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Submitted as Partial Fullfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Bachelor of Education

(B,Ed) Degree in English Language Education Program




Ainul Addinna, M.Pd






A. Background of Study

English is a language used to communicate each in oral form (listening and

speaking) and written form (reading and writing). consistent to Haviz (2016), learning

English, there are four English skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In English

there are three elements of language, the three elements are pronunciation, vocabulary, and

grammar. If we want to communicate using English, of course we must master the three

elements of the language. The teacher should provide a lot of practice to use English for

students. because with frequent practice they will get to know new vocabulary more, speak

more actively and the best thing is that students can write English well.

In mastering english language, grammar is considered an important role that must

be mastered by students. Because it needed when they learn to write some essay, paper and

something like that. The teacher are required to have a good and correct way to improve

students' ability in grammar skills, especially in arranging jumbled words into the correct

sentences. Burton and Robert said that grammar can work in a series of words that can

function as a part or form in a sentence structure. It means that before we understand the

meaning of sentences in English, we must know and understand the order of words

contained in the sentence.

Jumble words is an activity, which is derived from the word ‘jumble’ that means

confused mixture. Jumble words also mean a string of characters is given the task is to find

all the meaning sentences that can be created by rearranging its words. Where students
arrange the words into correct sentences. In a jumbled word, In a word confusion, the letters

of the alphabet are out of order. They are in mixed form. You must arrange these letters to

make a meaningful sentence. Also, in jumbled sentences, the phrase isn’t in order. They're

blended form and you need to arrange these words to make a meaningful sentence. The

jumble words technique helps the pupils to write simple sentences thus, in the future, I

would like to improvise this technique to help the pupils to write a paragraph.

A tense is a change of the verb that is suitable to the using time. In English grammar

there means are sixteen types of tenses. Each of these has a present, past, and future. It

means that English grammar has sixteen kinds of tenses, but this research focused on simple

present tense that shows the daily activities, habit, or a fact and simple past that is used to

talk about things that happened or existed before now. Rahmawati (2012) argues that the

present simple is used to express both a habitual action and a general truth or reality. Azar

(2003:25) says that the past simple is used to talk about activities or situations that started

and ended in the past (e.g. yesterday, last night, two days ago, 1999). Based on this

definition, this indicates that the present simple and the past simple are important to

master because they are used to express frequently occurring activities and to talk about

activities and situations that happened before.

SMP N 07 Padang is one of junior high school in Padang, Sumatra Barat. This

school also include learning English language in the school for the students that used

curriculum (K-13). Based on curriculum (K-13), in the standard competence and basic

compentece in school, the purpose of learning simple present and simple past are the
students must be able to write a good sentences by using them. The students must be able

to master of simple present tense and past tense. It means, if the students are not able to

master both of them as in demand by the curriculum, the learning will not run effectively.

However, students at SMP N 07 Padang must be competence in English, especially

in Grammar. Some of the students at SMP N 07 Padang had low ability to grammar

especially simple present and past tense. Their score were lower than passing grade actually

when they do practice related to jumble words. In fact, not all of students reach the best

achivement in grammar because of their different knowledge background. The researchers

realized this when the researchers did professional placement at SMP N 07 Padang.

In this research, the researcher focused on the students’ ability to arrange jumbled

words into correct sentences, which are called jumble words. The researcher choose jumble

words because this topic is learned by students, according to the students’s level, age, and

this material will also be practiced. Apart from that it is also easy to use. The researchers

also really want to know what difficulties students experience in doing exercises about

arranging jumble words into correct sentences and having the right meaning.

by using jumbled words in the exercises given to students, it can indirectly increase

the vocabulary of these students. then, they also learn how to understand the meaning of a

word so that they can arrange it into a sentence that has the correct meaning. Students

slowly begin to know the correct word structure to compose a word, so that it has an

understandable meaning. So, jumbled words can help students to identify structure of

sentences by arranging the jumbled words to be good sentences correctly.

By considering the problems depicted above, it is clear that some of the students at

SMP N 07 Padang had problems on their level for arranging jumble words, especially in

simple present tense and past tense. Therefore, the researcher investigated the problems

whether there were some problems and the researcher invertigated entitled “AN ERROR



B. Identification of Problem

Based on the background above the researcher identified the problems as follows:

1. The students’ error in arranging the jumble words is low

2. The student’s often make error in arranging the jumble words

C. Limitation of The Problem

In this research, the researcher focused on an error analysis of students’ in arranging

the jumble words into the correct sentences. The researcher analyzed and identified the

error based on exercises carried out by students of the eight grade of SMP N 7 PADANG

in the academic year 2022/2023. This research only focus of 2 tenses there are simple

present tense and simple past tense.

D. Formulation of The Problem

The researcher formulated the problem as follow; how is students’ error in

arranging jumbled words into the correct sentences especially in simple present tense and

simple past tense.

