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Q: What happens to the momentum and kinetic energy of a body during elastic and inelastic collision?
A: Elastic: Momentum and Kinetic energy is conserved. Inelastic: Momentum is conserved but not kinetic energy

Q: A particle of mass m has kinetic energy Ek and momentum p.

A second particle of mass 2m has kinetic energy 2Ek. What is the momentum of the second particle?
A: 2p
Q: An object of mass m has momentum p and kinetic energy E.
What is the mass of an object with momentum 2p and kinetic energy 4E?
A: m
Q: Explain how a drone/helicopter/jetpack hovers in air at a fixed height.
A: The drone/helicopter blades exert a downward force on the air
The air exerts an equal upwards force on the drone/helicopter/jetpack
The upward force on the drone is equal to the weight
The resultant force is zero

Q: A sphere travelling at speed v collides elastically with an identical sphere which is at rest.
After the collision, both spheres move off at an angle θ to the direction of travel of the
first sphere, as shown. The spheres have the same speed as each other. What is the speed of the spheres after
the collision?


Explanation: The key words in the question are collides

elastically and identical spheres. When two identical
spheres collide elastically, the subsequent angle between
them is 90o. Applying Pythagoras gives the answer.

Q: Derive the equation

A: Ek = ½ mv2
p = mv
substituting v in Ek = ½ mv2
Ek = ½ m x (p/m)2

Ek = ½ m x p2/m2
Q: The acceleration of the body is a.
Derive the expression a= v2/r

Small angle, so Δv/v ≈ θ ≈ sin θ

θ /t = 𝜔
So θ = 𝜔t
But v = r𝜔
So θ = vt / r
Δv/v ≈ θ
So vt / r = Δv/v
Rearranging gives, Δv/t = v x v/r
a = Δv/t = v2/r

Q: The bob is set to follow a circular path in the horizontal plane. The wire makes an angle θ with the vertical.

1. Show that tan θ = v2/rg

2. Derive the following equation for the angular velocity ω of the bob

Since, sin θ = r/l ∴ r = l sin θ

Q: A body makes 10 complete revolutions in a time of 4s. Calculate the angular velocity of the body.
A: 15.7 rads-1
Q: Calculate the minimum velocity at the top required so that the toy car on the track or the water in the
bucket doesn’t
fall off.

A: The following scenarios are different but the concept is the same. When a question asks you to calculate the
minimum velocity required to keep the body at the top without falling off, follow this approach –
At the top, at minimum velocity, the required centripetal force is provided by the weight as reaction is zero.
mv2/r = mg
v2 = gr
vtop = √(gr)
Using the velocity at the top, you can work out the minimum velocity at the bottom to stay on track.
This can be done by applying the conservation energy
Ek bottom = Ep top + Ek top
½ m v2bottom = mg 2r + ½ m v2top
at the top v2 = gr
½ m v2bottom = mg 2r + ½ m gr
v2bottom = 4gr + gr
vbottom = √(5gr)
There is an electric field around a helium nucleus.
Q: Calculate the electric potential at a distance 26.6×10 -12 m from a helium nucleus. (3)
A: The first step is to realise that the relative charge on the Helium nucleus is +2. The actual charge would
therefore be 2 x 1.6 x 10-19 C. Now you need to recall the equation for electric potential and substitute the values
The answer value is 108 V.
The question can also ask to find out the electric field strength. In that case use the equation

Q: Draw field lines to show the electric field around a positive point charge.

*At 4 field lines, equally spread, radially outward. If the question asked for a negative point charge, the arrows
would have been radially inward.
Q: The defibrillator uses a capacitor circuit. A person’s body has an electrical resistance R. A simplified circuit
diagram is shown

When the capacitor is completely discharged, the two-way switch is moved

to position S1 at time t = 0s.

