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Technology Review

An Overview of Real-Time
Operating Systems
Walter Cedeño,1,2* and Phillip A. Laplante1,2
Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals Research & Development, Exton, PA
Penn State University, Great Valley School of Graduate Professional Studies,
Malvern, PA

ver the past 25 years, advances in semiconductor WHY REAL-TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS FOR
real-time systems,
O manufacturing have led to smaller and faster
computers, which in turn has stimulated the development

Real-time operating systems (RTOSs) are often used

laboratory of ‘‘smarter’’ laboratory devices that can control complex to develop applications for systems with complex
automation, networks of devices and process large amounts of data time and resource constraints. This situation often
operating systems, fast and reliably. As more functionality is pushed down to typifies laboratory automation where one or more
smart devices
laboratory devices and personal computers, the computers must synchronize the activities among
sophistication needed to manage external resources, one or more instruments involving time, process,
events, and information grows. In some cases, only real- or precedent constraints. Time constraints might in-
time operating systems (RTOSs) can meet the time and clude actions such as ‘‘mix for at least x seconds’’ or
resource constraints of such systems. Whether you write ‘‘heat at 100  C for 1 min’’. Process constraints con-
your own software for lab automation, write middleware dition activities, for example, ‘‘pick x and place at y’’
to help communicate between programs, or use off-the- or ‘‘rotate 30 ’’. In addition, precedent constraints
such as ‘‘before’’, ‘‘during’’, ‘‘after’’, and their com-
shelf software, it is beneficial to know when a RTOS is an
plements add further complexity to process control.
appropriate platform for your application. This paper
Fortunately, RTOSs provide the necessary features
provides an overview of RTOSs, the criteria needed for to handle the demanding time, process, and prece-
their evaluation, and examples of typical RTOSs. Our dent constraints often associated with such systems.
main purpose is to enable the reader to understand basic RTOSs are deterministic by design, which allows
concepts of real-time systems and to stimulate further them to meet deadlines associated with external
investigation into their unique properties in the context of events using a limited set of resources. Advances in
laboratory automation. ( JALA 2007;12:40–5) modern development tools and frameworks have
made RTOSs more accessible to developers of all
levels. Developing applications for RTOSs used to
be a job for the most skillful developers not only
due to the complexity of the application, but also
due to the need to use in-circuit emulators or very
sophisticated cross-development platforms. Ad-
*Correspondence: Walter Cedeño, Ph.D., Johnson & Johnson
vances in tools, languages, and frameworks, how-
Pharmaceuticals Research & Development, 665 Stockton Drive,
Exton, PA 19335, USA; Phone: þ1.610.458.5264, ext. 6577; Fax: ever, have made the development of applications
þ1.610.458.8249; E-mail: for real-time systems easier. In the next sections,
1535-5535/$32.00 we examine certain important aspects of RTOSs.
Copyright c
 2007 by The Association for Laboratory Automation Our intent is to provide information to allow you
doi:10.1016/j.jala.2006.10.016 to understand the concepts in this area, to help

