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1. What is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer Marketing is a strategy that associates brands with influencers to connect with a
large audience. Thanks to the ability to speak in each of them, influencers are seen as
representatives of some brands or movements.

2. How to Create an Effective Influencer Strategy?

In order to create a good strategy, certain steps are needed, which are:
- Define your campaign goals
- Define the target audience of your campaign
- Define the message and briefing of your campaign
- Define a Budget
- Find the right influencers and contact
- Track your campaign performance

3. Which Social Media Channels are most important for Influencer Marketing?
4. Do you think that the Influencer Marketing is a Valuable Tool?
Yes because, it deals with the ability of influencers to reach specific and highly engaged
audiences on social networks, be it through Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, among other
platforms. These influencers have a large number of followers who trust their opinion and
value their lifestyle and way of communication while promoting certain lifestyles and
company brands.
5. Read the Text and mark with colors green, yellow and red if you known, doubt or
unknown respectively each Word. To page 10.

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