E. Objective of The Research

Some questions of this research are:

1. What are the type of error that students made in arranging the jumble word into the

correct sentences?

2. What are the proportions (frequency and percentage) of errors committed by the


F. Purpose of The Study

The purpose of the research are:

1. To find out the type of error that students made in arranging the jumble words

2. To know how many proportions (frequency and percentage) of error committed by the


G. Significance of The Research

Related to the objectives of the research above, the significances of the research are as


a. Hopefully, the finding of the research are to be useful and valuable for both english

teachers and students of SMP N 07 Padang for their futher teaching and consideration

of laerning.

b. In addition, In addition, the results of this study are expected to provide more

information about some of the mistakes made by students based on the problems raised

c. Finally, hopefully this research can help teachers innovate in teaching, in order to

reduce errors made by students

H. Definition of The Key Tems

To avoid misunderstanding for readers, the researcher describes some of the terms

used in this study:

1. Error analysis

Error analysis is research and an attempt to analyze errors made by students in

discussing a learning topic and here it is also stated that the teacher will accompany

students to learn so that they know about the learning topic so that there are no errors

in learning. Making of errors is a sign that students have not yet mastered the rules of

the language being learned.

2. Ability

Ability is the quality or state of being able the ability of the soil to hold water

especially: physical, mental, or legal power to do someting a writer’s ability to angage

the reader’s interest did the work to the best of her ability.

3. Jumble word

Jumble words is one puzzle game technique that divides a sentence to be some

words or phrases randomly whie students are asked to arrange the words to bring the

sentence back.

4. Sentence

Sentence s a group of words that expresses a statement, question, command, or

wish. Sentences usually contain a subject and verb, in written english, the first word of
a sentence is capitalized and the sentence ends with a period, question mark, or

exclamation point.


A. Error Analysis

Error analysis is a method used to identify frequently occurring errors in language

learning, whether the errors that occur are systematic, and (if possible) using this error

analysis. You can identify the reason for the error. This method classifies, interprets, or

explains the mistakes that someone makes when speaking or writing and it is carrieed out

to obtain information on common difficulties faced by someone in speaking or writing

english sentences. The focus of this analysis is the errors that occur in each topic studied,

besides that error analysis also focuses on systematic errors that are often made by students.

Errors tell us something about the learner’s intermediate language, or basic knowledge of

the rules orf the rules of the language being learned (Corder, 1981).

Error analysis concerns learners' performance according to the cognitive processes

they use to recognize or encode the input they receive from the target language (Erdogan

2005:263). Making errors is a sign that students have not mastered the rules of the language

being studied. In this study, the researcher focused on analyzing students' errors in

arranging jumbled sentences in correct sentences. To deal with this problem, one of the

strategies widely used by linguists is analysis. It implies that error analysis has a positive

role in language learning since it is a sign that a language learner does not learn the rules

of the target language effectively. In simple words, error analysis has an important role in

determining the suitable remedial and effective teaching-learning strategy as well as it can

be used as a guideline to minimize errors.

According to Brown, error analysis is the fact that learners do make errors, and

those errors can be observed, analyzed, and classified to reveal something of the system

operating within the learners, leading to the surge of study of learners error. However, error

analysis may lead us to focus too much on the mistakes made by students rather than

looking at the universal aspects of language. We can conclude that error analysis is a study

that focuses on the errors learners make. Moreover, error analysis is one of the most useful

techniques that focuses on the mistakes that learners make, whether in their written or

spoken discourse.

Error analysis can keep us too closely focussed on specific language rather than

viewing universal aspects of language. In this case, the student's error provides an

advantage such as the error that tells the teacher how the student has progressed towards

the goal, the error that provides evidence of how the language is learned and the strategies

that the learner is using. So, it will be very useful if a language teacher can know the

mistakes that are usually made by students.

From the definition above, it can be concluded taht eror analysis is an activity to

identify, classify, and interpreted or describe the errors made by someone in speaking or in

writing and it is carried out to obtain information on common difficulties faced by someone

on speaking or by writing sentences in English.

B. Ability

The quality or state of being able; capacity to do or of doing something; having the

necessary power. Ability mean physical or mental power to do or accomplish something.

Ability may be used of an inborn power to do something especially well. Ability is innate,

meaning we are born with it. Some people are naturallt more co-ordinated or faster than

others. Where natural ability is highlighted at an early age it provides a great basis to

develop those abilities into advanced skills in sport and physical activity. These natural

abilities include: speed, agility, co-ordination, flexibility, balance, reaction time.

C. Arrange The Word

Arranging word is the ability to arrange and write words into sentences that consist

of subject, verb, and complement so that they can be understood by other people. If the

disturbance of arranging words for students is not handled, it will cause the message they

deliver to be not clear and understandable (Eryana and Emilia, 2019).