40 JALA February 2007

Technology Review

you determine when a RTOS will benefit an application, and application design and how any hard time constraints will
to stimulate your interest to learn more. be met.
This paper is organized as follows. The next section, Char- An OS is the software that manages the hardware
acteristics of RTOSs, provides an overview of RTOS con- resources of a computer and provides an abstraction layer
cepts and important characteristics. The section Evaluating between the hardware and the applications that will be run-
an RTOS provides information that can assist in the evalua- ning in the system. The OS can be considered a resource
tion of RTOSs. The section A Survey of RTOSs provides manager as well because it manages access to all devices in
a summary of available RTOSs and describes some of the the system. Last, but not least, the OS is a policy enforcer.
features for RT-Linux and Windows CE. The last section, That is, the OS defines the rules of engagement between
Conclusion, provides advice on next steps. the applications and resources. An OS is composed of multi-
ple software subsystems, and the core components in the OS
form its kernel. As depicted in Figure 1, the OS provides sev-
CHARACTERISTICS OF RTOSS eral subsystems to manage the central processing unit (CPU),
main memory, and external devices. The OS also provides an
There are many characterizations for ‘‘real-time system’’ and application programming interface (API), which defines the
the term is often used ambiguously because real-time systems rules and interfaces that enable applications to OS features
have such differing time constraints. For example, some real- and communicate with the hardware and other software ap-
time systems only need the application to satisfy average time plications. Most modern OSs support the creation of multi-
deadlines, with small variability, when processing external ple threadsa in a process.b This allows for development of
events. This might be the case when controlling mixing or complex applications that support concurrency and can han-
heating processes or in the case of display processes. Critical dle multiple asynchronous events from external sources. A
real-time systems, on the other hand, have very strict time complete review of the design of modern OSs can be found
deadlines that must be met every time, for example, if a con- in Refs. 2e4.
trolled dose of radiation must be delivered to some sample. An RTOS is an OS that supports applications that must
The application for a critical real-time system must have suf- meet time constraints while providing logically correct results
ficient time to process an external stimulus, called the re- (e.g., so that mixing occurs before and after heating). RTOSs
sponse time, within a predetermined value under all also provide the necessary features to support real-time ap-
possible circumstances. Laplante’s definition of a real-time plications. They provide a deterministic environment where
system captures the salient points. ‘‘A real-time system is we can calculate, a priori, the response timec for the worst-
one whose correctness involves both the logical correctness case scenario (so that we know, e.g., that the sample will
of the outputs and their timeliness.’’1 eventually be screened). The IEEE Portable Operating Sys-
Let’s consider an application to control a simple process tem Interface for Computer Environments, POSIX
involving the mixing, heating, and then mixing again of 1003.1b,5 provides a list of basic services an RTOS must sup-
a sample in a food production laboratory. Probably for most port. We list many of these and discuss some in the context of
food ingredients, we do not need to precisely time the dura- laboratory automation.
tion of the mixing and heating, but it is very important that
 Asynchronous Input/Output (I/O): The ability to overlap
the order of the processes be correct. On the other hand, if
application processing and application initiated I/O oper-
our automation equipment is controlling a high-throughput
ations. Improves application performance and increases
screening process where samples degrade after a predeter-
CPU utilization. This might be the case, for example,
mined amount of time, we probably need a much higher level
when the RTOS initiates a request to a device to start mix-
of precision.
ing for 5 s, and then moves on to making a request to
What distinguish real-time systems are their time con-
another device to start heating to 100  C, without having to
straints. Real-time systems are classified as hard, firm, or soft
wait for the first request to be acknowledged or completed.
systems. In hard real-time systems, the most critical type,
 Synchronous I/O: The ability to assure return of the inter-
failure to meet its time constraints will lead to system failure
face procedure when the I/O operation is completed. Al-
(imagine a nuclear reactor control system). In firm real-time
lows a thread to block and wait for the processing of an I/
systems, the time constraints must be met in most cases, but
O operation. Synchronous I/O might be desirable when
can tolerate missing a low number of deadlines (consider
control of the device can only be granted to one processor
a food processing plant control system). In soft real-time sys-
tems, the performance is degraded when time constraints are
not met but the system will not catastrophically fail (this is a
A thread is generally considered the execution unit of an OS. Sometimes
often the case with real-time animation of visual displays). called a task, it contains a set of instructions executed by the CPU and other
Usually an ‘‘ordinary’’ operating system (OS), with some b
A process provides the environment where one or more execution units
real-time features, is suitable for firm and soft real-time ap- (depends on OS) execute concurrently. Information in the process is shared
plications but RTOSs are necessary for hard real-time sys- by all of its execution units.
tems. The choice of OS will play an important role in the c
The time it takes for the processing of a particular event.

