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Appendix 1

5 MINUTE GAME (Mckay dan Guse, 2007)

Title: Wh question and yes/ No question chain drill

Level : Any
Language Focus : Wh- questions, Yes/No Questions, simple present tense
Skill Focus : Speaking, questioning
Thinking Focus : Questioning
Teaching Approach : Promote accuracy and comprehension
Interaction : whole class, suitable for large class
Preparation : On the board, draw the grid with headings and questions.
You can also use an LCD projector to show it.

Drinks Food Habits Sentence stems
Milk Rice play soccer Do you like …
Tea Bread Play COC Yes, I do. I like …
Coffee Bakso Run No, I don’t. I don’t like …
Juice Carrot Jog
Pizza read


1. Assign students to sit or stand in rows. Set a theme to ask about

2. This student at the front seat answers teacher question. For example about
hobbies. Do you like soccer? The student answer the question by saying Yes, I do
then turn around and ask other student behind with similar question

3. That way goes to the last student at the back seat. The last student asks a
question to the first student.
4. Modify the flow depending on the time allotment. It is designed only for 5
minute activity in this respect.

Follow Up
Encourage the students to ask more questions

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Appendix 2

Naskah Cerita untuk Guru

Naskah ini diperlukan agar guru dapat memastikan cerita yang dibaca sesuai
urutan, bermanfaat juga untuk mengetahui halaman berikutnya dari cerita.
Dengan memegang naskah ini guru juga tidak akan terhenti karena lupa atau
tidak tahu halaman berikutnya.

Can He Do It?

1. Dugo is always together with Mom. Every day, they wander the
seagrass meadows. With Mom around, Dugo is not afraid.
2. One day, Mom has a talk with Dugo. She tells him how grown he is. She
believes he is ready to explore the meadows on his own. 
3. Dugo is worried. He has never wandered out alone. Can he do it? Mom
convinces him that he can. 
4. Dugo starts his day without Mom.  Oh no! Something is approaching. 
Dugo is shortsighted. He can’t see what it is.
5. Dugo panics.  There’s danger ahead! What must he do? He swims
around not knowing where to go.
6. Oh, I am going to hide!  Dugo finds a spot and stays still.  He must not
be found. 
7. The shadow moves closer.  Dugo can see it clearly now.  It is a turtle.  A
turtle is not a threat to Dugo. 
8. Dugo comes out of his hiding place.  But he is still worried.  What else
will he meet?
9. What if he meets a shark?  Killer sharks are terrifying!  Can Dugo tackle
them?  Dugo’s mind runs wild. 
10. Suddenly ….
11. Oh, No!  A killer shark is on its way.  Swim away, quick!
12. Dugo must hide.  But there is no place safe enough.  What is he going
to do?

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13. Swoosh … Dugo glides, dives and makes a turn.  He hopes the shark
loses his trail. 
14. Dugo’s maneuvers do not succeed.  He has to think fast.  What will get
the shark off his trail? 
15. Aha! He thinks of something clever.  This way, the shark does not see
16. It works!  The shark is off Dugo’s trail. 
17. Ow … Dugo’s stomach hurts.  He has not eaten all day.  He moves
around and spots delicious seagrass. 
18. As Dugo feasts on the seagrass, a shudder passes through the water. 
It’s coming from the surface.  Dugo can guess what it is. Is he right?
19. Yes, he is right!  It’s a fishing boat.  Oh no, another threat!
20. Dugo does not want to be caught in their net.  Squeak … squeak …
squeak!  Dugo’s shriek sends an alarm to all his friends. 
21. Hurry! Hurry!  Dugo and his friends dive down to a safe distance. The
fishermen’s net can’t reach them there.   
22. Whew! What an exhausting day!  Dugo is tired but relieved. Mom was
right. Dugo can explore the seagrass meadow all on his own. 

Bahan bacaan yang dapat ditampilkan dan dibaca bersama jika ingin
menggunakan LCD:

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