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Assignment ~ IMer-304) Nome: Rahul Choudhary Rell no, 21035048 Date: 15/8/23 ons! |. Particle Size: Characteristics: Particle size refers 4o the dimensione of individual ceramic particles, typicelly measured as the average diameter. Tt «an vary from nanometers fo micrometers. “Impact on Sintering: ‘Smaller particle size leads 4o a higher surface area~}o-volume ratio. This means that during sintering, adjacent particles have more contact points, promoting diffusion and bonding between them. This enhanced interaction accelerates the densification process, resulting In higher density. reduced porosity, and improved mechanical strength in the sinfered ceramic Example: Imagine sintering two sets of alumina powder: one with large particles and the other with fine particles, The fine porticles will compact more tightly and bond more effectively yielding a ceramic with improved properties 2. Chemical Homogeneity: Characteristics: Chemical homogeneity refers to the uniform distribution of all the elements or components within the ceramic powder. H ensures that the composition is consistent across the entire powder. “Impact on Sintering: A chemically homogeneous powder ensures that the composition remains uniform during sinering. This prevents the formation of localized regions with differing compositions, which could lead 40 structural wecknesses or inconsistencies in the final product. Example Tha ceramic powder contains a mixture ef oxides, uniform chemical hemogene snsures that each particle hos the some composition leading $2 a well-belenced and predictable sintering process. 3, Phase Parity Cheracteristics: thase purity refers 4o the absence of unwanted impurities or secondary phoses within the ceramic powder. It means hat the material is composed primarily of the desired crystalline phase Impact on Sintering Impurities or secondary phases can hinder the sintering process by altering the material's behavior af high +ernperatures. They can inferfere with grain boundary movement and hinder deneification, potentially resulfing in defects, reduced mechanical properties, or changes in the final product's properties. Example: When producing high-purity alumina ceramics, the absence of even trace amounts of other materials ensures ‘that the sintering process is not compromised resulting in ceramics with desired characteristics. 4. Specific Surface Area: Cheracteristics; Specie surface orea measures the total surface area of particles per unit mass and is ypieally expressed in square meters per gram (2/3) Impact on Sintering Higher specific surface orea means mere available surface for particle interaction During sinfering 4his increased contact area promotes the migration of atoms, diffusion, ond particle bonding leading 40 densification and improved mechanical properties in the final ceramic. Example: A ceramic powder composed of fine silicon carbide particles with a high specific surface area will experience effective Particle bonding during sintering, resulting in a denser and stronger ceramic material ans 2 Bravais Lattices: Bravais lattices describe the different ways in which points can be arranged in a periodic pattern in three dimensions There are IH unique Braveis lattices Simple Cubic (SC) Lottice Parameters: a = b= ¢ (all sides ore equal and angles are 40") Characteristics: Points are located of the corners of a cube, Body-Centered Cubic (BCO Lattice Parameters: a = b=ca=P=v=%0" Characteristics: Points of the corners and one in the center of the cube Face-Centered Cubic (FCC): Lofice Raramefers a= b=ca=Pp=y=40" Choracteristics: Points ot the cerrers and ene in the center of each face of the cube. Simple Tetragonal (1) Lattice Parameters: a=b#ca=B=y=40" Characteristics: Points ot the corners of a rectanguler prism Body-Centered Tetragonal (BCT) Lobtice Parameters a=b#¢a=B=y=40" Characteristics: Points af the corners and one in the center of a rectangulor prism. Simple Orthorhombic (50): LoHtice Parameters: a#b#¢a=B= Characteristics: Points af the corners of a parallelepiped. Bose-Centered Ortherhombic (BCO} Loffice Raramefers: at b#Ga=P=y= 40" Characteristics: Points of the corners and one in the center of each pair of parallel faces of a parallelepiped. Face-Centered Orthochombie (FCO} Lottie Parameters a # b#Ga=P=y=40" Choracteristics: Points ot the corners and one in the center of each face of a parallelepiped Rhombohedral (): Lottie Parameters a=b=

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