Complete the graph to show how the current varies with time until the
capacitor is fully charged. (4)

A: Since it is a 4 mark question, you need to show values on the graph

I = V/R = 5000 V / 65×103 Ω = 0.077 A

T = RC = 65×103 Ω × 34×10-6 F = 2.21 s

Q: The capacitor in the defibrillator discharges when the switch is moved to position S2.
The defibrillator is required to deliver a discharge current of at least 30A for a time of 2.0ms.
A typical person’s body has an electrical resistance of 150Ω.
Deduce whether the design of the defibrillator meets this requirement. (4)
A: The pattern of this question is a bit different and understandably so as it is from the October 22 session. Here
you need to consider the initial current first and then find the time it takes for this initial current to drop to 30A
because the question says that the defibrillator must provide current of at least 30A.
Io = V/R = 5000/150 = 33.3A
To determine current after a specific time we use the equation
30 = 33.3 e- t/150 × 34 × 10
Making t the subject of the equation gives,
t = 0.53 x 10-4 s OR 0.53ms
As 0.53ms is less than 2ms the design the does not meet the requirement

Q: An alpha particle with kinetic energy of 6.29 MeV approaches a platinum nucleus and is repelled. The proton number
of platinum is 78. Calculate the minimum distance of the alpha particle from the platinum nucleus. Assume that the alpha
particle and the nucleus are point charges.

A: EK = 6.29 × 106 eV × 1.6 × 10-19 C = 1.01 × 10-12 J

This kinetic energy is converted to potential energy when it is nearest to the nucleus and is momentarily at rest
Ep = 1.01 × 10-12 J
V = Ep/q

kQ = Ep
r q

r = k Qq = 8.99 x 109 x 78 x 2 x (1.6 x 10-19)2 = 3.6 x 10-14 m

Ep 1.01 x 10-12
Q: A wire is in the same plane as a magnetic field of magnetic flux density B as shown.
The wire is of length l and carries a current I. Which expression gives the magnitude of the force on the wire?

A: B I l cos ϕ
Explanation: When applying F=BIL always remember that the B
and I must be perpendicular to one another. For this question notice
that the component of B, Bcos ϕ is perpendicular to the current.

Q: Mass spectrometry is used to determine the masses

of different isotopes of an element. Atoms of the
isotopes are ionised and accelerated. They pass through
a velocity selector and into a region with a uniform
magnetic field, as shown. After passing through the
velocity selector, a beam of oxygen ions with the same
velocity enters a region of uniform magnetic flux
density. Different isotopes of oxygen can be present in
the beam. Explain why the detector will only detect one
particular isotope.

A: Isotopes have different masses. [1] The magnetic force will be the same because charge is the same. [1] Different mass
will lead to a circle/path with different radius/deflection so only one isotope is detected [1]
Explanation: The detector is positioned in such a way that the isotope travelling in a certain path is only detected.

Q: A student uses a strong, cylindrical magnet to investigate Lenz’s law. The student records the time taken for
the magnet to fall through two hollow tubes of copper, tube A and tube B. The two tubes have the same length
and cross-sectional area. Tube B has a vertical slit cut into it, as shown. Discuss the differences in the time
taken for the magnet to fall through each tube
Change in flux linkage as magnet falls through the tubes induces an EMF
This emf drives a current through the tubes as tubes are made of conducting material
The current creates a magnetic field around the tubes
According to Lenz’s law there is a force opposing the motion of the magnet
Magnet takes less time to fall through Tube B because the slit reduces the
number of paths for current in the conductor

Explanation: This concept is very similar to the concept of a complete ring and an
incomplete ring oscillating between two opposite poles of magnets
The complete ring will slow down much faster and the incomplete ring with keep
on oscillating for a longer time as the slit reduces the number of paths for current
to flow in the ring.

