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Administrative law note

Prepared by: Dave G Aga


Concepts and powers of Administrative law

Administrative law is mostly tied with the study of manner of exercise of governmental power.
By governmental power here refers to power of the executive and administrative agencies.

 The evolution of administrative law may be traced back to the emergence and
proliferation of agencies.
The outstanding feature of administrative agencies in the history of Ethiopian government is
their non-existence. For instance, a century back there were no regularly established royal
councils, no clear cut system of local government, no established national army, police force

and no civil service system. Agencies as a machinery of public administration is relatively

a recent phenomena in Ethiopia.

 Administrative service + social and economic regulations.

 In administrative law an administrative agencies are so common. Only Executive branch
of government is considered as administrative agencies even among the execution
branches some bodies are excluded from administrative law.
 For instances:
Ministries and agencies are included in administrative law because they are the direct providers
of the service to communities while,
 Council of minister IS excluded from administrative law. Because they are policy making
institutions they don’t have direct contact with the community (they are not service
providing institutions). furthermore,
 Police, public prosecutor, intelligence and ministry of defense are out of administrative
law. They are institutions of criminal procedure. They are not service provider
 Public enterprises or Operative business are also out of administrative law. They are the
regulator of economic policies. Because they are ruled by commercial law than
administrative law.
Those included under administrative law are those service providing institutions. kanneen
tajaajila Kennan qofatu administrative law jalatti hamatama.
 So ministries and agencies are service providing institutions due to this they are
encompassed under administrative law.

Powers of administrative law
Its main power is establishing. That means it establish the powers and functions of those
bodies included under it. It establish in two ways (procedurally and substantively) .
Constitution provides their mandate for each branches of government.(executive, legislative
and judiciary). But it didn’t mention anything regarding with the powers and functions of
administrative agencies. Hence, the mandate and powers of administrative agencies shall be
decided by administrative law proclamation.
 Administrative agencies are given their power and functions by administrative law

Substantive administrative law -is a body which provides the powers and mandates to
the ministries and agencies.
 Is one which create ministries and agencies and also which gives their power and
 It outlines the rights and duties of Administrative Agencies.
 Angoo Fi dalagaa dhabilee Isa jala jirani hundeedsa.

Procedural administrative law -is one which lists out how and when the individual
ministries and agencies have to perform their respective duties. Power Isa substantive
administrative law keessatti kenameef kana akkamin ykn adeemsa akkamin hojiitti hiiku kan
jedhu ibsa.
 It puts into practice those powers and duties outlined in substantive administrative law.

Some terms related with administrative law

. 1. Separation of power
2. Rule of law.
3. Human rights
4. Transparency and public Participation
5. Good governance.

1. Separation of power and administrative law relationship.

 It shows that, each branches of government are assigned to certain
- It serves as a mechanism that prevents one branches of government interfering in others
branches of government.
Legislative is limited to law making, executive is limited to law enforcing and the judiciary is
limited to law interpretation. They don't have to enter in one other function.

It implies two things
 Inherent power
 Delegated powers
Of administrative agencies

Inherent powers

1. is Allocated power to each gov’t branches by the constitution(inherent powers given by

2. Delegation of power
Means, legislative may delegates power to the executive, judiciary and vice versa.
(Extra power given to one branch by another branch of govt.)
Administrative agencies main mandate or power is to give decision on their respective powers.
They have delegated powers to enact laws on bodies included under their jurisdiction them.
Their power is delegated power.

Rules of law and Administrative law relationship

It is a law that governs each ministry.
 They conduct their activities by the observances of the law.
 They can't act as their wishes. Means respecting the substantive and procedural aspects
of laws by the ministries.
To ensure the procedural and substantive observances of establishing law.
Should they act as the wish of their ministries or are they acting as established law.
It implies two things
1. The scope of powers of each ministry
2. The exercising powers of administrative agencies.

Human Rights and administrative law relationship.

Administrative agencies should provide the service by respecting human rights.
Dhaabileen(Administrative agencies or civil service agencies), kun yeroo tajaajila Kennan itti
mirga namummaa kabajuu qabu kan jedhudha.
 One agenda of administrative law (substantive and procedural) is ensuring the human
What happen if the above listed items are not fulfilled?
✓There might be violation. Which against the constitutional principles.

