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Controlling Urban Epidemics

of West Nile Virus Infection
Robert W. Haley, MD Clinical Features
Infection with WNV followed by lifelong immunity occurs
equally at all ages depending on mosquito exposure, but the

risk of more severe disease increases with age and underlying
of its worst-ever regional epidemic of West Nile vi- medical conditions. The incubation period from the infect-
rus (WNV) infection, with one-quarter of the na- ing mosquito bite to first symptoms is generally 2 to 14 days.
tion’s cases identified in Dallas County.1 With a rec- Infection with WNV causes a spectrum of disease. Approxi-
ord high number of trapped mosquitoes testing positive for mately 80% of those infected remain asymptomatic (including
WNV, from June 20 to August 21 WNV infections have been virtually all previously well children and young adults), and
confirmed in 270 county residents; 160 have been hospital- 20% have only fever and headache (West Nile fever [WNF]).5
ized, 51 have required intensive care unit admission, and 11 Approximately 1 in 150 infected individuals develop inflam-
have died.2 Given this epidemic in Dallas, which has spilled mation of the brain and nervous system, manifested by a wide
over into Fort Worth and the 14 surrounding counties, and variety of neurologic symptoms, most commonly disorienta-
similar WNV activity in Louisiana, Alabama, Oklahoma, and tion, cognitive impairment, stiff neck, muscle weakness,
the Midwest,2 physicians and the public should be aware of Parkinson-like movement disorders, and, possibly, coma, col-
key information about WNV infection3 to enable informed de- lectivelyreferredtoasWestNileneuroinvasivedisease(WNND),
cision making in countering urban WNV epidemics. which typically affects people older than 50 years. Rarely, pa-
West Nile Virus tients can develop a polio-like condition with flaccid paralysis
West Nile virus is a single-stranded RNA virus, making it WNND, the case-fatality rate is 4% to 18% (8% this summer
prone to mutation and adaptation. The virus is transmitted in Dallas County2), with deaths generally confined to older pa-
primarily by the bite of the Culex pipiens complex of mos- tients with underlying medical conditions. Although many pa-
quitoes, a medium-sized brown mosquito known as the com- tients with WNND recover fully, a considerable number are left
mon house mosquito. Culex pipiens subsp pipiens is found with long-term or permanent impairments, including depres-
in the northern half of the United States and C pipiens subsp sion,fatigue,cognitivedeficits,movementdisorders,orparalysis.
quinquefasciatus in the southern half. Culex lay eggs in man- The diagnosis of WNF should be suspected in anyone with
made sources of stagnant water in urban environments, and unexplained fever from late June through September, the
upon hatching, the adults tend to remain nearby.4 season when other causes of fever are least common. Fever
West Nile virus survives in the environment through a trans- with disorientation, stiff neck, or neurologic deficits sug-
mission cycle in which mosquitoes develop infection from feed- gests WNND. The diagnosis of WNV infection is con-
ing on infected birds. The virus spreads to the mosquito’s sali- firmed by testing blood and spinal fluid for IgG and IgM
vary glands and is transmitted when the mosquito injects its antibodies and for WNV antigen by polymerase chain re-
infected saliva into other, uninfected birds. Infected birds de- action, available through local health departments.
velop WNV illness involving the circulation of large amounts Most patients with WNF can be treated symptomatically and
of virus in the bloodstream for several days that readily infect do not require hospitalization. However, those with WNND
the next biting mosquitoes. Infected mosquitoes occasion- should be hospitalized for lumbar puncture, ruling out other
ally bite mammals, including humans, and infect them with possible etiologies, observation for progression of neurologic
the virus. Most birds and mammals can be infected with mos- deficits, and general supportive care. Progressive respiratory
quito-borne WNV, but only blue jays, crows, horses, and hu- insufficiency from muscle weakness requires respiratory sup-
mans tend to die of the infection. The American robin con- port. No medication prevents or improves the neurologic defi-
tributes most to maintaining the transmission cycle because cits or alters the likelihood of long-term disability or death. In-
it has several broods per season and hatchlings are more sus- formation about WNV for patients can be found at http://www
ceptible to WNV infection than adult birds.4
Human infections with WNV typically begin in midsummer
astheviruslevelinbirdsandmosquitoesreachesacriticalthresh- Author Affiliation: Division of Epidemiology, Department of Internal Medicine,
old, then decline in September as nighttime temperatures drop, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas.
Corresponding Author: Robert W. Haley, MD, Division of Epidemiology, Depart-
slowing mosquito activity. Significant WNV epidemics are usu- ment of Internal Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 5323
ally presaged by the appearance of dead crows or blue jays. Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, TX 75390 (

