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Topic: IMRAD and APA Format

Tasks for Discussion/Pointers:

● Research on the APA V7 format. Study and share pertinent information

regarding this research format during the breakout session.
APA (American Psychological Association)
A collection of rules for writing and structuring scholarly publications is known as the APA Style.
The 7th edition was published in 2019 and has been updated about formatting, bias-free
language standards, reference entries, and in-text citations. Changes to in-text citations include
adding "et al." after the first citation for sources with three or more authors and requiring the
page number or location of a source. For books, reference entries now need the inclusion of a
DOI at the conclusion of the entry. To prevent the spread of stereotypes, the APA has increased
its recommendations for adopting language that is inclusive. Two spaces are now required after
punctuation marks, and serif or sans-serif typefaces are now acceptable. It's critical that
authors and researchers become aware of these developments.

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