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The 3rd International Conference on Law, Economic and


Analysis of the Role of Local Government in the Prevention of

Environmental Damage Kuala Tanjung Industrial Area

Adil Arifin,1 Indra Fauzan2, Rosmery3 and Suci Rahmadani4

Secretary of the Political Science Department, USU, Medan
Head of the Political Science Department, USU, Medan
Teachers of the Political Science Department, USU, Medan


Abstract. The development of active industrial areas in the production process of course produces waste
that can damage the surrounding environment. Kuala Tanjung Village is a Priority Industrial Area based
on Presidential Regulation Number 56 of 2018. A review of environmental impacts needs to be carried
out. Active local government participation is needed, of course through regulation. The research method
used is a qualitative method with a descriptive type of research. While the data used are primary data and
secondary data. The Regional Government of Batubara Regency has Regional Regulation Number 2 of
2022 concerning the implementation of environmental protection and management. However, it is a pity
that the regulation has just been issued, even though several companies have been operating for a long
time. Furthermore, there are also programs and activities carried out, namely monitoring river water,
routine monitoring of companies, and planting mangrove forests. The entire program is still limited to
liquid waste, while air quality is far from being a concern. Coupled with the lack of budget allocations,
the programs that are run are still very limited.
Keywords: Kuala Tanjung, Industrial Area, Environmental Damage, The Role of Regional Government
of Batubara Regency.