Public Participation, transparency and Administrative law relationship.

 Administrative actions and decisions should be open and transparent to the citizens.
 In addition, Administrative actions and decisions should be engaged to the society
 Public participation is also the core issues in administrative law.

Good governance and administrative law relationship.

 When both substantive and procedural aspects of administrative law ensured then it's
ultimate consequences is leads to good governance because:
 Leads to smooth relationship between Administrative agencies (service providing
agencies) and the peoples.
 There is transparency,
 Accountability,
 Respect for human rights
 Well functioned separation of powers.
Because the indicators of good governance mostly attained.

How administrative law was developed in both common law legal

system and civil law legal system?
In common law:
 ✓until the 19th century the forms of government were dictatorial or police state or
minimal state. But after 19thc the rise of rights and demand for justice increased.
Likewise the power of government also increased means welfare state or maximal state
that have strong role in socioeconomic regulation were emerged. The movement to
check the power of government for the purpose of security and individual liberties also
This process led to the formation of administrative law. Therefore the one way of checking the
power of administrative agencies was through judicial review. Hence, the system of judicial
review started.

Background of administrative law.

 It is the 19thc phenomenon.
 It is raised as a result of advancing the large number of bureaucracies of the
government. In another way it is emerged due to the ideas of liberal democracies (the
need for individual freedom or liberties).

So it is emerged to balance the increased power of government and individual freedoms. It is
considered as tool for controlling government powers.

✓Generally for its emergence the following are the major factors:
 Rise of large(big) gov’t Vs liberal democracy
 Neutrality & expertise Vs democratic/liberal Rights
 Administrative capabilities Vs Accountability.

Public administration.
There must be civil service employments and safeguards.
Civil service must be independence from partisanship or politics.
It aims at professionalizing the this regard
It also aimed to form accountable administrative bodies.
So, how should administrative body is controlled to get or create accountable institution?
So, to govern this relationship a concept called Administration and court emerged.

Administration and Court

 Bureaucry Vs Justice.
 There are two types of justice.
 These are judicial justice and administrative justice.
Judicial justice - it will give be given by the Court while,
Administrative justice - It will be given by Administrative bodies.

Different countries follow different approach to regulate the relationship bn administrative and
judicial justices.
For instances:
England: used judicial review by ordinary court. Ordinary laws can be appointed to judge.
(Unique system)
 The ordinary can make judicial review.
 In common law legal system an individual and institutions adjudicated equally.

France: used special body of government called council of special laws school given to judges
not ordinary courts can judge administrative agencies. (Dual system).
 Administrative court called council of make judicial review can adjudicate administrative
cases. Hence, ordinary judge cannot conduct judicial review.
 Hence, judicial review conducted by special council.

Germany: used the special bench of the judiciary to adjudicate administrative agencies (issues).

In the judiciary they put special bench which deal with administrative matters.
(Mixed system)
 Hence, judicial review conducted by this special bench reserved for administrative matters .

Principles of Administration (judicial review).

It has both procedural and substantive procedure.

A. Common law legal system.

They are influenced by English.
They follow the following principles:

They follow Procedural fair include the following elements.

 They called right to be heard.
 The right to impartial decision.
 The right to against bias.

USA -They usually call due process of law.

B. Civil law legal system

They use the term of substantive correctness.
Substantive Principles.
It has three concepts.
1. Rules of law-administrative agencies have to observe rule of law while they perform their
2. Individual rights- Administrative agencies have to respect individual rights while discharging
their duties.
✓They have to follow certain principles of limitations of human rights such as proportionality,
equality and etc.
3. Policy rationalities - Administrative agencies have to enact their policies based on legitimate
They should not make arbitrary policies. Illegal policies which can affect adversely the well-
being of the society.

Administration And Organized interests(civil society)

Accountability to Civil society
✓in USA there is a system called Notice and community rule making decisions. So
administrative bodies have to notify the community (civil society) while they make any

✓In Europe there is a system called "Civil society communities.

(Substantive and procedural).

Introduction of Administrative law in Ethiopia

The question,when administrative law established in Ethiopia goes back to the establishments
of formal states in Ethiopia.
 Formal government or ministerial form of government was started in 1908 by emporor
Minilik. Before that Ethiopia was ruled by traditional government. Form of government

during that time was highly tied with religion. Kings and nobilities were guided by Fetha

Negist. Christianity had also huge influence on traditional government.

