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Se DEAR CRAFTY FRIENDS! THESE LITTLE INSTRUCTIONS ARE FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. THEY MAY NOT BE REPOSTED, SHARED IN VK GROUPS, REPRODUCED BY ANY MEANS OR USED FOR ANY COMMERCIAL PURPOSES! HUMAN BEINGS MUST RESPECT EACH OTHER! This character was designed by the amazing Jaka Vukoti¢ @jakavukotic DROPS VO) TOOLS AND MATERIALS «Yarn: This toy was made using 100% cotton yarn: Garn from Flying Tiger (Fingering, 50 g — 168 m) in turquoise, Drops Loves You #7 from DROPS (Fingering, 50g — 170 m) in off-white and scraps of black and gray yarns from the bottom of the crafting basket. + Hook size: 1,5 mm. + Filling: Generic polyester filling. + Other: To embroider the eyes and mouth, we used a piece of thin brown paper string and secured it in place using invisible nylon thread; for the claws, we reused a piece of rubber cord from a kids’ bff bracelet. + Size: 12 cm tall from head to bottom when made with the indicated yarn weight and hook size. ABBREVIATIONS (us Terms) MR — magic ring; ch — chain; st(s) —stitch(es); sc— single crochet; hdc — half-double crochet; inc— increase (single crochet); hdc-inc —half- double crochet increase; dec — decrease (single crochet); rnd(s) — round(s); FO — finish off. HEAD In turquoise. 1. 6scin a MR (6) 2. inc x 6 (12) 3. [sc, inc] x 6 (18) 4. [sc, inc, sc] x 6 (24) 5. [3 sc, inc] x 6 (30) 6. [2 sc, inc, 2 sc] x 6 (36) 7. [5 sc, inc] x 6 (42) 8. [3 sc, inc, 3 sc] x 6 (48) 9. [7 sc, inc] x 6 (54) 10. [4 sc, inc, 4 sc] x 6 (60) 11-28 (18 rds). scin each st around (60) 29. [4 sc, dec, 4 sc] x 6 (54) 30. [7 sc, dec] x 6 (48) 31. [3 sc, dec, 3 sc] x 6 (42) 32. [5 sc, dec] x 6 (36) 33. [2 sc, dec, 2 sc] x 6 (30) 34. [3 sc, dec] x 6 (24) Start stuffing the head. 35. [sc, dec, sc] x 6 (18) 36. [sc, dec] x 6 (12) 37. dec x 6 (6) Make sure the head is stuffed rock hard. Add more stuffing if needed and FO, pull the hole closed and weave in the end tail. BODY In turquoise. 1-9. repeat rds 1-9 of the head. 10-29 (20* rnds). sc in each st around (54) *You may want to skip 4-5 rounds to make the body look a little bit chubbier. 30. [7 sc, dec] x 6 (48) 31. [B sc, dec, 3 sc] x 6 (42) 32. [5 sc, dec] x 6 (36) 33. [2 sc, dec, 2 sc] x 6 (30) FO leaving a tail for sewing. Stuff very firmly. Sew the head to the body, centered, as seen in the picture. BELLY PATCH In off-white. Ch 10, start in the 2" ch from hook. 1.8 sc, 3 scin the bottom ch; working on the opposite side of the foundation chain, 7 sc, inc (20) 2. inc, 7 sc, incx 3, 7 sc, incx 2 (26) 3.50, inc, 7 sc, [sc, inc] x3, 7 sc, {sc, inc] x 2 (32) 4. sc, inc, 8 sc, [sc, inc, sc] x3, 7 sc, [sc, inc, sc] x 2 (38) 5.3:s¢, inc, 7 sc, [3 sc, inc] x3, 7 sc, [B sc, inc] x 2 (44) 6.250, inc, 9 sc, [2 sc, inc, 2 sc] x 3, 7 sc, [2 sc, inc, 2 sc] x2 (50) 7.5 :s¢, inc, 7 sc, [5 sc, inc] x 3, 7 sc, [5 sc, inc] x 2 (56) 8.3 sc, inc, 10 sc, [3 sc, inc, 3 sc] x3, 7 sc, [3 sc, inc, 3 sc] x 2 (62) FO leaving a tail for sewing. Sew the patch to the belly. Using scraps of turquoise yarn, embroider short lines on it. EAR (make 2) In turquoise. 1-4. repeat rnds 1-4 of the belly patch. 