1. Introduction
The industrial sector has a strategic and important role in realizing development goals. The role of the
industrial sector in economic development is to expand employment opportunities, produce goods and
services needed by the community, generate foreign exchange through exports, and save foreign
exchange through the substitution of imported products. Indonesia itself has several medium and
large-scale industrial companies reaching around 30 thousand businesses or companies [1].
However, the development of this industrialization also has challenges in the form of
industrial activity clashes with impacts related to environmental issues which ultimately affect the
process of sustainable development. Industrial activity is one of the main causes of environmental
damage and harms the surrounding community. Active industrial development in carrying out
production processes always produces waste or waste products, this applies to all types of industries.
Industrial waste in the form of gas, liquid, or solid, is not guaranteed not to harm the local population.
Various developments in issues and opinions related to environmental degradation around industrial
areas have also colored efforts to develop the industry, such as the many claims and conflicts between
industry and the community around the industry in the form of welfare gaps and the potential for
environmental pollution both liquid, gas/air due to industrial activities, as well as technical issues
related to limited sources of process raw water, energy sources for generation and control of industrial
waste management which have an impact on industrial sustainability processes. Since 2021, there have
been 17,826 villages affected by industrialization development. This figure consists of 10,683 in the
form of water pollution, 1,499 in the form of soil pollution, and 5,644 in the form of air pollution.
North Sumatra alone has nearly 1,300 companies in various districts/cities, with the level of
pollution occurring as many as 673 cases of water pollution, 72 cases of soil pollution, and 339 cases
of air pollution. At the 3rd Indonesia Investment Day 2020 activity in Singapore, North Sumatra
brought seven investment projects ready to be offered to investors. The seven projects consist of the
Medinding LRT (Medan-Binjai-Deli Serdang), Siantar-Parapat Railway, Deli Serdang Sports Center,
Toba Caldera Resort, Integrated Rusunawa in Sei Mangkei, Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone
(KEK) and Kuala Tanjung Industrial Area. Of the seven projects, two projects have quite fantastic
investment values, namely SEZ Sei Mangkei and Kuala Tanjung Industrial Area.
Kuala Tanjung has been designated as a Priority Industrial Area (KI) based on Presidential
Regulation Number 56 of 2018. As an industrial area, there are many companies in this village, some
of which are PT INALUM (Persero), PT. Multimas Nabati Asahan (Wilmar Group), PT. Domba Mas
is owned by Abu Rizal Bakrie, Kuala Tanjung Port which is managed by PT Pelindo I, PT. Prima
Tangki Indonesia, as well as several other small-scale companies. It is necessary to review the
environmental impact on the people living around the company.
A research conducted by Jaya Arjuna, who is an environmental practitioner, revealed in his
research that based on PT Inalum's Environmental Management Document Periodical Report No.
LMR-002/2010 dated 21 January 2010 stated that 58.77% of PT Inalum's employees were declared
Unhealthy. PT Inalum in its operations produces 263,673 m3/hour of hazardous gas waste which
reduces the quality of health in humans exposed to the gas waste. 58.77% of PT Inalum's employees
were stated to be in an unhealthy condition. However, since the research was published, there has been
no further information related to the development of this production waste. The difficulty of access for
researchers to enter the company makes direct confirmation to the company difficult. Because, Since
this research was published, there may have been changes in a positive direction or maybe the
opposite. Furthermore, several previous studies have shown that the residual waste from industrial
production in Kuala Tanjung Village, such as at PT. Multimas Nabati Asahan still meets the quality
standards for disposal into water bodies. Because based on the analysis of the COD and BOD values
of the effluent at PT Multimas Nabati Asahan Kuala Tanjung PKS at the Finish Pond. From the
analysis results, the COD value was 239.53 mg/l and the BOD value was 100.45 mg/l (Lubis, 2009).
But strangely, when the results of this research were published, the Corporate Performance Rating
Assessment in Environmental Management (PROPER) of PT. Inalum has reached a green rating,
Furthermore, Manic and Handoco conducted research in Kuala Tanjung regarding the mass
mortality of thousands of fish on Kuala Indah Beach using standard testing methods, 23rd edition
2017, APHA-AWWA-WEF. Where based on the research results the range of water quality index
values obtained is 75-80 and is included in the good criteria, so it can be concluded that anthropogenic
activities in rivers, estuaries, and sea waters are not the cause of mass fish mortality [2]. However,
according to some people, the incident on April 24 2021 was caused by the input of domestic and
industrial waste and the explosion in the plankton population. Add more, The Corporate Performance
Rating Assessment Program in Environmental Management (PROPER), which is one of the policy
instruments developed by the Ministry of Environment to encourage company compliance and
concern in environmental management, shows that PT. Multimas Nabati Asahan is marked with a red
label, which is a disincentive in the form of spreading a bad reputation or image for companies that
have poor environmental management performance. But again, the difficulty of information from the
companies concerned complicates the research data collection process. The two studies both focus on
liquid waste but have not yet reached research on airborne waste.
Although the impact of industrial waste in Kuala Tanjung is still not too severe, prevention
and improvement efforts must continue. Various parties who are considered responsible must have
solutions and efforts to prevent environmental damage around the area, such as companies, NGOs, the
community, and the district government. In this study, the discussion will be focused on the extent to
which the regional government of Batu Bara is trying to prevent environmental damage.
Harmonious and balanced environmental management needs to be carried out, for example
through conversion, rehabilitation, and saving use by applying environmentally friendly technologies.
Apart from that, of course, through internal government improvements, especially in terms of policy
settings. As the explanation of Article 45 of Law Number 32 of 2009 states that "In the context of
restoring environmental conditions whose quality has been polluted and/or damaged… the
government and regional governments are obliged to allocate budgets for environmental
restoration."[3] Environmental protection demands the development of a policy that must be
implemented consistently and consistently from the center to the regions. State responsibility for
environmental protection is inherent in areas where various industrializations live. Therefore, clear
regulations and the role of the Batubara Regency Government are needed to preserve the environment
and realize sustainable ideas. The government's active participation in various industrial areas is
needed, of course through a regulation or policy. Therefore this research focuses on answering the
efforts made by the Regional Government of Batubara Regency in terms of local government
regulations or regulations as an effort to prevent environmental damage.

2. Method
The research method used is qualitative. While the type of research is descriptive. Meanwhile, the
data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. This research will be carried out in an
analytical descriptive manner, emphasizing the collection and analysis of disclosures
(statements/interviews) and written texts (literary study). The research was conducted in the industrial
area of Kuala Tanjung Village, Sei Suka District, Province of North Sumatera. The place to look for
data is in the surrounding community settlements, as well as at the Batubara Regency Environmental
Service. Relevant data based on the selection and classification results are then compiled and detailed,
to describe the phenomenon as a whole and orderly so that it is easy to understand. After the data is
described, then an in-depth analysis of the various data is carried out based on the level of reliability
and validity. [4] so that later it can be used as input in making government policies.