✓ But in 1908 Ministerial government was established. This indicates the establishments of
Substantive Administrative law. (Definition of powers and functions of government organs.
✓During 1960s -70s there were attempts to introduce procedural administrative laws. but
didn't successfully.
✓There was an attempt to create Administrative tribunals ( tax ,civil service, labour/ were
established by H/sillasie.
Administrative tribunals: it had hearing role. They were dispute handling organs.
 Generally speaking, Ethiopia didn't adopt procedural administrative law until 2020.But
until 2020 there was substantive Administrative law alone. However after 2020
procedural Administrative law was adopted in Ethiopia.

1. SUBSTANTIVE (executive establishing law).

2. PROCEDURAL (Administration, proclamation). Administrative law making power.
73 appointment of prime minister
74 powers and functions of prime minister-The prime minister has no legislative power in
Ethiopia. it has Only executive powers. such as nominations (selection) of members of council of
minister to be appointed by HPR.
77 Power and functions of council of minister
It has legislative power by enacting different policies and strategies.
Preparing budget which could be approved by HPR -it is executive functions.
✓it can formulate and implement policies ( policy makings) is legislative functions of council of

✓it have the power to declare state of emergency -executive power.
✓It shall enact regulations as entitled by HPR (delegated powers of council of minister).
75 Powers and functions of

✓Reading Assignment
√Read comparative administrative law.
explanatory Administrative procedure law
✓read federal procedural Administrative law
✓Read regional procedural Administrative law.
Powers, functions and duties of Administration agencies is emanated from:
 An organ called Administrative agency's proclamation.
 It is also called establishing laws. So the establishing laws are the sources of powers of
administrative agencies.
Power and functions of Council of minister is given by Constitution.
What does substantive and procedural laws mean and where do we find them in Ethiopian
Substantive Administrative law: it shows what powers and functions of administrative agencies
Procedural Administrative law: is a law which show how this Administrative agencies have to
perform what is cited in substantive Administrative law

Principles relating to Administrative rule making(Directives).

What does rule making mean?

Is setting of frame works for actions and decisions.
It is a frame works for administrative decision.
It is not inherent powers of administrative agencies but it is deligative power of them.
In Ethiopia administrative rule making is called Directives (MEMERIYA).

Process of administrative rule making:

1. Verifications of delegated powers
(jalqaba irratti, admnistrative agencien kun aangoo seera baasuu kana qabaa?).
Ok ni qaba yoo jennemmoo eenyutu barbaade?
 Issuance required by law (seratu barbadee).
 Discretionary issuance (moo dhabatuma sanatu seera baafachu barbaade).
 Issuance by client application (the citizens may ask for the issuance of the directives)
moo uumatatu gaafate.
 Issuance by own initiative agency (the agencies may by themselves tried to issues for
the law OR directive).hizboch memeriya indiwexalachu mexeyeq yichilalu.

2. Keeping Agency Record

✓is keeping agencies record

3. Public consultation (participation)

 uumata marisisuu or hirmachisuu

How can this be possible?

 Drafting with explanatory statements In required language format. (Administrative
rules (directives) are directly linked with public service so they should be drafted by the
clear language so that can easily accessible to them.)
 Notifying public for written content (public notices and comment rule making or
receiving comments),lehizb mastaweq.
 Introducing concerned agencies and stake holders for written comment. While
administrative agencies make the rules other institutions may have interests with these
rules so receiving opinion and suggestions is more useful).
 Oral hearing (administrative agencies should have to prepare discussion or workshop to
make useful rules).
 Comment incorporation (The above cited comments should finally incorporated into the
drafted rules. But all comments might not be incorporated some of them might be
 Registration of adapted rules (The final stage of rulemaking is registration. The drafted

rules must be registered by ministry of justice).

 Disseminations of adopted rules (it might be distributed through electronic or publish

This all are procedural principles of administrative rule (law) making.
In administrative rule making (directives or memeriya ) they have to be sure the existence
of the following elements

Public Participation (jiraa)
Rules of law( kabajamera)

Chapter Three
Principles Relating to Administrative action/decisions
 yeastedader wusane mesxex.
 it is inherent powers of administrative agencies
 it is an actual delivering of actions and decisions

As keessatti waan nuti check goonu scope murtii ykn maesure admnistrative agencies ti.

