receive a postcard last? (for ages) 3.
When did you play chess last? (for a long time) 4. When did he last write to you? (since last
summer) 5. When did you last go to Madrid? (never) 6. When did you last ride a horse? (for two
months) 7. When did you last visit her? (since last month) 8. When did your boyfriend give you
a present last? (since my birthday) 9. When did you buy fruit last? (for two days) 10. When did
you speak to your German friends on the telephone last? (since New Year)

Exercise 18. Complete the sentences with have been or have gone.

1. Two scientists from a laboratory in Oxford _______ to Antarctica, and will stay there for
three months. They _______ there to investigate the effects of global warming on the polar
ice. Colleagues in Oxford, who ______ to Antarctica on earlier expeditions, will keep in touch
with them by radio.
2. A team from London has arrived in China. They _____there to join a project which is
searching for the fossil remains of dinosaur eggs. ‘We (not)______to China before,’ said team
leader Mark Jones, ‘though two of us ______ to the USA where there is a similar project.’
3. A dangerous spider is missing from a private zoo in Manchester. ‘Herbie is a Brazilian
wandering spider, and we’re not sure where he ______’ said spokesperson Anne Graham. ‘He
only arrived in the zoo last month, so he (not) ______ here long. A lot of children ______ to the
zoo in the past few days, and we are worried that someone has taken Herbie, or that he _____
out in somebody’s pocket, and they don’t know about it.’

Exercise 19. Grammar in Communication. Divide into pairs (Person A and Person B).

Part I.
Interview each other about things you have or haven’t done using the prompts below and your
own ideas. Keep record of your answers.

Model: A: – Have you ever lost your way in a new city? – B: No, I haven’t. / Yes, I have. / – A:
Neither have I! / So have I! / But I have. / Well, I haven’t.

Prompts for Person A

- meet a famous person
- sing in a choir
- learn a musical instrument
- win a prize / a competition/ the lottery
- go to see the ballet / the opera / a classical concert
- climb a high mountain / a high building
- go parachuting / sailing, etc.

Prompts for Person B

- play in a group

- stay up all night
- drive a bus / a sports car/ a lorry/
- ride a horse / a camel / a motorbike
- break your arm / leg/ something valuable
- lose a lot of money / your passport / your mobile phone
- see a famous singer or group perform live

Part II. Report your findings to the class using the reporting prompts.

Reporting prompts: Both of us have …. / Neither of us has…/ Person A has… but I haven’t. / I
have … but Person A hasn’t.

Exercise 20. Grammar in Communication. Make up mini-dialogues according to the Model

using the prompts below and your own ideas.

Model: 1) A: Oh, I’m sorry, I’m afraid I’ve broken a cup.

B: Never mind. I didn’t like the set, anyway.
2) B: I’m afraid you’ve dialed the wrong number.
A: Oh, sorry. Isn’t it 233-3536?

Forget/ lock the door; eat / the last piece of cake; lose/ key; forget/ bring/the money; miss/the
train; throw/ it/ away; quarrel/ with Andy; forget / name; spill / coffee; tear/ the page; send / to
the wrong address; step / on my toe.

Exercise 21. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Present Perfect tense with “for” or

Model: I last read the newspaper on June 2. – I haven’t read a newspaper since June.

1. The last time he saw his sister was 2 years ago. 2. It’s 2 months since he earned any money. 3.
I last drank champagne at my brother’s wedding. 4. It’s 2 years since I was in Rome. 5. I last ate
raw fish when I was in Japan. 6. It’s years since Mary spoke French. 7. He last paid taxes 10
years ago. 8. The last time I sang in the shower was when I was 20. 9. I last watched TV on New
Year’s Day. 10. It’s 2 weeks since I heard from him. 11. It’s ten years since I last was in Paris.
12. I last smoked three years ago. 13. It’s years since I wrote any poetry. 14. He last drank wine
at his wife’s birthday. 15. He last ate caviar when he was in Russia. 16. It’s years since Tony last
spoke Chinese. 17. It’s ages since I last had a good night’s sleep. 18. They last paid me six
months ago. 19. I was last abroad in winter 2003. 20. My father last took photographs in
summer. 21. It’s a year since I had my last holiday. 22. We had a family reunion five years ago.

Exercise 22. Translate the sentences into English using the Present Simple and the Present

1. Я знаю его очень хорошо, мы знакомы всю жизнь. 2. Жаль, что ты не видела этот
фильм. Он очень смешной. 3. Мы не можем поехать за город, мы еще не сдали последний

экзамен. 4. Последнее время они виделись очень редко. 5. Я никогда не слышала такой
лжи. 6. На этой неделе он часто встречал ее по дороге на работу. 7. Она на пенсии уже три
года. 8. Сколько лет замужем твоя сестра? 9. Вы когда-нибудь видели восход солнца в
горах? 10. Туристы уже осмотрели многие достопримечательности нашего города. 11.
Сегодня я испекла твой любимый пирог. 12. Моя дочь уже окончила институт и осенью
начинает работать. 13. Мария купила новую квартиру. Ты ее видел? – Еще нет. 14. Ты
показал друзьям свою работу? – Нет, она еще не готова. 15. Я посмотрел этот фильм. А
ты? – Да. Это интересный фильм. 16. Ты был в этом парке? – Да. 17. Она только что
вернулась. 18. Возьмите эти журналы. Я уже прочитал их. 19. Вы были когда-нибудь в
Италии? – Да, это очень красивая страна. 20. Мы еще не сделали упражнение №5. 21. Она
никогда не переводила такие трудные статьи.


Exercise 23. Rewrite each sentence using the word in brackets in the form given so that the
meaning stays the same.

Model: You have missed the beginning of the film (has) – The film has already started.

1. Paul is different from what he used to be (has). 2. This has been my home for thirty years
(have). 3. Eating Chinese food is new to me (before). 4. Is there any news? (happened) 5. I
bought my car in 2005 and I am still driving it (had). 6. I don’t know where my keys are (have).
7. Sue doesn’t have her dictionary with her; it’s at home (has). 8. Tony was in Paris in 2010 and
2011 (so far). 9. Today is Liz and John’s thirtieth wedding anniversary (for).

Exercise 24. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that the meaning stays the same.

Model: It’s a long time since I last went on a football match. (I haven’t…) – I haven’t been to a
football match for a long time.

1. This is my second visit to Hungary (This is the second time…). 2. I paid the bill earlier
actually. (Actually, I’ve…). 3. It’s ages since we last went swimming (We haven’t …). 4. Mary
started learning French 5 years ago (Mary has…). 5. I’m on the tenth page of the letter I’m
writing (So far…). 6. After I arrived here, I started feeling better (Since arriving here…). 7. It’s
over 20 years since we got married (We’ve…). 8 The last time I saw Robert was on Christmas
Day (I haven’t…). 9. There is a definite improvement in your work (Lately your work…) 10.
I’ve never heard such a silly story (It’s the…). 11. How long ago did he move into this house?
(How long…). 12. I’m still working (I still haven’t….).

Exercise 25. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Present Simple, Present Continuous
or Present Perfect)

1. Herbalists (use) plants to cure common illnesses. 2. Nowadays many people feel that foreign
dishes (replace) traditional British food because fewer and fewer people can cook British dishes.
3. What’s that noise? – It’s the garbage truck. It (collect) the garbage. 4. Governments all over

the world (spend) billions of dollars on weapons nowadays. 5. People (grow) rice for hundreds of
years in this area. 6. Americans (have) Independence Day Parades to celebrate the holiday. 7.
The rainforests are disappearing because people (cut) down a lot of trees every year. 8. Most
European airlines (increase) their fares by about 20% because of the rise in fuel prices. 9.
Inspectors (check) tickets regularly. 10. According to the statistics, almost a quarter of people in
Britain (be) victims of a burglary. 11. He (not see) his wife since he got divorced. 12. What you
(learn) since you came here? How many friends you (make)? I hope you (already / meet) lots of
interesting people. 13. Traditionally, women in many countries were not supposed to have
college education. The situation (change) now. In Iran, for example, about 65 % of those who
(study) at universities at present are women. 14. Mary Sullivan is a reporter. Today she (work)
undercover. She (go) to a plastic surgery clinic with a hidden camera to see what (happen) there.
She often (do) such investigative work. She (make) special reports on drugs, corruption and
other crimes in her city. Many people (think) it’s dangerous. Mary (receive) threats several
times, but she (want) to continue her work. 15. I (love) it when it (snow) outside. Imagine,
thousands of fluffy snowflakes (fall) slowly on the ground! How beautiful! 16. You (want) some
more coffee? – No, thanks. It (taste) rather bitter. 17. Joey, what on earth you (do)?! Stop that
immediately! 18. The weather (get) colder and colder! – Yes, it normally (get) quite cold here by
the end of October. 19. Where are your parents? – They (have) a holiday in Spain. They (be)
there since Tuesday. 20. What’s the matter? Why you (not / start) yet?

Exercise 26. Complete the sentences using the Present Simple or the Present Perfect.

1. My child, what brings you here before I __ ? (to breakfast) (Ch. Bronte) 2. I’ll go there
directly after I _ my breakfast, (to finish) (Dickens) 3. "My dear Bertha," said Miss Ley, "the
doctor will have an apoplectic fit, if you __ such things." (to say) (Maugham) 4. When you __
your fortune, you must come back and assert yourself in London, (to make) (Wilde) 5. "Yes,
dear, but till she __ you herself, I can’t say more." (to tell) (Galsworthy) 6. I must go to him,
Martin, now, literally tonight, as soon as I _ some things, (to pack) (Murdoch and Priestley) 7.
As soon as Harry __ his letters, we’re going for a walk, (to finish) (Maugham) 8. "Are you ill,
darling?" "I shall know that when Dr. Cornish __ me." (to examine) (Maugham) 9. My dearest
Edith will be her natural and constant guardian when you __. (to return) (Dickens) 10. "If you
__," Scotty said, "I can give you something to eat." (to get up) (Aldridge) 11. When I meet with
real poetry, I cannot rest till I __ it by heart, (to learn) (Ch. Bronte) 12. Signor Rivarez, you must
take something before you __ (to go) (Voynich) 13. I dare not approach the subject of the
moonstone again until time __ something to quiet her. (to do) (Collins) 14. If you __ to speak to
us, wait till my brother __ (to want, to come) (Hardy) 15. If you __, shall we set off for
Hunterbury? (to finish) (Christie) 16. But perhaps we can continue this chat when my dear
brother __ (to go) (Murdoch)

Exercise 27. Translate the sentences into English using the Present Simple, the Present
Continuous and the Present Perfect.

1. –Джон говорит по-русски? – Да, он изучает русский уже 5 лет. 2. Кристи любит балет.
Она посмотрела все спектакли в этом театре. 3. Я только что видела Сергея. Он уже
вернулся из Москвы. 4. – Ой, я забыл, как зовут преподавателя. – Мне кажется, ты

пропустил слишком много занятий по этому предмету. Ты помнишь, как он называется? 5.
– Ты видел Веронику на этой неделе? – Нет, она в отпуске. Она сейчас лежит на пляже и
загорает, а мы работаем! 6. Он не играл в хоккей более 10 лет. 7. – Ты уже сделал
домашнее задание? – Еще нет. 8. Я всегда мечтала побывать в Париже. Я знаю, что это
очень красивый город. 9. – Ты уже позавтракал? – Еще нет. Я обычно завтракаю поздно. –
А что ты сейчас делаешь? – Я просматриваю новости на телефоне. Я всегда делаю это
рано утром. 10. О, привет! Сто лет тебя не видел! Как у тебя дела? 11. – Джим, ты уже
приготовил ужин? – Нет, я все еще чищу картошку. 12. – Мы решили пожениться! –
Поздравляю! 13.Сейчас в этой лаборатории ученые проводят эксперимент, и они уже
получили интересные результаты. 14. Я недавно продал свою машину, а новую еще не
купил, поэтому езжу на работу на автобусе. 15. – Ты все еще читаешь этот детектив? – Да,
я его еще не дочитал.

Exercise 28. Find and correct the mistakes in the use of tenses in the following sentences. Some
sentences are correct.

1. Look! That man tries to open the door of your car! 2. I know him for 5 years. 3. Does your
English get better? 4. Have you got a job for the summer? – Yes, I’m working at a café in the
city. 5. Why aren’t you sitting down and having a coffee with me? – Thank you, with pleasure. 6.
Sandra wants to find work in Italy, so she studies Italian. 7. Oh, I’ve forgotten to take the keys
again! – Typical! You forget something all the time! 8. Are you having lunch yet? 9. I love this
author. She has just published a new novel. 10. He is at work since early in the morning. 11. The
story is taking place in Victorian London. 12. It’s the second time I visit Italy this year, and I’m
looking forward to travelling there again. 13. I don’t understand why you are being so difficult.
14. I always wonder why you dislike him so much. 15. Where are you coming from? Are you
British or Australian?

Exercise 29. Translate the sentences into English using the Present Simple, the Present
Continuous and the Present Perfect.

1. Где живет твой брат? – Он сейчас временно живет в деревне с родителями. 2. Что за
шум? Флаффи, глупый кот, что ты наделал? Ты снова разбил цветочный горшок? Почему
ты так любишь прыгать на подоконник? 3. Становится все холоднее. Температура не
поднималась выше нуля с прошлого воскресенья. 4. Я всегда добавляю морковь в этот
салат. 5. Как мне это надоело! Ты всегда оставляешь грязную посуду в раковине! 6. Я
всегда хотела поплавать с дельфинами. А ты? – Да, это интересно. Некоторые
дельфинарии предлагают такую услугу. Но это очень дорого стоит. 7. На этой неделе мы
пишем контрольные работы. Мы уже написали контрольные по 3 предметам. Когда у нас
контрольные или экзамены, я всегда нервничаю. 8. Я очень благодарна тебе за все, что ты
для меня сделала. 9. В США еще не было женщины-президента, не так ли? 10. Где Джон?
Это он говорит по телефону? – Нет, это Джим. Джон ушел в кино. 11. – Извините, мы
раньше нигде не встречались? – Сомневаюсь. Я только что переехала в этот город. – Я
тоже! 12. – Есть какие-нибудь новости? – Да, Том сдал экзамен! Он только что звонил. 13.
Что ты делаешь с дрелью? – Я хочу повесить эту полку. – Но я уже позвонила в
мебельную фирму и попросила прислать рабочих. 14. Твой телефон звонил раз десять.

Кто-то очень хочет с тобой поговорить. 15. Когда приносят почту? – Обычно утром.
Почтальон всегда звонит дважды. 16. – Какая-то кошка сидит у крыльца и громко мяукает.
– Да, я знаю. Я ее уже покормила. 17. Какие у вас планы на первый день в Лондоне? –
Утром мы едем на автобусную экскурсию по городу, а затем едем на кораблике по Темзе.
Я всегда предпочитаю сначала осмотреть город в целом. 18. – Хочешь бутерброд? – Нет,
спасибо, я уже поела. 19. Я восхищаюсь моими бабушкой и дедушкой. Они женаты уже 50
лет, и ни разу не ссорились! 20. За последние 20 лет ученые сделали много важных
открытий в медицине.

Present Perfect Continuous


Exercise 1. Use the prompts to write Present Perfect Continuous sentences.

1. James / write e-mails / since this morning. 2. She / teach / for ten years. 3. We / not tell / lies
to you! 4. My parents / shop / for furniture. 5. Juan / not do / his homework. 6. It / not rain / for
long. 7. Mariella / buy new clothes. 8. I/ read this book / for weeks! 9. They / talk / for hours.
10. You / not clean / your room! 11. I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I hope / you / not wait/ long.
12. There you are! We /look for you / all morning! 13. I feel really tired. I /study / hard lately.
14. Anna has got a really good suntan. She / go / to the beach a lot. 15. Tom needs cheering up.
He / have / a lot of problems lately. 16. I / work here / for the past three years, and I really like it.
17. Sam and Chris / paint / their room, and their clothes are covered in paint!

Exercise 2. Use the prompts to write Present Perfect Continuous questions. Then write short

1. You / study for the exam? – Yes. 2. How long / they / live in Hong Kong? – Three years 3.
She / wait / long? – No. 4. They / practise / the piano? – Yes. 5. How long / he / playing that
game? – Two hours. 6. You / sit / there all day? – No. 7. How long / it / snow? – Half an hour.
8. He / eat / chocolate? – Yes.

Exercise 3. Make up sentences of your own beginning them with No wonder... using the Present
Perfect Continuous tense.

Model: Mary looks tired. No wonder, she has been working very hard lately.

1. He is quite an expert in growing roses. (grow them for many years) 2. They hardly speak to
each other. (quarrel much lately) 3. She looks bored to death. (listen to Mr. Black for half an
hour) 4. She is a very good dressmaker. (make dresses for ten years) 5. The roads are practically
impassable. (snow for a few days) 6. I can hardly stand on my legs. (dance the whole night
through) 7. He is the author of more than ten novels, many stories and essays. (write books all
his life) 8. Her eyes are red and swollen again. (cry the whole night through) 9. She is a very
efficient secretary. (do this job for seven years) 10. The streets are slippery. (freeze for the last
two hours)

Exercise 4. Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Present Perfect Continuous

1. My brother has been staying with us for three weeks. 2. It has been raining since morning. 3.
He’s been working here since 2010. 4. She has been telling me how good you are since you left
the room. 5. Since when have you been sitting here? Have you been waiting here long? 6. How
long have you been looking for her? – For three hours. 7. The sun is shining, but the ground is
wet because it has been raining. 8. Who has been playing with the remote control? It doesn’t
work! 9. Why are you so tired? What have you been doing? –I’ve been working in the garden
since morning. 10. She has been playing chess since she was nine. 11. She looks fit and tanned.
She has been working outdoors a lot recently. 12. He hasn’t been feeling very well recently.

Exercise 5. Say what each person has been doing using the prompts given.

Model: His clothes are dirty (work / the garden). – He has been working in the garden.

1. James’s clothes are wet (give / dog/ a bath). 2. Anne’s feet hurt (walk / 4 hours). 3. Kate looks
tired (work / early morning). 4. The boys are dirty (play football). 5. Nick has a black eye, and
Bob has a cut lip (fight). 6. Don is cold (swim). 7. Sandra is short of breath and her T-shirt is wet
(run). 8. Adam has black grease on his hands (repair / car). 9. Tom is covered in paint (paint /
fence). 10. Helen is crying (peel / onions).

Exercise 6. Say how long something has been happening using the Present Perfect Continuous

Model: It is snowing. It began snowing two hours ago. – It has been snowing for two hours.

1. Jane is reading. She began reading an hour ago. 2. My sister is knitting a new sweater. She
started knitting it a month ago. 3. Sam is studying German. He started studying it two years ago.
4. My friend is working at his report. He began working in the morning. 5. They are building a
new tube station. They started it in June. 6. We are taking music lessons. We began taking music
lessons in September. 7. Mary is looking for a job. She began looking for it in December. 8.
George smokes much. He started smoking ten years ago.

Exercise 7. Fill in the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1. She (walk) in the park since morning. It’s time to have dinner, but she (not / come) back yet.
2. She (read) the book for 3 days and (read) 300 pages already. 3. – I’m not through with this test
yet. – How long you (write) it? 4. Harry (clean) his room since 8 a.m. and he (not finish) yet. 5.
I (wash) the dishes after yesterday’s party in the kitchen since we had breakfast. 6. Why are you
out of breath? You (run)? 7. James Gordon started acting in Hollywood in 2011. He (act) for 4
years, and he (appear) in 3 films. 8. Why is there blood on your hand? You (cut) it? 9. I (live) in

this city for 15 years, and I always (want) to buy a new flat closer to the centre. 10. – Why, isn’t
it you, Masha? I (not / see) you for ages. – Yes, right. How’s life? – I’m getting married next
month! – Really? Who are you going to marry? Sergey? – Yes. – How long you two (date)? –
Since we were at school, about 10 years already.

Exercise 8. Underline the correct form (Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect
Continuous). Sometimes two forms are possible.

A. Scientists 1) have recently identified / have been identifying a new species of animal in the
rainforest of Borneo. They 2) have been searching / are searching for this creature for several
years, after reports from local villagers, and say it is a type of lemur.
В. Archaeologists in Guatemala 3) have found / have been finding a Mayan wall painting which
they think is more than 2,000 years old. Archaeologist William Saturno 4) explores / has been
exploring the site since 2002.
C. Scientists using the Hubble Space Telescope think they 5) are finding / have found two new
moons circling the planet Pluto. Astronomers 6) have been looking / have looked closely at
Pluto since 1978 when they spotted its first moon.
The telescope 7) has worked / has been working for fifteen years, and 8) has been producing /
has produced more than 700,000 images of the universe.
D. Australian scientists 9) have been discovering / have discovered a new coral reef over 60 km
long in the Gulf of Carpentaria by using satellites to spot the reefs in deep water. Recently divers
10) have managed / have been managing to reach the reefs and take photographs.

Exercise 9. Describe the following situations using the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect

Model: He’s still asleep – He hasn’t woken up yet.

1. The lift isn’t working. 2. He promised to come at 12. It’s 1 o’clock now, and we’re still
waiting. 3. She left the room a few moments ago. 4. They last saw each other in April. 5. John is
riding a horse for the first time in his life. 6. I didn’t believe in Santa Claus when I was a child,
and I still don’t believe in him. 7. It started raining at 2 o’clock. It’s still raining. 8. I moved to
Italy in 2004, and I still live in Italy. 9. A freshly cooked dinner is on the table in Martha’s
kitchen. 10. In Martha’s kitchen there are some dirty dishes in the sink and a saucepan and a
frying-pan on the stove.

Exercise 10. Translate into English using the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous
(sometimes both are possible).

1. Я работаю здесь уже 25 лет. 2. О, ты что-то готовил! Столько грязной посуды! – Да, я
приготовил мясо по очень сложному рецепту из Интернета, но еще не успел вымыть
посуду. 3. Мэри читает текст уже 20 минут, но еще не выполнила задания. 4. Он ищет
работу уже 2 месяца, но еще ничего не нашел. 5. Представляешь, он никогда не видел
снега! – Неудивительно, он всю жизнь живет в теплых странах. 6. Твой французский стал
гораздо лучше! Ты занимался дополнительно? 7. Он пишет для этого журнала уже 2 года

и опубликовал там много статей. 8. Снег идет уже 4 часа. 9. Этой зимой снега еще не
было. 10. Я пишу сочинение уже 2 часа, но еще не закончила. 11. Ты снова бегал по
лужам босиком? 12. Я знаю его с детства, и с самого детства мы спорим по пустякам.


Exercise 11. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous
form of the verbs from the list.

Depend; extend; feel; fit; rely; look for; hunt; install; see (x2)

1. Up to now, our company ______ the discount only to children under ten. From next month,
we’re planning to extend it to children under sixteen. 2. I’m planning to run a marathon next
month. I ______ (never) fitter in my life! 3. She _________ a lot of Mark lately. Do you think
there’s anything between them? 4. Since I broke my leg, I ______ on my daughter to see to the
shopping and housework. 5. He _______ for jobs without success for months now. 6. As you
______ the film already, can you tell me if it’s suitable for classroom use? 7. Sorry about the
mess! The workmen _______ a new boiler in the bathroom all morning. 8. The success of the
agricultural fair _____ very much on the weather in recent years. 9. Oh there’s “The Times”! I
______ it everywhere! 10. All the shirts you’ve sent your father _______ him perfectly so far.

Exercise 12. Complete the sentences using either the Present Perfect or Present Perfect
Continuous form of the verb given. Sometimes both are possible.

1. Alice (compete) in the London Marathon twice before, but hopes to achieve her best time this
year. 2. Income from manufacturing exports still provides the largest proportion of the country’s
export earnings, but the proportion (drop) for many years. 3. The house (belong) to the Beecham
family for over 250 years, but the present owner, Donald Beecham, is selling it. 4. Campbell
(serve) a life sentence for murder since 2000, but his lawyers are arguing for an early release. 5.
So far, attempts to rescue the climbers from the ledge where they camped during the storm (fail).
6. A: I’d like a career where I can travel and meet people. B: You (consider) becoming a tour
guide? 7. A: You (swim)? You look really exhausted. В: I am. I did fifty lengths of the pool. 8.
A: Did you manage to get in touch with Tony? B: No, I (try) three times in the last hour, but he’s
always engaged. 9. A: Hello, Stannard’s Plumbers. How may I help you? B: My hot water tank
(burst) and my sitting room is flooded!

Exercise 13. Use the words in bold to complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first. Do not change the word given.

I. When did you last decorate your living room?

How long is it _________________your living room?
2. Mark started playing the guitar four years ago.
Mark _______________for four years.
3. I have never seen such a terrible film before.
This is the ______________ seen.
4. We started cleaning the house at 3 o’clock. It’s 6 o’clock now.
We ______________ three hours now.
5. I got this book for my last birthday in January.
I have _____________ in January.
6. They bought a car two months ago. They’re using it at present.
They _____________ for two months now.
7. You can talk to Richard about France. He was there for a month and came back yesterday.
You can talk to Richard about France. He _____________ there.
8. I first met Joshua ages ago. I know him now.
I _______________for ages,
9. I started waiting for the train forty minutes ago. I’m still waiting for it.
I __________for forty minutes now.
10. When did you start learning German?
How long ______________ German?

Exercise 14. Choose the correct form, А, В, С or D, to complete the sentence.

1. I _______ this computer for more than ten years, so I’m thinking of getting a new one. 2.
You’re half an hour late! I _____here for ages! 3. I ______these black trousers better than those
blue ones. 4. Can I borrow a pen? I ______ mine. 5. I’d like to dance with you, but I______for
my friend. 6. Kate ________ in Poland since last October. She’s really enjoying it. 7. Carol’s
great, isn’t she? _______ her long? 8. Paul ______ in all day today, so now he feels like going
out. 9. You’d better borrow this umbrella. It __________ really hard. 10. I _______ on my
project all morning, and I need a break.

1. A have had В have been having С have D am having

2. A have waited В have been waiting С wait D am waiting
3. A have liked В have been liking С like D am liking
4. A have lost В have been losing С lose D am losing
5. A have waited В have been waiting С wait D am waiting
6. A has taught В has been teaching С teaches D is teaching
7. A Have you known В Have you been knowing С Do you know D Are you knowing
8. A has stayed В has been staying С stays D is staying
9. A has rained В has been raining С rains D is raining

10. A have worked В have been working С work D am working

Exercise 15. Complete the dialogue using the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the
Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

Sara is on holiday in Cornwall. One day she meets Alice, a friend from school whom she hasn’t
seen for five years.

Sara: Alice! What a surprise seeing you here!

