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Prep-b M.

Tsolmon Reflection essay

My personal brand is a combination of experiences, skills, interests, and aspirations that make me
unique. As a former class president, I have demonstrated leadership skills and the ability to work with a
team to achieve a common goal. My experience in organizing a donation drive for a boy with cancer
shows my compassion and willingness to make a positive impact on society.

My love for travel has shaped my perspective and broadened my horizons. It has allowed me to
appreciate different cultures, customs, and traditions. My public speaking skills have helped me to
articulate my thoughts and ideas effectively, and I believe that this skill will be valuable in various
aspects of my life.

As someone who has dabbled in graphic design and photo editing, I have gained some specific education
in these areas that I can apply to future projects. My experience as a swimmer and a table tennis player
has taught me discipline, patience, and perseverance.

As someone who has dabbled in editing, swimming, Mandarin, and table tennis, I am curious and willing
to try new things. In my spare time, I create content on Instagram, which allows me to showcase my
creativity and individuality. I have also participated in a national chess competition, which taught me
about the importance of strategy and critical thinking.. My experience with the International
Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) has helped me to improve my English language skills and has
given me a global perspective on various issues.

My love for studying physics and astronomy, along with my interest in movies, has led me to aspire to
become a movie director. Through films, I want to express my feelings and share my world with others.

Overall, my personal brand is a reflection of my experiences, skills, interests, and aspirations. It

highlights my strengths, personality, and unique perspective. I am excited about the future and the
opportunities that will allow me to grow and continue to develop my personal brand.

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