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Методична розробка
на тему:

«Порівняльне вживання часів

Pаst Simple та Past Continuous
в англійській мові»

з дисципліни «Іноземна мова»

для студентів І - ІІ курсів усіх спеціальностей


Методична розробка на тему: «Порівняльне вживання часів
Pаst Simple та Past Continuous в англійській мові» з дисципліни
«Іноземна мова» для студентів І - ІІ курсів усіх спеціальностей.-
Львів, 2014.- 22с.

Укладач: Шак Л.Б., викладач ВСП Технологічний коледж

НУ «Львівська політехніка»

Рецензент: Нечипорук Н. М., викладач вищої категорії

ВСП Технологічний коледж НУ «Львівська

Розглянуто та схвалено на засіданні циклової комісії іноземних мов

Протокол № __ від _____ 2014р.

Foreword ………………………………………………………………4
The Past Simple ……………………………………………………….5
The Past Continuous ………………………………………………….6
Past Continuous and Past Simple…………………………………….7
Practice Exercises…………………………………………….........…..8


Дана методична розробка є складовою навчально-

методичного комплексу з дисципліни «Іноземна мова» і
використовується для вивчення та засвоєння граматичного
матеріалу студентами I-II курсів усіх спеціальностей. Метою даної
методичної розробки є пояснення відмінності часів Past Simple та
Past Continuous в англійській мові. Засвоєння теоретичного
матеріалу відбувається через виконання різноманітних вправ, що
підібрані відповідно до різних рівнів знань. Характерною ознакою
даної методичної розробки є вивчення граматичного матеріалу на
основі ситуативних діалогів, що сприяють засвоєнню часових ознак
у природному комунікативному середовищі.

The Past Simple
With most verbs the past tense is formed by adding -ed:
call - called; like - liked; want - wanted; work - worked
But there are a lot of irregular past tenses in English.

We use the past tense to talk about:
- something that happened once in the past:
I met my wife in 1983.
We went to Spain for our holidays.
They got home very late last night.
- something that happened again and again in the past:
When I was a boy I walked a mile to school every day.
We swam a lot while we were on holiday.
They always enjoyed visiting their friends.
- something that was true for some time in the past:
I lived abroad for ten years.
He enjoyed being a student.
She played a lot of tennis when she was younger.
- we often use phrases with ago with the past tense:
I met my wife a long time ago.

Questions and negatives

We use did to make questions with the past tense:
When did you meet your wife?
Where did you go for your holidays?
Did she play tennis when she was younger?
Did you live abroad?
But look at these questions:
Who discovered penicillin?
Who wrote Don Quixote?
We use didn’t  (did not) to make negatives with the past tense:
They didn’t go to Spain this year.
We didn’t get home until very late last night.
I didn’t see you yesterday. 

The Past Continuous

The past continuous is formed from the past tense of be with the -
ing form of the verb:
We use the past continuous to talk about the past:
- for something which continued before and after another action:
The children were doing their homework when I got home.

I got home. The children did their homework.

The children did their homework when I got home.
As I was watching television the telephone rang.
This use of the past continuous is very common at the beginning of
a story:
The other day I was waiting for a bus when …
Last week as I was driving to work … 
- for something that happened before and after a particular time:
It was eight o’clock. I was writing a letter.


At eight o’clock I wrote some letters.

In July she was working in McDonald’s.
- to show that something continued for some time:
My head was aching.
Everyone was shouting.
- for something that was happening again and again:
I was practising every day, three times a day.
They were meeting secretly after school.
They were always quarrelling.
- with verbs which show change or growth:
The children were growing up quickly.
Her English was improving.
My hair was going grey.
The town was changing quickly.

Past Continuous and Past Simple
1.  The most common use of the past continuous tense is to talk about
something that was happening around a particular time in the past.
- What were you doing at 8 o’clock last night? I was watching

I started watching television before 8 o’clock and I continued watching it

after 8 o’clock.
- In 1994 he was working in a small town in Poland.
- At 6 o’clock on Saturday morning we were travelling to the

2. We often use the past continuous and the past simple tense together.

When this happens, the past continuous describes a longer,
‘background’ action or situation and the past simple describes the action
or events.
- When I woke up this morning it was raining and my father was
singing in the kitchen.
- I was walking home, whistling happily, when I saw two masked
men run out of the bank.