Q: A student carried out an investigation of Lenz’s law. A copper tube was suspended from a force
meter, as shown. A magnet was released at the top of the tube. When the magnet was falling through the
tube, there was an increased reading on the force meter. Explain why there was an increased reading on the
force meter.
- There is a change in flux linkage as magnet falls through the tube
- This induces an EMF
- This emf drives a current through the tubes as tubes are made of conducting material
- The current creates a magnetic field around the tubes
- According to Lenz’s law there is a force opposing the motion of the magnet
-The force on the magnet is upward and according the Newton’s third law,
there is a force on the tube downward which increases the reading

Q: A coil of 500 turns and radius 3.0mm is placed between two poles of an electromagnet as shown. The
terminals are connected to an a.c. power supply. The magnetic flux density B perpendicular to the plane of the
coil varies with time t as shown below.
Determine the maximum e.m.f. across the coil. (6)
Explanation: Focus on the keyword in the question – maximum emf. We know that the emf is the rate of change of flux
linkage. The greater this rate, the greater will be emf. Therefore, we first need to the find the point on the graph where
there is maximum change in flux linkage. This is a graph of flux density against time, which works too because the
greater the rate of change in flux density the greater will be the rate of change of flux linkage as NΦ/t = BAN/t.

The gradient of the graph as shown above is 0.8 / 8 x 10-3 = 100 Ts-1 which is equivalent to B/t
Therefore, if we multiply the gradient B/t with Area and Number of turns, we get BAN/t which is equal to the emf

Now, A = πr2 = π x (3x10-3)2 = 2.827 x 10-5 m2

Emf = B AN = 100 x 2.827 x 10-5 x 500 = 1.4V


The graph shows how the magnetic flux density B in the iron core varies with time.
In both the questions, we were asked to calculate the maximum emf. There are scenarios where you’ll be asked
to calculate the average emf. This can be asked from a graph question too. In that case take the change in flux
linkage from maximum to minimum and use the time for quarter of a cycle to calculate the AVERAGE emf.

Consider this question from June 2013R paper.

The coil is rotated at a constant rate of 2 revolutions per second.
(i) Calculate the average e.m.f. induced in the time taken for the coil to rotate from θ = 0° to θ = 90°
To calculate the average emf, we need to consider the flux changing from max to zero or vice versa and the time
to the flux to change from max to min or min to max is always ¼ the time period. Therefore, the time to be used
in calculation here will be 0.125s
Q: Explain why the emf varies between maximum and minimum (4)

- Induced e.m.f. is equal to the rate of change of flux (linkage)

- Maximum e.m.f. when coil is horizontal
- When the coil is horizontal the flux linkage is zero so any
movement will lead to a large change in flux linkage
- When the coil is vertical the flux linkage is maximum and slight
movement of the coil will lead to very little change.

Q: State three observations and the corresponding conclusions made from the alpha particle scattering experiment.
- Most particles pass through with little or no deviation
- Most of the atom is empty space

- Few alpha particles were scattered by small angles

- There is a concentration of charge in the atom

- Very few alpha particles were deviated by more than 90°

- Most of the mass is concentrated in a small region of the atom

Q: Following these experiments Rutherford said, “It was almost as incredible as if you fired a 15-inch shell
(large missile) at a piece of tissue paper and it came back and hit you.” Explain why Rutherford was surprised at
the results of the experiment and how this led to the nuclear model for the atom.

- The previously accepted model was the plum pudding model of atom prior to experiment
- alpha particles expected to go straight through
- a small number of alphas deflected through very large angles
- model of the atom having very small nucleus
- nucleus contains (almost) all the mass
- nucleus is charged

Q: Explain the role of electric and magnetic fields in the production of high-speed charged particles by a cyclotron. (6)
A: • There is a magnetic field perpendicular to velocity of particles
• Therefore magnetic force acts on the particles perpendicular to velocity
• This force provides the necessary centripetal force so the particles undergo circular motion
• Particle accelerated by electric field between dees
• Alternating potential difference between dees changes direction while particle in dees
• Electric field in correct direction so that force on particle further increases speed

Q: Explain why the distances between consecutive tubes increase in the first section of the linac but are almost
equally spaced in the last section of the linac. (6)

