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Marketing Strategies for a Recruitment Firm

Name: Riya Bhotika

Class: XII B
Stream: Commerce
Duration: 4th May – 31st May
Company: Cogent HR Services Pvt. Ltd.

I want to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation towards everyone that has supported
and guided me throughout my internship at Cogent HR Services. This opportunity has
undoubtedly played a key role in developing my understanding of my passions and strengths,
and this knowledge will act as a beacon for my future career.
First and foremost, I want to thank the director of Cogent, Mrs. Bhavana Bagade, for trusting
me with this opportunity and inspiring me by exhibiting tremendous dedication towards her
company. Her unwavering faith in my ability to productively contribute to the workings of
her company has reinforced my belief that age is just a number because, with enough hard
work, success is a given.
I would also like to extend my deepest gratitude towards my immediate supervisor, Mrs.
Manasee Yadwadkar, Mrs. Komal Rangari and Mrs. Kiran Deshmukh, for the wisdom they
imparted to me throughout my internship. Their expertise, patience, and inclusivity have been
instrumental in my professional and personal development. I will always be grateful for how
they treated me like their own and helped me navigate the complexities of marketing. They
helped me acquire a more in-depth insight into effective communication, strategic targeting,
and brand management. Their guidance and constructive feedback were pivotal in the
completion of the tasks assigned to me.
This experience has enhanced my professional skills and instilled in me a passion and
understanding of this dynamic field.
In conclusion, I am deeply grateful to everyone who has played a role in making my
internship at Cogent a success. I leave with insightful knowledge and new skills to shape my
future endeavours. Thank you once again for this incredible opportunity, and I look forward
to staying connected and contributing to the growth and success of Cogent in the future.
With the sincerest appreciation,
Riya Bhotika.
Information about Cogent HR Services

Cogent HR Services pvt. Ltd. is a 10+ year old recruitment agency founded by Bhavana
Bagade and Vishakha Dongre. It specializes in RPO (recruitment process outsourcing) and
Permanent Recruitment Services for IT and non-IT companies, mainly placing technical
They fill the role of the intermediary between candidates and corporates, acting as an
extension of the corporation they affiliate themselves with. They work mainly in lateral hiring
but have worked with freshers on occasion too.
They have a carefully curated team of recruiters that understand the needs of a corporate
company and have an eye for which candidate will fit the description and requirements
They have placed candidates in industries like automation, financial services, IoT, printing,
robotics, advertising, and media. They have worked with companies like MetaDesign
Software, Harbinger, Talentica Software, Cofle Taylor, etc.
It was an honor to have the opportunity to intern at an organization that plays such a
necessary role in today’s economy and get a deeper understanding of how the job market
works. My learnings throughout this experience are invaluable and have solidified my goals
more than research at home ever could.
Information about the Internship Position

I held the position of a marketing intern and my responsibilities entailed-

• Conducting research on what the current trends are in recruitment marketing, as well
as marketing. Short-listing ideas that can be applied to the agency and the process of
• These trends ranged from SEO and SWOT analysis to ‘Just in Time Marketing’.
o SEO or search engine optimization, which is a technique to design your
website in such a manner that the search engine will prefer your website and
content over the million other websites all stating the same information.
o SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, and so a
SWOT analysis is a technique for assessing these four aspects of your
business. SWOT Analysis is a tool that can help you to analyse what your
company does best now, and to devise a successful strategy for the future.
o Just in Time Marketing is a process where one collects the indeed pages for
target businesses. After selecting the appropriate parameters, copy the URL
that one has created and paste it into a spreadsheet. Gather the right email
addresses (hiring managers) and make a pitch to (hopefully) score a new
• Just in time marketing was the method I selected, and all the tasks done by me
throughout my internship were based on this concept.
• I created a list of IT companies that pertain to a certain strength and location.
• I found the HR head of these companies and their contact details. Contacting them via
call and making my pitch.
• I understood the recruitment agency and it’s working well enough to answer questions
when pitching to the HR heads of multiple companies. This was done by thoroughly
studying the company with the help of my superiors.
• I attempted to schedule appointments between the HR head and the director of
• I compiled all the data from all my research and marketing assignments into an excel
sheet so that the company can build further from my research.
Internship Experience & Learning

The skills I have acquired throughout the period of my internship are-

• Research skills.
• Presentation skills.
• Effective Communication skills.
• Brand Management skills.
• Data Compilation
• Interpersonal skills.
• Marketing skills.
My experience at Cogent HR Services pvt. Ltd were enriching and taught me many things. I
learned a lot from an academic and educational perspective, from what the correct questions
to a candidate are, to the responsibility one has to own as they are given more work.
But mainly, I learned a lot about professional behaviour and what is acceptable in today’s
world. How one presents themselves to their authority really affects their impression of you,
and how to make a positive impact is something recruiters guide their candidates on. Through
them, I too gathered an understanding of what an employer looks for and what the best way
to impress them is.
Unlike the work of a student, when you are a professional of any caliber, the work you do has
an immediate and important impact on the on-goings of the work eco-system. That was an
interesting change of pace because as a student, one’s work is their responsibility and, unless
it’s a group project, usually only impacts the individual. So adapting to this change was a
challenge, but one I can successfully say I conquered.
The link below is the excel sheet that contains the compilation of all the work I have done at
Cogent HR Services pvt. Ltd.

My experiences throughout this internship have been thoroughly motivating. I have

understood the basics of HR and what a recruiter is expected to do. I also dabbled with
research to try and understand the job market as well as the current trends in marketing.
I understand marketing strategies, especially for recruitment firms. I have a deep
understanding of what can help a company to grow. My takeaway from this experience is a
better understanding of my goals and strengths. I am good at communication, research, and
productive compilation of data.
This internship has helped me accomplish a lot of the goals I set for myself, such as
punctuality, responsibility, and developing research skills. Through this internship, I have
gained considerable knowledge that is going to assist me in my future and will christen my
This was also my first look into how a real workplace functions, and having the privilege of
gaining this experience so early in my academic and professional life is a booster I will
always be glad to have. I have learned a lot in these 3 weeks and cherish this experience and
all my learnings through it.

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