It has the following procedures:

1. Not exceeding scope of their power.

 by client application
 By own initiatives
Murtoo ykn actionin isaanii scope seeraan kenameef ala bahuu hin qabu.

3. Written client application and receipt

 Since they decide on service providing, so they should take measurements based on
clients’ opinion.
 Receiving clients’ application (iyannoo) by written form is more useful
 They have to receive clients application by written .

4. Ensuring Action or decision delivering by Authorized person

 murto kana kan dabarsee nama angon seeraan kenameefidha moo miti.
 Related with division of power among staff. So, decisions and actions should be
delivered by Authorized or legitimate person. Unless the decisions will be invalid.

4. Balancing public and private interests

✓We are talking about administrative this case there are private and public interests.
These institutions are established not to full fill each and every interest of individuals; it also
should maintain its own interests.

5. Avoiding irrelevant consideration

✓in administrative actions and decisions irrelevant actions shouldn't be applied. Example

6. Professionalism
✓Once power and functions given to Administrative institutions, then it shouldn't be
monopolized by political interests.
✓These institutions are service delivering; they should be free from certain
political manipulation.

7. Hearing.
✓Before making decisions on a client’s claim, they have to hear it carefully.

8. Good faith.
 Giving decisions that don’t harm the client interests.
 Trying to provide balanced decision or trying to maximize the clients’ (customers)
interests by decisions made.
9. Reasoned decision.
 An administrative decision should be reasonable unless it could be abused decision.

10. Managing conflicts of interests.

✓It can happens while making decisions they may inclined to favor their relatives.
 They may not provide fair or impartial decisions.
 The decisions given might be affected by having either positive or negative relationship
or set of view toward clients.

11. Ensuring clients’ equality

 All clients should be treated equally as cited in human rights or constitutional principles.
 An administrative agency should avoid discrimination while they deliver decisions.
12. Timely decisions.
 An administrative agency should provide on time or speedy decisions. Unless it will be
outdated or useless decisions. Since delayed decision is denied decision.

13. Predictability.

 Administrative agencies provide discretionary decisions.
 So citizens should guess what kind of service they should get from these institutions.
 Even if they provide discretionary decisions, certain stability should exist in their actions
so that citizens could understand what types of services they might get from them.
 it is claim expectations.

14. Written decisions (transparency)

 An administrative actions and decisions should be written and documented
 It helps to handling compliant over the decision.

15. handling compliant

 In the process of decisions and investigation the clients have to know and also they
have the right to complain if derived decisions adversely affected their interests or
unsatisfied with the decisions of administrative agencies.
 There should be requirements of compliant handling mechanisms in their decision.

Hence, tribunal courts must be established to adjudicate these complaints.

Chapter Four

Internal and external controlling system of administrative agencies

1. An internal control/review.
The term internal control refers to the type of controlling mechanisms that are set within the
organizational structure of the various administrative organs of the government. Is a process by
which original agency decisions are reviewed on their merits within the responsible
government agencies. This type of review gives opportunity for agencies to reconsider their

decisions and rectify the mistakes, if any. The enabling legislation or the executive order by
which the agency is created may include, in that act, a formal system for the internal review of
agency decisions. In the absence of such formal mode of controlling, the agency using its
discretion can set informal controlling mechanisms in place.

1. Internal compliant hearing: it helps to investigate the question of fact that submitted to
it through appeal by clients.

External control
The term ‗external control in an administrative law context refers to the various limitations
imposed upon the powers of administrative agencies by other authorized bodies that are found
outside the structure of such agencies. These types of controlling mechanisms include
executive/political control, parliamentary/legislative control, control by administrative tribunals,
judicial control, control by watchdog institutions and the mass media.
Let us see each in detail.

Control by judicial review:

It helps to investigate the question of law that submitted to it via compliant or it
helps to check or review administrative justice given by administrative tribunals. Judicial review
is a technical review whereby the court tests whether an agency decisions are legal or illegal.
 It is reviewal of administrative decision by regular courts.
 Broadly speaking, there are two modalities by which the judiciary can exercise
supervisory role over the powers of administrative agencies. These are appeal
and judicial review. The striking difference between appeal and judicial review is
that the former is statutory in origin whereas the latter is the inherent power of
courts. It is the best indicator of the principles of checks and balances .when
there is effective check and balance between the three branches of government
it helps to eliminate the concentration of government power at one and
ultimately it avoid arbitrariness.