©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA, October 3, 2012—Vol 308, No. 13 1325

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Prevention of WNV Current urban spraying uses the class of pesticides called
There is no WNV vaccine to protect humans; therefore, pre- pyrethroids, which are synthetic forms of pyrethrins that kill
vention through public health action, based on knowledge only adult mosquitoes.8 The pesticide is delivered by ultra low-
of how infection is acquired, is crucial. When WNV infec- volume (ULV) aerial spraying, in which a light plane flying
tions appear, prevention of further cases relies on 2 ap- at 300 ft delivers a mist of extremely fine droplets at a rate of
proaches. The first is for individuals, particularly those older around 1 oz per acre—far less than by ground spraying. Spray-
than 50 years and those with chronic medical conditions, ing at night minimizes contact with most insects and wildlife
to use personal protective practices including eliminating that are not active at night. Timely publicity of spraying sched-
stagnant water sources around the home; ensuring well- ules allows residents to stay inside, keep windows closed, and
fitting screens on doors and windows; staying inside be- avoid being exposed to the pesticide. The extremely low am-
tween dusk and dawn; and wearing long pants, long sleeves, bient concentrations delivered by ULV aerial spraying result
and DEET insect repellant outdoors. Transmission be- in human exposure levels one-tenth that from ground spray-
tween humans or from animals does not occur. Transmis- ing and far below the level of concern for adverse effects to
sion has been described from transfusions, tissue trans- children or adults set by the US Environmental Protection
plants, laboratory mishaps, pregnancy, and breastfeeding but Agency.9 The benefits of interrupting the WNV transmission
appears rare.3 cycle and preventing potential neurologic impairment and
The second approach involves disease prevention by lo- deaths that can occur with a WNV epidemic outweigh the theo-
cal health departments supported by their state health de- retical risks of ULV aerial spraying.
partments and the Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
tion. 6 Local health departments must conduct active Conclusion
surveillance to detect and monitor infection rates in the com- The ability of WNV to mutate and adapt to the environment
munity. They should maintain specialized knowledge of and the continuing occurrence of large urban epidemics, as seen
WNV epidemiology and disease trends to develop control in Dallas this year, indicate that WNV is likely to remain a se-
measures. Health departments should inform policy mak- rious threat into the foreseeable future.3 The explosive pattern
ers and educate the public. In urban areas, surveillance in- of WNV epidemics that could affect any US city coupled with
cludes setting mosquito traps at strategic locations and pe- the morbidity and mortality attributable to this disease require
riodically testing trapped mosquitoes for WNV infection. preparedness and early decisive action. Given the effectiveness
Increasing rates of mosquito infection predict increasing rates and safety of available control measures, this is a good time for
of human infection. all local governments to reevaluate and establish policy for re-
When surveillance detects an unusual increase in rates sponse before it is their turn to be visited by WNV.
of WNV-infected trapped mosquitoes and human WNV in- Published Online: August 24, 2012. doi:10.1001/2012.jama.11930
fections, local health departments should implement a gradu- Conflict of Interest Disclosures: The author has completed and submitted the ICMJE
Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest and none were reported.
ated series of control measures to abort an impending epi-
demic. These include warning and educating the public about REFERENCES
the risk and the need to exercise the personal preventive mea-
1. Dallas County Medical Society. DCMS physician Dan McCoy, MD, inter-
sures. Where surveillance identifies hot spots of highly in- viewed DCMS past president Don Read, MD, who is a West Nile Virus survivor
fected mosquito populations, pesticide application on the [video]. Dallas, TX: Dallas County Medical Society; 2012. http://www.dallas-cms
.org/emerg_response.cfm. Accessed August 22, 2012.
ground by trucks and by workers on foot is warranted. When 2. Chung W. West Nile Virus Outbreak, Dallas County 2012: Epidemiologic Sum-
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1326 JAMA, October 3, 2012—Vol 308, No. 13 ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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