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Unplug and Reconnect: Reducing the Use of Mobile Phones during Free Time

Ladies and gentlemen, today I stand before you to address a pressing issue that has infiltrated our lives:
the excessive use of mobile phones during our free time. In an era dominated by technological
advancements, it is vital to recognize the adverse effects this dependency can have on our mental and
social well-being. I implore you to consider the importance of unplugging and reconnecting with the
world around us. Let us embark on a journey towards a healthier and more fulfilling life.


Preserving Genuine Human Connections: In our pursuit of technological progress, we risk sacrificing the
essence of what makes us human – genuine connections with others. When we are absorbed in our
phones, we become isolated from the present moment, missing out on valuable interactions with
friends, family, and even strangers. By reducing our reliance on mobile phones during our free time, we
create space for authentic conversations, meaningful connections, and shared experiences that nurture
our souls.

Promoting Mental Well-being: The constant bombardment of information and notifications from mobile
phones can have detrimental effects on our mental health. Social media platforms often foster an
unhealthy sense of comparison, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Moreover,
excessive screen time can disrupt our sleep patterns, contributing to increased stress levels and
decreased productivity. By limiting our use of mobile phones, we regain control over our mental well-
being, allowing ourselves to be present, mindful, and at peace.

Rediscovering the Joys of Real-Life Experiences:

The allure of the digital world can cause us to neglect the beauty of the physical world surrounding us.
By reducing our dependence on mobile phones during our free time, we unlock the potential for new
experiences and adventures. We can explore the wonders of nature, engage in hobbies, pursue creative
endeavors, or simply take the time to savor the simple pleasures of life. These real-life experiences have
a profound impact on our happiness and offer a sense of fulfillment that cannot be replicated by a

Enhancing Productivity and Personal Growth: The hours spent mindlessly scrolling through social media
feeds or playing mobile games can be better utilized to develop our skills, pursue our passions, or invest
in personal growth. By reducing our reliance on mobile phones, we regain precious time to engage in
activities that align with our goals and aspirations. Whether it be reading a book, learning a new
language, or honing a talent, dedicating focused time to these pursuits empowers us to evolve into our
best selves.

In conclusion, the excessive use of mobile phones during our free time poses significant challenges to
our mental and social well-being. By reducing our dependency on these devices, we open ourselves up
to a world of genuine human connections, improved mental well-being, and enriching real-life
experiences. It is time to unplug and reconnect with ourselves and the world around us. Let us embark
on this journey together, embracing a balanced approach to technology and reclaiming our freedom to
live fully in the present.

Good evening 2B! Reminders for those people na sasama sa Main Campus for tomorrow.

Time: 6:00 am (Dapat nasa school na kung doon sasakay. Please strictly be on time.)

Things to bring: Waiver signed by a parent/guardian

Tumblers/water jug

Flaglets (white and red)

Lunch and snacks

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