5-6, scin each st around (38) 7. [dec, 17 sc] x 2 (36) 8. [7 sc, dec] x 4 (32) 9. [3 sc, dec, 3 sc] x 4 (28) 10. [5 sc, dec] x 4 (24) ‘Add a few sc to reach the side of the ear. Stuff your work lightly. Flatten the open part and crochet 12 sc through both layers to close. FO leaving a tail for sewing. Inner part In off-white. h5, start in the 2™ ch from hook. 1.3 sc, 3 scin the bottom ch; working on the opposite side of the foundation chain, 2 sc, inc (10) 2. [sc, hdc] in the same st, hdc-inc x 2, [hdc, sc] in the same st, inc x 2, 2 sc, incx 2 (18) FO leaving a tail for sewing. Sew the ear parts together, decorate with short embroidered lines in dark gray. Sew the ears to the sides of the head as seen in the picture. From this point on, the other (English) half of the pattern is available on @amitherapy’s Instagram page. PATA DIANTEIRA (faca 2) Fio turquesa. Faca 4 corr, trabalhando cea a partir da 2? corr. 1.2 pb, 3 pb na ultima corr; trabalhe no lado oposto da corr, pb, aum (8) 2-4 (3 carts). pb por toda a volta (8) 5. [aum, 3 pb] x2 (10) 6-7. pb por toda a volta (10) 8. [aum, 4 pb] x2 (12) 9-10. pb por toda a volta (12) 11. [aum, 5 pb] x 2 (14) 12-13. pb por toda a volta (14) 14. [aum, 6 pb] x2 (16) 15-16. pb por toda a volta (16) Insira o enchimento na pata, deixando as ultimas carreiras vazias. Achate a pega e faca 8 pb. Arremate, deixando fio para costurar. Na carr 2, use fio preto e faca 3 garrinhas com né francés dando 3-4 voltas na agulha. PATAS TRASEIRAS (faca 2) Fio turquesa. Parte | 1-5. repita carrs 1-5 da Cabeca (30) 6-10 (5 carrs). pb por toda a volta (30) Arremate. Parte Il 1.6 pb no AM (6) 2. [aum, pb] x 3 (9) 3-8 (6 carts). pb por toda a volta (9) Nao arremate, nem corte o fio. Unindo as partes 1. trabalhando na Parte Il, faca 4 pb, insira aagulha no 1° pt da Parte | e faca 1 pb, depois 29 pb por toda a Parte |, 5 pb na Parte Il, Agora as partes estao unidas e temos 39 pb no total (39) 2. [11 pb, dim] x 3 (36) 3. [5 pb, dim, 5 pb] x 3 (33) 4. [9 pb, dim] x 3 (30) Se necessario, acrescente alguns pts a fim de alinhar o fechamento da peca. Coloque enchimento, deixando as ultimas carrs sem enchimento. Achate a peca e una os dois lados fazendo 15 pb. Arremate, deixando fio para costurar. Usando fio preto, borde pequenas linhas para demarcar os “dedos”. FOCINHO Fio branco. 1-3. repita as carrs 1-3 da Cabeca (18) 4, [5 pb, aum] x 3 (21) 5. [3 pb, aum, 3 pb] x 3 (24) 6-7. pb por toda a volta (24) 8. [7 pb, aum] x 3 (27) 9-10. pb por toda a volta (27) 11. [4 pb, aum, 4 pb x 3 (30) 12-13. pb por toda a volta (30) Nao coloque enchimento. Achate a peca e feche-a com 12 pb. Arremate, deixando um longo fio para costurar. NARIZ Fio preto. 1.6 pb no AM (6) 2. aum x6 (12) 3. [3 pb, aum] x 3 (15) 4-7 (4 carrs), pb por toda a volta (15) 8. [3 pb, dim] x 3 (12) 9. dim x 6 (6) Arremate, coloque um pouco de enchimento e feche o trabalho, deixando fio para costurar. MONTAGEM E TOQUES FINAIS + Prenda os membros nas laterais do corpo + Usando os fios Indigo Blue e Branco, borde e tendo encontrado as posigdes adequadas, —_algumas linhas curtas aqui ali para deixar costure-os no lugar. seu coala mais vivo. + Costure 0 focinho eo nariz no centro + Abrace seu novo pet e agradeca a Jaka da cabeca, ligeiramente sobrepostos. Vukoti¢ por seus designs super alegres! + Borde a carinha usando a ilustra¢ao original ea fotografia como referéncia. OBRIGADA! THANK YOU! This pattern is brought to you by @jakavukotic, @amitherapy and @grannyscrochethook. Please tag us when posting photos of your beautiful makes so everyone can see them!

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