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Plagiarism Statement

Before handing in assessed report/assignment, please print off a copy of this

plagiarism statement. You should sign and date it, and attach with your report prior
to submission.

PLAGIARISM STATEMENT (to be signed by student)

Using someone else's ideas or phrasing and representing those ideas or phrasing as
my own, either on purpose or through carelessness, is a serious offense known as
plagiarism. Plagiarism is an examination offence and may carry heavy penalties.

I declare that apart from properly referenced quotations, this report is my own work and
contains no plagiarism; it has not been submitted previously for any other assessed work on
this course.

I further declare that the report in any way does not resemble cheating and attempted cheating,
lying, and stealing.

Student Name:

Student Number:

Course Number: MME 340 Communication Techniques

Student Signature:


Adopted from Foreign Universities

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