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Listening Skills Refresh – Scripts
Backpacks – Slide 4
I have a bright, new backpack to start the school year! I love it because it has a pocket on the front as well
as the main zippered section. My backpack stands out from everyone else’s because it’s the color of
Saying Goodbye – Slide 6
The holidays are over and it’s back to school! Mom always says how much she likes taking us on that first
day. But my brother and I usually forget to pack something!
School Uniform – Slide 8
It felt good to be in a brand-new school outfit. As soon as I put my backpack on, Dad took a photo. He
thinks my gray shorts will look a little shorter by the end of the year!
Lunch Box – Slide 10
When we break to eat lunch, there are so many different types of lunch bags. I think the more colors the
bag has, the better! We bought this one because Mom said it has a sturdy handle that won’t rip off.
Classroom – Slide 12
She popped her head inside the classroom door. It certainly looked like a Kindergarten classroom. She was
excited to see all those cups full of markers, just waiting to be used! But the thing she was most looking
forward to was typing away at those keyboards!
School Shoes – Slide 14
Some kids had school shoes that fastened with a strap and some kids had shoes that laced up. I was glad I
knew how to tie my laces. I stood on the paved area outside my classroom and looked at everyone’s feet.
All the socks and shoes flowing past reminded me of a muddy river.
Lunch Foods – Slide 16
What a delicious lunch it was going to be! Should he start with those crunchy pieces of cucumber? Or the
juicy tomatoes? Nope! He decided to go for the tasty rolls of rice.
Wheels to School – Slide 18
Getting to school for me is easy. I don’t have to depend on anybody else. I have to work hard to move
myself forward, but I can always sit down if I need a rest.
Stationery – Slide 20
The paper is lying on the table. Everything I could possibly need is there –colorred pencils, a ruler, and
paper clips. I see bright crayons, a sharpener and lots more. Thank goodness there’s something to help me
bundle all the pencils together!
Friends – Slide 22
The best part about going back to school was seeing my friends. After the long break, we loved being able
to do fun things together again. We had so much to talk about and great stories to share. It didn’t take long
for the classrooms to be echoing with laughter once more!

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