3. Control by administrative tribunals

The decisions of administrative agencies can also be subjected to the supervision of

administrative tribunals; administrative tribunals are the administrative counter part of
ordinary courts. Technically speaking, administrative tribunals also referred to as
administrative courts: courts that are established outside the organizational structure of
ordinary/regular courts. In terms of function, administrative tribunals are similar to ordinary
courts, as both are entrusted with judicial power. Having said this as a compliment to the
previous discussion, let us briefly see the type of control administrative tribunals’ exercise over

the administrative agencies. They are out of administrative law but used to control
administrative agencies.
They are the brothers of administrative agencies.
Tax law: in the tax law there is tax appeal commission. Tax law appeal commission is
established by tax law.
Investment: There are investment tribunals.
Civil service: civil service tribunals. If there is employment compliant or issues they should go
to civil service tribunals.
The mandates of administrative tribunals are to investigate Factual and legal issues. They
mandated to look for the Question of fact and the question of law.

4. Executive control
It is the fourth control mechanism of administrative agencies. The executive organ of the
government also has the power to oversight the activities of the various government offices in
different modalities. As it was discussed somewhere else, there are possibilities whereby some
administrative agencies .Those agencies or bureaus formed under the executive hierarchy
(referred to as executive dependent agencies) are subject to the supervision of the executive
organ of the government. May be formed by executive order without the blessing of the
What does executive mean? We are referring to accountability chain. We can refer
Proclamation no 1263/21.
Article 16 establishes ministries.
Article 17&18 they talk about the accountability and responsibilities of each ministry. It states
that each minister is accountable to prime minister and council of minister. (17)
Each deputy minister ( m.deatas )are responsible to the minister.(18).
The relationship between a ministry and other institutions responsible to it.
Article 77 eyandandu minister lesu texeri yehonutin institutions have to coordinate and
support. It shall also supervise them. But it shall not arbitrary intervene them.
Article 79 Executive organs are responsible to the prime minister. Jedhee 17excutive body list
godha. For instance government communication minister, national bank,etc are responsible to
the prime minister. It just continues to mention these organs up to article 99.
 So, this proclamation17&18 shows the vertical hierarchies between this administrative
agencies.(kelay wede tach Yalu control yasayal).
 19(2) shows the responsibility of the lower administrative agencies to report their
performance to the higher ministers.(ketach wede lay control yasayal).

5. Parliament control
Parliament has the questioning power to any administrative agencies. Including prime minster
and other Parliament has a power to check each of them . As clearly stipulated
under Article 50(3) of the FDRE Constitution, the respective legislatures of both of the Federal
and the State governments are the highest authority of the respective governments. Being the
highest organ of the government, the House of Peoples ‘Representative ( referred as the
legislature) has the power to exercise supervisory power over the administrative organs of the
federal government. As clearly stated in Article 55(17) of the FDRE Constitution, the legislature
―has the power to call and to question the Prime Minister and other Federal officials and to
investigate the Executive‘s conduct and discharge of its responsibilities.‖ Article 55(18) also
dictates the legislature to discuss any matter pertaining to the powers of the executive ―at the
request of one-third of its members‖ and ―to take decisions or measures it deems necessary.‖
Furthermore, in accordance with Article 74(11) of the FDRE Constitution, the Prime Minister is
required to submit periodic reports of the activities accomplished by the executive as well as its
plans and proposals to the House of Peoples‘ Representatives

6. Control by ombudsman
We can refer Proclamation 1142/2019
Article 7 of this proclamation cites the powers and functions of ombudsman office.
Its main mandate is maladministration investigation based on:
1. Its own initiatives
2. Individual compliant.
Hence ultimately it strives to achieve:
1. Checking maladministration
2. Ensuring good governance.
So every purpose of the establishments of ombudsman office is to check procedure
administrative rule making (directives or memeriya) and administrative decisions (wusane).
7. Control by mass media
We can refer the proclamation no 590/2008 for the role of mass Medias to control
administrative agencies.
Means each and every citizen has the right to get access information regarding with the
decision and actions of administrative to ensure this the role of media is too
So, mass Medias have the duty to access the information and to ensure the individual rights.
Read articles of 31 of the above proclamation.
Iyandandu zega has the right to access (get) detail information from each administrative
agencies and each agencies have the duties to provide excess information to the individuals. To
ensure this, media serve as instrument.

