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Groom / Bride / Both

1. Who is the worst at keeping secrets? _____________________
2. Who cries most easily? _____________________
3. Who cracks the lamest jokes? _____________________
4. Who is worst with directions? _____________________
5. Who is the messier one? _____________________
6. Who gets angry most often? _____________________
7. Who is the funniest in their relationship? _____________________
8. Who is the boss in the relationship? _____________________
9. Who takes longer to get ready? _____________________
10. Who is more outgoing? _____________________
11. Who says “I love you” most often? _____________________
12. Who is the better cook? _____________________
13. Who says “yes” often? _____________________
14. Who always gets the last word? _____________________
15. Who is usually the first to say “I’m sorry”? _____________________
16. Who’s most likely to start a fight or argument? _____________________
17. Who is the better singer? _____________________
18. Who is better in dancing? _____________________
19. Who takes more quality pictures? _____________________
20. Who is the pickiest eater? _____________________
21. Who does the most housework? _____________________
22. Who takes up the most room in bed? _____________________
23. Who is better in saving money? _____________________
24. Who met the parents first? _____________________
25. Who said “I love you” first? _____________________

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