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Company Name: CaaStle

Name of the Candidate: Sanah Gulati

Round 1:

1. Name some industries that you interact with on a day-to-day basis. (Answered fashion,
2. Case Study: There is a cosmetics company in Australia with a customer base of 10000 selling
high-end cosmetics. It is planning to shift its operations to India. Whether it should go
forward with this decision or not? Should the move be city specific? Should the operations
be set up online or offline? (Followed by cross-questioning)
3. Case Study: There is a toll booth that does not operate on a given day. What is the amount
of loss? (Followed by cross-questioning)
4. Any questions?

Round 2:

1. Walk me through your CV.

2. Discussion about my live project.
3. What all data tools do you know?
4. How will you fit into this role without knowing Python or R?
5. What is simple and multiple linear regression?
6. Steps in building a regression model.
7. What will you do if independent variables are correlated?
8. Asked to write a query.

Round 3:

1. Puzzle: there are 9 balls. One of them is lighter in weight, all else are equal. In how many
attempts will you find the lighter ball if you can only weigh 2 balls at a time?
2. Puzzle: there are n doors in a hotel. All are closed in the beginning. The security guard goes
on rounds in such a way that on the first round, he toggles all the doors, on the second
round he toggles every second door, on the third round he toggles every third door, and so
on. How many doors will be open in the end?
3. An employer has a rod of 15 units. He must pay his employee for 15 days so that the
employee has one more unit at the end of every day. How can the employer do so by
putting the minimum number of cuts on the rod?
4. What is the difference between median and mean?
5. Give a situation where you will prefer mode.
6. If an asset is depreciated on a straight-line basis for a year, will you be left with a residual
value at the end of the year?
7. What is another method of depreciation?
8. What is kurtosis?
9. Why do we reject the null hypothesis?
10. 25% of applicants make it to DBE while 20% of applicants make it to FMS. How will you test
whether these percentages are significant?
11. Assumptions of simple linear regression.
12. What is the difference between R squared and adjusted R squared?
13. The P-values of all independent variables show them to be significant. Then how will you
rank these variables in the order of significance?

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