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Armaan Khan 10-A

1) Describe 3 aspects if modern life that you

think people should know about our
present time.
Rise of representative democracy.
ANS: Representative democracy, also known as
indirect democracy, is a type of democracy
founded on the principle of elected persons
representing a group of people, in contrast to
direct democracy. ... Representative
democracy places power in the hands of
representatives who are elected by the
People having a bad addiction of useing their
devices all the time.
ANS: Most people now days are using the
deivces really often becaue most of their work
gets done on devices eg: office work, School
Work, etc. But since Covid-19 started the use
of devices have increased as most people
started doing their work online.
But there are still many people out here who
just waste their time playing games and doing
useless stuff which isn’t good.
ANS: Urbanization is the process through
which cities grow, and higher and higher
percentages of the population comes to
live in the city. It basically means that when
lots of people have started to come and live
in one city and there isn’t enough space for
everyone to live. People decode to make
more buildings so that there is enough
space for everyone to live.
B.How do you think people from the future will
react to the artifacts that you presented?
ANS: Urbinization: Many people would have
wondered how did we live in these densly-
populated citys with so many people and so
less space for us humans most people would
start feeling claustrophobic.

ANS: People having a phone addiction:

They would proably want to know why are
people so addicted like was there something
interesting about it.
Most people of the future whould wonder why
are we doing this when we know that it affects
our mental and physical health they will just
think us as a dumbheaded person.
ANS: They will wonder why did people make
votes to become something

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