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Name : Rahmadoni Saputra

Class : 3A 2020

Essai About The Right and Wrong Thing

Have I Ever Did In 1st Semester

I have done a lot of thing during the semester, ranging from good things to things that I
think are not good. There are things I do in my daily life, some of which I do in college. The
are some right things that I have done in 1st semester in my daily life, running worship on
time, helping parents,and doing things that can be useful for my body. But behind that there
are also some things that I think are still not right or can say wrong that I often do in my daily
life, some things it’s like rarely showering, eating a lot, and some time still often stay up late.
A part from everyday life, there were also things that were right and wrong tha I did during
my one semester study. Some of the right things in my opinion that I have done during the
first semester like a getting up on time, often doing my assignments and collecting them on
time. But there are also some things that I think are still wrong and I still did during the
semester such as still often procrastinating on assignments from lecturers, sometimes still
cheating on google about the assignments given, And sometimes I often watch the anime
until I forget the time. But I keep trying to do my best and change the bad things.

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