- Electrons accelerate in the gaps
- Frequency of a.c. supply is constant
- Time taken for an electron to travel between tubes is constant
- According to s= vt, as the speed increases, to keep the time spent inside each tube constant, the length must increase
- In the last section of the linac the electron approaches the speed of light
- Speed becomes constant so distance travelled in a fixed amount of time becomes constant
Explanation: The most important part of the question is to focus on the “last section” part. The idea is that when particles reach
relativistic speed, the additional energy increases the mass of the particle not the speed. The length of the tubes was initially increasing
to compensate for the increase in speed. Later as the speed became constant, the length of the tubes are also kept constant

Q: Particle accelerators accelerate particles to very high speeds before collisions occur. New particles are created during
the collisions. Two particles of the same type can undergo two kinds of collision.
Fixed target: a high speed particle hits a stationary particle.
Colliding beams: two particles travelling at high speeds, in opposite directions, collide head-on.

By considering the conservation of energy and momentum, explain which type of collision is able to create a new
particle with the largest mass. (6)

A: Fixed target
-There is momentum before the collision so there must be momentum after the collision.
- So particle(s) created must have some kinetic energy
- So not all KE converted to mass
Colliding beams
- (If particles have the same mass and speed), total initial momentum is zero
- Momentum after collision will be zero
-If stationary particles are created all of the kinetic energy of the particle is converted to mass

Q: Most of the particles detected in the spark chamber are muons. The muons were created in the upper
atmosphere. Muons normally have a very short lifetime and should have decayed before they reach the surface
of the Earth. Explain why these muons reach the surface of the Earth.
A: - muons travelling close to speed of light
- relativistic effect increases particle lifetime for observer
- so travels further than normally expected before decaying

Q: The equation shows the decay of an anti-neutron

Explain how this equation shows that the decay obeys three conservation laws. (6)
A: • Charge is conserved
• Charge of antineutron = 0; charge of antiproton = –1, positron = 1, neutrino = 0; total charge after = 0
• Baryon number is conserved
• Baryon number of antineutron= –1; Antiproton baryon number =–1, positron = 0, neutrino = 0
Total baryon number after =–1
• Lepton number of conserved
• Antineutron lepton number = 0;
Antiproton lepton number = 0, positron = –1, neutrino = 1. Therefore, total lepton number after = 0
Explanation: In a lot of questions, you need to talk about conservation of momentum as well as conservation of energy.
This is not the case here because the question clearly asks how the equation shows the conservation of the laws. You
cannot deduce anything about momentum or energy from an equation. However, do keep in mind that momentum as well
as mass-energy is conserved in the decay.
Q: Photons do not have mass but they have momentum. Show that the energy and momentum of a photon are related by
the formula E = pc

A: p = h/λ
c = f λ so λ = c/f
Therefore p = hf/c
So pc = hf
E = hf
So E = pc

Q: The photograph shows the track of a positron in a cloud chamber from cosmic rays and is the first
photographic record of the existence of an antiparticle. The cloud chamber contained a lead plate
Deduce the direction of the magnetic field. (3)
A: • The photograph shows greater curvature in the top half of picture
• Particle moving slower after passing through lead plate because
energy lost, therefore it must be moving from bottom to the top
• According to Fleming’s left hand rule, field into page

Explanation: As the positron passes through the lead plate, it loses energy. Its momentum decreases. According
to p=BQr, the radius of curvature also decreases. Since it is a positron, the direction of current will be in the
same direction as the motion. Current upward, deflection to the left. Therefore, according to FLHR, magnetic
field will be into the page.

Q: A positron travelling at a non-relativistic speed of 1.5 × 107 ms collides with an electron travelling at the

same speed in the opposite direction. This collision results in the production of gamma radiation.
Calculate the frequency of the gamma radiation produced. (4)

Explanation: The theory of relativity summarised in E = mc2 deals with the conservation of mass-energy. Here
the two particles are approaching each other with a velocity. Therefore, the kinetic energies (½ mv2) of the
particles along with the masses converted to energy (Δmc2) of the particles will determine the total energies of
the gamma photons.

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