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**Exercício 1: Preenchimento de Lacunas**

Complete as frases com os verbos corretos relacionados a "Work" que foram


1. I __________ as a teacher.

2. She __________ emails every day.

3. They __________ a meeting at 3 PM.

4. He __________ at a factory.

5. We __________ in an office.

6. She __________ at a hospital.

7. I __________ to school to learn.

8. They __________ with their colleagues.

**Exercício 2: Escolha a Palavra Certa**

Escolha a palavra correta para completar cada frase.

1. People usually go to the __________ for medical treatment.

a) store

b) hospital

c) restaurant
2. My sister is a __________. She takes care of children at school.

a) teacher

b) manager

c) chef

3. I have a __________ with my boss every Monday.

a) meeting

b) job

c) sandwich

4. My friend __________ a lot of money from his job.

a) cooks

b) earns

c) creates

5. I __________ new skills at my job.

a) eat

b) learn

c) call

**Exercício 3: Perguntas e Respostas**

Role-play: Um aluno faz a pergunta e outro responde.

1. A: Do you work at a hospital?

B: No, I work in an office.

2. A: What job do you have?

B: I'm a teacher.

3. A: Have you ever had a meeting at work?

B: Yes, I've had meetings every week.

4. A: Do you like helping others?

B: Yes, I enjoy helping people.

5. A: When do you start work in the morning?

B: I start at 9 AM.

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