Often, the ‘action’ described by the past simple tense interrupts the

‘situation’ described by the past continuous tense.
- I broke my leg when I was skiing.
- I was playing a computer game when the doorbell rang.

Notice that the past continuous describes ‘situations’ that go on for

some time – ‘skiing’ and ‘playing’ but the past simple describes
‘actions’ that happen quickly – ‘broke’ and ‘rang’.

Notice too the important difference between these two sentences.

- When they arrived, Jeff was cooking dinner. Jeff started cooking

before they arrived.
- When they arrived, Jeff cooked dinner. Jeff started cooking dinner
after they arrived.
Practice Exercises
Exercise 1
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. While Tom (read)  , Amely (watch)   a
documentary on TV.
2. Marvin (come)   home, (switch)   on the
computer and (check)   his emails.
3. The thief (sneak)   into the house, (steal)   
the jewels and (leave)   without a trace.
4. Nobody (listen)   while the
teacher (explain)   the tenses.
5. While we (do)   a sight-seeing tour, our
friends (lie)   on the beach.
6. He (wake)   up and (look)   at his watch.

Exercise 2
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. The receptionist (welcome)   the guests
and (ask)   them to fill in the form.
2. The car (break)   down and we (have)   to
walk home.
3. The boys (swim)   while the
girls (sunbathe)  .
4. My father (come)   in, (look)   around
and (tell)   me to tidy up my room.
5. As long as one group (prepare)   dinner, the
others (collect)   wood for their campfire.
6. While the parents (have)   breakfast, their
children (run)   about.
7. Martha (turn)   off the lights and (go)   to
Exercise 3
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. We (wait)   for Jane, when suddenly
Louis (come)   around the corner.
2. I (cycle)   through the park, when I (hear)   a
strange noise.
3. He (pass)   her a message when the teacher (look /
not)  .
4. I (fall)   asleep while I (watch)   TV last
5. When Mike and Jane (paint)   the walls, their
dog (knock)   over the paint pot.
6. Tom (break)   his leg when he (play)   
7. The phone (ring)   when I (sit)   on the toilet.

Exercise 4
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. I (jog)   in the park, when two
squirrels (cross)   my way.
2. Robert (fall)   off the ladder when he (pick)   
3. Archimedes (discover)   the theory of buoyancy while
he (take)   a bath.
4. When we (travel)   around Ireland,
we (meet)   some very nice people.
5. While she (speak)   on the phone, the
milk (boil)   over.
6. When I (leave)   the house this morning, the
sun (shine)  .
7. Caroline (burn)   her hand when she (iron)   
her clothes.
Exercise 5
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. Two days ago, a murder (happen)   in Market Street at
about seven pm.
2. Yesterday, Sherlock Holmes (arrive)   at the crime scene
to investigate.
3. He (ask)   one of the tenants in the house.
4. »What (do / you)   yesterday at seven?«
5. »I (watch)   a football match on TV.«
6. » (be)   you alone?«
7. »Yes, I (be)  .«
8. » (hear / you)   anything suspicious?«
9. »Yes, about seven o'clock, two people (argue)   in the
hallway. But the football match  (be)   so interesting.
So I just (turn)   up the telly and then (hear /not)
  anything anymore.«
Exercise 6
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. A: »What (do / you)   yesterday at 8 pm?«
2. B: »I (sit)   in the pub with Sam. Why?«
3. A: »I (drive)   to the sports centre at that time to play
squash with a few friends. As we (be)   only three
players, I (try)   to ring you to ask if you would like to
come as well. But I (reach / not)   you at home.«
4. B: »Why (ring / not / you)   my mobile?«
5. A: »I actually (want)   to ring your mobile, but by
accident I (dial)   William's number. He (do /
not)   anything special at that moment and
really (like)   the idea of playing squash with us.«
Exercise 7
Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or past progressive).
1. When I (do)   the washing-up, I (break)   a
2. While Tom (play)   the piano, his
mother (do)   the washing-up.
3. He (drink)   some juice and then he (eat)   a
few chips.
4. I (have)   dinner when I suddenly (hear)   a
loud bang.
5. When my father (work)   in the garden, an old
friend (pass)   by to see him.
6. She (go)   to school, (take)   out her textbook
and (begin)   to learn.
7. When it (start)   to rain, our dog (want)   to
come inside.