3. Result and Discussion

Global environmental issues arise with the concept of sustainable development, in which the industrial
world is required to contribute to achieving a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship
between industrial activities and the surrounding supporting ecosystems. In terms of environmental
considerations for industrial development in Indonesia, there is no doubt that conceptually, Indonesia
supports environmentally sound development, including its application in the industrial context [5].
Sufficient political will from the Government of Indonesia has been demonstrated, among others, by
the issuance of various laws and regulations, some of which is Law No. 32 of 2009, Government
Regulation Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and
Management, Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 5 of 2021 concerning the
Issuance of Technical Approval and Operational Eligibility Letters, then the Minister of Environment
and Forestry Regulation Number 6 of 2021 concerning the Management of Hazardous and Toxic
Materials (B3) Waste, then the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 10 of 2021
concerning Quality Standards for Machine Emissions, all of which talk about efforts to realize
sustainable industrial environmental management.
The government's role in preserving the environment is not only limited to the level of the
central government but based on Article 63 paragraph (1) of Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning
Environmental Protection and Management, the implementation of environmental protection and
management must pay attention to the principle of regional autonomy which the government and
regional governments handle their governmental affairs in the field of environmental protection and
management by taking into account the specificities and diversity of their respective regions.
Environmental control is a mandatory matter that falls under the authority of provincial and
district/city regional governments as stated in Article 12 paragraph (1) of Law Number 23 of 2014
concerning Regional Government. However, whether all regions in Indonesia have regulations
regarding this matter is a separate issue, especially for regions that are industrial zones. Kuala Tanjung
as one of the priority industrial areas in Indonesia has Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2022
concerning Environmental Management and Environmental Protection and Management. This was
stated by Ms. Rosa, the Head of the Batubara Regency Environmental Service.
“The Regional Government of Batubara Regency already has a Regional Regulation
(Perda) which regulates environmental management and environmental protection
Number 2 of 2022 concerning Implementation of Environmental Protection and
Management, which regulates obligations and what are prohibited by business actors in
the process of implementing environmental protection. and environmental management.”
Product Law Number 2 of 2022 is a derivative of the issuance of Government Regulation
Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management
which also gave birth to the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation Number 5 concerning
the Issuance of Technical Approval and Operational Eligibility Letters, then also issued Minister of
Environment and Forestry Regulation Number 6 of 2021 concerning the Management of Hazardous
and Toxic Materials (B3) Waste, then also issued Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation
Number 10 of 2021 concerning Engine Emission Quality Standards. The emergence of various forms
of these regulations indicates that the government, in this case, the central government, is very serious
in efforts to prevent environmental damage, especially in the environment which is an industrial area.
The Batubara Regency Government responded to this regulation by issuing a regional
regulation on the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management. But even so, the
issuance of Regional Regulation Number 22 of 2022 is considered too late. Because some companies
have been operating for a very long time. So then the question is whether before the issuance of the
Regional Regulation were the environmental conditions around the Batubara Regency Area,
especially Kuala Tanjung Village, not damaged? Before Regional Regulation Number 22 of 2022 was
published, there has never been a case of severe environmental damage in Batubara Regency. This is
because various environmental issues that have surfaced are only pollution issues, not damage issues.
In this case, there is a difference in understanding between pollution and damage. In measuring
whether a natural phenomenon falls into the category of pollution or damage, the benchmark is the
quality standard that has been set.
The quality standard itself is an official government regulation that must be implemented
which contains specifications for the amount of pollutant that may be disposed of or the amount of
content that may be in the ambient media. This was stated by Ms. Rosa, the Head of the Batubara
Regency Environmental Service. The quality standard itself is an official government regulation that
must be implemented which contains specifications for the amount of pollutant that may be disposed
of or the amount of content that may be in the ambient media. This was stated by Ms. Rosa, the Head
of the Batubara Regency Environmental Service. The quality standard itself is an official government
regulation that must be implemented which contains specifications for the amount of pollutant that
