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1. Ikkaval Yoga

If all the planets are either in Kendras and/or in Panpharas, then the
Ikkava Yoga is formed.

2. Induvar Yoga

The Induvar Yoga is formed when all the planets are in Apoklim
(3,6,9,12 houses) houses.

3. Ithashala Yoga

Most important yoga in Horary. Also called Muthsila. Ithasal yoga

can be formed between fast moving planet and slow moving planet,
slow moving planet should be ahead and fast moving should be
behind, there should be mutual aspect between them, they should
be within the mean of their deeptamshas. The closer the ithasal, the
more intense are the results.

Varthman Ithasal Yoga : When Ithasal yoga is formed, it is

generally Varthman Yoga.

Poorna Ithasal Yoga : When both planets are within one degree.

Rashiant Ithasal Yoga : Ithasal involving a fast moving planet is at

the end of a sign

Bhavishyat Ithasal Yoga : Planets are not in deeptamsha range.

The difference between the two planets must be more than the
individual deeptamsha of the fast moving planet. The slow moving
planet should be ahead of fast moving planet by less than the sum
of their deeptamshas.

4. Ishrafa Yoga

It is formed when the fast moving planet is ahead of the slow

moving planet by one degree or more.

5. Nakta Yoga

A Nakta Yoga is formed when there is no Ithashal Yoga between

lagnesh and karyesh but a faster moving planet (faster than both
lagnesh and karyesh) causes Ithashal Yoga (with either or both the

6. Yamya Yoga

A Yamya Yoga is formed when there is no Ithashal Yoga between

lagnesh and karyesh but a slow moving planet (slower than both
lagnesh and karyesh) causes Ithashal Yoga (with either or both the
planets ).

7. Manau Yoga

The Manau Yoga is formed when the planets present in the

Ithashala Yoga are forming a relationship with Mars and Saturn.

8. Kambool Yoga

The Kambool Yoga is formed, if lagnesh & karyesh are forming an

Ithashal Yoga and if Moon joins either or both the planets by

9. Gairi Kambool Yoga

The Gairi Kambool Yoga is formed when the Ithashal Yoga is

formed between the lagnesh & karyesh with the unqualified moon
and the Moon is situated at the end point of sign. On entering the
next sign, Moon establishes Ithasal with lagnesh and/or Karyesh
and some powerful planet.

10. Khallasar Yoga

This is negation of Ithasal Yoga. Lagnesh & Karyesh are in Ithasal

yoga. Moon does not form Kambool Yoga or Gairi Kambool Yoga
nor provides any favourable aspect or association with Lagnesh &
Karyesh then Khallasar yoga is formed

11. Radda Yoga

If both or one of the planets which are having Ithasal are combust,
weak, debilitated, posited in inimical sign, associated with cruel/
malefic planets, retrograde or in relation with 6/8/12 lords then
Radda Yoga takes place.

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