Arrange the words is the activity of placing unordered words into a sentence. until

the sentence has an understandable meaning. This activity is usually given by the teacher,

so that students can understand the meaning of the word by the word before arranging into

a correct sentences that has the correct meaning.

D. Jumble Word

In english, jumble words is important. Because, English for the most part does not

have a distinctive ending to indicate that the unstructured word is used for this sentence.

For example, students building blocks have words on the side, the positions of these words

can be changed to different positions to get different sentence meaning. From this, we can

see that the order of the words in a sentence is very important, so that we can understand

the meaning of the sentence correctly and precisely. Students certainly have to understand
the correct word structure in order to know how to arrange the words into the correct


Without the teacher realizing it, Students often make some mistake in arranging

words into the correct sentences. Kaswan states in Okta Mahendra and Fenny Thresia, at

the beginning of learning English, students will write a little. Those most involved copying

the word or sentences.

Jumble words is one puzzle game technique that divides a sentence to be some

words or phrases randomly whie students are asked to arrange the words to bring the

sentence back. Mulyati (2007) defines that jumble word is borrowed from the english

language which means the act, fight, and the struggle. This word is used for a kind of word

game, where the game is to arrange the etters that have been randomized into an appropriate

sentence. Whereas fatmawati (2009) defines that the jumble word is a learning game in

groups by matching question cards with answer cards that have been orovided in according

with the exercise. The researcher gets a poit of view that jumble words is a word puzzle

game technique that gives students a group of scrambled words and requires students to

unscramble them to make a correct sentence. The sentence can be understood clearly if the

words are arranged in good order. Jumble words is task for students in rearrange of the

reordering words and mix things together in confusing words into correct sentences. Jumble

words also mean a string of characters is given the task to find all the meaningful sentences

that can created by rearrange its words.

Based the definition about jumble words above, the researcher gets a point of view

that jumble words is a word puzzle that gives students a group of scrambled words and

requires students to unscramble them to make a correct sentence which correlate to the text

and also to motivate the students interest of the text itself. And in this research, the students

are hoped able to rearrange the word of the sentence correctly.

E. Sentence

A sentence is the largest unit of any language. In English, it starts with a capital

letter and ends with a full-stop, an exclamation mark, or a questions mark. A sentence is

generally defined as a word or a group of words that expresses a thought idea by giving a

statement/order, asking a question, or exclaiming. “The term ‘sentence is widely used to

refer to quite different types of units. Grammatically, it is the highest unit and consists of

one independent clause, two or more related clauses. Orthodox and rhetorical, that unit

begins with a capital letter and ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation mark

(Angela Downing, "English Grammar: College Courses", ed. 2nd edition. Routledge, 2006)

Knap and walk describes a sentence as a group of words with complete meanings.

It is written starting with a capital letter and ending with a period. As we know, a complete

sentence consists of a subject and a predicate, but a sentence is a complete predicate that

contains a subject, a predicate and a finite verb.

Traditionally grammar defines a sentence in one of two ways. In the sense of

because is a "complete thought". However, such a definition is incomplete because of the

ambiguity of the term "complete thought". Functionally, a sentence consists of a subject

and a predicate.

In other words, a complete English sentence must have three characteristics. First,

in written form, a sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period (full stop), a

note of interrogation (question mark), or a note of exclamation (an exclamation mark).

Second, it must express a complete thought, not fragmented. Third, it must contain at least

one subject (hidden/shown) and one verb consisting of independent subject and verb and

expressing a complete thought.

From the above statement and definition, it can be concluded that a sentence is a

group of words that we use to communicate in writing or orally and express a complete

thought. Sentences are usually classified in two ways, by type and by number of formal

predicates. A complete sentence consists of a subject, a predicate is a verb expressing

thoughts in the form of a sentence, question, instruction or exclamation and begins with a

capital letter and ends with a period.

F. Classification of Sentences

a. Simple sentence

A somple sentence consists of just one independent clause

Example: Mary had a little lamb

b. Compound sentence
A compound sentence consists of two independent clauses. These can e joined by

a coordinating conjunction or a punctuation mark such as a semi-colon, colon or


Example: Mary had a little lamb and its wool was white as snow

c. Complex sentence

A comlex sentence consists of one independent clause and any number of

dependent clauses.

Example: whereever Mary went, the lamb would go as well

d. Compound-complex sentence

A compound-complex sentence consists of two independent clauses and any

number of dependent clauses

Example: although the children loved the lamb, the teacher disapproved of lambs.

So, she told Mary to take it home.



A. Research Design

This research is a qualitative research that use a descriptive method to see the errors

in students’ abilities in arranging jumble words into correct sentences at SMP N 07 Padang.