may be disposed of or the amount of content that may be in the ambient media. This was stated by
Ms. Rosa, the Head of the Batubara Regency Environmental Service.
"Pollution in environmental science, of course, talks about exceeding standards of quality
standards that certain substances pass. Some standards must be met. so that it can be said
for example polluted sea water. On the other hand, the category of damage does not just
talk about the substance exceeding the quality standard. The damage exceeds the quality
standard, meaning that the substance is no longer able to support or accommodate the
load of contaminants above it, so there must be recovery.
'The terminology to distinguish between polluted and damaged is through a case, for
example, there is a spill of hazardous materials or poisons such as oil. One or two-liter
cans of oil spilled on the ground, that's called polluted terminology. This means that it
enters a medium, environmental media whether water, air, or soil. But if a tanker
transporting a thousand tons of oil experiences a leak and spills in the Malacca Straits, for
example, it is certain that environmental damage will occur. This is because the carrying
capacity and carrying capacity are very unbalanced.”
In addition to issuing Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2022, the Batubara Regency
Government, in this case, the Environmental Service, has also carried out various programs to prevent
environmental damage in the area. Some of their programs are monitoring river water, routine
monitoring of company waste, and planting mangrove forests. The first is the implementation of a
river water monitoring program. This program is an important part of viewing information or
descriptions of river water quality in provinces, districts, and cities so that it can be used as a basis for
policy considerations for the central, provincial, and regional governments. districts/cities in planning
for water quality management and developing water quality standards and regulations for liquid waste
disposal to create a quality environment with clean and healthy water sources [6]. Water quality
management is carried out by controlling water pollution, namely by maintaining the function of
water so that water quality meets quality standards [7]. Water quality status is the level of water
quality conditions which indicates that the condition of river water is polluted or in good condition at
a water source at a certain time by comparing the water quality standards set according to Government
Regulation Number 82 of 2001 concerning water quality management and water pollution control.
Determination of water quality status can be done using the water pollution index method. Water
quality management is carried out by controlling water pollution, namely by maintaining the function
of water so that water quality meets quality standards [7]. Water quality status is the level of water
quality conditions which indicates that the condition of river water is polluted or in good condition at
a water source at a certain time by comparing the water quality standards set according to Government
Regulation Number 82 of 2001 concerning water quality management and water pollution control.
Determination of water quality status can be done using the water pollution index method.
Water quality management is carried out by controlling water pollution, namely by maintaining
the function of water so that water quality meets quality standards [7]. Water quality status is the level
of water quality conditions which indicates that the condition of river water is polluted or in good
condition at a water source at a certain time by comparing the water quality standards set according to
Government Regulation Number 82 of 2001 concerning water quality management and water
pollution control. Determination of water quality status can be done using the water pollution index
method. Water quality status is the level of water quality conditions which indicates that the condition
of river water is polluted or in good condition at a water source at a certain time by comparing the
water quality standards set according to Government Regulation Number 82 of 2001 concerning water
quality management and water pollution control. Determination of water quality status can be done
using the water pollution index method. Water quality status is the level of water quality conditions
which indicates that the condition of river water is polluted or in good condition at a water source at a
certain time by comparing the water quality standards set according to Government Regulation
Number 82 of 2001 concerning water quality management and water pollution control. Determination
of water quality status can be done using the water pollution index method.
Something that is needed by humans to make ends meet, generally of them is the use of river
water, especially for various activities such as agriculture, industry, and domestic [8] The quality of
river water has slowly changed from good to polluted because many pollutants flow from industrial
waste [9]. In recent years, the quality of river water in Indonesia has been mostly polluted, especially
after passing through residential and agricultural areas [10]. Likewise, the input of pollutants with the
largest concentrations of biological oxygen demand (BOD) into river water [11].
River water monitoring is carried out by the Batubara Regency Environmental Service once in
three months. The data was obtained by taking samples of river water around the industrial area to be
brought and tested to an accredited laboratory. Thus, after going through a laboratory checking