Alice: Sara! I (not / see) you for ages! You (not / change) a bit!
S: You haven’t either. What you (do) here?
A: Oh, just a holiday. I (tour) Devon and Cornwall by car.
S: Really? That’s nice. I (visit) my mother. She (live) here in Penzance and I (stay) with her for a
few days. What about you? Where you (stay)?
A: Oh, I (find) a nice little hotel on the seafront. But I (leave) tomorrow. Anyway, tell me all the
news. What you (do) over the last few years?
S: It’s not very interesting. I (work) in computer industry for the last three years. I (earn) quite a
lot, but I (not / like) it very much. I (want) some change.
A: Well, my life never (change). I still (live) in Birmingham and still (work) for the same old
S: I (move) away from Birmingham. I (buy) a house near Stratford recently.
A: Have you really? How long you (live) there?
S: Oh, I (live) there for about two months. Listen, where you (go) now? You (do) anything
A: No, I just (look) around the town. Why don’t we go somewhere and have a drink?
S: Good idea!

Exercise 16. Comment on the use of the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect and
Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Women are constantly trying to commit suicide for love, but generally they take care not to
succeed. (Maugham) 2. You probably haven’t seen her since those summer holidays when Mum
and Dad were abroad. (Christie) 3. Gerald, if you are going away with Lord Illingworth, go at
once. Go before it kills me: but don’t ask me to meet him. (Wilde) 4. There’s the car. Arnold’s
come back. I must go and bathe my eyes. I don’t want them to see I’ve been crying.
(Maugham) 5. I am seeing the other nurse, Nurse O’Brien, today. (Christie) 6. As she turns to
go, she finds that Bella has entered and is staring at her and her father with impassive hatred.
(Gow and D’Usseau) 7, Bella is a Negro woman of fifty who has been in the Langdon home for
twenty-four years and thus occupies a favoured position. (Gow and D’Usseau) 8. "You are
being very absurd, Laura," she said coldly. (Mansfield) 9. When I’ve taken off my things we
shall go into the next room and have tea. (Mansfield) 10. I’m always doing things on the spur of
the moment to ray own inconvenience and other people’s. (Maugham) 11. He has all the virtues.
Dr. Ramsay, Miss Glover, even Mrs. Branderton have been drumming his praise into my ears.
(Maugham) 12. Fatty came over to Lanny’s table. A fat, cheerful Greek with laughing wrinkles
at the sides of his eyes. "You’re alone today," Fatty said. Lanny nodded and lit a cigarette. "I’m

leaving tonight." "Leaving?" "Yes, Fatty. I’m going home to the Karroo." (Abrahams) 13. This
will be the death of her when she hears it. (Dreiser) 14. You have told my learned friend that
you have known Mr. Pickwick a long time. (Dickens) 15. He is always breaking the law.
(Shaw) 16. "It is Mrs. Sedley’s coach, sister," said Miss Jemima. "Sambo, the black servant, has
just rung the bell." (Thackeray) 17. She doesn’t like me... She’s always saying sharp things to
me. (Christie) 18. "I think you are being very wise. A complete holiday, a complete rest, that is
what you need. Have you decided where you are going?" "I’ve changed my mind," I said. "I
don’t think I’m going away after all." (Murdoch) 19. Ah, Miss Marple. Good morning. Glad
you’ve come. My wife’s been ringing you up like a lunatic. (Christie) 20. A woman never
acknowledges such a nondescript age as forty-eight unless she is going to marry a widower with
seventeen children. (Maugham) 21. "By the way, you’ve been talking about me. I see it written
in your faces. Your silence tells me all. I could even guess what you’ve been saying..." "You’ve
been listening," Gladys cried, making a face at him. (Priestley) 22. You are being far too
romantic about it. (Hilton) 23. "Do you like me at all, Bertha?" he asked. "I’ve been wanting to
ask you ever since you came home." (Maugham) 24. Years have passed since we began this life.
(Dickens) 25. I’ve been making some sandwiches. Won’t you come up and have some?
(Christie) 26. I cannot imagine why I’ve lived thirty years with a man I dislike so much.
(Maugham) 27. "Antonia has been telling me about your flat," said Rosemary. "It sounds ideal.
And there’s a heavenly view over to Westminster Cathedral." (Murdoch) 28. We’ve been going
to pictures about twice a week ever since. (Maugham) 29. I’ve flown a kite every Saturday
afternoon ever since I was a kid and I’m going to fly a kite as long as ever I want to. (Maugham)
30. I know this is an old story, I don’t understand it myself and if I set it down in black and
white it is only with a faint hope that when I have written it I may get a clearer view of it.
(Maugham) 31. Who is coming to tea? (Wilde) 32. "I don’t know what’s been the matter with
me. I’ve been so miserable, Eddie..." "You’ve been crying." (Maugham)

Exercise 17. Complete the sentences using the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present
Perfect, or Present Perfect Continuous

1. I __ the bell for the last quarter of an hour (to ring) (Maugham) 2. I want to see how much he
__ since I saw him last (to change) (Voynich) 3. __ you __ any word from her since she left here?
(to have) (Dickens) 4. I don’t want to take a cure at all. I am perfectly happy. All my life I __
perfectly happy. (to be) (Hemingway) 5. Signora Grassini greeted Gemma affectionately,
exclaiming in a loud whisper: "How charming you __ tonight!" (to look) (Voynich) 6. Here’s my
keys. I __ (to leave) (Gow and D’Usseau) 7. I __ to Mr. Boldwood since the autumn. I want to
explain. I __ to do it ever since I returned (not to speak, to long) (Hardy) 8. I request them to
suspend their decision until they __ my narrative (to read) (Collins) 9. Wait till you __ Moose
and __ with him. (to see, to talk) (Aldridge) 10. "But what __ we __ ?" she asked. "I __ about it a
lot. I __ about it all week. But 1 __ what to do." (to do, to think, to think, not to know)
(Caldwell) 11. I must not let my eyes get all red and swollen, or Henry will know I __ (to cry)
(Maugham) 12. The sun __ with different degrees of heating power in different parts of the
world (to shine) 13. "Look," I said, "I __ Francis very well. I __ him since we were very young
men." (to know, to know) (Snow) 14. "Well, I __ that Iris isn’t going to be married," I said after a
while. (to hear) (Maugham) 15. He says he __ to the same tunes for fifteen years. (to listen)
(Maugham) 16. Cesare, you and I __ friends for all these years, and I __ never __ you what

really happened about Arthur (to be, to tell) (Voynich) 17. What are we going to say to the king
when he __ ? (to come in) (Shaw 18. "Dear little Hans," cried the Miller, "I am in great trouble.
My little boy __ off a ladder and __ himself." (to fall, to hurt) (Wilde) 19. "As I __ you for the
past six months," he said, "business is bad." (to tell) (Shaw) 20. "This other gentleman," cried
Mr. Pickwick, "is, as you will see when you __ the letter... a very near relative, or I should rather
say a very particular friend of your son’s." (to read) (Dickens) 21. Maude: You __ both __
forward to this moment ever since you met one another. Caroline: And now it __ (to look, to
come) (Maugham) 22. But you ought to have been telling your tale. Now you begin and when
you __, we’ll go back and see what __ really __ (to finish, to happen) (Priestley) 23. What __
you. __ with yourself since I’ve been away? (to do) (Christie) 24. You __ here two weeks. __
you __ your opinion of the South? (to be, to change) (Gow and D’Usseau) 25. "I am very hungry
and tired," replied Oliver. "I __ a long way. I __ these seven days." (to walk, to walk) (Dickens)
26. My good man, Signora Bolla __ head nurse in general to all of us. She __ after sick people
ever since she was in short frocks, and __ it better than any sister of mercy. I __ I needn’t leave
any directions if she __ (to be, to look, to do, to know, to come) (Voynich) 27. As Arthur
mounted the stone steps leading to the street, a girl in a cotton dress and straw hat ran up to him
with outstretched hands. "Arthur! Oh, I am so glad!.. I __ here for half an hour... Arthur, why __
you __ at me like that? Something __ Arthur, what __ to you? Stop!" (to wait, to look, to happen,
to come) (Voynich) 28. "Mr. Bithem here yet?" asked Miss Mass. "Oh, yes, dear," cried the
chorus. "He __ here for ages. We all __ here for more than an hour." (to be, to wait) (Mansfield)
29. "Are we alone now?" "The waiter __ and the door is locked." (to go) (Caldwell) 30. I __
happy. I __ always __ happy, (to be, to be) (Hemingway)

Exercise 18. Translate the sentences into English using the Present Simple, the Present
Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Ты понимаешь, что ты наделал? — Ничего особенного. Все так поступают в подобных

случаях. 2. Всегда она со всеми ссорится! Я уверена, что по соседству нет ни одного
человека, с кем бы она хоть раз не поссорилась. 3. Где же ты был все это время? Мы
искали тебя повсюду. 4. О чем ты думаешь, Изабелла? — Так, ни о чем. 5. Я рад сообщить
вам, доктор Мэнсон, что большинством голосов комитет решил остановить свой
выбор на вас. 6. А где они сейчас? Ты с ними переписываешься? — Да, конечно. Но
что-то давно от них не было писем. 7. Ты весь день на ногах! Пора и отдохнуть. 8.
Мы работаем вместе уже пятнадцать лет и привыкли понимать друг друга. 9. Я
слышал, вы многого добились в жизни. 10. Тони, она плачет. – Ну, успокой ее, скажи ей
что-нибудь. 11. Я давно собиралась зайти к вам, да все как-то не было времени. 12.
Что вы здесь делаете? Разве вы не знаете, что здесь опасно оставаться во время работы
реактора? 13. Вы даете мне понять, что все эти долгие месяцы я напрасно тратил
время? 14. Ты не слушаешь, что я говорю. Что с тобой случилось? 15. Я думаю,
люди уже устали от плохого качества телепередач. Поэтому все меньше и меньше людей
смотрят телевизор. Согласно новым опросам общественного мнения, только 50 %
населения смотрели развлекательные программы в текущую неделю, и лишь 30%
молодежи регулярно смотрят новости по телевизору. 16. Масло и вода не смешиваются.
Масло плавает (to float) на поверхности воды. 17. – На каком языке они говорят? – Я не
слышу. 18. Ой! Я разбила чашку! – Опять? Ты все время что-нибудь роняешь! 19. Он

говорит уже почти час, но еще не сказал ничего важного. 20. Джон и Джим съели всю еду
в холодильнике, нам ничего не осталось. – Подростки всегда много едят, неудивительно,
они ведь растут.

Past Simple


Exercise 1. Form the Past Simple of the following verbs. Mind the spelling rules. Read the verbs
aloud paying attention to the way the forms are pronounced.

Plan; stay; wash; prefer; copy; examine; stop; study; go; cross; be; watch; want; stare; read;
write; occur; try; play; join; visit; expel; cry; suffer; admire; vote.

Exercise 2. Mr. Brown is an accountant. He lives a very boring life. All his days are exactly the
Part I. Read the text about his usual day and say what he did yesterday.

Mr . Brown usually wakes up at 6:30 and gets up straight away. He takes a shower, shaves, gets
dressed and goes to the kitchen. He cooks breakfast for himself. He always has 2 eggs and a cup
of tea. He reads some news at breakfast. After breakfast he brushes his teeth. At 7:30 he leaves
the house. He goes to the parking lot and starts his car. He always drives to work. It takes him
about an hour to get there. He always listens to some music while driving. When he arrives at
work, he switches on his computer. At work he does the accounting for his clients. He works
until 12:30. Then he has a lunch break. He goes out for lunch. He normally has a sandwich and a
cup of coffee. Then he comes back to work and continues working until 5 p.m. Then he drives
home. At home he watches TV for a while and cooks dinner. After dinner he watches some more
TV and reads a book on accounting. It makes him very sleepy. At 11 p.m. he goes to bed and
falls asleep right away.

Part II. Now imagine that Mr. Brown had a very unusual day last Thursday. Write what he did
that day according to the model using your own ideas.

Model: Last Thursday Mr. Brown didn’t wake up at 6:30. He woke up at….

Exercise 3. Use the prompts and a verb from the box to write Past Simple questions.

read walk pay give eat buy win go study play

1. you / swimming yesterday? 2. she / pizza last night? 3. they / tennis? 4.your teacher / you a
test? 5. you / for the exam? 6. we / the bill? 7. your sister / you a present? 8. you / that book? 9.
they / the game? 10. he / to the library?

Exercise 4. Look at the diary of Joanna, a student who went on a school trip to London.
Complete the gaps with the Past Simple form of the verbs in the box. You will need to use some
verbs more than once.

Meet; go; have; see; visit; leave; arrive; stop; do

1. _______at school. 2. ________for London in bus. 3. ________packed lunch on journey.
4.________ the Science Museum. 5. ________at youth hostel. 6. After dinner, _____to cinema.
7. _________ new James Bond film.

8. ________ breakfast. 9. ________to Madame Tussaud’s and the Planetarium. 10.______on
Thames River Cruise. Lunch on boat. 11._______St Paul’s Cathedral. 12. After dinner _____to a
theatre. 13. ______ the Lion King.

14. After breakfast, _________ HMS Belfast. 15. _________ some shopping. 16. After lunch,
__________London. 17. ____________home in evening.

Now correct these statements about Joanna’s trip.

On Tuesday ....
1. They went to London by train. 2. Joanna visited a zoo. 3. They went to the theatre.

On Wednesday ....
4. They had lunch at the Planetarium. 5. Joanna saw the new James Bond film. 6. They visited
HMS Belfast.

On Thursday …
7. They did an exam. 8. They arrived in London.

Exercise 5. Complete the text with the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

Sir Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton was born on December 25, 1642 in Woolsthorpe, near Grantham in Lincolnshire,
England. He was born in the same year that Galileo (die). Newton is probably the most important
scientist in history. His work on mathematics and physics (provide) a basis for modern science,
and his ideas (change) the world. Newton (publish) his work in two books, “Optics” and
“Principia”. These contain his laws of motion and gravity. He (use) these laws to predict the
movements of the stars and the planets around the Sun. He also (design) and (build) the world’s
first reflecting telescope. Newton (study) at Trinity College, Cambridge, from 1661 to 1696. In
this period, he (produce) most of his important work. Then, in 1696, he (move) to London, where
he (live) until his death on March 20, 1727.

Exercise 6. Complete the text with the Past Simple form of the verbs in the box.

get spend play conclude stimulate compare look find

Video games
Ten years ago, studies ____________ that players of video games were very intelligent and
motivated people. They _________ good results at school and at work. In those days, video
games were quite simple, so what about the more complex games of today? Many children start
to play video games at seven. For most of them this is not a problem, but some of them become
addicts. A recent study of children aged 13 and 14 _______ that almost a third played video
games daily. Seven percent ________ at least 30 hours playing every week. Addiction to games
can lead to other problems such as stealing money to buy new games, failing to do homework or
not going to school. In another study, scientists at Japan’s Tohoku University ______ at the
brain activity of hundreds of students as they ________ a Nintendo game. They ______ this
with the brain activity of other students doing maths. The results were surprising. The computer
game only _____ those parts of the brain related to vision and movement, but not parts of the
brain which are important for behaviour, memory, and learning.

Exercise 7. Complete the dialogue using the affirmative, negative and question Past Simple
forms of the verbs in the box.

buy download pass not/have play spend have finish get fail do

A: I’m doing a survey about video games. Do you play them? Can I ask some questions?
B: Yeah, I play them. Go on then.
A: ______you ____ any time playing video games last week?
B: Yeah, I did. I ____ a new game last Saturday. It’s called Need for Speed Underground.
A: Oh yes, I know it. Is it good?
B: Yes, it’s great.
A: _____you _____ it?
B: No, I ______ it from the Internet.
A: ______you _____ with it yesterday?
B: No, not yesterday. I had football training.
A: Okay, so____ you ____ time for your homework?
B: Yeah, we _____ much. I ____it on the bus on the way home.
A: Do you think playing games affects your school work?
B: No, I don’t think so.
A: How _____ you_____ in the last exams?
B: Okay.
A: So you ____all of them?
B: No, not all of them. I ______ Maths.

Exercise 8. Complete the text with the Past Simple form of the verb in brackets.

The Aztecs
Aztec civilization (develop) in the Valley of Mexico, 7,500 feet above sea level. The Aztecs
(leave) their own land of Aztlan at some time during the 12th or 13th century. They (believe) that
their god of war (want) them to search for a new land. They (arrive) in the Valley of Mexico
during the 12th or 13th century AD. They (build) their capital city, Tenochtitlan, on an island in
Lake Texcoco. They (plant) trees on the island to make the land better, (work) hard and
(improve) the land. When the Spanish (arrive) in 1519, Montezuma, the Aztec ruler, (think) that
Cortez was a returning god. When the Spanish (see) the Aztecs’ gold, they (decide) to conquer
the city. Later they (kill) Montezuma, (defeat) the Aztecs and (destroy) Aztec religion and

Exercise 9. Translate into English using the Past Simple:

1. Вчера мы ходили в кино. Мы посмотрели очень интересный фильм. 2. Когда Джерри

был маленьким, его семья всегда проводила отпуск у моря. 3. Кто научил тебя плавать? –
Мой отец, когда мне было лет 6. 4. Какой университет вы закончили? – Кембриджский. 5.
Я не увидел Кейти, когда вошел в комнату. 6. Он встал, взял свои вещи, надел куртку и
вышел из дома. 7. Вы посетили много музеев, когда были в Лондоне? – Не очень. Мы
сходили в Британский музей и Национальную галерею, но на другие музеи у нас не было
времени. 8. Она сказала ему правду, но он ей не поверил. 9. Где вы жили, когда были
маленькой? – В моем детстве родители часто переезжали. Каждые 2 года мы приезжали в
новый город. 10. Альфред Нобель свободно говорил на 5 языках. 11. Никто не встретил
Джона на станции, а он не знал, где расположена гостиница. Он решил взять такси. 12. Вы
вернулись из Бостона на прошлой неделе, не так ли? – Да. – Вы останавливались в
гостинице или у друзей? 13. Он не слышал моего вопроса, и я его повторила. 14. Мы
очень хорошо провели лето в деревне. Мы купались, загорали, ходили в лес. 15. Он
написал этот роман в 1990 году.


Exercise 10. Explain the use of the Past Simple tense in the following sentences.

1. He got up, came up to the window and looked outside. 2. He came to visit us last year. 3. My
grandmother loved this song. 4. In summer we always went for a swim in the river, although the
water was never warm. 5. Charlotte Bronte published “Jane Eyre” under the penname Currer
Bell to avoid negative comments about women authors. 6. The car swerved around the corner
and stopped. 7. He lived in London from 2005 till 2010. 8. He read all “Harry Potter” books at
least twice when he was a kid. 9. Thomas Edison made a lot of inventions.

Exercise 11. Rewrite each statement about the playwright William Shakespeare as a yes / no
Past Simple question to make a dialogue.

1) He came from a very poor family. Q: Did he….?

A: No, not really. His father was a glove maker and later held important positions in their town.
2) He grew up in London. Q:
A: No, in Stratford upon Avon, a small town about 160 km from London.

3) He went to school. Q:
A: Mmm, we think so.
4) He knew Latin. Q:
A: Yes, he learnt Latin at school, and some Greek as well.
5) He got married. Q:
A: Yes, he was only 18 when he married Anne Hathaway, aged 26.
6. They had children. Q:
A: Yes, a daughter Susanna, and twins, a boy Hamnet and a girl Judith.
7. He began writing plays in Stratford. Q:
A: We don’t really know. We only know that after 1592 he was an actor and writer in London.
8. He wrote 37 plays all by himself. Q:
A: Well, we know he wrote two plays together with John Fletcher. Some people think that all his
plays were really written by somebody else.
9. He made up all the characters and plots of his plays. Q:
A: Actually no. He borrowed lots of ideas from other writers. This was quite usual in his time.
10. He became rich and famous. Q:
A: He certainly became quite rich, and his plays were popular. But he only became really famous
in the 18th century and later.

Exercise 12. Complete the question for each answer using the Past Simple.

The Industrial Revolution in Britain

1. When did …? – Industrial Revolution happened during the second half of the 18th century in
2. How…? – Work changed with the building of large factories.
3. What…? – The first factories produced iron, steel, and textiles.
4. What…? – New technology encouraged the production of more ships, and railway equipment.
5. What power…? – Factories used steam power.
6. What…? – These factories required lots of coal for the steam engines.
7. Where…? – Manufacturers constructed their factories close to coal mines.
8. Why…? – They decided to do this because it was expensive to transport coal.
9. What else…? – Factories also needed limestone and iron ore for the manufacture of steel.
10. Where…? – Industry in the UK developed near the coal fields of South Wales, the Midlands,
north-east England and central Scotland.

Exercise 13. Complete the text with the Past Simple affirmative, negative or question forms of
the verbs in brackets.

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

As a young man, Pasteur (study) at the Ecole Normale in Paris. Then at the age of just 32, he
(become) a professor at the University of Lille. In 1856, Pasteur (receive) a visit from a man
called Bigo who (own) a factory that (make) alcohol from sugar beet. He (have) a question for
Pasteur: Why the alcohol (turn) to acid? When this (happen) they (can / not) use it and (throw) it
away. Bigo (ask) Pasteur to find out the reason for this. At first, Pasteur (not / know), but when
he (examine) the alcohol under a microscope, he (find) thousands of tiny micro-organisms. He

(believe) that they (cause) the problem. Milk, wine and vinegar (behave) in the same way? Other
scientists (disagree) with him, and newspapers (make) fun of him. However, Pasteur (continue)
with his work, he (invent) methods of testing his theory and (prove) that he was right. Later he
(work) together with two doctors and (develop) vaccines for diseases such as anthrax and rabies.

Exercise 14. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Past Simple form of the verb
in brackets.

1. Martha is a personal assistant. Every day she (organize) the schedule for her boss, Mrs.
Clarke. For example, yesterday Mrs. Clarke (have) a meeting with the marketing department,
(meet) the head of the Japanese delegation at lunch, (write) some e-mails and (read) the
department reports. She (not/ have) time for any phone calls, so Martha (answer) the phone all
day long. Mrs. Clarke’s schedule (be) usually busy, so Martha (have) a lot to organize. 2. The
International School for Languages is doing very well at the moment. About 200 students (take)
classes every term. Some of them (need) to learn a new language to improve their job prospects.
Alina (be) one of their students last year. She (want) to improve her English and get a better job.
She (study) very hard, (take) an international test and (pass) it very well. As a result, she (find) a
job with an international company. Now she (earn) much more than before. 3. My husband and I
live in the country. We (move) here 3 years ago because both of us (enjoy) fresh air, quiet life
and gardening. We (not / have) many problems when we first (come) to the village where we
(live) now. We (get) used to village life very quickly. Now we (not / notice) that we (not / have)
a million kinds of toothpaste in our local shop, for example. We (have) all we (need)!

Exercise 15. Translate into English using the Past Simple:

Альфред Нобель
Альфред Нобель родился в Стокгольме, но вырос в Санкт-Петербурге, так как его отец
владел несколькими заводами в России. В молодости Альфред интересовался химией и
физикой, а также литературой и языками. Кроме шведского, он свободно говорил по-
французски, по-немецки, по-английски и по-русски. Он изучал химию и инженерное дело
в Петербурге, в Париже и в США. Когда ему было 30 лет, его отец решил вернуться в
Швецию. Семья Нобелей стала работать с нитроглицерином (nitroglycerin). Они пытались
сделать его более безопасным для использования. В 1864 году один из экспериментов
закончился катастрофой. Погибли 5 человек, в том числе брат Альфреда Эмиль. Несмотря
на трудности, Альфред продолжал работу, и в 1867 г. он изобрел динамит. Благодаря
своему изобретению он заработал состояние. Он был против войны, но владел многими
заводами, которые производили динамит для армии. Братья Альфреда также разбогатели.
Они работали с нефтью в Каспийском море. Когда один из братьев, Людвиг, умер в 1888
году, несколько газет по ошибке напечатали сообщение о смерти Альфреда. Когда он
прочитал эту заметку, ему стало грустно. Он хотел, чтобы после его смерти люди могли
сказать о нем что-нибудь хорошее. Альфред жил всю свою жизнь один, у него не было
жены или детей. Он решил оставить все свое состояние фонду, который должен был (use
‘to be to’) выплачивать премии за достижения в области химии, физики, медицины и
литературы. Он также учредил премию Мира.

Exercise 16. Make sentences with the prompts and ‘used to’ or ‘didn’t use to’ about life in the
USA in the past compared to as people live now. NB! You have to decide when you need to use
a negative form.

1. One hundred years ago in the USA the average life expectancy was 47. People / die earlier. 2.
Only 14% of the homes had a bathtub. Houses / have baths. 3. The maximum speed limit in most
cities was 10 mph. Cars / go so fast. 4. The average wage was $0.22 / hour. Workers / earn a lot
less. 5. More than 95% of all births happened at home. Women / have babies / in hospital 6. Only
six per cent of all Americans were high school graduates. Most teenagers / go / high school 7.
Marijuana, heroin and morphine were all available in shops. It / be legal / buy addictive drugs. 8.
There were only about 230 reported murders in the entire US. There / be / much less crime.

Exercise 17. Complete the dialogue with the verbs in the box and ‘used to’ or ‘didn’t use to’.
NB! You have to decide when you need to use a negative form.

watch get love kiss work like pay go help

A: Honey, do you love me?

В: Yes, of course I do.
A: Do you? I think you _________ me, but I’m not sure that you do now.
В: Why not?
A: You _______ me more attention.
В: I still do.
A: No you don’t. You _________ me and give me presents.
В: Don’t be ridiculous.
A: You _______ so much football. You ________ out with me.
В: What are you talking about? 1 haven’t changed.
A: Yes, you have. You never _______ angry like you are now.
В: I’m not angry. In any case, you __________ football.
A: No, I didn’t really. I just pretended I did.
В: Did you?
A: Yes, I did.
В: Things are different now. We didn’t have the children and I _________ so hard.
A: That’s another thing. You ______ more with the housework. Nowadays you don’t do

Exercise 18. Complete the sentence with ‘used to’ + a verb from the list.

Write spend work hold help act teach set tell do

1. Charles Dickens, the novelist, ________, until early in the morning, and then go for long
walks across London. 2. William Shakespeare___________in some of his own plays. 3. The
German philosopher Immanuel Kant _________exactly the same things at the same time every
day, so that people __________their watches by his actions. 4. The author Agatha Christie
__________ her second husband with his archaeological excavations. 5. The novelist James
Joyce _________ English in the Italian city of Trieste, and some people say that he ________his
students the wrong meanings of words as a joke. 6. The novelist Marcel Proust _______in a
special soundproof room. 7. The ancient Greek philosophers ________ their classes outside in
the open air. 8. The Russian novelist Vladimir Nabokov ________ his free time studying and
catching moths and butterflies.