8. When Jane (do)   a language course in Ireland,
she (visit)   Blarney Castle.
9. When I (be)   on my way home, I (see)   an
10. I (not / understand)   what they (talk)   about.
Exercise 8
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. When I (get)   up yesterday, the sun (shine)  .
2. It (is)   a beautiful morning.
3. So I (decide)   to cycle around a little.
4. I (go)   to the shed and (take)   out my bike.
5. While I (cycle)   past some villages, I (see)   
some people in their gardens.
6. One man (mow)   the grass while his
wife (pick)   strawberries.
7. After one hour of cycling in sunshine, a big fat raincloud
suddenly (appear)   and it (start)   to rain.
8. Luckily, a farmer (notice)   me and (tell)   me to
come in.
9. While it (rain)   outside, I (sit)   in the farmer's
10. After a while, the sun (come)   out again.

Exercise 9
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. While I  , the school bus  . (to text) (to
2. Cindy   her leg while she  . (to break) (to
3. He   to the radio while he   breakfast. (to
listen) (to prepare)
4. My father   at 70 km/h when a policeman    
him.(to drive) (to stop)
5. The girl   that the boy   her. (to notice) (to
6. My dad   the ladder while he   the
carport. (to fall off) (to paint)
7. While we  , we   crossword puzzles. (to
wait) (to do)
8. Nick   sick while he   in Texas. (to
become) (to travel)
9. What   when you   about 9/11? (to do) (to
10. She said that she   happy, so I   to
her. (not/to feel) (to talk)

Exercise 10
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. I used my time well while I (wait)   for my plane - I
wrote some emails. 
2. I (not/work)   when my boss walked in my office. 
3. When I (wait)   for the taxi, I saw two car crashes. 
4. Tom (have)   long hair and a beard when he was at
5. It started snowing while I (drive)   to work. 
6. What (you/do)   this time last year? 
7. I (not/call)   you at 9 o'clock as arranged because I was
having a meeting. 
8. What (you/do)   this time last year? 
9. I (still/sleep)   when my wife left for work this
10. Why did you bring your umbrella? (it/rain)   when
you left home? 

Exercise 11
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. What   she   (wear) when you
 (see) her? Her favourite top, I think.
2. They   (get) up early that morning so they    
(go) for a swim.
3. We   (find) the keys we   (look) for
4. The car   (crash) against the wall and a lot of people
 (come) round.
5.    it   (rain) when you left for school? Yes,
it  , quite heavily.
6. It   (be) a quiet morning: the birds   (sing)
in the trees and the cows   .(eat) We    
(walk) happily when a terrible storm    (start) 100 ms
away from us. The wind     (blow)a big tree down and a
black cloud   (appear) in the sky.

7. We   (can) hear you because we   (sing) in
the music classroom.
8. The police   (discover) that a criminal gang
 (buy) luxury cars with stolen credit cards and
  (organize) an incredible operation to stop them.

Exercise 12
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. We (have)   a walk, when we (see)   Mary.
2. She (go)   to the cinema, when the police (stop)
3. I (have)   breakfast, when my brother (phone)
4. When the teacher (come)   in, you (play)   
football in the classroom.
5. They (wait)   for the bus, when it (start)   
6. The telephone (ring)   while I (have)   a bath.
7. The accident (happen)   while Janet (cross)    
the road.
8. When my sister (call)   me, I (have)   a cup of
9. You (wait)   on the platform, when the train (arrive)
10. When I (go)   out, they (chat)   on the

Exercise 13
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1.  Darren   (drop) his briefcase on the floor.
2.  Claudia   (work) in her office when she heard the
3. Anthony and Jane   (get) married last year.
4.  My girlfriend   (wear) a blue dress when we met.
5. The children   (eat) all the cakes while they were
watching TV.
6.  I was making breakfast when Jim   (arrive).
Exercise 14
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. When I   to school I   John. (walk/see)
2. When I   in the kitchen Mary  . (help/come)
3. While she   the soup the children  . (cook/play)
4. While they   cards the baby  . (play/sleep)
5.When I   in the garden my uncle  . (work/call)
6. Carol   TV while Bob and Peter   football.
7. When she   her hair the baby   to cry. (wash/begin)
8. A strong wind   when the plane  . (blow/land)
9.When she   tennis it   to rain. (play/began)
10. When I   TV the lights   out. (watch/go)
11. While he   the piano she   to him. (play/listen)
12. While she   up her room he   his car. (tidy/wash)
13. The boys   in the garden while she   the
14. He   Mary when he   through the park.
15. We   computer games while she   a book.