8. Control by civil societies
For the role of civil societies in controlling administrative agencies we can refer to civil societies
So, they have the power to check an administrative agency in their sphere.
Generally speaking the ultimate purpose of internal and external controlling system is to
achieve procedural administrative rule making and administrative actions and decisions.

Ministeera tokko deemaati,hagam akka isaan PROCEDURAL Administration law[admnistrative
rule making and admnistrative desicion & action] kabajanii hojjechaa jiran gaafadhTo draft Directives(rule
making) .


They have this proclamation and discharging their duties by strictly following it.

✓ First of all "the need for the draft of directives” shall be approved by the experts exists on each sector.
This ministry has different sectors according to their reports. And these sectors shall propose the requisites of
directives on their spheres. They have to propose as the directives required to solve a given problem.
✓Based on these experts finding the "Technical issues and legal issues" should be studied carefully.

 After they arrive on an agreement the necessities of the directives then Issuance of directives
shall be started.
They starts the drafting process of such directives in accordance of proclamation 1183/2020.
✓ Then the drafting directives shall be officially announced. beeksifni ni maxxanfama karaa social media
Fi printed media directive bahuuf deemu ,uumataaf ifa ta'a jechuudha .but with regards to language there is
a gap since they are notifying it only by Amharic.

 Issuance of directives process yijemeral malet nwo.

✓Then public discussion will be conducted and public comments shall be incorporated.
Namoonni yaada isaanii akka irratti Kennan godham.

 Public prosecutor also comments on the drafting directives .Abbaan Alangaas yaada isaa akka
irratti kennu godhama. sana booda drafted ta'a jechuudha.

 Public opinion and comments and any other interested body’s comments shall be

 Then finally directives shall be adopted and registered by ministry of justice

 Finally the adopted directives shall be disseminated to the societies through Negarit gazeta.
and it must also registered by The ministary of justice.
registration is not sufficient it also distributed to the society through negarit Gazeta. karaa negarit Gazeta
ummataaf raabsama jechuudha.
They are drafting any directives by strictly following the proclamation completely, after these
proclamation adopted .but before that such process shall not be followed or may or may not be followed.

Isa dura garuu serious processin kun hordofamuus hordofamuu dhiisuus danda'u.
✓Before the coming into force of this proclamation the serious procedures may or may not be observed.
For instance,it may not be Notified to the public.
✓but the adoption of this proclamation makes the observances of the process of drafting binding.
✓So they are drafting the directives by strictly following this proclamation.

 If unfortunately the society doesn't accept the drafted directives and if their rejection is reasonable
then it will be rejected. Silezi wudq yideregal mallet now.

In case of Administrative decisions

✓they are providing decisions to the communities by following the proclamations provisions.
✓Almost All they are rendering an administrative decisions in accordance with the proclamation. But
they said that, we are not attained the observance of the proclamation completely or absolutely. For instance
with regard to compliant handling they don’t have a formal administrative tribunals established in
accordance with the proclamation. There is an organ called compliant handing body which is established
before the adoption of the proclamation. and if there is any complaints or dissatisfaction regarding with
agencies decision it shall be resolved by such organs. So there is a gap with regards to compliant handling
mechanism in accordance with the proclamation. But the rest of the issues shall be conducted by strictly
following the proclamation.
✓But with regard to "Compliant handling" there is a problem. Because there is no tribunal court which shall
deal with clients compliant. There is an organ which formerly established as qireta semi akal" and clients
presents their case before this organ. then deal the case and can decide on the case. if clients doesn't satisfied
with it's decision then it can bring his case to regular Court for Judicial review. then ,there is special bench
which deal administrative issues in regular Court. then it provide final decision regarding on the case
appealed to it for review administrative decision.
but the might go to up to supreme court if there fundamental error of law regarding with the decision given by
an administrative agencies.
✓To sum up no tribunal courts in ministries of agriculture.


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