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College of Leadership and Governance

Department of Development Communication and Media Studies

Course: Media Psychology

Individual Assignment

What did you grasp from the course media psychology so far briefly explains
by stating examples?

Name: Mohamed Harir Jama

I.D no. ecsu2200107

Submitted To: Dr. Kidist (PhD)

May 2023
Addis-Ababa Ethiopia
Media psychology is the study of how various forms of media, including social media,
movies, television, and video games, influence human thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. For
instance, social media has been linked to negative effects on adolescent mental health, such
as increased rates of depression and anxiety. On the other hand, video games have been
shown to provide cognitive benefits, such as improved attention and problem-solving skills.
Media psychologists also explore the cultural and societal factors that shape media content
and consumption patterns, as well as the psychological effects of emerging technologies.

According to recent advancements in media psychology, there is an increasing understanding

of the emotional impact of movies on viewers. Media psychologists are now able to describe
the absorbing and moving qualities of the movie experience. Additionally, the sociological
imagination is a framework that helps us understand the social world beyond our personal
experiences. For example, it can help us recognize that our inability to buy required textbooks
is not just a personal trouble, but a larger social issue caused by rising tuition rates and
decreasing financial aid. However, many studies in psychology fail to replicate, raising
important questions about the trustworthiness of research evidence.

Key Areas of Media Psychology course

Media psychology encompasses a wide range of topics, including:

1. Media effects on behavior and cognition: Media psychologists investigate how

exposure to media content can influence individuals' thoughts, feelings, and actions, as
well as their cognitive abilities and mental health.
2. Media and identity: This area of study examines the role of media in shaping
individuals' self-concepts, perceptions of others, and understanding of social norms and
3. Media and persuasion: Media psychologists explore the persuasive techniques used in
advertising, political communication, and other forms of media messaging, as well as the
psychological factors that make certain messages more effective than others.
4. Media and emotion: This branch of media psychology looks at how media content can
evoke emotional responses and how these emotions can, in turn, influence individuals'
thoughts, behaviors, and well-being.
Important of media psychology course in development communication and media
Media psychology course can help us in the following ways:
 Understanding the impact of media on human behavior: Media psychology
course helps us to understand how media influences human behavior,
attitudes, and beliefs. This knowledge can be applied in development
communication to design effective messages that can bring about positive
behavioral change.

 Analyzing media content: Media psychology course equips students with

skills to analyze media content critically. This skill is essential in development
communication as it helps students to identify the strengths and weaknesses of
different media messages and develop strategies to improve them.
 Designing effective communication campaigns: Media psychology course
provided us with knowledge on how to design effective communication
campaigns that resonate with their target audience. This skill is crucial in
development communication as it helps us to create messages that are
relevant, engaging, and persuasive.
 Understanding audience segmentation: Media psychology course teaches
students how to segment audiences based on their demographics,
psychographics, and behavior. This knowledge is vital in development
communication as it helps students to tailor their messages to specific groups
of people for maximum impact.
 Evaluating the effectiveness of media campaigns: Media psychology course
equips us with skills to evaluate the effectiveness of media campaigns using
various research methods such as surveys, focus groups, and experiments.
This skill is essential in development communication as it helps students to
measure the impact of their messages and make necessary adjustments for
better results

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