Exercise 19. Complete the text with ‘used to’ + the verb in brackets in positive, negative or
question form. NB! You have to decide when you need to use a negative form.

What things (be) different in the past? For a start, all the continents (form) one large land mass.
Obviously, there (be) cities and buildings, and forest covered a third of the Earth. The climate
was different, and animals such as the hippopotamus and rhinoceros (exist) in northern Europe.
Many mountains in Europe (be) active volcanoes. Early people (live) in complex societies, but in
small groups in places where they could find food. What (eat)? They (eat) whatever they could
find. Early people (stay) in the same place, but (travel) long distances, following the animals
they needed for food.

Exercise 20. Rewrite the following sentences using ‘used to’ where possible.

1. I often met her when I was in Madrid. 2. I went to Tokyo last year. 3. I went swimming twice
a day when we lived on the coast. 4. She wrote to me twice a week for 4 years, and then stopped.
5. Richard proposed to Laura 3 times. 6. He proposed to every girl he met. 7. In the past, young
men asked the girl’s father for permission if they wanted to marry her. 8. Each time I gave him a
problem, he solved it for me. 9. We left our dog with the neighbours when we were going on
holiday. 10. We usually left our dog with the neighbours when we went on holiday. 11. He had a
moustache when he was younger. 12. We worked in the same office and often had coffee

Exercise 21. Complete the sentences in each pair with the Present Perfect or the Past Simple
form of the verbs in brackets. Change the position of adverbs if necessary.

1. a) I _______ this book when I was a child. b) I _______this book; it is rather interesting.
(read) 2. a) I _______ him in the summer. b) I _________ him since the summer. (not / see) 3. a)
The building of the new theatre ________ last spring. b) The building of the new theatre______
already. (begin) 4. a) I _________ the letter yesterday b) I just ________the letter. (post) 5 a)
She ______ everything in the evening. b) At last she ______everything; now she can go to bed.
(do) 6. a) My watch was all right at 9, but at 10 it _______ . b) My watch was all right at 9, but
now it _______ . (stop) 7. a) Last year he ________ in the very centre of the city. b) He never
_________ in the very centre of the city. (live) 8. a) He ________ the Hermitage two days ago.
b) I already ________ the Hermitage, now I want to go to the Russian Museum. (visit) 9. a) He
________ a moment ago. b) He just _________ . (leave) 10. a) I ______ to the Dean during the
break. b) I _______ to the Dean as yet. (not / speak) 11. a) They _______ on Sunday. b) Ring
them up, they________. (return) 12. a) Yesterday the weather __________. b) Put on your coat,
the weather ________ . (change)

Exercise 22. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or the Past Simple form of the verb
in brackets. NB! Sometimes you will need to change the position of the adverb.

1. I just (tell) you the answer. 2. I (tell) you the answer a month ago. 3. John and Richard already
(go) away. 4. Carl (go) away right after lunch. 4. She (not/ answer) the letter yet. 5. She (answer)
the letter on Tuesday. 6. I (read) this book in my summer holidays. 7. That’s funny, I (meet)
three old friends from school this morning. 8. You (see) the moon last night? It (be) unusually
big. 9. I (leave) the house at 8 o’clock and (arrive) at work half an hour later. 10. The film just
(begin). 11. I (not / see) any of my former classmates since we (leave) school. 12. You ever (fly)
in a helicopter? – As a matter of fact, yes, but I don’t remember it. My whole family (fly) in a
rescue helicopter when I (be) 3 years old. There (be) a flood in my town. 13. Where is Harry? –
He’s at home. He (break) his leg. – Oh dear. How it (happen)? 14. What (happen)? Why are you
crying? – The big boys on the playground (break) my new toy car! 15. You (see) this play
before? – Yes, I (see) it last year in Moscow. – You (like) it? – Yes, the acting (be) wonderful.

Exercise 23. A journalist is interviewing a politician on a radio programme. Underline the

correct form (Present Perfect or Past Simple).

INTERVIEWER: Mrs Blake, you want people to vote for you again. Our listeners want to know
POLITICIAN: I think our achievements are very clear.
I: Well, not always. For example, under your government unemployment has risen / rose by ten
per cent.
P: Yes, but you have to look at the international context. The price of oil has increased /
increased to over forty euros last year and there has been / was a world recession this year.
I: But now the price of oil has fallen / fell again.
P: Yes, the future looks very good. Since we came to power we have cut / cut taxes three times.
The last government has increased / increased them.
I: The opposition says that services have suffered / suffered. What about the health system?
Several hospitals have closed / closed recently.
P: Yes, but people can see now that we have introduced / introduced big improvements. Those
hospitals have been / were old. We have invested / invested in new and better hospitals.
I: But people are waiting longer for their operations.
P: No, that’s not correct. Patients waited longer before we came to power. The latest statistics
show that we have reduced / reduced the number of people waiting for operations.
I: What about your record on education?
P: Standards were terrible under the last government. When we have introduced / introduced the
new education law, the results improved very quickly.
I: Thank you Mr. Blake. Now the news.

Exercise 24. Finish up the sentences choosing appropriate adverbial modifiers from the brackets.

1. My cousin did not ring me up (at 10 o’clock / since 10 o’clock). 2. I have not seen him at
home (at dinner time / since dinner time). 3. He did not say a word about it (at the beginning of
supper / since the beginning of supper). 4. I have been here (yesterday / since yesterday). 5. It

snowed heavily (on Sunday / since Sunday). 6. They have travelled in the Caucasus (in
September / since September). 7. My little child has been ill (in summer / since summer). 8. My
children have studied English (last year / since last year). 9. He wrote his last book (in 1970 /
since 1970). 10. They did not know anything about each other (when they met / since they met).
11. The child was frightened (when he saw the doctor / since he saw the doctor). 12. My elder
sister has lived in the country (when she graduated from the Institute / since she graduated from
the Institute).

Exercise 25. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Present Simple, Past Simple or
Present Perfect).

The world famous author of the Harry Potter books, JK Rowling, was born in 1965 in England.
She (study) French at Exeter University and then (work) as a bilingual secretary. When she was
26, she (move) to Portugal where she (teach) English and (work) on a story about a wizard. She
(return) to the UK and (live) in Scotland since then. For a while she (teach) French but since the
first Harry Potter book was published she (make) her living from writing, in fact, she is at the top
of the best sellers lists and (be) for several years. JK Rowling says she (enjoy) writing stories
since she was a child and it is only now, after many years of hard work, that she (achieve)

Exercise 26. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple instead of the infinitives in brackets.
NB! Sometimes you will need to change the position of the adverb.

1. You (to behave) like this ever since I first (to come) here. 2. It (to happen) when I (to
be out). 3. She just (to remind) me that we (to be) at school together. 4. I never (to have) the
slightest desire to be an actress. 5. I (to meet) Tom at the station this morning. 6. I’m very
sorry, Doctor, but Doctor Griffiths (to go) to Swansea on important business. 7. She (to finish)
cleaning the bathroom, then she (to begin) peeling potatoes. 8. I (to see) her name in the papers
rather often of late. 9. They (to leave) just a week ago today. 10. Most of the children here (to
have) measles already. 11. They (to talk) much that evening. 12. “I (to do) something,” he (to
think). “Oh, I (to do) something real at last.” 13. The bell (to ring) repeatedly, but they (not to
answer) it, and presently it (to stop). 14. You can’t see Jimmy. He (to go out). — No, I (to
watch) him go in with his dad, and he (not to come out) yet. 15. She (to lift) her bag from the
sideboard and (to take out) a two-shilling piece. 16. “Good morning, Mrs Watt," she said.
“Eric (to tell) you what to do?” 17. I (to love) you since I (to see) you walk into that classroom.
18. I don’t think I (to be out) more than a couple of minutes. 19. The thing is that I (to come) to
have a talk. 20. I’m her sister, and we (to have) only each other since Dad (to die).

Exercise 27. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or the Past Simple form of the verb
in brackets.

1. – Where you (be) since you (come) to England? – I (be) to London, Oxford and Brighton. –
When you (go) to Brighton? – Yesterday. 2. – How long you (know) Jeremy? – I (know) him for
two years. – Where you (meet) him first? – At my sister’s wedding. 3. Oh, I just adore this
movie! I (see) it, like, 10 times! Well, just last month I (watch) it twice. 4. – I just (have) my first

French lesson. – How it (go)? You (enjoy) it? 5. – I’m looking for my cell phone. You (see) it
anywhere lately? – Yes, I ….., actually. It’s in the living room. 6. – I (not see) your brother for
some time. – Yes, he (be) away for a while. 7. – Mary (come back) yet? – Yes, she (come back)
just a couple of minutes ago and (go) straight to her room. 8. – I never (try) Thai food before. –
Try this dish. Do you like it? – Well, it sure is the spiciest dish I ever (try) in all my life. 9. Peter
the Great never (meet) M.V. Lomonosov. 10. – Are you sure we never (meet)? – I’m certain; I’d
have remembered you.

Exercise 28. Translate the sentences into English using the verbs in italics either in the Present
Perfect or the Past Simple Tense.

1. В этом семестре мы прочитали пять рассказов А. Кристи. – А что вы читали в прошлом

семестре? – "Волшебник из страны Оз." 2. Могу я видеть Джона? – Боюсь, что нет. Он
уехал в Москву. – Когда он уехал? – Два дня назад. 3. Вы уже сделали это упражнение? –
Нет, я перевела только 10 предложений. 4. Вы уже сдали все экзамены? – Нет, мы сдали
только два. – Сколько экзаменов вы сдавали в прошлом году? – Пять. 5. Почему Аня такая
грустная? – Она поссорилась с Ником. – Боже, сколько раз они ссорились в этом месяце? –
Думаю, много раз. 6. Как вы провели майские каникулы? – Очень хорошо. 1 мая у нас
была вечеринка, мы танцевали, слушали новые записи, а вечером пошли гулять. 2 мая
ездили за город.

Exercise 29. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. Using standard components, Ellis (put) together his first computer in the early1980s. 2. What
time you (finish) the meeting? – 5 o’clock. 3. There’s no milk left. Peter (drink) all of it? 4.
George (live) in Tokyo for five years, but he left in 1999. 5. The Titanic (sink) in 1912. 6.
Somebody (steal) my bicycle! Now I’ll have to walk home. 7. Gerry (fall) off his bike three
times this month. 8. Martin (graduate) from university last July. 9. When he (be) born? 10. I
almost (finish) that quiz. 11. Lucky Susan! She (visit) so many countries! 12. He just (arrive)
from Tokyo. 13. You (be) together for a long time. How long exactly? 14. We (meet) at the
graduation dance. 15. He (slow) down a lot since the birth of his son last year. 16. When I was a
girl I (walk) five miles to school every day. 17. Alice (sleep) through the entire class. Will she
wake up when the bell goes, I wonder? 18. She already (do) her Christmas shopping. 19. Who
(spill) wine on my carpet? There’s a big red stain behind the sofa. 20. The boss is angry with
Eric. He (arrive) late several times this week.

Exercise 30. Translate into English using the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.

1. Игра только что началась. 2. В прошлый раз они останавливались в этом отеле. 3.
Американцы начали запуски космических кораблей «Шаттл» (to launch the Space Shuttle)
в начале 1980–х гг. 4. После окончания забастовки рабочие вернулись к работе. 5. Авария
произошла в 7 часов местного времени. 6. Кто оставил эту надпись на стене? Ее же
покрасили на прошлой неделе. 7. Когда вы его видели в последний раз? 8. Художник
только что закончил эту картину. 9. В конце концов, героям удалось избавиться от
опасного подарка. 10. В забеге на 100 метров Хилл пересек финишную прямую первым, а

Джонс оказался только вторым. 11. С тех пор как он уехал, дела на фирме пошли на лад.
12. Сначала рыцарь отправился в заколдованный замок. 13. Том, почтальон принес тебе
письмо. 14. Он хороший ученик, он еще никогда не пропускал занятий без уважительных
причин. 15. Шекспир написал 154 сонета.

Exercise 31. Underline the correct form (Past Simple, Present Perfect or Present Perfect

The nature of intelligence

For many years scientists tried / have been trying to define the nature of human intelligence.
However, they were/ have been unable to agree on whether there is one kind of intelligence, or
several kinds. In the early 20th century, psychologist Charles Spearman came up/ has come up
with the concept of ‘g’ or ‘general intelligence’. He gave/ has given subjects a variety of
different tests and found/ has found that the people who performed / have performed well in the
tests used /have been using one part of the brain, which he called/has called ‘g’, for all the tests.
More recently, research found/ has found that this idea may well be true, as one part of the brain
(the lateral prefrontal cortex) shows increased blood flow during testing. However, some
scientists believe that intelligence is а matter of how much people learned / have learned rather
than some ability they are born with. They believe that environment also matters.

Exercise 32. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Past Simple, Present Simple, Present
Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous).

I’ve been learning to play the guitar since Christmas because my parents (buy) me one as a
present. I (always / want) to be in a band but I can’t sing. My teacher (be) very patient. I
(start)with a few simple chords and now I can play one song. My fingers (hurt) when I practise
too long. Today I (practise) since lunch and I think I’ll have to stop soon. My parents (listen) to
me and I think they want me to stop as well!

Exercise 33. Translate into English using the Past Simple, Present Simple, Present Perfect or
Present Perfect Continuous:

1. Мы познакомились месяц назад, но я с тех пор ничего о нем не слышала. 2. Я не

смотрела этот фильм с тех пор, как я окончила школу. 3. Я еще не говорил с ним об этом.
Я не видел его с утра. 4. – Вы когда-нибудь были в Австралии? – Нет, но я всегда мечтала
там побывать. 5. – Сколько Ваш племянник уже пробыл в Англии? – Два года. 6. –
Сколько они женаты? – Лет 8 или 9, не помню точно. 7. – Лекция уже началась? – Да,
минут 5 назад. 8. Всегда трудно расставаться с людьми, с которыми только что
познакомился. 9. – Он мертв, доктор? – Да, он мертв уже 10 или 11 часов. – Как он умер?
– Его отравили. 10. Я знаю его почти 18 лет, и он почти не изменился. А я –
изменилась.11. Она учит японский уже 5 лет. 12. Надеюсь, Ваши друзья хорошо за Вами
ухаживали все это время. 13. Она сидит на скамейке уже несколько часов. С самого утра
она сидит на скамейке и ждет кого–то. 14. Они спорят с тех пор, как учитель вышел из
класса. 15. Он пишет статью уже три часа. За это время он выпил 5 чашек кофе. Давно он
не работал так усердно. 16. Сколько времени ты пытаешься до него дозвониться? – С 10

часов. 17. Я пытаюсь найти тебя целое утро. Где ты был? Чем ты занимался? 18. Вчера я
пыталась тебя найти. Я звонила тебе в 10 вечера, но тебя не было. Где ты был? 18.
Сколько времени ты здесь подслушиваешь? И что ты успел (тебе удалось) услышать? 19.
Он посмотрел на нее. Ее глаза были красными. «Ты плакала?» – спросил он.

Exercise 34. Translate into English using the Past Simple, Present Simple, Present Continuous,
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

(A) 1. Сколько времени вы меня ждете? 2. Я знаю ее уже два года. 3. Я всегда
предпочитала трагедию комедии. 4. Они пишут изложение уже два часа. 5. Сколько
времени Вы занимаетесь музыкой? 6. Мне уже давно хочется прочесть эту книгу. 7. Я не
получал от него писем с августа. 8. Я не видела словаря с тех пор, как вы его взяли из
шкафа. 9. Я чувствую себя очень одиноким с тех пор, как брат уехал. 10. Я очень устала. Я
готовилась к экзамену по экономике. 11. Он весь вечер рассказывает мне ужасные
истории.12. Почему вы все так смотрите на меня? Нина вам говорила что-нибудь обо мне?
13. Я жил в Лондоне 5 лет и очень скучаю по этому городу. 14. Ты слышал гром прошлой
ночью? 15. Ночи становятся холоднее.
(В) 1. Я ищу тебя весь вечер. (Чаковский) 2. Я не ел с утра... (Тендряков) 3. Вы
действительно знаете меня шесть лет. (Котов) 4. Я прожила с ним [Ващенковым] много
лет и хорошо его знаю. (Тендряков) 5. Я не видел ее уже два месяца. (Чаковский) 6. Я тебя
ждала три дня. (Достоевский) 7. Катерину Федоровну я знал еще с прошлого года.
(Достоевский) 8. Они живут поблизости, на улице Жак Колло, около тридцати лет, с тех
пор, как приехали в Париж. (Сухомлин)


Exercise 35. Study the table on tenses in ‘WHO’- questions

Past Simple Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous

Who wrote on the wall? Who has eaten all the apples?Who has been eating my
Who framed Roger Rabbit? (a Who has spent all our money? chocolates? There are only
film title) two left.
The past cause of a present The present result of a past The present evidence of a past
situation: “who is responsible completed action: “there’s unfinished action: the result is
for it/ who is to blame for it?” nothing left” not achieved/ irrelevant.
Focus: the past action itself Focus: the present situation Focus: changes in quality /

Translate into English using the Past Simple, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous:

1. (Discussing a detective story) Кто украл деньги? 2. Кто потратил все деньги? Не на что
хлеба купить. 3. (After lunch) Кто приготовил этот суп? 4. Кто съел весь суп? Мне ничего
не осталось. 5. (Accusingly) Кто тебе это сказал? 6. Все игрушки разбросаны по комнате.
Кто с ними играл? 7. Кто выпил весь сок? 8. Кто взял мой калькулятор? Я не могу его
найти. 9. Кто ел из моей тарелки? Кто пил из моей чашки? Кто спал в моей постели? 10.
Кто впустил кошку? 11. Кто съел все пирожные? 12. (At the museum) Кто нарисовал эту
картину? 13. Кто работал на моем компьютере? Пропали несколько файлов. 14. Кто курил
в комнате? Вы же знаете, что у меня аллергия.

Exercise 36. Find and correct the mistakes in the use of tenses in the sentences if there are any.

1. I write in connection with the article which has appeared on December 3. 2. I have tried to
find a permanent job for a long time. 3. In my previous job I am responsible for marketing. 4. In
the first scene of the film we are seeing him getting up, then he is going out and meeting a
mysterious woman. 5. We still didn’t discover intelligent life on other planets. 6. When I have
turned the ignition key, the car started. 7. Who has taken my umbrella? It’s all wet. 8. Bob is a
friend of mine. I know him for a long time. 9. She was unemployed since she has left university.
10. Graham is working in a shop for the last few months.

Exercise 37. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. You __ never __ me why you’re called Tony when your name is James. (to tell) (Galsworthy)
2. 1 __ her name in the papers rather often of late. (to see) (Maugham) 3. "The rain __, carino,"
Montanelli said after sunset. "Come out; I want to have a talk with you." (to stop) (Voynich) 4.
"__ you __ a job?" "There are none." (to find) (Galsworthy) 5. " __ you __ all the necessary
preparations incident to Miss Sedley’s departure, Miss Jemima?" asked Miss Pinkerton. (to
complete) (Thackeray) 6. His father __ just a week ago to-day. (to die) (Galsworthy) 7. I know
where you _____the morning. (to spend) (Austen) 8. You __ someone with you. Introduce me.
(to bring) (Shaw) 9. Barbara! You __ the education of a lady. Please, let your father see that and
don’t talk like a street girl. (to have) (Shaw) 10. "Let’s go," said Abraniovici; "I __ my appetite."
(to lose) (Heym) 11. "Oh — oh —you are Mary Gerrard? You __ ! I – I wouldn’t have
recognized you." (to change) (Christie) 12. "Where’s the paper?" asked Edward. “I __ the
leading article yet." (not to read) (Maugham) 13. Montanelli __ awake the whole night through.
(to lie) (Voynich) 14. Mr. Worthing, I suppose, __ from London yet? (not to return) (Wilde) 15.
It’s the most tasteless, repulsive idea I __ ever __ of (to hear). (Murdoch and Priestley) 16.
Mother, I __ just __ to him. (to write) (Wilde) 17. My hands are all wet with these roses. Aren’t
they lovely? They __ up from Selley this morning. (to come) (Wilde) 18. Young Mako __ a
match, __ his pipe, and __ them slowly. (to strike, to light, to approach) (Abrahams) 19. In fact I
__ just __ a telegram to say that my poor friend Bunbury is very ill again. (to have) (Wilde) 20.
You __ even __ at that book I got you on the war in the Pacific. (not to look). (Murdoch) 21.
When __ you first __ the co-respondent? (to see) (Galsworthy) 22. We __ in silence for a few
minutes. He __ at last. (to sit, to speak) (Dickens) 23. "I __ so little experience yet," she said. "I
only __ school yesterday, you see." (to have, to leave) (Beresford) 24. "I __ surely __ very long,"
returned Florence. "When __ I __ here? Yesterday?" (to sleep, to come) (Dickens) 25. I __ Ann
at her father’s house twenty odd years ago and __ her ever since. (to meet, to know) (Stone)

Exercise 38. Translate into English using the Present Perfect or Past Simple..

(A) 1. Вы написали контрольную работу? Покажите мне ее. 2. Она написала последнюю
контрольную работу без ошибок. 3. Я давно видела эту пьесу. Я уже забыла ее. 4. Я давно

с ней познакомилась. 5. Я давно ее не видела. 6. Я давно пришла сюда. Я здесь с девяти
часов. 7. Я только что видела Петра. Он недавно приехал из Москвы. 8. Я не слышала
вашего вопроса. 9. Что вы сказали? 10. Я не слышала, что вы сказали. 11. Хотелось бы
знать, куда она положила мои книги. 12. Вчера у нас была интересная лекция. Все
студенты присутствовали на ней. 13. Когда вы начали читать эту книгу? — Мы начали
читать ее на прошлой неделе.
(B) 1. Читали вы Обермана, Лизавета Михайловна? (Тургенев) 2. Месяца три спустя... он
[Печорин] уехал в Грузию. С тех пор мы не встречались. (Лермонтов) 3. «Разве гости
уехали?» — спросил Лаврецкий. (Тургенев) 4. «Письмо из Москвы пришло?» — спросила
Машурина погодя немного. — «Пришло... третьего дня». (Тургенев) 5. «Я давно не
играла»,—возразила Варвара Павловна, немедленно садясь за фортепьяно. (Тургенев) 6.
«Когда вы получили этот журнал?» — промолвила Лиза. (Тургенев) 7. Кстати, кончил ты
свой барельеф? (Тургенев) 8. Вчера у колодца в первый раз явилась Вера. (Лермонтов) 9.
«Когда он занемог?» — спросила Елена. «Третьего дня; со вчерашнего дня я здесь».
(Тургенев) 10. У тебя с тех пор немного потемнели волосы. (Пермяк) 11. Я рад, если вы это
поняли. (Кожевников) 12. «Давно вы приехали? Видели вы его?»... — «Я вчера приехала...
Я видела Федора Ивановича и говорила с ним». (Тургенев)

Exercise 39. Translate into English, using the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Past
Simple or the Present Perfect Tense.

1. В понедельник на прошлой неделе шел сильный дождь. 2. Мой отец обычно завтракает
в половине восьмого. 3. Сергей уже сделал домашнее задание? – Нет, он все еще делает
его. 4. Почему вы идете так быстро? – Я иду быстро, потому что я замерз. Я никогда не
хожу быстро летом. 5. Мой брат никогда не носит шляпу летом. 6. В тот вечер я смотрел
телевизор. 7. Почтальон обычно приходит в восемь часов вечера. Сейчас уже половина
девятого, а он все еще не пришел. 8. Каждый вечер я смотрю телевизор. 9. Служащие
заканчивают работу в шесть часов вечера. 10. Моему соседу около семидесяти лет, но он
все еще работает. 11. Боюсь, я проиграл эту партию в шахматы (this game of chess). Я
играл очень плохо. Обычно я играю намного лучше. 12. Она еще не брала своего
маленького сына в театр, но уже водила его в кино в первый раз несколько дней назад. 13.
В школе он играл в футбол. 14. Я не играл в футбол с 2008 года. 15. Маленькая девочка
часто помогает своей матери. 16. Автор еще молодой человек. Он написал свою первую
книгу в 2009 году. 17. Сейчас 7 часов утра. Ребенок уже проснулся. Вчера утром он
проснулся гораздо раньше. 18. Мария обычно очень внимательно слушает учителя, но
сейчас она не слушает, у нее болит голова.

Exercise 40. Complete the sentences with the correct tense form of the verb in brackets (one of
the present tenses or the Past Simple).

1. My brother is an actor. He (appear) in several films. 2. The weather (get) hotter and hotter. 3. I
(mean) to call Daphne last night but I (forget). 4. Long ago people (build) most houses of wood.
5. I (use) John’s mobile because I (leave) mine at home. 6. Our hero (go off) in search of the
treasure, which he eventually (find) after many adventures. 7. You (have) time to do any
sightseeing yet? – Yes, I (take) a stroll round the Old Town. 8. We (build) 20 schools this year.

9. These potatoes (boil) for an hour. Take them off the stove! 10. In 1999 he (give up) teaching
and since then he (work) as a business consultant. 11. She (appear) to be very upset. What
(happen)? 12. He (do) a lot in his short life. 13. What on earth you (do)? You are all wet. 16.
They (think) of buying a cheaper car. They (think) this one is too expensive. 17. I hear Jane is
away on holiday. Where she (go)? 18. Sorry, I’m late. – That’s OK. I (not / wait) long.19. I
(read) the book you lent me but I (not / finish) it yet. 20. I did German at school but I (forget)
most of it.

Past Continuous


Exercise 1. Fill in the correct form of the verb ‘to be’.

1. Alice _____ sleeping when I got home. 2. Martha and Dave ____ talking angrily. 3. I _____
just thinking about you. 4. Lily, you ______ drinking coffee when he entered, ______ you? 5.
We _____ taking a test at 2 o’clock yesterday. 6. He ______ doing exercises at 7 o’clock. 7. It
was a nice day. The sun ______ shining and the birds ______ singing. 8. The football fans
______ screaming and shouting. 9. ______ it snowing when you ______ going home? 10. They
______ kissing on the porch when her husband saw them.

