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Disciplinary Action Policy

Vision :

All staff.

description:policy guidelines


Objectives of the disciplinary policy :

Determine the procedures to be taken in the event employees do

not apply internal laws

A disciplinary violation is defined as a breach of an employee’s

professional duties, which gives the employee authority

Disciplinary authorities in their field shall have the right to sanction

them within the limits of the legally prescribed penalties

According to the company's rules of procedure and the Jorda

nian Labor Law

Disciplinary sanctions are the penalties imposed by the Jordan

ian Labor Law for violating a worker

Provisions of the Law

Work or internal company regulations made by the employer,

which vary
about the criminal punishment in Kona is signed for administr
ative violations

Disciplinary sanctions are de facto provided that the worker is

bound to implement regulations and laws

Jordan Labor Law Firm

Types of disciplinary sanctions

The Labor Code of Jordan contains a uniform text with regard

to the types of sanctions, as follows :



Off work*

Dismissal from work*

The following disciplinary actions shall be taken against a staff

member who is repeatedly late in service in accordance with th
e following:

a. The penalty of attentiveness to an employee who is three times

delayed in one month.

b. A warning penalty for an employee who is more than three time

s overdue in

In all cases, one day of annual employee leave is deducted if

A total of one hour per week is overdue and staff members are exh

His annual leave is deducted from his salary and allowances by on

e day.

c. Fine :

The financial penalty imposed on an employee by deducting part o

f his dues is more severe than the warning, taking into account the
employer :

A staff member shall not be fined more than three days a month or
suspended without pay for more than three days a month .

b. No disciplinary action or fine shall be taken against the worker f

or any of the offenses set forth in the adopted sanctions regulation
after the lapse of fifteen days .


Reference to the Internal Law and the Labor Law of Jordan

Forms and checklist:

Forms of Disciplinary Action

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