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The Enchanted Key

In days of yore, when knights did quest,
And forests hid what lay bestressed,
Lived Seraphina, fair and true,
In a village where the tales once grew.

A maiden bold, her heart aflare,

Drawn to woods, an enchanting lair,
Elders warned, but her spirit soared,
To the ancient forest, her heart implored.

Beneath the ferns, in morning's grace,

She found a key, a mystic trace,
Intricate runes, a glow so faint,
An artifact from an age so quaint.

At night, she set forth on a quest,

Led by the key's call, on a journey pressed,
Through verdant depths, her way was shown,
By the radiant glow that brightly shone.

The forest changed, its colors bolder,

Its sounds melodious, as she grew older,
In a hidden glade, a tree so tall,
And a door that beckoned, in the forest's thrall.

The key did fit, the door did swing,

Revealing a world, enchanting, a king,
With luminescent blooms in bloom,
And creatures who spoke, dispelling gloom.

Through weeks and days, Seraphina stayed,

In a world where magic and beauty played,
Yet, the forest's charm began to wane,
The key's soft glow started to wane.

A wise old owl, she sought in need,

To learn the forest's secrets, indeed,
A prophecy told of a quest untold,
To seek the Waters of Life, so bold.

With comrades brave, her path was set,

Through challenges faced, they'd never forget,
Seraphina discovered courage anew,
In the heart of the forest, where dreams come true.

At last, she found the Waters of Life,

Amidst trials and strife, in the forest's rife,
To rekindle the magic, the forest's core,
Seraphina achieved what none had before.

To her village, she returned with grace,

The forest's enchantments veiled from the chase,
With the key as her relic, her heart imbued,
With the mystical forest, where dreams renewed.

So, in the ballads of old and lore,

The tale of Seraphina forevermore,
Inspired knights and maidens anew,
To explore the wonders beyond they knew.

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