Exercise 2. Use the information to complete the sentences about Fit Sid and Fat Jack in the past

Time Fit Sid Fat Jack

08:00 do / exercises lie / bed
08:30 have / breakfast have / breakfast
09:00 walk / school go / school / car
11:00 play / football eat / crisps
13:00 prepare / salad / lunch buy/ hamburger/ lunch
17:00 do /10 km run have / rest
19:00 play / computer games play / computer games
22:00 go / bed sleep / sofa

A. Yesterday, at...
1. 08:00, Sid…, and Jack….. 2. 08:30, both Sid and Jack 3. 09:00 4. 11:00 5. 13:00 6. 17:00 7.
19:00 8. 22:00

B. Use the prompts to make a question. Then write a short answer.

1. Sid / lie / bed / 08:00? 2. they / have / breakfast / 08:30? 3. Jack / go / school / 09:00 ? 4. Jack /
play / football / 11:00 ? 5. Sid / prepare / salad / 13:00 ? 6. Sid / run / 17:00 ? 7. they / watch /
TV / 19:00?

Exercise 3. Use the prompts and a verb from the box to write negative sentences.

Rain clean buy drive study work play drink go listen

1. They / for the test. 2. She / home for the weekend. 3. I / tea. It was coffee. 4. It / yesterday. It
was sunny. 5. You / to me! 6. Michelle / more shoes 7. We / computer games. 8. His brothers /
their bedroom. 9. Pierre / the car. 10. The computer / because it was broken.


Exercise 4. Put the verb in brackets into the past simple or past continuous.

William Tell
This is the Legend of William Tell, the national hero of Switzerland. There was a very cruel
ruler, Hermann Gessler. One day his soldiers arrested William Tell and his son. Gessler (know)
that Tell was an expert with a crossbow. He took Tell’s son and put an apple on his head. He
(order) Tell to shoot the apple. Tell took two arrows and (put) one in his crossbow. He aimed
carefully and hit the apple without touching the boy. While the people (cheer) Gessler asked Tell
about the second arrow. Tell said, "It’s for you." Gessler was very angry and decided to take Tell
to his castle on the other side of Lake Lucerne. While they (cross) the lake a storm started and
Tell was able to escape. Later, when Gessler and his soldiers arrived at the castle, Tell (wait) for
them there. As they (walk) along the path to the castle, Tell (jump) out. With his crossbow and
the second arrow, Tell (kill) Gessler. Tell’s example encouraged his people to fight for their

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple or the Past Continuous form of the
verb in brackets.

1. He (write) a composition when I saw him. 2. George (fall off) the ladder while he (change) the
light bulb. 3. He often (go) to the library when he (study) at the University. 4. The sun (rise)
when I (wake up) this morning. 5. When I (go out) in the morning, the sun (shine) brightly and
the birds (sing). 6. I (not drive) very fast when the accident (happen). 7. We (listen) to the radio
yesterday when the bell (ring). 8. Yesterday I (hear) that the doorbell (ring). I (come up) to the
door and (open) it, but (see) nobody there. When I (look out of) the window, I (see) a boy who
(run away). 9. My hat (fly off) while I (cross) the bridge. 10.– I (see) you talking to Jim. What he
(want)? – He (want) an explanation. – Oh I see. And how you (explain) it to him? 11. There (be)
nobody in the hall. Everyone (sit) in the lounge and (listen) to Joan’s story. No one (seem) to pay
attention to Robert’s arrival. 12. Alan (enjoy) himself. At last, everything (be) as he (want). 13.
Someone (sing) next door while I (try) to get some sleep. 14. I just (phrase) a tactful inquiry
when we (approach) the station and my companion (take) his bag and (say) it (be) time to go. I
(not manage) to ask him anything. At that moment I (notice) that on the platform Mom (stand)
and (look for) me. That sight (drive) all other thoughts from my head. 15. – When I (walk) home,
I (think) I (see) a man who (follow) me. – Nobody (follow) you. You (imagine) things, like last

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

1. Вчера в 9 вечера я смотрела телевизор. 2. Когда мы вышли на улицу, шел снег. 3. Когда
я впервые встретил мою невесту, она работала в школе. 4. С кем ты разговаривала, когда я
позвонил тебе? 5. Вчера мы весь день гуляли в парке. 6. Где вы останавливались, когда
жили в Лондоне? 7. Я вовсе не пытался Вам угрожать. Я лишь описал положение, в
котором мы находимся. 8. – Что вы делали 25 сентября с 10 до 12 вечера? – Я смотрел
какой-то фильм. – Что именно вы смотрели? Я не помню. – А во сколько начался фильм?
– Не знаю, где-то около 10, а потом я заснул перед телевизором. 9. Внезапно он понял, что
они разговаривают о нем. 10. Он нашел этот снимок, когда искал какую-то старую книгу.
11. Я как раз открывала Ваше письмо, когда зазвонил телефон. Я подняла трубку. Это был
мой старый приятель, и мы провели весь вечер за разговором. 12. Когда Пол открыл
дверь, его жена сидела в кресле. У нее на коленях лежала открытая книга, но она не
читала. 13. Я думала об этом весь вечер. 14. Дочь профессора сидела на крыльце.
Маленькая собачка лежала у ее ног. 15. – Простите, что опоздал. Это все твой щенок,
Хелен. Он пытался сожрать мою рукопись. – Ему это удалось? – Нет. – Какая жалость! 16.
Когда я его видел в последний раз, он сидел в гостиной и притворялся, что читает. 17.
Когда я вышел на перрон, я увидел Маргарет. На ней было новое платье, которое было ей
очень к лицу. 18. Мэри все еще ждала его ответа, когда он закрыл перед ней дверь. 19.
Учительница объясняла новый материал, когда один из учеников прервал ее. 20. Энн
подслушивала ваш разговор, когда я вошел в комнату. 21.– Почему ты не разбудил меня?
- Ты так крепко спала, когда я зашел. Я не хотел тебя беспокоить. 22. Вчера я мыла посуду
и разбила чашку. 23. Она сильно обожглась, когда готовила. 24. По шуму, который мы
слышали, было ясно, что наш маленький сосед упражняется в игре на фортепиано. 25.
Когда он заходил в автобус, вор украл его бумажник. 26. Становилось прохладно, поэтому
они ушли с веранды.27. Когда стало темно, он надел плащ, взял фонарик и вышел из дома.
28. Она постоянно ссорилась со своей сестрой. Неудивительно, что ты их слышала.

Exercise 7. Underline the correct form.

1. While he took / was taking a bath, Archimedes discovered / was discovering the principles of
density and buoyancy. 2. When Edouard Benedictus, a French scientist, worked / was working in
his laboratory, he dropped / was dropping a glass bottle which had some plastic inside — and
invented / was inventing safety glass. 3. Columbus arrived / was arriving in America while he
tried / was trying to reach the Far East. 4. Alexander Fleming discovered / was discovering
penicillin by accident while he looked / was looking at some old experiments. 5. While Hiram
Bingham climbed / was climbing in the mountains of Peru in 1911, he discovered / was
discovering the lost city of Machu Picchu. 6. While Isaac Newton sat / was sitting under an apple
tree, an apple fell / was falling on his head, and he understood / was understanding gravity. 7.
While Dr Harry Coover tried / was trying to invent a new kind of plastic, he made / was making
a very soft substance which stuck / was sticking things together. It was Superglue. 8. While he
observed / was observing the Moon through his telescope, Galileo realized / was realizing that it
had mountains and craters.

Exercise 8. Complete the text with the Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verb in

Alexander the Great

While he (grow up) up, the philosopher Aristotle was his teacher. Alexander (become) interested
in science, medicine, philosophy and literature. While his father Philip (attend) his daughter’s
wedding, a young nobleman (murder) him. Alexander was king of Macedonia at the age of 20.
While he (fight) his enemies in the north, the Greeks in the south (start) a rebellion. He (destroy)
all their cities. He (lead) his army against the Persian Empire through what is now Turkey. While
he (stay) in the ancient city of Gordium, he (undo) the Gordian knot. A legend said that only a
future king of Asia could do this. While his army (march) through Persia, it (defeat) Darius, the
king of Persia. He (found) the city of Alexandria at the mouth of the Nile while he (visit) Egypt.
While he (travel) with his army, he (give) his name to many other towns. He (kill) his friend
Clitus in a quarrel while they (have) dinner. While he (attack) the city of Mali in India, he
(receive) a serious wound from an arrow. While he (attend) a banquet in Babylon in 323 BC, he
(fall) ill and (die).

Exercise 9. Complete the text with the Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verbs in

The Vikings in America

According to Viking records, around the year 1000, while some Viking sailors (look for) the
coast of Greenland, they (reach) the eastern coast of America. While they (live) there, they (try)
to trade with the local Native Americans, known by the Vikings as Skraelings, but in the end the
Native Americans (fight) them and (drive) them out. After several attempts to return, the Vikings
(give up). In 1968, while some archaeologists (work) in Newfoundland, they (discover) the
remains of one of the Viking settlements, and (prove) that this story was true.

Charles-Marie de la Condamine
In 1735 Charles-Marie de la Condamine (sail) to South America. At that time, scientists (argue)
about the shape of the Earth. The French Academy (want) him to take measurements of the
Equator, along with two other scientists. The work (take) them eight years and in the end,
another scientific team (find) the answer they (look for). While de la Condamine (travel) home
along the River Amazon, he (learn) many interesting things about the local people and their way
of life. When he (arrive) in Paris in 1745, he (receive) a hero’s welcome.


Exercise 10. Complete the text with the Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verb in

At half past eight, Mr. Dursley (pick) up his briefcase, (peck) Mrs. Dursley on the cheek, and
(try) to kiss Dudley good-bye but (miss), because Dudley now (have) a tantrum and (throw) his
cereal on the walls. “Little tyke,” (chortle) Mr. Dursley as he (leave) the house. He (get) into his
car and (back) out of number four’s drive. It (be) on the corner of the street that he (notice) the

first sign of something peculiar – a cat that (read) a map. Mr. Dursley (blink) and (stare) at the
cat. The cat (stare) back. As Mr. Dursley (drive) around the corner and up the road, he (watch)
the cat in his mirror. It now (read) the sign that said Privet Drive – no, it (look) at the sign; cats
couldn’t read maps or signs. Mr. Dursley (give) himself a little shake and (put) the cat out of his
mind. As he (drive) toward town he (think) of nothing except a large order of drills he (hope) to
get that day. As he (pull) into the driveway of number four, the first thing he (see) – and it (not /
improve) his mood – (be) the tabby cat he had spotted that morning. It now (sit) on his garden
wall. He (be) sure it (be) the same one – it (have) the same markings around its eyes.

(Abridged from “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” by JK Rowling)

Exercise 11. Complete this radio news report with the verbs given. Use the Present Simple, the
Present Continuous, the Past Simple, the Past Continuous giving alternatives where possible.
Sometimes you may need to change the order of the adverb and verb.

Emergency services were bombarded with phone calls from all over the north of England last
night by people who (report) seeing blue objects shoot across the sky. Mrs Linda Hayward
(drive) along the B456 road at the time. ‘I usually (come) along that bit of road at about ten. As I
(go) past the old barn, I (see) a single bright blue light going across the road in front of my car. I
(stop) the car and (watch) it for about fifteen minutes. It (travel) quite slowly from east to west
and then it suddenly (disappear). Until now I never (believe) in UFOs, although my son forever
(try) to persuade me that they (exist). But now I (think) that maybe he (be) right.’ At the height
of the panic, police stations (get) around a thousand calls an hour from members of the public.
Sergeant Ron Drake of the Ambledale police (be) particularly busy. ‘Between 10 and 11 o’clock
we (receive) around thirty calls. The callers said they (see) a single blue light about as big as a
car over the village. We now (consider) searching the fields around Ambledale for any evidence
left behind.’ Dr Bart Mastow, a lecturer in astronomy at Trumpton University (offer) a simple
explanation. ‘The reports that (come) in last night (suggest) that it (be) a meteor shower. This
(be) not unusual on a small scale, but last night’s shower (seem) to have been very large. In fact,
we (get) an increasing number of meteor showers, and my department currently (research)
possible reasons for this.’ But many witnesses to the events (believe) that they (observe) more
than a meteor shower, and the Ministry of Defence (say) that they (take) the reports of UFO
sightings very seriously.

Exercise 12. Underline the correct form.

1. How do you get on / are you getting on in Paris? Sorry I haven’t written / I’m not writing
before but I train / I’ve been training hard for my basketball team. We played / have played in a
tournament last week – we come / came third! I really enjoy / enjoyed taking part, but I haven’t
done / I wasn’t doing anything else for the past month.
2. Unfortunately, when Sarah’s big day arrived / was arriving, things have gone / went
disastrously wrong at first. For a start, it was raining / has been raining and as the traffic was so
heavy, she arrived / was arriving nearly ten minutes late for her interview. Then while she was
crossing / has crossed the road, a passing bus splashed / was splashing her with water. But inside
the building her luck changed / has changed. ‘Mr. Fortescue is expecting / has expected me,’ she

was telling / told the receptionist. ‘He hasn’t arrived / doesn’t arrive yet,’ she was told. ‘Just
take a seat.’ Perhaps everything would be all right after all!
3. An art historian has discovered / is discovering two missing paintings by Fra Angelico (c.
1395-1455) in the home of a pensioner from Oxford who has died / died earlier this year. Jean
Preston bought / has bought the paintings when she was working / has been working in America
in the 1960s. Shortly before her death, a friend recognized / has recognized them as part of a
group of six small paintings which Angelico painted / has painted in 1439. Miss Preston paid /
was paying about £200 for the pair, but experts say / said they are now worth around £1 million.

Past Perfect


Exercise 1. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1. Susan had come home by 6 o’clock. 2. The plane had landed by that time. 3. Tom had cooked
dinner before the TV program started. 4. He had seen a crocodile in his yard before. 5. The letter
had arrived by the time he was home. 6. Alex had met the girl before. 7. He had left his keys in
the car. 8. Alice had called me before she left. 9. The children had eaten all the chocolates. 10.
He had read the book before.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions using the Past Perfect Tense and the prompts given.

Model: Why didn’t you invite Dick to your party? (go to Moscow)
I didn’t invite him because he had gone to Moscow.

1. Why did she refuse to go to the pictures with you? (see the film)
2. Why couldn’t you get into the flat? (lose the key)
3. Why did you come so soon from your holiday? (spend all the money)
4. Why didn’t you see Ann on Sunday? (go away for the weekend)
5. Why did you rush to the cloak-room during the first break? (leave the books there)
6. Why didn’t you ring Tom up? (quarrel with him)
7. Why didn’t you send him a letter at once? (send a telegram)
8. Why didn’t you give Nina the book yesterday? (give it to Lena)
9. Why were you late for classes yesterday? (miss the 8 o’clock train)
10. Why didn’t you make salad? (not buy vegetables)
11. Why did he feel so upset? (lose his job)

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences making use of the suggested phrases and the Past Perfect.

1. We walked home after (закончили работу в саду). 2. They thought that (она еще не
пришла). 3. Did you ever see him after he (окончил институт). 4. I went down to the beach
after (они ушли). 5. Before she entered the Medical Institute she (работала няней). 6. The girl
felt easier after she (поговорила с ним). 7. When I turned round (она уже вышла из комнаты).
8. When Mother came home (дети уже легли спать). 9. She didn’t want to speak to him (после
того, как они поссорились). 10. He couldn’t believe that (мы сделали это сами).

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple or the Past Perfect forms of the verbs
in brackets.

1. When I (to come) home, Mother already (to cook) dinner. 2. When Father (to return) from
work, we already (to do) our homework. 3. When the teacher (to enter) the classroom, the pupils
already (to open) their books. 4. Kate (to give) me the book which she (to buy) the day before. 5.
Nick (to show) the teacher the picture which he (to draw). 6. The boy (to give) the goats the
grass which he (to bring) from the field. 7. The mother (to see) that Nick (not to wash) his hands.
8. The teacher (to understand) that Lena (not to do) her homework. 9. I (to know) that my friend
(not yet to come). 10. Tom (to return) from the cinema at five o’clock. 11. Tom (to return) from
the cinema by five o’clock. 12. I (to finish) my homework at seven o’clock. 13. I (to finish) my
homework by seven o’clock. 14. He (to think) that he (to lose) the money. 15. Ann (to tell) me
that she (to see) an interesting film. 16. When I (to wake) up yesterday, Father already (to go) to
work. 17. Nick (to think) that his father (not yet to come) home. 18. Mary (to tell) us that she (to
cook) a good dinner. 19. Yesterday I (to find) the book which I (to lose) in summer. 20. When
we (to come) to the station, the train already (to leave).

Exercise 5. Translate into Russian using the Past Simple or the Past Perfect.

1. Когда мы пришли в кино, фильм уже начался. 2. Когда Мэри пришла домой, ее муж уже
приготовил ужин. 3. Шерлок Холмс понял, кто украл кольцо. 4. Он был счастлив, потому
что он выиграл в лотерею. 5. Я не знала, что он уже уехал. 6. Сандре было страшно,
потому что она никогда не летала на самолете раньше. 7. Джеймс не мог открыть дверь,
потому что кто-то ее запер. 8. Они сказали, что дети уже легли спать. 9. Он понял, что она
никогда его не любила. 10. Когда он пришел в университет, он понял, что оставил
учебник дома. 11. Он был очень расстроен, потому что потерял кошелек. 12. Когда он
пришел на остановку, автобус уже ушел.


Exercise 6. Comment on the use of the Past Perfect.

1. He had already learnt that when he wanted anything it was better to ask his mother
first. 2. It was not likely that he was going to be drawn into an argument with an obstinate
beggar like Swithin, pig-headed as a mule, who had never known a statue from a straw hat. 3.
Talking to him was very easy; just like talking to someone you had known all your life. 4.
The other children who had grown up with him were still the same. 5. Hardly had she
sat down when a very stout gentleman flopped into the chair opposite hers. 6. George
made no answer, and we found that he had been asleep for some time. 7. We knew that
as a girl she had lived in the country. 8. He couldn’t meet me. He hadn’t been well for a few
weeks. 9. Denny had fallen ill and Andrew was working for him. 10. I met Strickland before I
had been a fortnight in Paris. 11. Old Jolyon saw Irene where he had seen her the first time,

on the log. 12. Paying for what he had not eaten he left the cafe. 13. The occasion
wasn’t nearly as bad as I had feared.

Exercise 7. Use the Past Perfect and the prompts in brackets to complete the sentences.

When she left, she remembered that she (not /lock the kitchen window).
When she left, she remembered that she hadn’t locked the kitchen window.

1. I was very sorry to hear that he (leave). 2. When we got to the University, the lecture (start
already). 3. When he came home after work, the family (start watching TV). 4. He didn’t return
to his work until he (spend all his money). 5. When I met her I understood why David (refuse to
marry her). 6. I didn’t know what to do when I understood that I (leave my purse at home). 7. He
didn’t start watching TV until he (walk his dog). 8. She managed to grasp the main idea of the
article only after she (read it twice). 9. She was tired because she (to walk too much). 10. They
never started eating until they (wash their hands). 11. We didn’t meet Lucy because she (go
away the day before). 12. By the end of that year we (forget our quarrels). 13. Betty didn’t speak
until everyone (stop chattering). 14. They suddenly remembered that they (not/ send the parcel to
its owner). 15. She returned to the hotel after she (visit her old friend). 16. He didn’t get anything
until he (pay for it). 17. When she went to bed, she remembered that she (not /lock the door). 18.
She felt tired because she (work too hard the day before). 19. She went for a holiday after she
(pass the exams) 20. I didn’t know what to do when I (spend all the money). 21. I didn’t look at
the present until after she (go). 22. I was very sorry to hear that he (die). 23. He didn’t start
eating until he (wash his hands). 24. When I met Helen, I understood why Bill (marry her). 25.
He understood the book only after he (read it again).

Exercise 8. Connect the following pairs of sentences using Past Perfect and the conjunctions in
brackets. Do not change the order of the clauses.

Model: a) They went home. They finished their work. (after)

They went home after they had finished their work.
b) The sun set. I was ready to go. (before)
The sun had set before I was ready to go.

1. She tore up the letter. She read it. (as soon as) 2. He died. He was very ill. (before) 3. I didn’t
understand the problem. He explained. (until) 4. She wrote the letter. She went to the post office.
(after) 5. I arrived in Odessa. My friend left the town. (when) 6. She read the message carefully.
She wrote the reply. (before) 7. He left the room. I turned on the radio. (as soon as) 8. He had
dinner. He went to the cinema. (after) 9. The man didn’t leave. He didn’t receive a definite
answer. (till) 10. We didn’t disturb him. He finished his work. (until) 11. We reached the football
ground. The game started. (when) 12. John worked as a skilled builder. He began to study
architecture. (before) 13. Harold couldn’t leave for home. He completed everything. (till) 14.
The river became deeper, it rained heavily. (after)

Exercise 9. Connect the following pairs of sentences using Past Perfect and the conjunctions
after, as soon as, before, until, till, when. More than one variant is possible.

Model: They came. She finished her work.

They came after she had finished her work.

1. The children returned from school. The mother cooked dinner. 2. They went for a walk. It
stopped raining. 3. The frosts began. She made winter things for her children. 4. I waited. She
did the room. 5. He took his bath. His wife laid the table for breakfast. 6. Nick left for school.
Nelly was ready. 7. The children fell asleep. The parents came back from the pictures. 8. The
mother waited. The children went to the skating-rink. 9. The bell rang. He went to bed. 10. She
called on them. They went to the pictures. 11. They came to the skating-rink. The snow began.
12. It grew dark. The children went home.

Exercise 10. Fill in the Past Perfect or the Past Simple.

1. He (remember) so well the house where he (spend) his youth and first (meet) Jayne. 2.
Sherlock Holmes (guess) that Cadogan West (not take) the plans of the submarine. 3. She (look)
at the documents he (give) her, and (stare) at him with surprise. 4. She (return) to the hotel after
she (visit) her old friend. 5. When I (meet) him, I (understand) why Anne (divorce) him. 6. She
(be) tired because she (walk) too much. 7. I (be) very sorry to hear that he (leave). 8. Before
Frank (open) the parcel, the messenger (disappear). 9. He (finish) painting the wall by 5 o’clock
and (go) straight home. 10. She (explain) to the police that everyone (go) out to lunch.

Exercise 11. Read the following information about famous moments in history. Then underline
the correct form. Only one verb in each paragraph is past perfect.

A. Columbus left Spain in August 1492 with three ships, to try and find a way to India by sailing
west instead of east. When his ships finally reached / had finally reached land on 12 October, he
thought he was there, but the ships actually arrived / had actually arrived in America instead.
В Captain Robert Scott wanted to reach the South Pole first. He and his companions finally
arrived there on 1 January 1912 after a terrible journey across the ice, but found / had found a
Norwegian flag. Unfortunately for Scott, Roald Amundsen got / had got there on 14 December,
18 days earlier.
С Leonardo painted his famous The Last Supper between 1495 and 1498, but the painting started
to deteriorate within 50 years. The most common explanation for this used to be that Leonardo
used / had used the wrong kind of paint, but experts have always disagreed about this, and many
believe that the damp in the wall is the cause of the damage. Between 1978 and 1999, experts
restored / had restored the painting, and the public can now see it again.

Exercise 12. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Perfect form of the verb in

1. When I tried to use my laptop, I realized the battery (run) down. 2. I (turn) the computer off,
but forgot that I (not save) my work. 3. I only remembered I (not pay) the bill when my Internet

connection (stop) working. 4. When I (receive) the e-mail, I couldn’t understand who (send) it. 5.
When I (check) the instructions, I understood what I (do) wrong. 6. I knew I (receive) a virus
when I (run) the anti-virus program. 7. As soon as I (download) the document, I knew I (make) a
mistake. 8. I could see what (go) wrong as soon as I (look) inside the printer. 9. I knew I (press)
the wrong key when nothing (happen). 10. When the screen (go) blank, I couldn’t understand
how it (happen).

Exercise 13. Read the text about Julius Caesar. Then complete the sentences with the Past
Simple or Past Perfect form of the verb in brackets.

Julius Caesar (come) from an aristocratic Roman family, though his family was not rich by
Roman standards. When he was 15 his father (die), and to avoid political problems in Rome,
Caesar (serve) as a soldier in the east. By the time he (return) to Rome, he (win) awards for
bravery. He (become) a member of the Senate, and governor of what is now Spain. By the age of
40 he (rise) to the top of the political world, and (form) a political alliance with a powerful
general, Pompey, and a rich man, Crassus. Between 58 B.C. and 49 B.C. he (fight) a war against
the people of what are now France, Belgium, Switzerland and parts of Germany. By the end of
this war, according to the historian Plutarch, three million men (die). In 50 BC the Senate (order)
Caesar to return to Rome. By that time, Crassus was dead and Pompey (become) Caesar’s
enemy. In the civil war that followed, Caesar (defeat) all his enemies. By the time a group of
Roman senators (murder) him in 44 BC, he (be) the most powerful man in Rome for only a year.

Exercise 14. Choose the correct form, A, В or C, to complete the text.

On 26 December 2004, Tilly Smith, а 10-year-old British schoolgirl, 1) _____ on the beach with
her family. They 2) _____ Christmas in Thailand. Suddenly Tilly 3)______ that something was
wrong. She could see that the water 4)____and waves 5) ____up the beach. The beach 6) ____
smaller and smaller. She 7) ____ that there had been an earthquake in Sumatra that morning, but
she 8) ____ a geography lesson she 9)_____ at school just two weeks before. So she 10) ____
her mother what she 11) _____ about earthquakes and giant waves. Luckily for the Smith
family, Tilly’s teacher Andrew Kearney 12)____ the class about earthquakes and 13) ___ them a
video of a tsunami in Hawaii. Tilly 14) ___ screaming at her parents to get off the beach. They
15) ___ Tilly back to their hotel, which was not too close to the shore, and 16) ____ the alarm.
One of the staff, who was Japanese, 17) _____ the word tsunami, and 18) _____ everyone to
leave the beach. From their room on the third floor, the Smiths 19)_____ the terrible effects of
the tsunami on the area. Thanks to Tilly, everybody from that beach 20) ____ .

