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O most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel,

fruitful vine, splendor of heaven,
Immaculate Mother of the Son of God,
listen to our prayers as we beg for your intercession with God.
O Star of the Sea, help us and show us
that you are truly our Mother.
O holy Mary, Mother of God,
Queen of Heaven and earth,
we humbly beseech you from the bottom of our hearts
to help us in our necessities.
In particular, I ask for this special favor <pause>…
Show us that you are truly our Mother. Amen.
Queen Beauty of Carmel, pray for us.
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Prayer of Consecration
O Mary, Queen and Mother of Carmel,
I come today to consecrate myself to you,
for my life is but a small return
for the many graces and blessings
that have come to me through your hands.
Since you regard with an eye of special kindness
those who wear your scapular,
I implore you
to enlighten the darkness of my mind with your wisdom,
to increase in me faith, hope, and charity;
that I may render day by day my debt of humble homage to you.
May your Scapular
keep your eyes of mercy turned towards me
and bring me your special protection
in the daily struggle to be faithful
to your Divine Son and to you.
May it separate me from all that is sinful in life
and remind me constantly of my duty
to behold you and to clothe myself with your virtues.
From henceforth
, I shall strive to live
in the sweet companionship of your spirit,
to offer all to Jesus through you,
and to make my life the mirror
of your humility, charity, patience, meekness, and prayerfulness.
O dearest Mother,
support me by you
r never failing love;
that I, an unworthy sinner,
may come one day to exchange your Scapular
for the wedding garment of heaven,
and live with you and the saints of Carmel
in the kingdom of your Son.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Blessed Mother of Mount Carmel,
with you we thank God, our Heavenly Father,
for all the blessings He has given us.
O God, our Father and truest Friend,
we thank you for the gift of your love,
the source of all your other gifts.
We thank you for having made us, your children,
able to resemble you and to live your life.
We thank you for your Son,
whose limitless love for us
made us his sisters and brothers and his own body.
We thank you for the Holy Spirit,
whose love upholds and moves us at every moment, making us fully aware of your Fatherhood
and of your presence in ourselves.
We thank you for the Church
and for the Sacraments
and for the gift of faith,
which enables us to touch you in prayer
and in our love for one another.
We thank you for this world,
which you have made for us;
for our joys and successes;
for our trials
, sorrows, and failures;
and for our opportunities to help one another come to you.
We thank you for our humanity,
which Jesus divinized,
and forthe eternal happiness with you
in which it will be fully realized.
We thank you for giving us our Blessed Mother
and through her, the gift of the Scapular
as a source of comfort and strength
in our return to you.
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