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Dear Parents,

The 76 years of Glorious Independent India celebration has begun everywhere. The
theme of our Independence Day celebration 2023 is Jumbo Celebrates Atmanirbhar
Bharat with Grandparents.
The Word ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ makes us feel proud of our achievements as a nation.
We want our children to inculcate patriotism and to always consider ‘how will my work
help my country?’, and to do this; we first need to make them ‘Atmanirbhar’. Once they
are independent, self-assured and are patriotic then we will never have to worry about
our nation’s future.
Atmanirbhar is about independence or autonomy and autonomy in children is a must. As
adults, autonomy is something we often take for granted. Making our own decisions
feels like an ability we’ve had since birth; however, autonomy is developed as a child. A
child begins showing autonomy as they choose their toys, select what clothes to wear,
and decide what foods to eat.
Examples of autonomy in children include toilet training, picking out their clothes,
deciding what foods they like (or don’t like), and choosing which toys to play with. There
are many benefits to children’s autonomy that help build their self-esteem and
Building autonomy is especially important for the child with chronic health or special needs.
These children may feel powerless because they have to follow so many "rules" set by
others, like their parents, nurses and doctors. If we let these children participate in their
care, they have the chance to learn and understand their care better. This helps them feel
more in control and helps build self-esteem. Ultimately, these are the characteristics of a
resilient child, one who can face new challenges in a positive way.
Atmanirbhar Bharat is about Economy, Infrastructure, System, Demography and
Demand. Come join us on the 15th of August (because we don’t take a holiday on our
Independence Day, we owe it to those who laid down their lives for our independence)
as we have planned activities for you and your child to celebrate Atmanirbhar.
We celebrate Independence Day as Grandparents day, so please bring along the child’s
grandparents too and if they are unable to join you can bring any other senior relatives as
we want to teach our children to value this generation.
At our event, Jumbo Celebrates Atmanirbhar Bharat with Grandparents, we are
celebrating the achievements of India in the fields/industries of Economy, Infrastructure,
System – technology, Demography, Demand and Supply.

Warm regards,
Dr. Swati Popat Vats
Founder Director
Chief Academic Officer (CAO)
Podar Prep

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