JALA February 2007 41

Technology Review

and priority-based preemptivee scheduling. Round-robin

scheduling might be used when there is a set of low critical-
ity tasks that occur in a regular order (e.g., fill, mix, heat,
mix, pour). Preemptive priority scheduling is used in mis-
sion critical systems where one or more events will have
a high level of urgency (e.g., the temperature of a process
has exceeded safe limits).
 Timers: Timers improve the functionality and determin-
ism of the system. A system should have at least one clock
device (system clock) to provide good real-time services.
Timers allow applications to set up events at predefined
intervals or time.
 Interprocess communication (IPC): IPC is a mechanism in
which threads share information needed for a particular
application. Common RTOS communication methods
include mailboxes, shared memory, and queues.
 Real-time files: The ability to create and access files with
deterministic performance.
 Real-time threads: Real-time threads are schedulable enti-
ties of a real-time application that have individual timeli-
ness constraints and may have collective timeliness
constraints when belonging to a runnable set of threads.
In addition to the POSIX, other basic requirements
described on a recent survey of RTOS6 are the following:
 Low overhead: The context-switchf times for threads and
the OS overhead should be minimal.
 Preemptive: The RTOS must be able to preempt the cur-
rently executing thread to give the CPU to a higher-prior-
Figure 1. OSs provide a layer of abstraction between the hard- ity thread. Again, this feature is needed to allow an urgent
ware and other applications. event (e.g., safe temperature exceeded) to preempt an
activity of lower criticality.
at a time, for example, if a robot arm will be shared by  Deterministic synchronization: Ability for multiple threads
more than one thread. to communicate among themselves within a predictable
 Memory locking: The ability to guarantee memory resi- time.
dence by storing sections of a process that were not re-  Priority levels: The RTOS must provide sufficient priority
cently referenced on secondary memory devices. Allows levels to allow for effective application implementation.
fine grain of control of which part of the application must This feature is important in enabling flexible preemptive
stay in physical memory to reduce the overhead associ- priority scheduling.
ated with transferring memory to disk. Memory locking  Predefined latencies: The timing of API calls must provide
might be used to keep in memory a thread that monitors expected latencies. This feature is helpful when process
a critical process that requires immediate attention. steps, such as adding, mixing, or heating, need to be com-
 Semaphores: An OS primitive that provides the ability to menced within a certain amount of time of a preceding
synchronize resource access by multiple processes or process step.
threads. Synchronization mechanisms are very important
in RTOSs to ensure that two threads do not try to use the The features of an RTOS are necessary, but not sufficient, to
same resource simultaneously. implement a real-time system. Whether or not an RTOS pro-
 Shared memory: The ability to map common physical vides the necessary features for your system is worthless if
space into independent process-specific virtual space. the underlying hardware does not provide the necessary horse-
Commonly used to share information between different power. The CPU speed, the memory access speed, and the de-
processes or threads. vice access speed define the potential speed of the underlying
 Execution scheduling: Ability to schedule multiple threads.
Common scheduling methods include round-robind
A preemptive scheduler is one that can take away the CPU from the
currently executing thread to allow a higher-priority thread to run.
d f
In round-robin scheduling, threads with equal priority are assigned the CPU A context switch is the process of storing and restoring the state of the CPU
for a fixed period of time in order. to allow multiple threads to share a single CPU.