1. A walked В had walked С was walking

2. A spent В had spent С were spending
3. A felt В had felt С was feeling
4. A rose В had risen С was rising
5. A came В had come С were coming
6. A got В had got С was getting
7. A did not know В had not known С was not knowing
8. A suddenly remembered В had suddenly remembered С was suddenly remembering

9. A had В had had С was having
10. A told В had told С was telling
11. A learnt В had learnt С was learning
12. A taught В had taught С was teaching
13. A showed В had shown С was showing
14. A started В had started С was starting
15. A took В had taken С were taking
16. A raised В had raised С were raising
17. A understood В had understood С was understanding
18. A ordered В had ordered С was ordering
19. A watched В had watched С were watching
20. A survived В had survived С was surviving

Exercise 15. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Simple, the Past Continuous or the Past

1. When the ceremony (take place)? 2. Two cars (already/ arrive) and (stand) ready to start. 3. I
could read from his face that he (hesitate) to tell the truth. 4. She (lead) him to the cab that (wait)
at the door. 5. My father (be) forty and (be) a widower for fifteen years. 6. He (stand up) quickly
and (clasp) his hands which (tremble). 7. I (meet) him for the first time the day before yesterday.
8. He asked her where she (stay) because he (want) to see her again. 9. Hardly we (take) our
seats when he (come over). 10. Watson (know) that his friend always (smoke) pipe after pipe
when he (think) over a difficult problem.

Exercise 16. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Simple, the Past Continuous and the Past

1. Tom (sit) in a corner with a book. I told him that he (read) in a very bad light. 2. When I
(arrive) the lecture already (start). 3. I (make) a cake when the light (go) out. I had to finish it in
the dark. 4. Unfortunately when I arrived Ann just (leave), so we only had time for a few words.
5. He (have) a bath when the phone (ring). Very unwillingly he (get) out of the bath and (go) to
answer it. 6. When we (reach) the field, the game already (start). 7. He suddenly (realize) that he
(travel) in the wrong direction. 8. When I (look) for my passport, I (find) this old photograph. 9.
You looked very busy when I saw you last night. What you (do)? 10. The boys (play) cards
when they (hear) their father’s step. They immediately (hide) the cards and (take) out their lesson
books. 11. He (not allow) us to go out in the boat yesterday as a strong wind (blow). 12. I (call)
Paul at 7.00 but it wasn’t necessary because he already (get) up. 13. When I (hear) his knock I
(go) to the door and (open) it, but I (not recognize) him at first because I (not wear) my glasses.
14. When I came in they (sit) round the fire, Mr. Waits (do) a crossword puzzle, the others
(read). Mrs. Waits (smile) at me and (say), “Come and sit down.” 15. I (see) you yesterday from
the bus. Why you (use) a stick? – I (use) it because I (hurt) my leg that morning. 16. The children
(come) to the party at 4 o’clock yesterday; but before that Mr. and Mrs. Chambers (decorate) the
room, Mrs. Chambers (bake) cakes, and Mr. Chambers (buy) a small present for every little
guest. 17. As they (walk) along the road they (hear) a car coming from behind them. Tom (turn)
round and (hold) up his hand. The car (stop). 18. When I (arrive) at the station Mary (wait) for

me. She (wear) a blue dress and (look) very pretty. 19. When I (see) him he (paint) a portrait of
his wife. 20. While he (water) the flowers it (begin) to rain. 21. When I last (see) her she (hurry)
along the road to the station. I (ask) her where she (go) and she (say), “London”, but I don’t
think she (tell) the truth because there (not be) any train for London at that time. 22. The men
(say) that they (work) on the road outside my house and that they (want) some water to make tea.
23. Richard (get) a new exercise-book yesterday because he (fill) his old one. 24. When I (look)
through your books I (notice) that you have a copy of “Nightwork”. 25. When Margaret (finish)
her homework she (turn) on the radio.

Exercise 17. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous or
Past Perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I just (to see) Jack. 2. She (to wash) the dishes from five till six. 3. Look! She (to draw) a very
nice picture. 4. At this time yesterday I (to talk) to my friend. 5. The TV programme (to begin)
before I (to come) home. 6. I (not to eat) ice-cream since summer. 7. I understood that she (not to
read) my letter. 8. She (to do) the rooms when I (to come) home. 9. It’s all right: she (to find) the
way out of the situation. 10. He (to come) home late yesterday. 11. She is very glad: she (to
finish) her essay at last. 12. He (to translate) the whole text by eleven o’clock. 13. I never (to be)
to Rome. 14. Last year we (to work) very much. 15. When I (to have) breakfast, I went to school.
16. I (not to see) you for ages! I am very glad to see you. 17. When you (to see) the “Swan
Lake”? 18. My sister already (to graduate) from the University. 19. He repaired the toy which his
brother (to break) the day before. 20. I (to see) an interesting TV programme this week. 21. You
ever (to be) to Trafalgar Square? 22. They (to cook) the whole day yesterday.

Exercise 18. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous or
Past Perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Only when she was going to bed, she remembered that she (to forget) to ring up her friend. 2.
We already (to study) seven English tenses. 3. He (to spend) two weeks in Scotland two years
ago. 4. I (to buy) a lovely fashionable dress. Now I shall look smart at the party. 5. He (to learn)
English before he (to go) to the USA. 6. When she (to spend) all her money, she (to go) home. 7.
I (to speak) to my friend yesterday. 8. Look! Kate (to wash) all the dishes. 9. Your mother (to
return) from work? Can I speak to her? 10. She (to do) her flat the whole day on Saturday. 11.
The cat (to drink) all the milk which I (to give) it. 12. You ever (to be) to Piccadilly Circus? 13.
He (not to read) Turgenev since he was a pupil. 14. They (to reach) the river by sunset. 15. I (not
yet to receive) an answer to my letter. 16. She is very happy: her son (graduate) from high
school. 17. My brother (to train) at the stadium from six till eight yesterday. 18. My sister (to
buy) a pair of nice model shoes this month. 19. I (not to dance) for ages. 20. When Nick (to
come) from school, his friends (to play) in the yard. 21. When your sister (to go) to London? 22.
My friend just (to recover) after a serious illness. 23. I never (to be) to the Bahamas. 24. At this
time yesterday we (to talk) about you.

Exercise 19. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous or
Past Perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1. They (to tell) me yesterday that you (to get) an excellent mark. 2. When you (to receive) a
letter from your friend? 3. Our grandmother (to cook) dinner from twelve till three yesterday. 4.
Look! What beautiful flowers she (to buy)! 5. They (to travel) along the coast of Africa last year.
6. We (not to see) each other for ages. 7. They (to eat) all the apples which I (to bring). 8. After
the children (to have) dinner, they (to go) for a walk. 9. Last summer we (to live) in the country
and (to go) to the river every day. 10. My sister (to spend) a lot of money yesterday. 11. She is so
upset: she (to lose) the key to the front door. 12. By the 1st of September all the children (to
return) from the country. 13. Columbus (to discover) America more than 500 years ago. 14.
Columbus (not to know) that he (to discover) America. 15. I already (to read) five English books.
16. He (to discuss) the problem with a lot of people before he (to take) a decision. 17. Mother (to
make) a delicious cake! Shall we sit down to table and eat it? 18. She (to read) an English book
the whole evening yesterday. 19. I never (to be) to Greece. 20. You ever (to be) to the Niagara
Falls? 21. At this time yesterday they (to sit) on the sofa and (to listen) to their grandmother who
(to tell) them fairy-tales. 22. My friend just (to ring) me up from London. 23. I (to stand) at the
tram-stop when it (to begin) raining. 24. We (not to skate) since last winter.

Exercise 20. Translate into English paying attention to the use of the Present Simple, Present
Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect.

1. В прошлом году ко мне пришел один посетитель. Он сказал, что его зовут мистер
Крэддл. Я никогда не видел его раньше и ничего о нем не слышал, но он мне не
понравился. 2. Джейн позвонила в дверь. Дверь открылась, и она увидела небольшую
прихожую. Там стояли двое мужчин и разговаривали. Когда они увидели ее, они
замолчали и посмотрели на нее. 3. Я с нетерпением жду поездки в Париж, я там никогда
не была раньше. 4. Когда Джек узнал, что письма, которые он послал 2 месяца назад, еще
не пришли, он пошел на почту, чтобы выяснить, что с ними произошло. 5. Я всегда хотела
побывать в Австралии, еще с тех пор, когда я была маленькой девочкой. Когда мне было 6
лет, мой папа купил мне книгу с замечательными картинками кенгуру и других
удивительных животных. Эта книга поразила меня – до этого я никогда не видела
животных, которые носят своих детенышей в сумках (pouches)! С тех пор я видела
кенгуру в зоопарке много раз, но все еще хочу увидеть их на воле.


Exercise 21. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Perfect.

1. I (be) very careful not to hint or remind her in any way of what she (tell) me.2. There (he) a
curious expression on his face I never (see) before. 3. Almost opposite (be) that gallery where
she first (meet) him and John. 4. He (be) a teacher at the University, as his father (be) before
him. 5. There (be) silence after she (go). 6. And then, turning the corner of the path Old Jolyon
(see) Irene exactly where he (see) her the first time, on the log. 7. And, paying for what he (not
eat), he (go) out, passing two acquaintances without sign of recognition. 8. Very deliberately and
carefully Poirot (retell) the conversation he (hold) with Saitrana at Wessex House. 9. She (greet)
Poirot whom she (meet) before at a literary dinner in an agreeable bass voice. 10. There (be)
something vaguely familiar about her face but I couldn’t remember where I (see) her before. 11.

He (step) forward and there (appear) in his voice a quality of strength that his sister never (hear)
before. 12. When Val (leave) them, Soames and Winifred (make) their way to the Cheshire
Cheese. 13. When an hour (pass) she (hear) somebody’s feet coming down the street. 14. About
twenty people already (arrive) when they (enter) the hall. 15. But he (not go) forty yards in the
direction of Piccadilly when Holly’s shy face (come) up before him.

Exercise 22. Join the beginnings of the sentences in Section A with the endings in Section B
using “when”, ‘while”, “because” and “after” and the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Past
Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect). Sometimes more than one variant is possible.

Section A
1. My brother (come) home
2. The police (arrest) him
3. It (snow)
4. Anna (break) her leg
5. He (come) to the station

Section B
a. I (open) the curtains this morning.
b. we already (have) dinner, so we had to warm up the food again.
c. he (steal) a picture from the art gallery.
d. she (ski) in Austria.
e. the train (leave), so he had to buy another ticket.

Exercise 23. Make up sentences of your own combining the parts suggested with the help of the
conjunctions ‘hardly... when’, ‘no sooner... than’. Mind the inversion.

Model: He (leave) the room; the bomb (explode).

Hardly had he left the room when the bomb exploded.
No sooner had he left the room than the bomb exploded.

1. The guests (leave); she (go) upstairs. 2. The sun (set); it (become) very cold. 3. The teacher
(enter) the classroom; the pupils (stand up). 4. They (have) their dinner; the telephone (ring). 5.
The train (start); she (cry). 6. He (finish) his story; there (be) a burst of laughter. 7. They (get
married); she (begin) to make scenes. 8. She (explain) everything; he (stop) listening. 9. They
(leave) town; they (feel) better. 10. She (enter) the room; the light (go out).

Exercise 24. Complete the sentences supplying the missing parts.

1. ... than they rushed out of the room. 2. ... when she cried. 3. ... than the child went to sleep. 4.
Hardly had the day broken .... 5. ... when the train arrived. 6. No sooner had she left the house ....
7. Hardly had the singer appeared on the stage ... . 8. Hardly had he opened the door.... 9 . Hardly
had the snow covered the ground .... 10.... than he asked another question.

Exercise 25. Fill in the blanks with the Past Simple or the Past Perfect forms of the infinitives in

1. Gemma __ badly the last few nights, and there were dark shadows under her eyes. (to sleep)
(Voynich) 2. When he returned to his hotel he found a message that someone __ in his absence...
(to telephone) (Hilton) 3. The Gadfly __ a moment, glancing furtively at Gemma; then he __ (to
pause, to go on). (Voynich) 4. They __ the door of their inn, and __ a little way down the village,
before they __ the precise spot in which it stood. (to pass, to walk, to recollect) (Dickens) 5. The
moon __ .There was nothing to dispel the dark of the night (not to rise). (Abrahams) 6. Hardly __
she __ when a very stout gentleman __ into the chair opposite hers. (to sit down, to flop)
(Mansfield) 7. They did not speak to him again, until he __. (to eat) (Greene) 8. Now the
madman on the stairs spoke again and his mood __ suddenly __ ; he seemed quietly merry. (to
change) (Priestley) 9. When Martini __ the room, the Gadfly turned his head round quickly. (to
enter) (Voynich) 10. No sooner __ he __ a drink himself, than Mrs. Fettle __ in. (to take, to look)
(Lessing) 11. Those grey hairs startled me. I __ they were there. (not to know) (Cain) 12.
Gemma __ her hand and __ into the house. When the door __ behind her he __ and __ the spray
of cypress which __ from her breast. (to pull away, to run, to close, to stoop, to pick up, to fall)
(Voynich) 13. The fire __ dead, the moon __ down, and the window —grey before I went to
sleep. (to be, to go, to be). (Cain) 14. I told him everything. He __ and __, like a figure cut in
stone, till I __ . (to stand, to listen, to finish) (Voynich) 15. When I __ Viste Grande towards dusk
I found two notes awaiting me. (to reach) (Hilton) 16. He __ hardly __ another cigarette when
the general __ into the courtyard. (to light, to come) (Maugham) 17. Gemma went slowly down
the stairs, Martini following in silence. She __ to look ten years older in these few days, and the
gray streak across her hair __ into a broad band. (to grow, to widen) (Voynich) 18. Presently the
sounds of voices and footsteps approaching along the terrace roused her from the dreamy state
into which she __. (to fall) (Voynich) 19. She was a woman of nearly fifty who __ obviously __
pretty once. (to be) (Shaw) 20. They crouched down behind the group of statuary and __ till the
watchman __ . (to wait, to pass) (Voynich) 21. Moreover, to him [the doctor] the affair was
commonplace; it was just a hysterical woman who __ with her lover and __ poison. (to quarrel,
to take) (Maugham) 22. The moon __ yet __ . I sat in the sultry dark, making patterns with the
end of my cigarette and listening, listening. (not to rise) (Hansford Johnson) 23. One night there
flew over the city a little Swallow. His friends __ away to Egypt six weeks before, but he __
behind. (to go, to stay) (Wilde) 24. By this time Collard’s offer __ a thing of nightmare. (to
become) (Hansford Johnson) 25. When Alison __ the first strains of the orchestra came stealing
out to me from inside the hall. (to disappear) (Cronin) 26. He __ just __ the hall when a stranger
__ (to leave, to enter) (Leacock) 27. On glancing at the address, he observed that it contained no
name. The stranger __ far, so he made after him to ask it. (not to go) (Dickens)

Exercise 26. Translate into English paying attention to the use of the Past Simple and the Past

(A) 1. He успел он пообедать, как ему позвонил приятель. Он только что приехал из
Лондона, где провел несколько месяцев. 2. Он не прочел и трех страниц, как его прервали.
3. Иван Иванович любил эти одинокие прогулки, которые с недавнего времени стали его
единственным развлечением. 4. Наконец она осталась одна. Гости ушли. 5. Не успела

мисс Бетси узнать, что у миссис Копперфильд родился сын, как она уехала из дому. 6.
Когда я ее видел в последний раз, она казалась очень счастливой. Она только что
получила письмо от брата, который вернулся с Севера, где он пробыл долгое время. 7. Я
не пробыл и пяти минут в комнате, как дверь отворилась и она вошла. 8. Оливер пробыл в
стенах работного дома не более четверти часа и едва успел покончить со вторым ломтем
хлеба, как мистер Бамбль вернулся и объявил, что мальчик должен немедленно предстать
перед советом. 9. Когда мы приехали в гостиницу, мы прежде всего пошли к морю.
(B) 1. ...едва дверь за ним прикрылась, Валя бросилась ко мне. (Тендряков) 2. Елена
закрыла окно. Она дурно спала всю ночь. (Тургенев) 3. Завьялов встал, подошел к креслу,
присел на подлокотник, и положил руку на плечо Виктора. (Чаковский) 4. Даша пошла в
столовую с особым чувством: теперь она стала настоящей рабочей. (Николаева) 5. Когда я
проснулся, на дворе уже было темно. (Лермонтов) 6. Молодые люди спустились к
Москве-реке и пошли вдоль ее берега. (Тургенев) 7. Я смотрел на него [Есенина]... он
очень изменился, похудел... (Шнейдер) 8. Я не успел заснуть, как от дверей снова донесся
голос вахтерши. (Тендряков) 9. Они прошли десяток метров, как вдруг Эмануил
остановился. (Котов) 10. Мы вышли из сакли... Погода прояснилась. (Лермонтов) 11. Она
между тем кончила письмо и запечатала его. (Чехов) 12. Когда поручик Вулич подошел к
столу, то все замолчали. (Лермонтов) 13....едва я вошел в ее комнату, как кто-то прибежал
с сообщением о том, что приехал Есенин. (Шнейдер) 14. Стемнело, когда они вышли из
землянки. (Чаковский) 15. Настало утро; оба они поднялись. (Тургенев) 16. Утром, едва я
перешагнул порог школы, как почувствовал: что-то изменилось. (Тендряков) 17. Я сел за
стол, положил перед собой рукопись, закурил... (Тендряков) 18. Я стоял, пока машина не
свернула за угол. (Тендряков) 19. Берсенев еще никогда не говорил с нею, как в тот вечер.
(Тургенев) 20. После ужина, когда гости уехали, он пошел к себе. (Чехов) 21. Варвара
Павловна пошла ей навстречу, как только увидала ее. (Тургенев) 22. Уже было поздно и
темно, когда я снова отворил окно. (Лермонтов) 23. Уже совсем стемнело... когда
Берсенев... подошел к двери своего приятеля. (Тургенев) 24. Аркадий подождал, пока
Федот... запряг лошадей. (Тургенев) 25. Марианна еще не появилась, как Соломин уже
вошел в комнату Нежданова. (Тургенев) 26. Едва лишь закрылась за ним дверь, как
аудитория зашумела. (Тендряков).

Past Perfect Continuous


Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using the Past Perfect Continuous form of the verb in
brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. She was tired because she (work) in the garden all day long. 2. They were hot because they
(play) football. 3. In the morning they couldn’t open the front door because it (snow) hard all
night. 4. You (wait) long before the train arrived? 5. The accident happened because the car
(drive) too fast. 6. They (surf) for about half an hour when they saw a shark. 7. Before I started
my own business, I (think) about it for quite some time. 8. Darrel and I (live) in New York for 7
years when he got a job offer abroad. 9. One day he woke up alone; the men who (guard) him
had left, having taken all his money with them. 10. Martha said she (not/take) the medicine the
doctor had prescribed. 11. Ever since I’d been a kid I (tell) myself that one day I would be
famous. 12. Before his sudden departure they (plan) to work together.

Exercise 2. Give explanations for the following situations using the Past Perfect Continuous and
your imagination. Try to give several explanations for each situation.

Model: The boys were hot. – They had been playing football. Or maybe they had been

1. The girl’s eyes were red. 2. Sasha’s English got much better. 3. The child’s clothes were
covered in mud. 5. You didn’t hear the doorbell ringing. 6. The roads were flooded. 7. The man
was out of breath. 8. The girl’s hands and clothes were covered in paint. 9. You lost your voice.
10. Jack lost about 10 kilos.

Exercise 3. Translate into English using the Past Simple and the Past Perfect Continuous.

1. Он был уставшим, потому что он много работал. 2. Вся одежда детей промокла. Они
гуляли под дождем. 3. Он сказал, что долго думал над моим вопросом. 4. Снег шел всю
ночь, и утром город был совсем белым. 5. Мама сказала, что ребенок спит уже 10 часов. 6.
Алекс показал хороший результат на соревнованиях, потому что много тренировался. 7. Я
прождала его около получаса, когда он пришел. 8. Мы сидели в автобусе около часа до
того, как он отправился. 9. Он изучал китайский 4 года до того, как поехал в Китай. 10.
Мы проговорили по телефону минуты 2, а потом у моего телефона сел аккумулятор (the
battery; to go flat).


Exercise 4. Comment on the use of the Past Perfect Continuous.

1.She had been dreaming — a bad dream — though she couldn’t remember the details of it.
2. Betty wasn’t such a fool as not to see that Mrs Sunbury had been doing all she
could to make her uncomfortable. 3. I wondered how long I’d been standing there, my
hand on the phone. 4. The others had been talking a few moments when he raised his
head. 5. One of the men spoke first and said the very things that Michael had been
saying for so long. 6. The women came from under the trees where they had been waiting.
7. Archie couldn’t say how long he had been sitting in the deep armchair near the
window. 8. The complaints she had been turning over in her mind to make to him died on her
tongue. 9. They’d been doing a steady fifty ever since they had got out of Sydney, and now
the speedometer was rocketing around sixty. 10. Suddenly, when he had been working six
months, his wife’s aunt in Bridlington took ill and wrote asking her to come.

Exercise 5. While chasing a dangerous criminal, Sherlock Holmes asked his friend Dr. Watson
to visit this man’s flat. When Dr. Watson came, he saw lots of things there, but, of course,
making conclusions is Mr. Holms’ business. Try to be a Sherlock Holms and help Dr. Watson to

guess what had happened or had been happening in the flat before Dr. Watson arrived. Here’s
what he saw:

- There were 2 cups with a little coffee in them on the table.

- In the ash-tray there were 2 half-smoked cigars.
- There were 3 glasses and a half-emptied bottle of wine on the table.
- There was an open map of London with some marks on it in the room.
- There were some spots of fresh blood on the carpet.
- There was an empty little bottle with the sign ‘poison’ on it.
- There were papers and books lying all over the floor.
- There was nobody in the flat.

Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with the Past Simple, Past Perfect, or Past Perfect Continuous of
the infinitives in brackets.

1. After some desultory conversation, the Director inquired how long he __ Montanelli. (to
know) (Voynich) 2. It was almost dinner-time by then, and we __ no food all day, but neither of
us was hungry. (to have) (Hilton) 3. We __ in silence for some time when Ah–Yen spoke. (to
smoke) (Leacock) 4. The party __ already __ for a week before I could get away from London.
(to sail) (Snow) 5. Breakfast __ long __ on the table, when Arthur came tearing into the room.
(not / to be) (Voynich) 6. Mr. Morrough, who __ my doctor for some years and __ also my
friend, came at once. (to be, to be) (Hansford Johnson) 7....since his arrival in April he __ simply
__ round the house, helping Ann with the washing up, running errands, (to hang) (Murdoch) 8.
She __ there more than two months when she fell down a flight of steps and hurt her spine.
(not /to be) (Mansfield) 9. He found that he __ still for over half an hour, wrestling with his
thoughts. (to stand) (Lindsay) 10. Bertha __ at her husband since he came into the room, unable
in astonishment to avert her eyes. (to look) (Maugham) 11. For a week the Gadfly __ in a fearful
state. (to lie) (Voynich) 12. After he __ about three hours, he arrived at the Doctor’s house. (to
walk) (Wilde) 13. The Carrier expected that Tackleton would pay him an early visit, and he was
right. He __ to and fro before his open door many minutes when he saw the toy merchant coming
in his chaise along the road. (not / to walk) (Dickens) 14. They __ from noon till sunset. (to
journey) (Ch. Bronte) 15. Marian broke up their talk, and told Mr. Townsend to run away to her
mother, who __ for the last half hour to introduce him to Mr. Almond. (to wish) (James) 16. I
went into a fish-and-chip shop in a poor street near the station. I __ since lunch and I ordered
myself a two-penny portion of chips. (not/ to eat) (Cronin) 17. The feeling of an overhanging
disaster, which __ ever since his father’s stroke, settled down over his mind. (to grow) (Lindsay)

Exercise 7. Fill in the Past Continuous or the Past Perfect Continuous.

1. The four of them went out and joined Mark Gaskell, who __ at the extreme end of the terrace
by himself. (to sit) (Christie) 2. Gretta __ through the blowing snow for several minutes when a
man, his head lowered against the wind, walked directly into her. (to walk) (Caldwell) 3. It
continued to rain and at Vienna it __ still __ . (to rain) (Hilton) 4. We __ maybe an hour when
she began to lean forward and look out, and then she told me to stop. (to run) (Cain) 5. I __ at the
bar one evening with an acquaintance when the man with the scar came up. (to stand)

(Maugham) 6. She took his arm, and led him out to the cab that __ at the door. (to wait) (Collins)
7. When I came down to Burlington to work in the lumber mill, I was only a kid about sixteen.
My brother __ there already a year. (to work) (Reed) 8. Sitting by the window at a table, where
she seemed to have been writing or drawing, was a lady, whose head __ on her hand. (to rest)
(Dickens) 9. Nell awoke and saw that it was still night, and that the stars __ brightly in the sky.
(to shine) (Dickens) 10. He __ about half an hour when he saw Cornelius coming along the path.
(to walk) (Hardy) 11. He __ of her all the morning: he ___ of her now. (to think, to think)
(Collins) 12. When the doctor awoke, Miss Reid __ still __ . (to work) (Maugham)

Exercise 8. Fill in the Past Continuous, Past Perfect, or Past Perfect Continuous.

1. Abbey resumed the newspaper she __ .(to read) (Dickens) 2. By three o’clock he __ all his
own cigarettes and those he could borrow from others. He __ about lunch. (to finish, to forget)
(Wilson) 3. When she came out again her tears and cries __, but there was a band of rosy flush
across her forehead. (to cease) (Hansford Johnson) 4. He __ still __ at her, when two of the
prowlers halted on his left. (to gaze) (Lindsay) 5. Approaching the door, she found herself face to
face with Mr. Linley. He __ just __ directions to one of the servants, and was re-entering the
drawing-room. (to give) (Collins) 6. Rosa made a contemptuous gesture. Then she tossed the
book she __ on to the ground. (to read) (Murdoch) 7. I got up from where I __ at the Carlton
House writing table and went over to the fireplace. (to sit) (Murdoch) 8. She looked up at him,
and found he __ her closely. (to watch) (Wells) 9. She was on the edge of tears, as nearly
dishevelled as so tidy and businesslike a girl could be. I thought she __ .(to cry) (Hansford
Johnson) 10. It __, but it __, and a street lamp some way off streaked the roadway with
reflections. (not / to rain, to rain) (Murdoch) 11. Cowperwood got up. He was a little afraid now
of this deep-seated passion he __ .(to arouse) (Dreiser) 12. She picked up the chair she __ in and
quickly slipped away with it into the house. (to sit) (Maugham) 13. Elinor __ still __ at this
missive... when the door opened. (to stare) (Christie) 14. "Oh, don’t get up, dear Miss Ley," said
the visitor as her hostess slowly rose from the sofa upon which she __ so comfortably __. (to lie)

Exercise 9. Translate into English using the suitable Past and Present tenses.

