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My Experience at Language Academy @ Telus International

What is the English Academy?

The English Academy is a good opportunity to continue learning English, the English
Academy offers an Intensive English Language Proficiency Program that helps to
improve and strengthen the skills of non-native English speakers. If the students
complete the skills to work in other language, Telus give the opportunity to apply for
a job in their company.

What are the objectives of it?

Los objetivos de la Academia de Inglés son enseñar a los estudiantes la forma

correcta de hablar inglés y la misión es arbitrar, unificar y promover el uso correcto
de su idioma, incluyendo la ortografía y la pronunciación.

Describe a regular day at the Academy

First, we start our morning class refreshing what we did yesterday and talking about
the correct answers. Then we do some exercises o sometimes we do some test to
know what is our progress. After that we have a break to have the breakfast. Later
we learn new topics (it happens every day). Sometimes we have some activities like
reading, listening, vocabulary, roleplays or presentations. At 1 p. m. we have our
lunch time, so we have one hour free to eat, at 2 p. m. we start again with the class,
sometimes we do other exercises about the topics that we have been seeing. To
finish our class the coach leaves exercises to finish them before 4 p. m.

Describe your experience working at the English Academy

My experience in this academy has been very good, I am really learning and
polishing my English language skills. I like it because the class is interactive and we
can participate during the class, we also have different activities during the day.

I am very grateful for the opportunity to continue learning English and I hope to be
able to practice it with more people. I like the way of teaching and interacting, also
the responsibility and discipline that they teach us is great. I hope I can get over

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