42 JALA February 2007

Technology Review

hardware. However, industrial and laboratory automation There are many nontechnical criteria that must be consid-
software can present a substantial processing load. Therefore, ered as well. Your decision will dictate the cost of ownership
you need to ensure that the hardware is capable of supporting for your company. For example, you may choose a commer-
the hard real-time constraints and worst-case scenario in your cial RTOS or one from the open source community. In
fully loaded system regardless of the underlying RTOS. Once certain extreme cases (such as for low-production volume
the hardware is proven to be suitable for your real-time appli- high-reliability systems), you may even need to develop an
cation, then you can evaluate the features of RTOSs. RTOS from scratch. For any of these cases, you must evalu-
ate what is going to be the total cost to the company. Com-
EVALUATING AN RTOS mercial RTOS products may have a high up-front cost and
may charge royalty fees for every deployment of your system.
Whether you write your own software for lab automation, You may also consider obtaining the source code, which will
write middleware to help communicate between programs, add to the cost. The open source RTOS might offer free ac-
or use off-the-shelf software, it is beneficial to know how to cess to source and binaries with no royalties, but often re-
select the right RTOS for your environment. Of course, the quire the purchase of support and long-term commitment
first question you should always consider is if an off-the-shelf from the user community. Open source RTOS may lead to
RTOS will be compatible with the automation software that higher long-term costs due to reliance on low-level develop-
you need to host. Many commercial RTOSs and automation ment tools and highly technical individuals. In summary,
software developers have such compatibility lists. the total cost of ownership depends on both up-front and
A real-time application for an embedded systemg will of- long-term costs of royalties, support, maintainability, train-
ten require an RTOS with a very small footprinth and little ing, and consulting services.
overhead. A real-time application running on a PC or Mac There are also many technical decision criteria to be consid-
can support more complex RTOSs that provide additional ered, details of which can be found in Refs. 7e10. And a discus-
features and sophisticated user interfaces. Both hardware sion of matching RTOS features to specific project criteria can
and software choices should be considered together when de- be found in Ref. 11. In any case, the implementation of the
signing a real-time system. The system cost, the development POSIX features provided in Characteristics of RTOSs would
time, and the chance of success will depend on the choices be a good place to start, because the first thing you need to
you made. One of the most important criteria, often over- do is to choose between a thread- or process-based RTOS. In
looked, when evaluating a RTOS is the availability of devel- general, context-switch overhead between threads in the same
opment tools such as real-time symbolic debuggers and process is lower than when the threads are in different pro-
appropriate programming language support. The use of so- cesses. You need to consider the overhead associated with
phisticated IDE is common today. IDEs provide developers the different features provided and questions such as ‘‘what
with tools and examples to quickly develop your software, is the overhead associated with interrupt handlersi and associ-
test it, and manage different revisions. Once developers be- ated interrupt processing threads?’’ Other considerations are
come familiar with the IDE, their productivity increases the mutual exclusion primitives and data exchange mecha-
and the ability to work in a team environment improves. nisms used for synchronization between threads and/or pro-
Does the development host have to be the same as the tar- cesses. Finally, the memory management and scheduler
get host? Not always. Some development environments allow design affect the performance of applications in an RTOS
the user to develop on one platform and deploy to another. and must also be considered during the evaluation of RTOSs.
Obviously, developing in the same platform helps catch
problems faster. On the other hand, developing on a bigger
platform will allow the use of sophisticated tools that will in- A SURVEY OF RTOSS
crease productivity.
There are over 30 RTOSs,12,13 which can be classified as open
If you are going to write some of your own code for any
source versus commercial. Here we provide a summary of the
reason, a question arises. Which programming language
features of a few of the top 10 RTOSs listed in a 2005 sur-
should you use for real-time systems? The selection of pro-
vey14 by Embedded System Design.
gramming language depends in part on the skills of the devel-
The VxWorks commercial RTOS from Wind River is the
opers involved and whether the language is supported by the
most widely adopted in the embedded industry (e.g., it is used
RTOS’ development environment. Training will be necessary
on the International Space Station). VxWorks was first re-
when using a new language, but this additional burden may
leased in the early 1980s and provides a flexible API with more
be worth it if the language is part of a framework that sim-
than 1800 methods. The development host can be Red Hat Li-
plifies development and provides features often necessary
nux, Solaris, SuSE Linux, Windows 2000 Professional, or
for real-time applications.
An interrupt handler is the software module that processes software or
An embedded system is a special-purpose system in which the computer and hardware interrupts. It is activated by the system whenever the interrupt it
its application are completely encapsulated by the device it controls. services occurs. The handler usually processes the interrupt and passes
Memory requirements. control to the associated interrupt thread to continue processing.