1. Чем ты занимался, пока меня не было? 2. – Почему ты вчера не ждал меня в кафе, как
мы договорились? – Но я пришел туда в 5. Я ждал полчаса… – Нет, это я прождала тебя
полчаса, прежде чем решила уйти. Мы же договорились встретиться в 4! 3. Когда она
вошла в квартиру, то сразу поняла, что в ней побывали взломщики. Дверь была открыта, и
вещи валялись по всей квартире. Кроме того, воры сломали шкаф, в котором она хранила
деньги… Точнее, хранила раньше. 4. Она думала целый час, но ничего не придумала, и,
когда пришло время отвечать, не знала, что сказать. 5. Вся семья работала в саду. Только
Кэрол осталась дома и теперь сидела в гостиной и слушала музыку. Потом она задремала.
Она спала уже час или полтора, когда зазвонил телефон. 6. Когда происходило убийство
мистера Брауна, Вы, мисс Смит, вовсе не читали книгу в своей комнате, как вы сказали
нам вчера. Вы были в комнате мистера Брауна! 7. – Ты читал последнюю книгу Акунина?
– Нет еще. Но я читал все его предыдущие книги. – Да, я тоже. Моя любимая книга –
«Пелагия и белый бульдог». Я читал ее раза три. – А мне больше нравятся книги про

Эраста Фандорина. 8. Ты не помнишь, куда я положила свой кошелек? – Нет. Попытайся
вспомнить, что ты делала до той минуты, когда ты обнаружила, что его нет. 9. Вася! У
тебя все лицо в каких-то фиолетовых пятнах! – А, это я ел чернику. 10. – Дорогой, как я
выгляжу? – Прекрасно, как всегда. – Откуда ты это знаешь? Ты ведь на меня даже не

Ways of Expressing the Future

Future Simple, to be going to, Present Simple and Present Continuous with a future


Exercise 1. Put the verb in brackets into the Future Simple.

1. I (be) in St-Petersburg tomorrow morning. 2. Mother (be) away very soon. 3. He (be) at home
by nine o’clock. 4. I (know) the result in a day. 5. I (be) twenty years old next year. 6. He
(remember) this all his life. 7. When he (come) back? 8. Tomorrow I (apologize) to him. 9. I (not
see) him again for a long time. 10. I am sure that I (recognize) him.

Exercise 2. Make Future Simple sentences using the prompts below. Use short forms where

1. He / have/ a lot of time/ tomorrow. 2. They/ go/ to Mexico/ in July. 3. We/ wait/ for you. 4. I/
not/forget/ it. 5. Dan / come here/ soon. 6. Samantha/ sing at the concert. 7. The children/ be
tired/ after the long day. 8. You / come/ to my birthday party? 9. He / not/ feel sorry for you.10.
Where/ you / go next? 11. I/ take/ the children with me. 12. Steve / not/ notice the difference. 13.
Who/ pay for the trip? 14. Wendy / not/ come with us. 15. We/ take all the bags.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with “I’ll” and a suitable verb.

1. I feel a bit hungry. I think ... something to eat. 2. "Have you written that letter to Jack?" – "Oh,
I forgot. ... it this evening." 3. "We haven’t got milk!" – "Oh, haven’t we. ...and get some." 4.
"Would you like tea or coffee?" – "... coffee, please. " 5. It’s cold here. I think ... the window. 6.
It’s late to telephone Jack. Well, ... him in the morning. 7. Don’t cook anything for me. ... (dine
out) tonight. 8. ... some sandwiches for the party. 9. I don’t like this dress. ... on the green dress.
10. "Are you going to send him a postcard or a telegram?" – "... him a telegram." 11. ...
everything I can to help you. 12."... him some tea", Naomi said.

Exercise 4. Time Travellers: Read the information about famous failed predictions. Then
complete the sentences using the Future Simple + the verb in brackets.

1. We are in September 1914: according to most newspapers in Britain and Germany, the war
(be) over by Christmas. They cannot imagine that the war (continue) until 1918, and (claim) the
lives of about 9 million in the military and a further 7 million civilians. 2. We are in 1919:
according to geologist Albert Porta, the conjunction of six planets (cause) the Sun to explode. In
fact, the Sun (probably destroy) the Earth one day, when it becomes a red giant in about 4.5
billion years. 3. We are in 1977: according to Ken Olson, head of a computer company, people
(never want) a computer in the home. Latest predictions now suggest that computer ownership
(reach) 70 machines for every 100 people worldwide at the end of the next decade. 4. We are in
1999: according to many scientists, computers (crash) and (cause) chaos on the first day of the
new millennium. 5. We are in 2012: according to the Aztec calendar, the world (come) to an end
on 22 December 2012.

Exercise 5. Translate into English using the Future Simple.

1. В январе я поеду в Москву. 2. Завтра у них будет две лекции. 3. Я уверена, что они
будут хорошими друзьями. 4. После обеда он пойдет в библиотеку. 5. Я смогу купить этот
словарь только послезавтра. 6. Ты придешь ко мне на день рождения? 7. А когда он будет
дома? 8. Перед экзаменами мне придется очень много работать. 9. Скажите, пожалуйста,
когда у нас будет консультация? 10. Сколько времени вы здесь пробудете? 11. Ты
проверишь меня, ладно? 12. Куда он поедет летом? 13. Когда она закончит диссертацию?
14. Ты будешь завтра в институте? 15. Через год она окончит институт и станет
преподавателем. 16. Через 10 минут мы должны будем выйти, иначе мы опоздаем к
началу. 17. Сколько человек вы сможете проэкзаменовать за шесть часов? 18. В этом году
я подпишусь еще на два журнала. 19. Он не сможет прийти к тебе вечером, так как будет
занят. 20. Помни, лекция начнется ровно в девять. 21. Он будет вам так благодарен за все
это. 22. Надеюсь, это вам очень поможет.

Exercise 6. Translate into Russian paying attention to “ to be going to + infinitive”.

1. Are you going to watch this film? 2. I’m just going to make tea. 3. She is going to travel round
the world. 4. Look at the clouds. It’s going to rain. 5. We are going to have a party tonight. 6.
Alan is driving too fast. He is going to have an accident. 7. Don’t think you’ll get away with it.
This time it’s not going to be so easy! 8. Well now, who’s going to tell him about it? 9. Pat is
going to play Juliet next season. 10. They say this summer is going to be very hot. 11. No one’s
going to be the first. 12. Someone’s going to get into trouble.

Exercise 7. Use the prompts to write sentences with “going to”. Use short forms where possible.

1. It’s 08.30. Claire is still in bed. (miss / bus) 2. John has the ball. There are no defenders near.
The goalkeeper is in a bad position. (score / goal) 3. Dave is exhausted. There are still 10 km to
run. (not / finish / race) 4. We are the home team. The score is 3-0. There are three minutes left.
(win / match) 5. They haven’t studied. They’re bad at Maths. The exam is tomorrow. (not / pass)
6. It’s 10.00. The train leaves at 10.03. I’m 5 km from the station. (not / catch) 7. There’s a bright
blue sky with no clouds. (be / nice day) 8. It’s very hot and humid. You can see big black clouds
and lightning. (there / be / thunderstorm).

Exercise 8. A group from your school is going on a study trip to Peru. Look at the information
leaflet, then use the prompts to write questions for the answers with “going to”.

Day 1: CUSCO
Arrival at Cusco airport. Bus to the hotel. Afternoon - Cusco City Tour from 2 pm to 6.30 pm.
This tour includes the Qoricancha (Temple of the Sun) and the Cathedral.
5:30 am leave the hotel and go to the station to take the 6:00 am train. 9:40 am arrive at Aguas
Calientes Station, from where you take a 25 minute bus ride to the ruins of Machu Picchu.
Guided tour, with an English speaking guide. Lunch at the Machu Picchu Sanctuary Lodge
included. Afternoon - Return to Cusco by train and transfer to the hotel (breakfast included).
Transfer from hotel to the airport by bus.

1. – Where / fly to?

– Cusco airport.
2. – How / get / airport / hotel?
– By bus.
3. – What / do / afternoon / Day 1?
– A tour of Cusco.
4. – How long / tour / Cusco City / take?
– Four and a half hours.
5. – What / see / tour / Cusco city?
– The Temple of the Sun and the Cathedral.
6. – What time / leave / hotel / Day 2?
– At 5.30 am.
7. – What / do / Aguas Calientes / station?
– Take a bus to Machu Picchu.
8. – What language / guide / speak?
– English.
9. – Where / have lunch / Day 2?
At the Machu Picchu Sanctuary Lodge.
10. – How long / trip / last?
– 3 days.

Exercise 9. Read the information leaflet about environmental problems and their solutions. Then
make five statements about what you’re going to do and five about what you’re not going to do
to solve these problems.

There are a number of things we can do if we want to help save our planet. For example, if we
stop wasting paper, and recycle paper and cardboard, we’ll save some of the millions of trees
which are cut down every year. As far as the problem of rubbish is concerned, if we recycle
bottles and cans and organic waste, and stop taking plastic bags from the supermarket, this will
all make a big difference. We also have to stop making unnecessary car journeys so as to cut
down air pollution. Try walking or using a bike instead, and if you buy local fruit and vegetables,
this reduces lorry traffic to supermarkets. Water is another problem, and we should all take
showers, not baths, to save water. Finally, we need to stop using so much energy, so try changing
to low-energy light bulbs, and turning off unnecessary lights.

Exercise 10. Translate into English using “to be going to + infinitive”

1. В будущем году я собираюсь учить французский язык. 2.Он собирается летом поехать
на юг? 3. Боюсь, что она расстроится. 4. Кто собирается принять участие в конкурсе? 5.
Что ты собираешься надеть на вечер? 6. Он собирается пригласить в гости своего
двоюродного брата. 7. – На ком он собирается жениться? – Вы не знаете ее. 8. – На каком
семинаре вы собираетесь читать доклад? – На семинаре по лингвистике. 9. – Что Вы
собираетесь делать во время перерыва? – Я пойду в столовую. 10. У Вас еще будет
лекция? 11. Что Вы собираетесь делать после занятий?

Exercise 11. Read the sentences and rephrase them using “will” and the adverbs “possibly”,
“probably” or “definitely” and / or negative forms, according to what you think.

1. I think that life is going to get better. 2. The world will run out of oil soon. 3. This country is
going to have economic problems. 4. I think scientists will invent intelligent robots. 5. I think I
am going to pass all my exams. 6. An asteroid will hit the Earth in the next hundred years. 7. The
population of the world is going to decrease. 8. I think we’re going to have a good time tonight.
9. In 20 years’ time, people will use CDs.

Exercise 12. Put the verb into the most suitable form, Present Continuous or Present Simple,
with a future meaning.

1. We (have) a party next Sunday. 2. What time (leave) the next tram for Cambridge? 3. What
you (do) on Monday evening? 4. The next show (start) at 7:30. 5. You know, Sarah (come)
tomorrow and she (plan) to stay here for two weeks. 6. The art exhibition (open) in three days
and (close) in two weeks. 7. Alec and Mary (get married) next week. 8. The liner (leave) Dover
at 11 a.m. Don’t miss it. 9. John (meet) his boss tomorrow.

Exercise 13. Decide which form of the verb is correct (or more natural) in these situations:

1. I will go / am going to a party tomorrow night. Would you like to come, too? 2. According to
the weather forecast it will rain / is raining tomorrow. 3. I’m sure Tom will get / is getting the
job. He has a lot of experience. 4. I can’t meet you this evening. A friend of mine will come / is
coming to see me. 5. Have you decided where to go for your holiday yet? – Yes, we will go / are
going to Italy. 6. Don’t worry about the dog. It won’t hurt / isn’t hurting you. 7. Did you phone
Ann? – Oh, no, I forgot. I am doing / I’ll do it now.

Exercise 14. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Simple and the Future Simple.

A. 1. If he (come) I (give) him this message. 2. I (be) at home if you (need) anything. 3. She (be)
still here tomorrow if you (decide) to ring her up. 4. If they (want) your advice, they (get) in
touch with you. 5. If you (have) anything to re-port, put it in writing and send it to me.
B. 1. I (tell) you about it when I (have) time. 2. He (wait) until they (send) for him. 3. They (be)
better after this (be) over. 4. I’d like to ask you a few more questions before you (go).
C. 1. They (not know) when she (come) back. 2. Ask him if he (be) here for the next five
minutes. 3. I (wonder) if we ever (see) each other again. 4. I (be) not sure if they (be) in time. 5.1
can’t tell you when they (start).


Exercise 15. Grammar in Communication: Practise being considerate. Reply to the following
sentences by offers or suggestions starting with “shall”.

Model: It’s cold here. – Shall I close the window?

1. My bag is so heavy! 2. I can’t open this can. 3. I’m running late to the airport. 4. (at a party)
I’m so tired already! 5. I’ve run out of paper. 6. I’m terribly hungry, and I can’t leave work for
another two hours. 7. I think I’m coming down with the flu. 8. (at a party) What lovely music! 9.
The doorbell is ringing. 10. The kettle is boiling.

Exercise 16. Underline the correct form (the Present Simple, the Future Simple, ‘going to’ or the
Present Continuous).

1. ‘Be careful with that test tube. It will break / it breaks.’ 2. ‘The egg is cracking. The baby bird
is going to come out / comes out.’ 3. ‘Can you hurry up please? The film will start / starts at 8.’
4. ‘Carry this very carefully.’ ‘Don’t worry, I’m not dropping it / I won’t drop it. 5. ‘We’re
playing / We’ll play football this afternoon. Do you want to play too?’ 6. ‘This dictionary costs
€50, but the red one is cheaper.’ ‘Ok, I’ll take / I’m taking the red one.’ 7. Have you decided
about next year yet?’ ‘Yes, I’m going to study / I’ll study journalism. Well, that’s the plan
anyway.’ 8. ‘Ok, bye for now.’ ‘Bye, I’ll see you / I’m seeing you at the same time on Friday.’

Exercise 17. Two students are discussing their IT projects. Underline the correct form (the
Future Simple, ‘going to’ or the Present Continuous).

A: Hi Dan. How is your IT project going?

В: Okay I suppose, I’ll hand it in / I’m going to hand it in next week.
A: I’ve heard you’re doing a database application for the library.
В: That’s right. It’s all on schedule, we’re testing it / we test it over the next few days.
A: And you’ve got to write a user guide.
В: I know, it’s a lot of work. I think I’m asking / I’ll ask someone for some help.
A: Yes, I had the same idea, I’ll ask / I’m going to ask Anne if she can help me.
В: I’m worried about the hardware installation, I’m doing / I’ll do it on Friday.
A: I suppose Mr. Wright is supervising it.
В: Yes, I wanted to ask you a favour. Could you look at the program for me on Monday?
A: I’m sorry Dan, but I’m seeing / I’ll see Mr Wright about my own project on Monday. I’m
going to have / I’ll have a look at yours on Tuesday if you like.

В Okay, thanks, I’ll remind / I’m reminding you later this week.

Exercise 18. Put the verb in brackets in the most suitable form using the Future Simple, ‘going
to’ or the Present Continuous.

1. – What are your plans for this evening? – We (see) a film. We bought the tickets on the
Internet. 2. – Do you want to go out for a meal next week? – Yes, that would be nice. What about
Wednesday? You (do) anything? 3. – Did you see that new TV series last night? – Yes, I expect
it (be) popular for a couple of months and then people (lose) interest. 4. – Well my darling,
Happy New Year! Have you made any resolutions? – Yes, I (leave) you! 5. – Have you decided
what to do when you leave school? – More or less. I (have) a holiday for a couple of months and
then I (start) my university course. 6. – Are you ready to order, sir? – I’m not sure. Oh, I know. I
(have) the roast chicken. 7. – I (take) you to the football match if you like. – No, thanks dad!
I’ve spoken to John and his dad (take) us. 8. – Why are you turning on the TV? – I (watch) the
news. 9. – I (do) some shopping. – Are you? I haven’t got any toothpaste. – Oh, alright. I (get)
some if you like.

Exercise 19. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Simple and the Future Simple paying
attention to the use of the tenses in different types of subordinate clauses.

1. When I (want) your address, I (ask) for it. 2. "Come in," she said. – "I (see) if he (be) at
home." 3. Come and see me when you (come) up to town and we (talk) everything over. 4. If my
daughter and her husband (come) in, kindly tell them to meet me at John’s at one o’clock. 5. He
(want) to know if you (be) free tomorrow morning at 11.30. 6. I (wonder) when I (be) able to get
there. 7. I (be) down at your office at 10 tomorrow. 8. I (not want) to discuss it over the
telephone, but I (tell) you about it when I (get) home. 9. They can’t tell me when they (be) free.
10. Go on till you (come) to a square with a statue in the middle; then turn left and you (find) the
theatre on your right. 11. When you (come) to the main road remember to stop and look both
ways before you (cross). 12. Ask them when they (move) to a new flat. 13. "Can we get to the
top of the tower?" – "Yes, but be careful when you (go) up because the steps (be) very uneven."
14. "1 (be) glad when I (get) to the top!" 15. I wonder when they (come) back. 16. "Give this
message to your teachers as soon as you (come) to school," said his mother. – "All right," said
the boy running out. "I (be) sure it (be) still in his pocket when he (get) home tonight," said his
father. 17. If you (go) to your aunt’s on Sunday I (hope) you (have) a good time there. 18. "We
(buy) you some toy soldiers." – "When you (buy) them, Mummy?" – "Daddy (bring) them.
Perhaps he (bring) them tomorrow." 19. If you (look) at them, don’t smile. 20. Before we (talk)
about it, may I offer congratulations on your wedding?


Exercise 20. Use subordinate clauses of time or condition instead of underlined parts of the
following sentences. Make some changes if necessary. Pay attention to the use of tenses.

1. I’ll call my father and he will help me to translate this sentence. 2. He will lend me his
typewriter and I’ll type this article. 3. He will take this medicine and will be all right. 4. You

smoke a lot so you will have headaches. 5. We’ll go to the Baltic Sea and bathe a lot there. 6. He
will put the key into the box and you will find it there quite easily. 7. She will pass her exams
successfully and go to the South. 8. Your classes are over, so come to the cinema with me. 9.
We’ll come in time and find them there. 10. I’ll book the tickets and let you know about it.

Exercise 21. Translate the sentences into English using the Present Simple and the Future

1. Интересно, когда они вернутся? 2. Вы сразу узнаете Тома, как только увидите его. 3.
Если вы встретите Лену и Колю, попросите их поторопиться. 4. Она будет в восторге,
когда увидит вас там. 5. Если вы будете читать при плохом освещении, вы испортите
глаза. 6. Я сообщу ему эту новость, как только он придет сюда. 7. Стойте здесь, пока свет
не станет зеленым. 8. Я не помню, когда они возвращаются. 9. Если он опоздает, мы
уйдем без него. 10. Лифт не будет подниматься, пока вы не нажмете кнопку. 11. Если вы
сразу же не уйдете, вы опоздаете на поезд. 12. Я дам вам эту книгу, когда вы захотите. 13.
Вы не будете знать английский язык, пока не начнете усиленно работать. 14. Я не знаю,
когда мы опять встретимся. 15. Я зайду к вам перед отъездом. 16. Когда станет темно, мы
зажжем свет.

Exercise 22. Translate the sentences into English using the Present Simple and the Future

1. Когда ты узнаешь его получше, ты изменишь свое мнение. 2. Никто из нас так и не
узнает, когда и как закончится этот странный эксперимент. 3. Ты сможешь сообщить ему,
когда ему надо будет зайти в деканат? 4. Она сообщит вам обо всем сама, когда вы
встретитесь. 5. Она сразу все вспомнит, когда увидит тебя. 6. Я совершенно уверена, что
она вовремя вспомнит, когда должна с тобой встретиться. 7. Я думаю, когда он позвонит,
он сразу все скажет. 8. Я не знаю, позвонит ли он сегодня. 9. Я обязательно дам тебе знать,
если он сегодня позвонит. 10. Приходи, когда у тебя будет время. 11. Я все сделаю, если у
меня будет время. 12. Я не могу ничего обещать – я не уверена, будет ли у меня время, а
если будет, то когда. 13. Я не знаю, когда они вернутся, но, когда они вернутся, я передам
вашу записку. 14. Когда он позвонит, спроси у него, пойдет ли он с нами в театр, и, если
он согласится, пусть скажет, когда и где мы сможем встретиться.

Exercise 23. Choose the right answer(s). More than one form may be correct.

1. _________ to the dance with me?

A) Will you come B) Are you coming C) Are you going to come
2. Where are you three off to? – _______for a coffee. Would you like to come?
A) We’ll go B) We’re going C) We’re going to go
3. We can go skiing together because next week __________.
A) I won’t work B) I’m not working C) I’m not going to work
4. "Lucy, we need some bread." "OK, _________after this film is over."
A) I’ll buy some B) I’m buying some C) I’m going to buy
5. He hopes _______ a promotion in the spring.

A) he’ll get B) he’s getting C) he’s going to get
6. Your friends have a two-month-old baby and are going out to a party. You ask:
"Who _________the baby?"
A) will look after B) is looking after C) is going to look after
7. Do you think the car ______ if I turn on the ignition?
A) will start B) is starting C) is going to start
8. Michael, you don’t look well. ________ from Gdansk to Cracow?
A) Will you really drive B) Are you really driving C) Are you really going to drive
9. Go straight on and then ________ the high building of the station on your left.
A) you’ll find B) you’re finding C) you’re going to find
10. I’ve heard grandparents __________a new computer for your birthday.
A) will give you B) are giving you C) are going to give you

Exercise 24. Put the verb in brackets in the most suitable form using the Present Simple, the
Future Simple, ‘going to’, ‘shall’ or the Present Continuous.

1. –I’m hungry. – Oh, I (make) you a sandwich. 2. He (study) Law at Cambridge University next
year. 3. Oh, darling! I love you so much, you (marry) me? 4. Jack (meet) George tomorrow
afternoon. 5. I think he (become) very successful. 6. When you (visit) me next year? 7. Class
(not/ begin) at 9 o’clock, it (begin) at 10 a.m. 8. As soon as she (arrive) in Dallas, she (give) you
a call. 9. Who do you think (win) the next national elections? 10. We (fly) to Madrid next week
for a meeting with the advisory board. 11. I (open) the window? – Do, please. We really need a
breath of fresh air! 12. I promise you: I (finish) my homework on time next week. 13. I (take)
this letter to the post office when I (go) into town this afternoon. 14. – John and Pam (meet) the
Pope when they are in Italy? – I don’t think so. Rome isn’t in their itinerary. 15. I’m not quite
sure yet, but we (probably/ move) to Bath. 16. I’m sorry, we can’t meet tomorrow. I (see) my
therapist at 5 p.m. 17. Now that he has moved into a bigger house he (make) a swimming pool in
his garden. He’s saved for that for months. 18. Look out! The ladder (fall)! 19. I (carry) the bags
for you. They must be very heavy. 20. "I (be) a pilot when I grow up" – said the little boy. 21. –
We (go) and (see) a film tonight? – Good idea, why not?

Exercise 25. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Present Simple, Present Continuous,
going to, Future Simple are possible):

1. Have you seen Linda recently? – Yes, I (stay) with her at the moment. 2. How often you (go)
to the gym? – Normally, four times a week, but this month I (work) till 8 p.m., so I don’t have
time. 3. Be careful! Your chair is broken, you (fall)! 4. I don’t think I (go) to Spain next summer.
5. Well, we have to choose a table now. – We (sit) here? This table isn’t occupied. 6. He usually
(work) from home, but he also (go) to the office from time to time. 7. The number of people who
use the Internet every day constantly (increase) all over the world. 8. Next Monday I (fly) to
New York. I bought my tickets a long time ago. 9. May I have your attention, please? Train 182
to Edinburgh (depart) at 9.05 from Platform 8. 10. The book I (read) now (consist) of 3 parts

Future Continuous


Exercise 1. Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Future Continuous tense.

1. This time on Friday I will be flying to London. 2. I will be working at six o’clock tomorrow.
3. Don’t phone me tomorrow at three. We’ll be having a party. 4. I’ll be revising for my exams
in May. 5. When I come they will be waiting at the airport. 6. When will you be having an
English class? 7. What will you be doing at seven tomorrow? May I come to see you? 8. I will
be reading the whole evening tomorrow. 9. I won’t be having this lecture tomorrow. 10. He will
be going to the country soon, won’t he? 11. Pete will be fixing his car the whole morning. 12.
Bye. I’ll be seeing you next week. 13. When the taxi comes they’ll still be packing, I think. 14.
Be careful. They’ll be watching you all the time.

Exercise 2. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1. The birds will be going South in a couple of days. 2. I’ll be waiting for you. Come back. 3.
Now he will be looking for a new job. 4. They will be having dinner tomorrow at six. 5. I’ll be
coming to see you. They will be coming, too. 6. It’ll be getting dark in an hour or so. 7. I will be
going to town soon. This time on Sunday I’ll be waiting for his call. 8. Night after night he’ll be
sitting in that empty room all alone. 9. Stella’ll be watching TV all day long again. 10. Everyone
will be waiting for him.

Exercise 3. Use the Future Continuous tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. This time next month I (to have a rest) in Florida. 2. She (to wait) for you when you come out.
3. I (to stay) outdoors tomorrow because my brother (to practise) the piano all day. 4. When you
(to see) him? 5. ‘Why don’t you ever go out?’ ‘If I’m out for long, my child (to cry).’ 6. In a
hundred years people (to go) to Moon and Venus for their week-ends. 7. We (to land) in a few
minutes. 8. He (to look for) a new secretary now. 9. ‘He will arrive at 10.30.’ ‘OK, I (to expect)
him.’ 10. When you (to wear) your new dress? 11. He doesn’t want to retire. I think he still (to
work) when he is eighty. 12. Who (to work) here next year?

Exercise 4. Translate into English using the Future Continuous tense.

1. Завтра он весь день будет готовиться к экзаменам. 2. Не опаздывайте. Я буду ждать Вас
в читальном зале в девять. 3. Не звоните мне завтра. Я весь день буду заниматься. 4. Что
Вы будете делать завтра в восемь? 5. Они будут работать весь июнь, а потом будут
отдыхать. 6. Через неделю в это время я уже не буду заниматься. Я буду купаться и
лежать на пляже! 7. Ты будешь сегодня вечером смотреть телевизор? 8. Завтра в
одиннадцать у нас лекция по истории. 9. Он приедет через три дня примерно в это же
время. 10. Послезавтра у моей сестры экзамен в музыкальной школе. Завтра она весь день
будет играть.

Exercise 5. Complete each sentence with a phrase from the box.

I’ll be waiting I’ll be watching I’ll be starting I’ll be catching
I’ll be lying I’ll be living I’ll be joining I’ll be working

1. Next Tuesday at this time ___________on the beach! 2. ________outside the cinema at 7.30.
See you then! 3. All tomorrow afternoon ________ on my history project. 4. This time next
week _______my holiday! 5. In three years’ time ____________the army. 6. Don’t phone at
11.00 because _______ the match then. 7. In ten years’ time, I expect ______in my own flat. 8.
This time tomorrow __________the plane to Brazil!