Exercise 15
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. They   (have) tea when the doorbell   (ring).
2. Father   (smoke) his pipe while mother   (read) a
3. While he   (mow) the lawn it   (start) to rain.
4. He   (have) breakfast when the toaster   (blow) up.
5. When I   (come) into the office my boss   (wait)
for me.
6. When we   (see) Brian he   (drive) a taxi.
7. Father   (wait) in the car while mother   (do) the
8. When he   (arrive) we   (have) dinner.
9. While they   (play) chess we   (go) shopping.
10. They   (have) a party while he   (sleep).
11. He   (take) a photo when I   (feed) the ducks.
12. They   (play) football when the lights in the
stadium   (go) out.
13. While George and John   (clean) their room she   
(do) the ironing.
14. Sam   (do) the ironing when Jack   (phone) her.

Exercise 16
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. They   (play) cards when the postman   (come).
2. I   (sweep) the floor when I   (hear) a noise.
3. She   (watch) TV when the doorbell   (ring).
4. We   (hear) a cry and   (run) into the kitchen.
5. First Sam   (buy) the newspaper and then he   
(take) the plane to Chicago.
6. Susan and Sally   (play) tennis when it   (begin)
to rain.
7. I think she   (wear) her new hat when I   (see)
her at the zoo.
8. A lot of children   (wait) at the station when the
star   (arrive).
9. They   (have) their supper when they   (hear)
about the accident.
10. When the phone   (ring) mum   (work) in the
11. Sally   (take) a photo when I   (dance).
12. They   (read) a book when the lights   (go) out.
13. While George   (repair) his bike Bill   (play)
computer games.
14. We   (talk) about the movie while we   (walk)
15. They   (forget) our lunch at home last Friday.

Exercise 17
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).

1. I   (look) out of the window and   (see) John.
2. I   (help) to peel the potatoes when Mary   (come)
3. The sun   (rise) when we   (reach) the hill.
4. He   (laugh) and   (clap) his hand.
5. While they   (sing) he   (play) the piano.
6. A heavy wind   (blow) when the helicopter  
7. We   (go) to the church when the bell   (start) to
8. While the police   (drive) to the house the burglars
  (put) the paintings into their bags.
9. Father   (smoke) his pipe while mother   (read) a
10. The baby   (start) to cry when she   (do) the
washing up.
11. While he   (walk) through the park he   (meet)
12. When they   (walk) through the wood they   
(see) the stolen car.
13. Although the pianist   (play) wonderfully a
guest   (fall) asleep.
14. She   (brush) her hair while he   (put) on his
15. When they   (walk) through the shopping centre he
 (promise) to buy her a ring.

Exercise 18
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. When Mrs. Golan   (open) the door her children   
(do) their homework and her husband   (read) the newspaper.
2. What   you   (do) yesterday morning? I   (study)
for an exam.
3.   he   (arrive) to the meeting last Friday?
4.   they   (paint) the walls when your mother   
(come) home?
5. While Dan   (repair) the car his sister   (work) in
the garden.
6. They   (watch) television when the lights   (go)
7. While mother   (hang) up the clothes her two
daughters   (wash) the dishes.
8. Tom   (water) the flowers when it   (start) to
9. She   (talk) on the phone when I   (arrive).
10. I   (read) a book when you   (call) me.
11. The children   (play) tennis when their
grandmother   (come) to visit them.
12. When Mrs Smith   (enter) the room her
children   (listen) to the radio very loudly.

13. Ann   (sweep) the floor while John   (make) the

14. The parents   (sleep) while the baby   (play)
quietly in her bed.

15. When the teacher   (walk) into the room the
pupils   (make) a lot of noise.


1. N. Coe, M. Harrison, K. Paterson. Oxford Practice Grammar.-

Oxford University Press, 2012-136p.
2. T.Falla, P.A Davies. Solutions. Intermediate Student’s Book. -
Oxford University Press, 2010-296p.
3. J.Hudson, T.Falla, P.A Davies. Solutions. Intermediate
Workbook. - Oxford University Press, 2012 – 127p.
4. R. Murphy “English Grammar in Use”.- Cambridge
University Press, 2005-260p.


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