JALA February 2007 43

Technology Review

Windows XP. VxWorks is available for all popular CPU plat- priority levels. The bitmap scheduler is somewhat more effi-
forms: x86, PowerPC, ARM, MIPS, 68K, CPU 32, ColdFire, cient and only allows one thread per priority level. The
MCORE, Pentium, i960, SH, SPARC, NEC V8xx, M32 R/D, MLQ scheduler allows multiple threads to run at the same
RAD6000, ST 20, and TriCore. The kernel supports preemp- priority. First in, first out (FIFO) or round-robin is used to
tive priority scheduling with 256 priority levels and round- schedule threads with the same priority. The eCos RTOS
robin scheduling. VxWorks is a multithreading RTOS that supports OS primitives such as mutexes, semaphores, mail-
provides deterministic context switching and supports sema- boxes, and events for synchronization and communication
phores and mutual exclusion with inheritance. This RTOS also between threads.
provides message queues and Open-standard Transparent IPC Contemporary OSs such as Linux and Windows XP,
for high-speed communications between threads. called XP Embedded, also have extensions that enable them
The Windows CE RTOS is a commercial RTOS devel- to support real-time applications. But these OS are only suit-
oped in the late 1990s by Microsoft. Windows CE has a small able for large real-time systems due to footprint required. On
footprint and can run in under a megabyte of memory. There the other hand, there is no need to use specialized tools and
exist three main development platforms (Windows Mobile, there are a large number of developers who can quickly learn
SmartPhone, and Portable Media Center) that allow devel- how to make use of the real-time features.
opers to use feature-rich tools to develop applications for
x86 and other architectures. Windows CE can have up to CONCLUSION
32 processes active with multiple threads in each process.
The scheduler supports round-robin or priority-based pre- For years, the use of RTOSs has been mostly limited to
emptive scheduling with 256 priority levels, and uses the embedded systems. But more recently, applications with
priority inheritance protocolj for dealing with priority real-time requirements are being developed for common plat-
inversion.k Large parts of Windows CE are available in forms. As the need for real-time systems increases, you
source form. Windows CE supports OS synchronization should understand the benefits and limitations of RTOSs
primitives such as critical sections, mutexes, semaphores, so that you can make the best choice should the need arise.
events, and message queues to allow thread to control access The information provided here will provide background
to share resources. A unique feature of Windows CE is the information to help evaluate RTOS’ technical features and
concept of fibers. A fiber is a unit of execution that must other nontechnical criteria.
be manually scheduled by the application. A fiber is an exe- When selecting a real-time system, one of the first things
cution unit that runs within the context of the thread that that a user must do is to identify the real-time constraints
schedules it. A thread can schedule multiple fibers but they and categorize them as hard, firm, or soft. If the system does
are not preemptively scheduled. The thread schedules a fiber not have any hard time constraints, then a contemporary OS
by switching to it from another fiber. The running fiber as- might be sufficient. But for a hard or firm real-time system
sumes the identity of the thread. Fibers are useful in situa- you will need to consider the trade-offs between the different
tions where the application needs to schedule its own threads. RTOSs and decide which one fits your needs and your budget.
The most widely adopted free, open source RTOS, eCos Then, take into account the cost of ownership of the RTOS, the
(embedded Configurable operating system) was released in hardware platform, the development tools, and most impor-
1986. eCos provides a graphical-configuration tool and tantly, if the RTOS can meet the deadline constraints. Not
a command line-configuration tool to customize and adapt all the criteria used for evaluation should have the same
the RTOS to meet application-specific requirements. This weight, therefore, prioritize the most important features for
feature allows the user to set the OS to the desired memory the system. If you consider all the relevant criteria appropri-
footprint and performance requirements. Development hosts ately, the RTOS selected will be the right one at that moment.
are Windows and Linux and the supported target processors This investment can then pay for itself for years to come.
are x86, PowerPC, ARM, MIPS, Altera NIOS II, Calm-
risc16/32, Freescale 68k ColdFire, Fujitsu FR-V, Hitachi REFERENCES
H8, Hitachi SuperH, Matsushita AM3x, NEC V850, and 1. Laplante, P. A. Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis. 3rd edition-
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for the same resource. guage]. 1996, ANSI/IEEE Std 1003.1.

44 JALA February 2007

Technology Review

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