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with the Future Simple or the Future Continuous form of the
verbs in brackets.

1. Sit down and fasten your seat belts. We (take off) in a few minutes. 2. Do you think you still
(work) here in five years’ time? 3. I don’t think I (see) him tonight. 4. They (reach) the top of the
mountain at this time tomorrow. 5. They still (discuss) the problem at 11 o’clock. 6. You (hear)
about it in the 4 o’clock news. 7. I (work) as a teacher next year. 8. They (have) a party on
Sunday as usual. 9. They (laugh) at you if you tell them this absurd story. 10. I (wait) for you at
the theatre at 7 o’clock.

Exercise 7. Use the Future Simple if the action is permanent, repeated or it is a one-time action.
Use the Future Continuous to show that the action is a temporary one, taking place at a given
moment in the future.

l. You (know) her. She (stand) at the news stand. She (wear) a scarlet rain coat. 2. I (tell) her
everything and I (show) her the papers. I promise you she (not smile) this time. 3. There (not be)
anyone in when we (come). The secretary (have) lunch. 4. It (rain) when we (get) there. 5. Go
straight up the street. The car (wait) for you at the entrance to the department store. 6. We are
much too early. There (be) no one there. 7. Of course, I (be) still here when you (return). I
(mark) the papers. 8. Come and speak to me about it in your lunch hour. I (type) your stuff. 9. I
don’t think she (be) there at that time. She (sketch) somewhere along the coast. 10. No one (see)
us come. They (have) tea on the terrace. 11. At this time she (do) her shopping. 12. When you
(come) to Athens I (cross) the border.

Exercise 8. Translate the sentences into English using the Present Simple, the Future Simple or
the Future Continuous.

1. Мы будем ждать вас у памятника Пушкину. 2. Интересно, что она будет делать завтра в
это время? 3. Они покажут этот фильм снова завтра утром. 4. Я уверена, она все поймет. 5.
Как вы будете добираться туда? 6. Боюсь, она будет тратить очень много денег летом. 7.
Завтра в это время корабль будет приближаться к Неаполю. 8. Официантка принесет кофе
и мороженое через пару минут. 9. Говорят, что зима будет холодной. 10. Завтра мы
увидимся. 11. Когда ты вернешься, они все еще будут жить в своем старом доме. 12.
Собака залает, если чужой подойдет к двери.

Exercise 9. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Simple, the Future Simple and the Future

1. When I (get) home, my dog (sit) at the door waiting for me. 2. It (be) the middle of June. They
(come) soon. 3. If you (want) to see us, come to Tom’s on Sunday. We (wait) for you there at
midday. 4. At this time next week they (sit) in the train on their way to Moscow. 5. They (have)
English from nine to ten in this room. 6. I (wait) for you when you (come). Don’t let anyone
disturb them then. 7. "I (call) for her at eight." –"No, don’t; she still (have) breakfast then.” 8.
It’s beginning to get dark; the street lights (go) on in a few minutes.

Exercise 10. Put the verbs into the correct tense forms: Future or Present.

1. You (not catch) the 10 o’clock train if you (not hurry). 2. I (wait) for you at the airport when
the plane (land). 3. If the weather (be) fine, we (have) a picnic on Sunday. 4. When I (finish) my
work, I (take) the children out for a walk. 5. He (leave) before you (arrive). 6. I (have) a rest after
I (finish) this work. 7. I (speak) to him when I (see) him next time. 8. I (not leave) until you
(return). 9. If you (not take) the job, you (be) sorry. 10. What (happen) to me if I (tell) them? 11.
You (tell) me when breakfast (be) ready? 12. If you (ask) him politely, he (help) you. 13. I (be)
there when she (arrive). 14. If he (not attend) the conference, he (not see) his friends. 15. When
she (hear) her result, she (be) pleased. 16. I (not phone) you unless something important
(happen). 17. If he (not come), you (be) upset? 18. They (laugh) when they (realize) it’s a trick.
19. I think you (like) Nick when you (meet) him. 20. I (send) you a postcard as soon as I (reach)
Paris. 21. I (get) some fresh eggs if they (have) any in the market. 22. She (go) to college if she
(get) good grades in her exams? 23. If he (offer) Guy a job, Guy (take) it. 24. If he (tell) me to
go, I (go). 25. When you (call) me tomorrow, I (lie) on a beach.

Exercise 11. Put the verbs into the correct tense forms: Future or Present.

А. "The moment the sun (rise) we (get) up and (dress). While you (prepare) breakfast I (pack)
the bags. We (set) off as soon as everyone (be) ready. We (not stop) until it (be) time for lunch.
While we (have lunch) we (discuss) our plans for the day after tomorrow. When we (finish)
eating, we (sleep) for an hour. We (hurry) during the afternoon, while it (be) still daylight, and if
the weather (be) bad, we (put on) our raincoats. As soon as it (get) dark, we (make) camp. Before
everybody (go) to sleep, we (have) another discussion".
B. Mother: I’m off to work now. What time will you be back?
Angie: About six. But I (ring) you if there (be) any problems.
Mother: Well, if you (be) back before me, you (have to) get something for dinner.
Angie: О. К. I (decide) on something when I (get) to the supermarket.
Mother: If I (pass) a greengrocer’s, I (buy) some strawberries.
Angie: Great!
Mother: Is Colin coming round tonight?
Angie: He didn’t say but if he (get in touch), I (invite) him to supper.
Mother: Look at the time. I (miss) the bus unless I (go) now.
Angie: О. K. Bye. I (see) you when I (get) home.

Exercise 12. Translate into English using the Future Simple or Continuous and Present Simple
or Continuous.

1. Я зайду к тебе, как только освобожусь. 2. Я сообщу вам свой новый адрес, прежде чем
мы переедем на новую квартиру. 3. Если меня никто не встретит на вокзале, я возьму
такси. 4. После того как собрание закончится, я пойду в кино. 5. Я подожду, пока он не
позвонит мне. 6. Что вы будете делать, если не застанете его дома? 7. Когда я приеду в
Москву, я дам тебе телеграмму. 8. Я помогу тебе, как только закончу работать над
статьей. 9. Я не уйду, пока ты не вернешься. 10. Вы опоздаете на поезд, если не
поспешите. 11. Мы не будем обедать, пока ты не придешь. 12. Если она не ответит на мое
письмо, я не буду ей больше писать. 13. Я зайду к тебе перед тем, как уеду из Москвы. 14.
Если он не приедет завтра, пошлите ему телеграмму. 15. Я поговорю с ним об этом, когда
увижу его. 16. Если я не уеду в командировку, то я зайду к тебе на днях.

Exercise 13. Translate into English using the Future and Present Continuous, the Future and
Present Simple.

1. Иди, малыш, домой, а то родители будут беспокоиться. 2. Мы сегодня идем в кино. Вы

будете сидеть рядом со мной. 3. Нам нужно вернуться в 10 часов. Нелли будет ждать нас в
библиотеке. 4. "Вы будете обедать со мной в понедельник?" – "Я бы очень хотел, но
боюсь, что в это время я буду сдавать экзамен". 5. "Что они будут делать, когда мы
приедем домой?" – "Я думаю, они будут играть". 6. "Я недостаточно хорошо себя
чувствую, чтобы идти на вокзал и встречать Джона". – "Я встречу его. Скажите, как я его
узнаю". – "На нем будет синий костюм и черная кепка". 7. Интересно, что мы будем
делать через год и будем ли мы еще встречаться друг с другом. 8. "Мой сын в будущем
году будет в девятом классе". – "Значит, моя мама будет учить его английскому языку". 9.
Не говорите ей об этом, через минуту она будет плакать. 10. "Что вы будете делать в это
время в следующую пятницу?" – "Как всегда, буду работать".


Exercise 14. Put the verb into the most suitable form:

a) use "will" or "going to"

1. Why are you filling that bucket with water? – I (wash) the floor. 2. Oh, I haven’t got any
money to buy the books. – Don’t worry – that’s no problem. I (lend) you some. 3. What you (do)
after supper? – Watch television. Why? 4. Have a good time in Italy! – Thanks. I (send) you a
postcard. 5. Why are you turning on television? – I (watch) the news. 6. Did you post that letter
for me? — Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot. I (do) it now. 7. We need some bread for lunch –
Oh, do we? I (go) to the shop and get some. 8. The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe,
does it?–No, it looks as if it (fall) down. 9. I don’t know how to use this camera – It’s quite easy!
I (show) you. 10. What would you like to drink–tea or coffee? –I (have) tea, please. 11. Phew!
It’s hot in here.–Yes, isn’t it? I (turn on) the air conditioning. 12. Has George decided on what to
do when he leaves school? – Oh, yes. Everything is planned. He (have) a holiday for a few

weeks and then he (start) a computer programming course. 13. Where are you going? – Are you
going shopping? – Yes, I (buy) something for dinner. 14. I decided to repaint this room– What
colour (you, paint) it? 15. I’m going to a party tomorrow.–What (you, wear)? 16. When (you,
type) my article? – I (do) it tomorrow if I have time.

b) use "going to" , the Future Continuous, the Present Continuous or the Present Simple
1. I don’t know what I (do) with my computer. Perhaps you’d like it? 2. The plane (leave) at 6
o’clock. 3. I know you (like) our new geography teacher. Come on! We (be) late. 4. Sue and
Alan (get) married on Saturday. 5. Take a warm coat. It’s very cloudy. I think it (snow) 6. I
(take) my driving test on Wednesday. 7. My parents (arrive) by the 11.50 train. 8. I feel terrible. I
think I (be) sick. 9. The new supermarket (open) on 5th May.

c) use the Present Continuous or Present Simple

1. We (go) to the theatre this evening. 2. We (have) a party on Saturday. Would you like to
come? 3. the film (begin) at 3.30 or 4.30? 4. I (not go) away for my holiday next month because
I haven’t got enough money. you (go away)? 5. The concert this evening (start) at 7.30. 6.
George, is it true that you (get) married next week? 7. The art exhibition (open) on 3rd May and
(finish) on 15th July. 8. What time the next train (leave)? 9. Ann, we (go) to town. You (come)
with us?

Exercise 15. Translate into English using the correct tense forms: Future or Present.

1. Сколько времени у тебя уйдет на то, чтобы закончить эту работу? – Я думаю, что
закончу ее через неделю. 2. Где ты собираешься отдыхать этим летом? – Я хочу поехать
на юг. 3. Что ты делаешь сегодня вечером? – Я иду в театр. 4. Интересно, придет ли
Джейн на вечер.– Не думаю. Сегодня вечером приезжает ее мать, она идет на вокзал
встречать ее. 5. Ты принесла словарь? – Нет, я совершенно забыла. Я принесу его завтра.
6. Роберт не будет присутствовать на собрании. Он уезжает в Москву. Он пробудет там
целый месяц. 7. Поторопись. Поезд отправляется через полчаса. 8. Не беспокойтесь о
дочери. Я за ней присмотрю. 9. Когда ты сдаешь последний экзамен? – В пятницу.

Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous


Exercise 1. Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Future Perfect tense.

1. By ten they will have gone; come earlier, if you can. 2. The plane will have taken off when we
get to the airport. 3. If you come at five I’ll have translated the article. 4. Will you have finished
the washing-up by the time the film begins? 5. By that time he will have got your letter, don’t
phone him. 6. She’s leaving on Saturday, but I think she will have made all her purchases by
then. 7. He must give the book back next Tuesday, but he will have read it long before that day.
8. We won’t have written the test by the time the teacher comes.

Exercise 2. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1. By the time he comes we’ll have completed the task ourselves. 2. He’ll have guessed the
crossword puzzle by the time the boss comes back. 3. She’ll have taken up something else by the
summer. 4. Somebody will have shown up by six. 5. They will have done everything by Sunday.
6. Ann will have bought the tickets by the time you arrive at the station. 7. Tom will have
ordered everything when we come to the restaurant. 8. By 2020, people will have learnt to grow
food on the seabed. 9. By the end of the autumn they will have built a new skating-rink in this
district. 10. Antony will have opened a new cafe not far from here by the end of the year.

Exercise 3. Put the verb in brackets into the Future Perfect.

1. I hope you (go) to bed by eleven. 2. She (listen) to the poem many times before she
understands all the words. 3. They (get) you into trouble before you can say ‘knife’. 4. I hope the
telegram (come) before they start for the North. 5. The news of their marriage (reach) their
village before they get there. 6. She (be) there many times before she meets him again. 7. They
believe the ship (come) back by the end of the navigation. 8. I suppose she (make) some
provisions for Maggie before she leaves for America. 9. They (take) their last exam by the first
of July. 10. He (write) the last chapter of his new book by the end of the year. 11. By the time
you come I (clean) the flat and (cook) dinner.

Exercise 4. Put the verb in brackets into the Future Perfect.

1. We (finish) all the house work by 6 o’clock this afternoon. 2. I (read) this book by tomorrow
evening. 3. Thousands of people (see) this exhibition by the end of the month. 4. They (build)
this house long before the end of October. 5. They (do) half of the journey when they reach the
Volga. 6. I (write) my composition by the time you come back. 7. We’ve got five days in St.
Petersburg: we are leaving on Monday; but I’m sure that we (see) everything of importance by

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using the Future Perfect Tense of the suggested verbs.

1. By the time you meet him he ... (do a lot of work). 2. By the time the lessons are over the
pupils ... (run out of the classroom). 3. Before the bell rings the children ... (prepare everything
for the lesson). 4. When my letter reaches you I ... (move to New York). 5. Before I hear from
my sister again I ... (make many inquiries about her). 6. Before supper my father ... (look through
evening papers). 7. By the time we get there the sun ... (set). 8. Before you learn to speak
English fluently you ... (do many exercises). 9. By the time you get your pay she ... (spend all the

Exercise 6. Complete the following sentences using the Future Perfect and your own ideas.

1. By the time he comes, ... 2. When this term is over,... 3. By the end of the week, ... 4. By the
end of the academic year,... 5. When they are through with this task, ... 6. When my parents

come home, ... 7. By the end of this month, ... 8. Before the end of his/her holiday, ... 9. Before
the end of this week, ... 10. When they get to the station, ...11. When he leaves his house,...

Exercise 7. Answer the questions in the Future Perfect Tense, using the words in brackets.

Model: Will you still be asleep if I call you at eight ? (get up)
Oh no, I will have got up by that time.

1. Will your sister be having dinner if I call for her at six? (have dinner) 2. Will your brother be
at home at 9 o’clock on Sunday? (leave for Moscow) 3. Will the typist be still typing the papers
on Monday? (do everything) 4. Will you still be watching TV at 11 o’clock tonight? (switch off)
5. Will he still be a student next June? (graduate) 6. Will you be shopping when we get home?
(return home) 7. Will the Claptons still be living in their old flat in January? (move to a new flat)
8. Will the children be decorating the Christmas tree when the guests arrive? (decorate)

Exercise 8. Answer the questions in the Future Perfect Tense, using the words in brackets.

Model: Shall I find him in if I come at 6? (go) I’m sure he’ll have gone already.
Will he be reading up for his exam on Saturday? (pass) I’m sure he’ll have passed it already.

1. Will you still be cooking dinner at 12 tomorrow? (do the cooking) 2. Will you help Granny
look for her glasses when you come back? (find) 3. Shall we be able to discuss the new film on
Saturday? (see the film) 4. Shall we see Mike in Moscow when I return? (arrive) 5. Will Helen
be at home if I ring her up at 8? (come) 6. Will they still be eating dinner at 6 tomorrow? (have
dinner) 7. Will the boys be still taking their exams in the middle of June? (pass) 8. Will you be
repairing the bicycle if I call for you at 6? (repair)


Exercise 9. Complete the following sentences using the words given in brackets.

Model: Francis came to the US from Britain almost five years ago. Next Monday it will be
exactly five years since he arrived. Next Monday (he/be/here/exactly five years).
Next Monday he will have been here for exactly five years.

1. Pete and Jane are going to the concert. It is 18.30. The concert starts at 19.00. It will take them
45 minutes to get to the hall. By the time they get there, (the concert /already/ to start). 2. The
population of this town is about 50,000. Every year it increases; more than 1,000 a year. By the
end of the third year (it/become/more than 53,000). 3. Next year is their 10th wedding
anniversary. They (to be married /10 years). 4. We are late. It’s 11.35 already. The lecture begins
at 11.40. By the time we get to the University (the lecture/to start/ already). 5. I’m almost
through with this book. There are only ten pages left. When you come back, (I/to read/it). 6. He
is very good at cooking. It usually takes him half an hour to make a very good meal for the
whole family. It’s 17.30 now. We’ll come home in twenty minutes. When we come, (he/to
cook/the meat). 7. Jake usually gets up late. His favourite film is on TV today, but by the time he

gets up, (the film/to start already). 8. Ann started working here almost three years ago on
September 1. This Monday is September 1. So this Monday (she/to work here/three years)

Exercise 10. What do you think will or won’t have happened on Earth by 2020? 2050? 2070?
Make up sentences according to the model.

Model: By 2050 people won’t have found cure against AIDS.

Use some of the ideas from the list given below, but think of your own ideas, too.

1. find a cure for cancer; 2. learn to grow food on the sea-bed; 3. learn to live on the sea-bed; 4.
build colonies on the Moon/Mars/Venus; 5. design a common language; 6. solve hunger
problem; 7. improve medical care system; 8. improve education system; 9. solve the Loch-Ness
mystery; 10. find extra-terrestrial intelligence; 11. stop global warming; 12. learn to predict
earthquakes; 13. invent time-travel; 14. invent artificial food; 15. find a solution to the problem
of poverty; 16. use all the fossil fuel on Earth; 17. stop all wars; 18. make the environment

Exercise 11. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Simple, the Future Simple and the Future

1. I (suppose) when I (come) back in two years’ time they (pull) down all these old houses. 2.
"Your face (be) dirty, Tom." – "All right, I (wash) it." 3. "You have just missed the last train." –
"Never mind, I (walk)". 4. "You (know) the way to the Bolshoi Theatre?" – "No." – "Then I
(show) you." 5. By the time you (finish) cooking they (do) their work. 6. "May I use your phone
to ring for a taxi ?" – "Oh, there is no need for that; my son (drive) you home." 7. I hope it (stop)
snowing by tomorrow morning. 8. If you (think) it over you (see) I am right. 9. "I’m going to
Hyde Park to hear the people making speeches." – "You (be) late. By the time you (get) there
they (finish) their speeches and everybody (go) home."

Exercise 12. Translate into English using the Present Simple, the Future Simple and the Future

1. К семи часам я закончу эту работу. 2. Мы сделаем это упражнение к трем часам дня, а
потом пойдем гулять. 3. К 1 июня мы сдадим все зачеты. 4. Строители построят эту школу
к 1 сентября. 5. Я напишу ему письмо к тому времени, как она придет ко мне. 6. Поезд уже
уйдет к тому времени, когда мы придем на станцию. 7. Я переведу эту статью к
понедельнику. 8. Он уже пообедает к тому времени, когда вы ему позвоните.

Exercise 13. Put the verb in brackets into the Future Perfect, the Future Simple, the Present
Simple and the Present Continuous tense instead of the verbs in brackets.

1. I (hope) when I (come) back you (finish) your homework. 2. You (be) late. By the time you
(get) there they (eat) everything up. 3. Too many people (fall ill) every day. I’m afraid by the end
of the month epidemic (spread) here. 4. These batteries (run out) in two days. Don’t forget to get

some more! 5. Your watch (be) slow. We (be) late! The party (begin) by the time we (come)! 6.
The house is very old. They (demolish) it by the time you (come) to our city again, I think. 7.
Tornadoes (speed) through the island every year. By the end of the season they (damage) many
buildings and (injure) or (kill) many people. 8. By that time you (go) crazy or (forget) it all.

Exercise 14. Underline the best verb form according to the context.

1. ‘Have you decided yet?’ ‘Yes, I’ll have /I have the roast beef, please.’ 2. Q: How will I have
known / will I know that I have won a prize? A: You are receiving / will receive an email giving
full details. 3. Quick! Get out of the car! It’s going to burst /It’s bursting into flames at any
minute! 4. Don’t come round before midday, because I’ll be cleaning/I clean the house until that.
5. Sorry, I can’t come on Thursday evening, I’m going to work/ I’m working late on an important
project. 6. The cost of construction is almost certainly rising/ will almost certainly rise before the
end of the year as wage increases begin to take effect. 7. The conference is going to begin
/begins next Friday morning at 9.00. 8. Here’s the money you asked for. –Thanks. – What will
you do /are you going to do with it? 9. Why don’t you give Helen this cheap perfume instead of
the expensive one? She won’t have known/won’t know the difference! 10. I just want to remind
everyone that we’ll be holding/we hold a Latin–American evening at the town hall this Friday.

Exercise 15. Supply the required future or present tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. I hope you (not forget) all this by tomorrow. 2. I think she (cook) dinner by the time Mother
(come) home. 3. He (be) a pensioner for ten years by next spring. 4. I hope they (tell) her the
news by the time we (come). 5. Ask him when he (finish) packing. 6. What ... you (do) when I
(call) on you at 5 tomorrow? 7. He (search) every corner of your room before he (leave). 8. The
plane (approach) Moscow at this time tomorrow. 9. By the time you (get) home we (prepare)
everything for the party. 10. They (come) to see us next Sunday. 11. By the end of the year we
(be) through with our experimental work. 12. The doctor (examine) his last patient at this time

Exercise 16. Translate into English using the Present Simple, the Future Simple and the Future

1. Мы сделаем это упражнение к двум часам, а потом вместе пойдём в парк. 2. Они
построят эту школу к 1 сентября. 3. Завтра исполняется 10 лет с тех пор, как она работает
в этой фирме. 4. Надеюсь, к концу недели они починят нашу стиральную машину. 5.
Рабочие закончат ремонт дома к началу осени. 6. Что ты успеешь сделать к тому времени,
как я приду? 7. Они закончат строительство к зиме, не правда ли? 8. Уверен, что он не
прочтёт эту книгу к назначенному сроку. 9. Они не напишут тест к приходу учителя.

Exercise 17. Translate the sentences into English using the Present Simple, the Future Simple,
the Future Continuous and the Future Perfect.

1. Он вернется домой к 15 августа. 2. Через неделю в это время наш теплоход будет
приближаться к берегам Кубы. 3. Я буду ждать вас завтра в это же время. 4. Через два дня

студенты начнут сдавать экзамены. 5. Не приставай к нему, он очень волнуется: завтра в
это время он будет давать свой первый концерт. 6. Надеюсь, к 10 часам вечера концерт
уже закончится, и через полчаса дети будут уже дома. 7. Мы уберем квартиру и накроем
на стол до того, как придут гости. 8. Он говорит, что придет на вокзал проводить нас. 9.
Что вы будете делать завтра в это время? – Буду давать свой первый урок в школе. 10.
Строители закончат новую линию метро к 10 мая. 11. Убери свою комнату прежде, чем
поедешь за город. 12. Он все поймет раньше, чем ты начнешь свои объяснения.

Exercise 18. Grammar in Communication. Make some personal predictions about ten years’
time (or choose another length of time). Say:
- what you will / won’t be doing;
- where you will / won’t be;
- what you will / won’t have done by then.

Model: In ten years’ time I’ll be living in a house of my own.

Exercise 19. Supply the Future Perfect Continuous Tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. Next year we (study) English for three years. 2. In summer my brother (travel) in Siberia for a
year. 3. In two years my friend’s father (work) at the factory for 30 years. 4. It (snow) for a week
tomorrow. 5. Next year she (give) music lessons for twenty years. 6. In a month he (play)
football for seven years. 7. In ten minutes they (discuss) this question for three hours. 8. In
September they (build) their country house for 2 years. 9. In two months she (work) at school for
ten years. 10. In half an hour they (write) a test-paper for two hours. 11. The play (run) for a year
in May. 12. In March she (dance) on this stage for fifteen years. 13. Tomorrow it (rain) heavily
for almost a week.

Exercise 20. Put the verb in brackets into the Future Perfect or the Future Perfect Continuous.

1. By the time she graduates I (teach) English for two years. 2. When my daughter goes to school
we (live) here for over five years. 3. We’ll get there at 8.30 at the earliest. They (wait) for over
an hour. 4. By the end of the next month we (learn) English for nearly six months. 5. Don’t call
on me at 10 o’clock tomorrow. I’ll be translating the article. By I o’clock in the afternoon I
(translate) the article for three hours already. Come to see me at 3. I hope that by that time I
(translate) it. 6. They (complete) the new bridge by the end of the year. 7. By the end of the week
we (wait) seventeen months for our telephone to be repaired. 8. I hope you (finish) this report by
the end of the day. 9. We (fly) nonstop fifteen hours before we get to Calcutta. 10. She (leave)
for work before the children get home from school. 11. By this time next year he (write) his
memories. 12. Do you know that your sister (work) for this company for ten years by next
month? 13. They (be married) for twenty five years next year. 14. How long they (look) for a flat
by next Monday?

Exercise 21. Translate the sentences into English putting the verb in italics into the Future
Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. На будущий год будет 10 лет, как она работает в больнице. 2. Через два дня будет
ровно год, как я учу испанский язык. 3. Через неделю будет три года, как они строят
кинотеатр в нашем районе. 4. Будущим летом будет пять лет, как наша группа работает
над этой проблемой. 5. На будущий год исполнится 6 лет, как он играет в хоккей в этой
команде. 6. Через несколько дней будет год, как он пишет эту книгу. 7. В августе будет
два года, как он пишет портрет своей жены. 8. Через несколько минут будет 3 часа, как
студенты пишут сочинение. 9. Через пару минут будет час, как я стою и жду автобуса.


Exercise 22. Put the verb in brackets into the Future Perfect or the Future Perfect Continuous.

1. We (finish) this exercise by 8 o’clock. 2. We are late. The lesson (start) by now. 3. By the end
of March he (live) here for three years. 4. Young Billy is growing up. By this time next year he
(begin) school. 5. They will be tired when they get there. They (travel) all day. 6. She (have)
lunch by the time we arrive. 7. They (build) the road by the end of the year. 8. I (spend) all my
money by tomorrow. 9. We (fly) for twelve hours by the time the plane lands. 10. The play
(begin) before we reach the theatre. 11. Before the end of the year they (complete) the project.
12. I (work) for this company non-stop for thirty years by the end of October

Exercise 23. Translate into English using the correct future or present tenses.

