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becomes easier.
mining the
4. Building materials like

d are available. limestone and Ceme

The word 'denude' means to strip off
or unCOVe
(Denudation is the process of
removing the earth surface breaking
throughor erosion ar
weathering resulting in the reduction
up an

relief. Denudation leads to a change in

and landforms on Earth.)
Agents of Denudation
Denudation is caused by natural agents such %
wind, rivers, sea waves, glaciers, etc.)We will lear
more about how rivers and winds cause denudation
Ariver has its
origin from various sources-a lake,
a glacier, a mountain, or even an
water reserve. Depending upon theunderground
land over
which it flows, and the smaller streams that
on its way, the river becomes a join t
large water bod.
tages of a River Course
he journey of a river from
its source (E
Pginning) to its mouth (where the river enters ti
a) is divided into
three and the
urse, the middle Course, main stages: the uppe
lower Course
e river in its
upper course does the main worK
erosion, while in the middle the
course,Course, it
rk is transportation. In the lower
bosition. Ariver erodes the rocks and soilove
ch it flows. The
work of attrition wears
JCes the size of rocks
ck in the gradually. You wil
river bed
rather to sand and sil!a
rounded due
same rock gets reduced
iver moves further Finally.
to silt and
that deltas are clay
downstream(which is

made of.)

Upper course: In the upper course, the youthful

Meanders are formed when the river in its
river flows along an uneven surface and leads
to intensive bottom erosion- the middle course enters the plains from ahigher
are steep and the erosion is rapid. gradients relief and cuts through its banks.
The rapid
deepening of the channel leads to the formation Lower course: In the lower course, the gradients
of V-shaped valleys, rapids, are gentle and the velocity is low. Thus, the
sided valleys, and gorges. waterfalls, steep river loses most of its erosive power and
A V-shaped valley is formed flows in a sluggish manner. The river at this
when the river, stage does little of erosion and transportation
near its source, erodes down
vertically. The but is mostly engaged in deposition. This
weathered material from the valley
deposited in the river. This material slopes gets
erodes the
stage is characterised by the development of
riverbed through abrasion when it is carried by distributaries and the formation of features like
the river. natural levees, deltas, etc.
When the river traverses over When the river is about to enter the sea or
different rocks in Ocean, it gets broken into many distributaries
the upper course, it erodes the softer
rocks more that spread out in a certain pattern resulting
rapidly than the hard rocks. Over time, the soft
rock is further cut into and taken in the formation of a triangle-shaped
downstream landfornm.
This triangular landform resembles the Greek
by the water, making the
is at this point where thewatercourse steeper. It
water becomes steep
letter A (delta) and is called the delta of the
enough to be called a waterfall.
Middle course: In the middle course, the erosive Wind
power of the river reduces as it enters the plains Wind transports particles of minerals, sand, dust,
and transportation becomes important, leading etc., when they are in a dry state and
to the formation of flood plains. The river by vegetation cover. This phenomenonunprotected
starts mneandering. The topography consists of occurs in deserts and semiarid regions of commonly
the world.
features such as meanders, oxbow lakes, flood Following are some of the landforms formed by the
plains, and alluvial formations. action of wind.

Upper Course Middle Course Lower Course L


Characteristics Characteristics MOUTH

* Steep/V-shaped valley " Open/gentle sloping valley " Open/gcntle sloping valley
* Narrow/Shallow channcl with floodplain with floodplain
High Bedload * Wider/deeper Channcl " Flat and Wide Flood plain
Morc suspended scdiment " Wide, open vallcy
" Very wide and very deep channcl
Features Features Features
* V-shaped valleys * Mcanders " Oxbow Lakes
"Interlocking Spurs River Cliffs " Flood Plains
Waterfalls Slip off Slopes " Levees

Fig. 9.2The course of a river

Deflation hollows: When the wind

sand over long carries
formed distances, depressions are
on the surface.
are called These
deflation hollows. depressions
Sand dunes: A dune is a
desert. Sand dunes are hill of sand in
deserts when the wind formed in open
one place and takes sand from
to formn deposits it in
mounds sand. another place

Answer the
1. What does questions briefly:
2. Name
two weat
hering mean? What does
Describe how types ot gradation mean
What is changes of weathering. Name two
5. How exfoliation?
does frost temper a ture lead
Name the action cause
7. What is different
2 hydration? processes weat
of hering?
9. Describe the work of plants as
weat herin g.
10. State thehuman activities lead to agents of
11. What
effect of
weat herin g. weatherinweatofhering.
g rocks?
12. How is a happens when the river is in its
II. Define
waterfall formed? upper course2

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