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Theory Explanation

Steady State Universe New matter is quietly but continually appearing out of nothing from the
Theory spaces in the galaxies.
Oscillating Universe
Another Big Bang will occur when the universe starts to run down.
Nebular Hypothesis/ As gas swirled around, eddies of gas caused the formation of the Sun and
Planetesimal Theory planets.
Fission Theory Bursting of the sun sent out planets and moons.
Capture Theory Planets and moons were wandering around and captured by the sun.
Small chunks of materials gradually combined and formed Earth, then
Accretion Theory
more chunks formed the moon.
Planetary Collision
Earth collided with a small planet, producing the moon.
Stellar Collision Theory Two stars collided and formed the planets and moons.
Gas clouds were pulled by sun’s gravity, then formed into planets and
Gas Cloud Theory

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