1. Мы будем рекламировать эти товары несколько месяцев к тому времени, как они
появятся на рынке. 2. На будущий год к этому времени она будет изучать французский
уже два года. 3. К тому времени, когда она приедет, я уже буду жить здесь в течение двух
лет. 4. К концу года, когда мы встретимся, он уже будет писать эту книгу в течение 4
месяцев. 5. Сколько он проработает на заводе к этому времени на будущий год? 6. Мы
будем переводить эту статью уже 2 часа, когда вы позвоните. 7. Как ты думаешь, когда мы
закончим этот отчет? – Полагаю, что мы закончим к 6 часам вечера. В любом случае, к
тому времени я уже уйду. – Почему? – Я уезжаю в Москву. Поезд отправляется в 6.15,
поэтому я буду должна уйти пораньше. 8. Когда мы приедем на дачу, мы сразу пойдем
купаться. Но я не знаю, что мы будем делать, если пойдет дождь. 9. Я позвоню тебе, как
только он вернется. – Хорошо. Я буду ждать твоего звонка. 10.Я точно не знаю, когда он
придет. Вам лучше позвонить ему на работу.

Exercise 25. Complete the sentences with the correct form with a future meaning.

1. At this time next month we (lie) on a beach in Spain. 2. By the end of the year the rate of
unemployment (rise) by 10%. 3. Tomorrow at 7 a.m. I (see) my boss. 4. By next morning we
(clean) our room. 5. This time next week we (drive) to Acapulco. 6. I (wait) for you at the usual
time. 7. At about 7 o’clock they (cross) the Russian border. 8. At that time your son (learn) to
speak. 9. By that time next month all the daffodils (die). 10. When you come she (write) an
article. 11. Before the youngsters grow up they (learn) a lot of things. 12. By ten o’clock we
(cross) the Himalayas. 13. She (wash) all day tomorrow. 14. This time next summer my uncle
(sail) in the Atlantic. 15. By two o’clock the Maths teacher (come). 16. If you (come) in the

evening we (finish) our work. 17. At about eleven o’clock the exam (come) to an end. 18. Where
they (spend) their next holiday? – In Spain, it’s all arranged. 19. This time tomorrow they (do)
the shopping. 20. When you are my age you (know) all about this. 21. This time next Monday
they (take) a difficult exam. 22. By dawn they (make) this sketch. 23. On 3 May the expedition
(cover) about 400 km. 24. Tomorrow at 6 p.m. I (drive) him to the airport. 25. We (finish) the
project by then. 26. The day after tomorrow I (have) a rest, too. 27. You (do) this job by lunch?
28. Next Monday Alice (live) in London for exactly 3 years. 29. Don’t call me tomorrow
afternoon. I (have) lunch then. 30. You can contact me at noon. I (finish) lunch by then. 31. They
(use) their car this evening? 32. She won’t be at home in the morning. She (go) to work by then.
33. Next year they (be married) for 20 years. 34. Next week he (have) a driving license for 5
years. 35. By the end of the trip he (travel) about 300 miles. 36. This time next Sunday we (tour)
Europe. 37. By the end of the holiday they (learn) to swim. 38. On Monday he (be) in Britain for
ten years. 39. Before the end of the holiday the boy (spend) all his money. 40. Don’t phone Peter
after supper. He (watch) football then.

Revision of the Tenses

Exercise 1. Complete these texts using the past, present or future forms of the verbs in brackets.
Give alternatives where possible. In some cases, you will need to use the Future in the Past.


A complete ban on tobacco advertising in the EU (come) into effect at midnight tonight. Initially,
the ban was to begin last October, but last-minute legal moves by the tobacco companies forced
a delay. EU health ministers issued a statement welcoming the ban, and saying that it (reduce)
smoking-related disease significantly.
A Brazilian rocket has exploded after an engine ignited by mistake just days before its planned
lift-off. A new launch (take place) in March. The unmanned rocket (carry) two satellites into
The Australian actress Niki Kardman (star) in a film about the life of Princess Diana made by
the director Baz Leeman. The production (begin) early next year. Ms Kardman said, ‘When Baz
said he (make) a film about Diana’s life and wanted to cast me, I jumped at the chance.’
The novelist Arnold Miller has died. Miller (work) as a journalist in London during the 1960s
before moving to Canada, where he (spend) the rest of his life. He (speak) exclusively to The
Daily Reporter last month, in what was his last major interview. A special report on his life and
work (appear) in next Friday’s edition.

Exercise 2. Translate into English using the required past, present and future tenses.
1.Насколько я знаю, она еще не вернулась. Я не знаю, где она сейчас. 2. – Что она вам
только что говорила? – Ничего особенного. 3. – Вы давно живете в этом городе? –
Двадцать шесть лет. – Где вы раньше жили? – В Омске. 4. Входите, пожалуйста. Мы вас
давно ждем. 5. Вы очень давно не видели мою сестру. Приходите к нам сегодня вечером.
6. Мы идем уже шесть часов и очень устали. 7. Я не была у своих друзей уже месяц.
Завтра я собираюсь их навестить. 8. Мы с ним знакомы уже больше года. 9. Мы с Джоном
учились вместе в школе, и с тех пор мы большие друзья. 10. – Ваши гости уже приехали. –
Я знаю. 11. «Я пою, танцую и играю в скетчах», – сказала она. «Вы талантливая женщина.
Вы это делаете всю свою жизнь», – ответил журналист. 12. Я здесь с утра жду вас. 13. Нас
не было дома в течение месяца, и они еще не знают, что мы уже приехали. 14. «Мама, в
чем дело? – спросила Дженни. – У тебя красные глаза. Ты плакала?» 15. Я в этом городе
уже пятнадцать лет. Наша семья переехала сюда, когда мне было 10 лет. 16. «Кто-нибудь
живет в этой квартире?» Я покачала головой и ответила: «Она заперта с тех пор, как я
переехала сюда». 17. Я очень много думаю о вас последнее время. 18. Я их не видела с тех
пор, как переехала в этот город. 19. Я пишу курсовую (term paper) в течение трех дней и
очень устала. 20. – Где же Аня? – Она наверху. Мы только что с ней разговаривали. 21. –
Где Джон? – Я не знаю, но я встречаюсь с ним сегодня в кафе. 22. Если вы поставите
чайник, я заварю чай. 23. Вы дадите мне эту книгу, если она мне понадобится? 24. Я
скажу о вас отцу, когда он придет. 25. Не приходите, пока не будете готовы. 26. Аня, что
вы делаете? Вы уже готовите завтрак? Ведь еще очень рано. 27. – Вы когда уезжаете? – Я
сегодня улетаю самолетом. 28. Посмотрите, кто-то идет. 29. Где же Андрей? – Вон там, в
углу, он играет в шахматы с друзьями. 30. – Где мама? Когда же она придет домой? – Я
сама ее жду. 31. Он сказал, что уже больше года знает эту семью. 32. Он пришел домой,
после того как вы ушли. 33. Когда мы добрались до лагеря, солнце еще не взошло. 34.
Когда позвонили, я пошла и открыла дверь. Это был Том. Я ему сказала, что мы рады его
видеть и давно его ждем. 35. Он был лучшим учителем, который у нас когда-либо был.

Exercise 3. Translate into English using the required past, present and future tenses.

1. Я встретила моего бывшего одноклассника вчера, когда стояла на остановке и ждала

автобуса. 2. – Почему ты не подходил вчера вечером к телефону? Я звонила тебе три раза!
– Но я был дома! Весь вечер вчера я сидел дома и читал. Телефон не звонил ни разу.
Наверное, он сломан. 3. В это время в следующий понедельник я буду лежать на пляже и
наслаждаться отпуском. 4. Надеюсь, ты не забудешь послать ему письмо. – Нет, конечно.
Я собираюсь отправить его как можно скорее. 5. – Что ты делаешь? – Я одеваюсь. – Ты
опоздаешь! Ты выбираешь себе одежду уже полчаса, и все еще не закончила. Не забудь,
твой поезд отправляется в 7.30. – Не волнуйся, я еду на такси. Дорога займет у меня
гораздо меньше времени. 6. Ужин уже приготовят к тому времени, как вы вернетесь с
работы. 7. Он понял, что Кэрри никогда его не любила. 8. Помогите! У меня украли
чемодан! Вот он – мужчина в черной куртке! Он украл мой чемодан! 9. – Об этой книге
все говорят в последнее время. – Да, в этом году она пользуется популярностью у
читателей. Я ее еще не читал, а моя жена читала несколько раз. Я ее прочитаю, когда буду
в отпуске. 10. Джон чинил машину уже два часа, когда Эмили пришла к нему в гараж и
попросила съездить с ней в город. Джон пошел в дом, вымыл руки, переоделся, и через
полчаса они с Эмили уехали из дому. 11. Сколько времени Вы уже путешествуете по
России? – О, около трех месяцев. – Вы видели многие регионы, не так ли? 12. Эдди
пообещал, что приедет к нам на Рождество, но так и не приехал. 13. Мы не могли ехать
дальше, так как посередине дороги лежало дерево, которое повалил вчерашний ураган. 14.
– Я тебе правду говорю – мой телефон самый современный, красивый и он долларов на

300 дороже твоего! – Джо, прекрати! Вечно ты хвастаешься! 15. Наконец–то ты пришел!
Мы только что о тебе говорили. – Да? Я всегда хотел знать, что люди говорят за моей
спиной. 16. – Привет! Не ожидала увидеть тебя здесь! Почему ты едешь на автобусе? Ты
же обычно ездишь на работу на машине! – Мою машину сейчас ремонтируют, поэтому
приходится ездить на автобусе. 17. Я вышла из дома и уже подходила к остановке, когда я
вспомнила, что я забыла книги дома. 18. – Где Ник? – Понятия не имею. Нужно спросить
Эми. Эми, ты не знаешь, где Ник? – Он принимает душ. А что? – Я жду его уже полчаса.
Если он не поторопится, мы опоздаем. Спектакль начинается ровно в 7.

Exercise 4. Comment on the use of tenses.

Elizabeth: Arnold’s father arrived last night.

Teddie: Did he! I thought he was in Paris.
Arnold: So did we all. He said he’d be there for the next month.
Anne: Have you seen him?
Arnold: No! He rang me up just now.
Elizabeth: Did you tell him Lady Catherine was coming?
Arnold: Of course not. I was surprised to know he was here. And then I thought we’d better talk
it over first.
Elizabeth: Is he coming along here?
Arnold: Yes. He suggested it, and I couldn’t think of any excuse to prevent him.
Teddie: Couldn’t you put the other people off?
Arnold: They’re coming by car. They can be here any minute. It’s too late to do that.
Elizabeth: Besides, it would be beastly.
(After S. Maugham)

Exercise 5. Choose the correct variant.

The arguments about climate change

According to all the measurements, climate change happens / is happening, but science appears /
is appearing to be split on what to do about it. Unfortunately, scientists do not all agree /aren’t
all agreeing about the causes of global warming. In a recent book, two scientists – Fred Singer, a
climate physicist, and Dennis Avery, a biologist – argue /are arguing that the warming currently
observed around the world is part of a 1,500-year cycle in solar energy. Singer, an outspoken
critic of the idea that humans warm / are warming the planet, and Avery, believe / are believing
that a well-established 1.500-year cycle in the Earth’s climate can explain most of the global
warming that takes place/has taken place in the last 100 years. We are currently on an upswing,
getting warmer after the Little Ice Age, but in a few hundred years we will be / are back on the
downswing, and getting colder again. They say / are saying that efforts to slow down the current
warming by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases are at best pointless, or at worst
economically damaging. This, of course, is not what the fourth assessment report of the UN
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has said/ said a few weeks ago. That report
from the UN climate science working group has concluded/ concluded that it is / has been likely
that rising greenhouse gas concentrations have caused/ caused most recent warming and that,

depending on our actions now to slow the growth of emissions, warming by 2100 will probably
be/ is probably between about 1.5°C and 6°C. So, which scientists tell/ are telling us the truth?

Exercise 6. Complete the text using the required past or present forms of the verbs in brackets.

А. I (feel) rather poor lately, so this morning at nine I (go) to see my doctor. I (find) him alone in
his waiting- room, where he (stand) surveying a pile of magazines. “All alone?” I (say). “What
you (do) to your patients? You (cure) them all?” “The reason why people (not crowd) into this
room now is that on Wednesday I (not begin) consultations here until half past ten. Such (be) my
habit for the last twenty-five years.” “I am sorry I (come) too early,” I (say), “I’ll go away and
come back later.” “Oh, no! I (prefer) early patients to late ones. In the course of my practice I
(notice) that the late-comers (be) usually not serious cases. Many people (come) to a doctor for
sympathy, you know. They (be) like a dog that once (come) here with a sore paw; I (bandage) it
for him and while I (do) this he (look) at me with great lonely eyes. He (come) back the next day
and every day until his paw (be) well. I (find) out that his master (go) away and a kindly old
couple (look) after the dog. He (miss) his master and (want) special sympathy. So, although he
(be) well, he (take) to coming to see me two or three times a week. He is old now but he still
(After D. Clarke and M. Mackenzie)

B. It (rain) all day today. I (suspect) it always (rain) on Sundays in England. Anyhow, it (rain)
every Sunday since I (arrive) here three months ago. I just (begin) to get used to it but I (find) it
rather monotonous! I (live) in a boarding-house in Bayswater. I (enjoy) my stay here as I already
(have) many opportunities to meet interesting people who (come) from all over the world. Like
me, they (study) English. Some of them (live) here for quite a long time but even they all (not
speak) English very well. My friend Peter, for instance, who comes from Basle, and (come) here
a year ago, still (speak) with a strong Swiss accent. He (come) here on business. Although I (be)
here only three months, I (pick) up enough English to be able to correct Peter frequently, but as I
(learn) English at school here, I have an unfair advantage over Peter, who is a good fellow, and
(be) most helpful in showing me about London during the first weeks of my stay.

(After D. Clarke and M. Mackenzie)

Exercise 7. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Simple, the Future Simple, the Past Simple,
the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect and the Future-in-the-Past.

It (be) Ashley’s birthday and Melanie (give) him a surprise reception that night. Everyone
(know) about the reception, except Ashley. Even his children (know). Everyone in the town who
(be) nice (be invited). General Gordon and his family graciously (accept) the invitation.
Alexander Stephens (say) he (be) present if his ever-uncertain health (permit). Scarlett never
(see) Melanie so excited or so happy.
“You see, dear, Ashley (not have) a birthday party since we (come) here. And he (work) so hard
and he (be) so tired. When he (get) home at night he (be) surprised when everybody (come) in!”

Melanie’s house (blaze) lights from every room. It (be packed) with guests. They (overflow) on
verandas and many (sit) on the benches in the dim lantern-hung yard.
(After M. Mitchell)

Exercise 8. Complete the text using the required past, present or future forms of the verbs in
brackets. Give alternatives where possible.

New tunnel planned beneath the Alps

For centuries, the Alps (serve) as a natural trade barrier between northern and southern Europe.
Transporting Italian wine to the Netherlands, or German washing machines to Greece, (be) a
long, slow journey along narrow alpine valleys, through tunnels and over passes. The amount of
freight crossing the Alps in heavy vehicles (rise) sharply over the last two decades. In 1990 an
estimated 40 million tonnes (go) by road; in 2001 that (rise) to 90 million tonnes, with further
big increases expected by 2010. But concerns for the Alpine environment and fears over safety
(lead) to big pressure to move freight off the roads and onto the railways. Both Switzerland’s
Gotthard road tunnel and France’s Mont Blanc road tunnel (suffer) major fires in the last ten
years in which many (die). As long ago as 1994, the Swiss (vote) in a nationwide referendum to
put all freight crossing their country onto the railways. Naturally, such an ambitious plan
(not/happen) overnight, but now the project dubbed the engineering feat of the 21st century
(slowly/ take shape). Right now, deep beneath the Alps, the Swiss (build) a high speed rail link
between Zurich and Milan. When completed, it (be), at 57 kilometres (35 miles), the world’s
longest tunnel. A key feature of the project, winch is new to alpine transport, is the fact that the
entire railway line (stay) at the same altitude of 500 metres (1,650 ft) above sea level. This
(allow) trains using the line to reach speeds of 240 km/h (149 mph), reducing the travel time
between Zurich and Milan from today’s four hours lo just two and a half.

Exercise 9. Complete the text using the required past, present or future forms of the verbs in
brackets. Give alternatives where possible.

Child employment in Victorian Britain

In Victorian London ‘mud larks’ were children who (search for) valuable bits and pieces on the
shores of the River Thames. They (not/ do) this from boats, but (wait) until the tide (go) out, and
then (crawl) about in the river mud looking for anything valuable. Henry Mayhew, a Victorian
writer, (interview) a ‘mud lark’ in his book about poor working people in London in the 1850s.
Here’s what he told him: ‘My family is Irish though I was born m London. My father (work) at
London Docks. He is a strong-bodied man of 34. In the past I (go) to school with my brothers for
about three years and (learn) reading and writing and arithmetic. One of my brothers (be) at sea
for the past five years. I (work) in the neighbourhood of Millwall picking pieces of coal and iron,
copper and bits of canvas on the surface. When bargemen (carry) coal to the shore some of it
(fall) in the mud and we (pick up) it. The most I (ever see) my companions find is one shilling’s
worth a day. There are usually thirteen or fourteen mud larks, boys and girls, in the summer, and
six boys steadily in the winter. When a bargeman (get hold) of one of us, he generally (throw)
him into the river. The police boat (chase) us two or three times. One night I (see) a large piece

of copper drop down where they (repair) a ship. That evening as the ship (come) out of the
docks, I (strip off) my clothes and (dive) down several feet, (seize) the piece of copper and later
(sell) it to a marine dealer’.

Exercise 10. Complete the news report with the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets.

Reporter Philip Taggart visits a farm where the sheep are super fit!

Farmers, as you may know, (have) a hard time of it in Britain lately, and (turn) to new ways of
earning income from their land. This (involve) not only planting new kinds of crops, but also
some strange ways of making money, the most unusual of which has got to be sheep racing. Yes,
you (hear) me correctly! A farmer in the west of England now (hold) sheep races on a regular
basis, and during the past year over 100,000 people (turn up) to watch the proceedings. ‘I (pass)
the farm on my way to the sea for a holiday,’ one punter told me, ‘and I (think) I’d have a look. I
(not/ believe) it was serious, to tell you the truth.’ According to a regular visitor, betting on sheep
is more interesting than betting on horses. ‘At proper horse races everyone (already/study) the
form of the horses in advance, and there are clear favourites. But nobody (hear) anything about
these sheep! Most people (find) it difficult to tell one from another in any case.’ I (stay) to watch
the races, and I must admit that I find it quite exciting. In a typical race half a dozen sheep (race)
downhill over a course of about half a mile. Food (wait) for them at the other end of the track, I
ought to add! The sheep (run) surprisingly fast, although presumably they (not/eat) for a while
just to give them some motivation. At any rate, the crowd around me (obviously/enjoy) their day
out at the races, judging by their happy faces and the sense of excitement.

Exercise 11. Complete the article with the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets.

Ask hundreds of people what they plan to do on a certain day in August next year, or the year
after, and there (be) only one reply. Provided of course that the people you (ask) (belong) to the
Elvis Presley Fan Club. Although the King of Rock and Roll (die) more than three decades ago,
his fans (meet) every year since then outside his home in Memphis, Tennessee, to show respect
for the singer they (love) so much. Fans like Jean Thomas, from Catford in South East London.
Jean (visit) Gracelands, the house where Elvis (suffer) his fatal heart attack, twice in the past five
years. ‘ The first time I (borrow) the money from my Mum, as I (not / work) then. But two years
ago I (get) married and since then I (work) in my husband Chris’s garage. Chris and I (go)
together last year, and we (think) of spending two or three months in the USA next year. I
(always / want) to visit some of the places where Elvis (perform). Like Las Vegas for example.’
Jean says that Elvis (be) her obsession ever since she (be) ten years old, and she (own) every
single one of his records, good or bad.

Exercise 12. Complete the letter using the required past, present or future forms of the verbs in

Dear Eileen,

Hope things are OK with you. The doctor (come) yesterday. He (not / like) my cough. I
(lie) in bed looking at the ceiling since Tuesday, and I can tell you, I’m fed up with it. I (never /
be) ill like this before – don’t know what happening to me. And the weather’s terrible. It (rain)
all day, and I can’t even have a cup of tea to cheer myself up, because the milkman (not / come)
this morning. Don’t know why – I’m sure I (pay) his bill.
Alice (get) married last week, so now all Mary’s kids (leave) home. She won’t know
what to do with herself, will she?
Lucy Watson (move) to Doncaster. Since Fred (die) she (be) all alone. It (be) a heart
attack, apparently. I’m sorry she (go) – we (be) neighbours for over thirty years, and she
(always / be) friendly and ready to help out.
Amy (leave). My cleaning lady, you remember? I’m glad. She (not / be) much use, and I
(not / trust) her since she (break) all those plates and (say) it (be) the cat.
There (not / be) much change in the village. Some new people (take) over the shop. They
seem quite nice. Hope they are more efficient than old Joe.
No more news. Write when you’ve got the time.

Exercise 13. Complete the text with the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets.

I (move) to London three years ago to take up a new post at my company’s London office. Ever
since then I (wonder) if I (make) the right decision.
I (see) a lot of negative things about living in the capital, and I can’t say London (make) a very
favourable impression on me. It’s so polluted and expensive, and the people are so distant. You
see, I (grow up) in a fairy small town called Devizes and I (spend) all my life there. I (always /
want) to live in a big city and so when my company (offer) me a job in London, I (jump) at the
I think I’m not alone in my aversion to big city. According to a programme I (just / hear) on the
radio, more and more people (stop) walking in London recently, and a lot of large companies
(choose) to move away from the centre. Oh well, it’s too late to change my mind now, because
the job is up and running, and I (already / sell) me house in Devizes. But I must admit, over the
past few years, I (secretly / hope) that the company would relocate me back to my old town.

Exercise 14. Complete the text using the required past, present or future forms of the verbs in

Uncle Vernon cleared his throat importantly and (say), ‘Now, as we all know, today (be) a very
important day.’ Of course, Harry thought bitterly, Uncle Vernon (talk) about the stupid dinner
party. He (talk) of nothing else for a fortnight. Some rich builder and his wife (come) to dinner,
and Uncle Vernon (hope) to get a huge order of drills from him.
‘I (think) we should run through the schedule one more time’, (say) Uncle Vernon. ‘Petunia, at
eight o’clock you (be) - ?’
‘In the lounge’, (say) Aunt Petunia promptly.
‘And you, Dudley?’
‘I (wait) to open the door. ‘May I take your coats, Mr. and Mrs. Mason?’

‘Excellent, Dudley,’ (say) Uncle Vernon. Then he (round) on Harry. ‘And you?’
‘I (be) in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I’m not there’.
‘Exactly,’ (say) Uncle Vernon nastily. ‘The Masons (not / know) anything about you, and it’s
going to stay that way. When dinner (be) over, you (take) Mrs. Mason back to the lounge for
coffee, Petunia, and I (bring) the subject round to drills. With any luck, I (sign) and (seal) the
deal before the News at Ten. We (shop) for a holiday home in Majorca this time tomorrow’.

(Abridged from “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” by J.K. Rowling)

1. Лебедева А.Я. Времена английского глагола. Сборник упражнений по
грамматике английского языка / А. Я. Лебедева. – Ленинград: Просвещение,
1979. – 80 с.
2. Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка: учебное пособие
для институтов и факультетов иностранных языков / В. Л. Каушанская и др.
- 3-е изд. - Ленинград: Просвещение, 1973. - 208 с.
3. Сборник упражнений по грамматике: метод. материалы в помощь студентам
1 курса фак. иностранных языков / сост. В. П. Кряжева, И. Н. Коноплева. –
Вологда: Русь, 2004. – 61 с.
4. Сборник упражнений по грамматике: метод. материалы в помощь студентам
1 курса фак. иностранных языков: спец. «Теория и методика преподавания
иностранных языков и культур» / сост. В. П. Кряжева, И. Н. Коноплева;
ВГПУ. – Вологда: Русь, 2006. – Ч. 2. – 82 с.
5. Сборник упражнений по грамматике: метод. материалы в помощь студентам
1 курса фак. иностранных языков: спец. «Теория и методика преподавания
иностранных языков и культур» / сост. В. П. Кряжева, И. Н. Коноплева. –
Вологда: Русь, 2006. – Ч. 3. – 61 с.
6. Azar, B. S. Fundamentals of English Grammar / B. S. Azar. – Pearson PTR Interactive,
2007. – 464 p.
7. Clarke, S. MacMillan English Grammar in Context. Essential / S. Clarke. – MacMillan
Publishers Limited, 2008. – 232 p.
8. Eastwood, J. Oxford Practice Grammar: With answers and CD-ROM / J. Eastwood. –
Oxford University Press, 2002. – 432 p.
9. Foley, M., Hall, D. Longman Advanced Learners Grammar: A self-study reference &
practice book with answers / M. Foley, D. Hall. – Pearson Education, 2003. – 384 p.
10. Hewings, M. Grammar for CAE and Proficiency: With answers. Self-study grammar
reference and practice / M. Hewings. – Cambridge University Press, 2009. – 321 p.
11. Kedzior, M. English Grammar 50:50 – Part 1 / M. Kedzior, M. Kowalik-Alherwy. –
WYDAWNICTWO WIR, 2004. – 54 p.
12. Kedzior, M. English Grammar 50:50 – Part 2 / M. Kedzior, M. Kowalik-Alherwy. –
WYDAWNICTWO WIR, 2004. – 60 p.
13. New Focus on Tenses. Practice Grammar book for Second Year Students / Н. П.
Ульянова, Н. И. Овчинникова, О. В. Ивашенко. – Воронеж: Центрально-
Черноземное книжное издательство, 2009. – 169 с.
14. Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / J. K. Rowling. – Bloomsbury,
1999. – 341 p.

15. Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone / J. K. Rowling. – Bloomsbury,
1998. – 309 p.
16. Swan, M., Walter, C. How English Works. A Grammar Practice Book / M. Swan, C.
Walter. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. – 363 p.
17. Vince, M., Sunderland, P. Advanced Language Practice. English Grammar and
Vocabulary / M. Vince, P. Sunderland. – MacMillan, 2003. – 336 p.
18. Vince, M. MacMillan English Grammar in Context. Advanced / M. Vince. – MacMillan
Publishers Limited, 2008. – 242 p.
19. Vince, M. MacMillan English Grammar in Context. Intermediate / M. Vince. –
MacMillan Publishers Limited, 2008. – 232 p.


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