According to Arikunto “descriptive research is to describe the state or status of the

phenomenon. According to Polkinghome (2005: 137) “qualitative research is an

investigation that aims to uncover and explaid the experienced by humans”

The researchers use qualitative methods to collect data that will be used as evidence

for the description of this research. In this study, researchers used descriptive qualitative

research to gain knowledge and a description of the status of phenomena that arise in the

problems analyzed in this study. It means that researcher come to SMP N 07 Padang to

obtain information about students errors in arranging jumble words into the correct

sentences, the explain them, and analyze the errors.

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this study are students of the eight grade of SMPN 7 PADANG

2022/2023 academic year. In drawing the study sample, purposeful sampling technique

was used. According to Bernard (2002) Lewis & Sheppard (2006) “Purposive sampling

or what can be called sampling judgment is an intentional technique by researchers of

informant provider. This technique is a non-random technique that does not require a

theory or a set of nformants as a basis”.

2. Sample

The sample consists of several or represents the population of the survey. The sample

for this study is VIII.5 with 32 students. Class VIII of the eight classes. VIII.5 was the

lowest score of all eight classes. Also, according to teacher information, this class is

difficult to learn grammar and has a lower score than other classes. There is a reason

for researchers to choose a class to analyze based on the class with the lowest score in

the 8th class of SMPN7 Padang. It is hoped that this class will represent the entire

population and provide useful data for this study. Therefore, researchers chose this class

as a sample and as a subject for student error analysis when sorting jumbled words.

C. Data Source

Common data collection techniques used in qualitative research are observations,

interviews, and documentation. In collecting the data, the researchers used the

documentation to identify student mistakes in rearranging the confused words into the

correct sentences, and the researchers used the documentation to collect the data. By

collecting personal documents, researchers can obtain many sources of information.

Arikunto says that documentation derived from the word document means written

object. it means the documentation data can be found in the written record of the subject.

thus, the source of analyzing the data in this research through documentation is taken from

the students' writing tasks that is written by the students of the eighth grade at SMP N 07

In writing task, the students should arrange the jumble words into the correct

sentences based on the form area simple present tense and simple past tense. The researcher

give students 60 minutes to arranging the words into the correct sentences. There are 10

jumble words that include 5 jumble words of simple present tense and 5 jumble words of

simple past tense. The students must arrange the words into the correct sentence within 60


From the result of the task, the researcher analyzed the students grammatical errors

in arranging jumble words into the correct sentences. The researcher analyzed the

grammatical errors based on how many error their made in students task. The purpose of

giving task in this research is not for scoring students task but for collecting the errors they


D. Rearche Prosedure

The researcher used the prosedures of collectiong data as follows:

1. The researcher formulating the research problems or question and determining the

focus of the research. The focus is an analysis of students in arranging jumble word

into the correct sentence.

2. The researcher determining the subject of the research is the students of the eight grade

of SMPN 7 PADANG by purposive sample technique.

3. The researcher preparing the instruments of the data collecting technique consist of

writing task.

4. The researcher collecting the data ad documentation the data through writing task
5. The researcher classifying the data. In this step, the researcher categorize the students’

grammatical errors. The errors will be grouped based on the division of tenses, there

are simple present tense and simple past tense.

6. The researcher evaluating, analying and calculating the percentage of the errors made

by students in arranging the jumble words into the correct sentence.

7. The researcher made report of the result from data analysis in the research.

E. Technique of Data Collection

To collect the data in this research, the researcher used the writing task of the

students’ ability in arranging jumbled words into the correct sentences aspecially into

simple present tense and simple past tense. Written assignments demonstrate the student's

ability to explore the course in an imaginative way. It is necessary to show important

involvement with some aspects of the text or topic (Spring Valley HS). The researcher

give a writing task of arranging jumble words into good sentence ability, focus on the

simple present tense and simple pas tense. The test consists of 10 items that are based on

sentence structure/ rules simple present and simple past tense form. Students will arrange

the jumble word become the coorect sentences based on structure and form from simple

present and simple past tense.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

Because the purpose of this research is to find out the students’ grammatical error

in arranging jumble words into the correct sentences that focus on the simple past tense.

The researcher used a strategy of data analysis. It is a descriptive analysis. The researcher
scoring the students; scores. Then the researcher finds out the frequency of errors made by

students in arranging jumble words into the correct sentences. The following steps in

analysis students’ error in arranging jumble words into the correct sentences research are:

1. The data analysis start after all the students’ writing test about arranging jumble words

into the correct sentences collected.

2. Analyzing the students’ error in arranging jumble words into the correct sentence

To know the percentage of students’ error in arranging jumbled word into the correct

sentence, the researcher used Sudijono formula (2011) as follows:


P: percentage of students’ errors

F: total number of students’ error

N: total number of students’ sentences


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