process and being declared feasible, it was determined that the river water had met the expected
quality. In carrying out this program, hazardous substances are often not found, so the quality of river
water is believed to still be of good quality. Even though the concern of the Batubara Regency
government, in this case, the Environmental Service is concerned about undetected hazardous
substances that can reduce the quality of river water due to increased water content which causes
harmful substances to fade. Because rivers in Batubara Regency generally empty into the sea. This
means that when the sea water experiences high tide, the river water automatically increases.
Second, the Environmental Service also conducts routine monitoring of companies in Batubara
Regency. Efforts made are through sampling in the form of liquid waste produced by the company
from the production processing process. Then the sample will be brought and tested in an accredited
laboratory. Unfortunately, there was no residual hazardous waste produced by the company. But
again, there is concern that the proximity of the waste disposal site to the sea will result in the mixing
of waste and seawater which causes no hazardous substances from the waste to be detected.
The two efforts that have been carried out by the Batubara Regency government, both testing
the quality of river water and taking samples of company waste carried out by the Environmental
Service, seem to only focus on testing liquid waste. Meanwhile, there is no handling of waste air. The
average company in the Industrial Estate in Kuala Tanjung Village in their production process
produces a lot of waste in the form of carbon emissions. The sectors that are the main sources of CO2
emissions are energy use, industrial processes and product use, PKPL (agriculture, forestry, and land
use), and waste[12]. The application of the Low Carbon City concept, for example, in dealing with the
problems of industrial cities can be used as a mitigation or adaptation effort [13]. However, due to the
lack of budget from APBD funds, air quality testing activities cannot be carried out. This was stated
by Ms. Rosa, the Head of the Batubara Regency Environmental Service.
"Until now we are still only testing liquid samples, air and soil have not been carried out.
This is due to a limited budget. So it's still just measuring liquid waste. Where is this
liquid waste the residue resulting from an activity and or business process based on PP
Number 22 of 2021? Any residue that comes from a production process that is no longer
useful for us is categorized as waste, in this case, there is liquid waste, air (emissions:
exhaust gas), and B3. So these three become routine agendas. Air waste testing, is still
being planned, but it is not easy, considering the availability of the budget. Because to do
a test on one sample the funds are quite fantastic."
Delays in the waste monitoring process should be done by carrying out sample inspections in all
aspects, be it water, soil, and air. Given the many companies around the Kuala Tanjung Industrial
Village area that emit carbon emissions in the form of smoke during the production process. Several
issues that have surfaced related to environmental issues in the Kuala Tanjung Village Industrial Area
emphasize more on air quality issues. Regrettably, the non-examination of air quality shows that there
has been no serious effort or action from the Batubara Regency government. The not-yet-optimal
budget given especially for carrying out laboratory tests on the possibility of environmental pollution
and damage has hampered efforts to prevent environmental damage.
Data from the 2021 Batubara Regency Government Performance Report shows that the total
funding for the Pollution Control and/or Environmental Damage Control Program is only around Rp.
51,691,105 of the total budget of Rp. 1,299,118,751,580 (LKIP Batubara Regency, 2022). This data
shows that the budget provided by the Regional Government of Batubara Regency is very small to
prevent environmental damage, which has resulted in the implementation of the Coal Regency
Environmental Service program not optimally. Data from the 2021 Batubara Regency Government
Performance Report shows that the total funding for the Pollution Control and/or Environmental
Damage Control Program is only around Rp. 51,691,105 of the total budget of Rp. 1,299,118,751,580
[14]. This data shows that the budget provided by the Regional Government of Batubara Regency is
very small to prevent environmental damage, which has resulted in the implementation of the Coal
Regency Environmental Service program not optimally. Data from the 2021 Batubara Regency
Government Performance Report shows that the total funding for the Pollution Control and/or
Environmental Damage Control Program is only around Rp. 51,691,105 of the total budget of Rp.
1,299,118,751,580 [14]. This data shows that the budget provided by the Regional Government of
Batubara Regency is very small to prevent environmental damage, which has resulted in the
implementation of the Coal Regency Environmental Service program not optimally.
Third, the mangrove forest planting program. [15], explains that mangrove forests are one of the
main subjects for environmental development in Indonesia. Many social institutions engaged in the
environmental sector continue to socialize the benefits of mangroves. This supports public awareness
that mangroves are indeed important to protect the environment. The mangrove forest area has the
function of absorbing all the dirt that comes from human waste and ships sailing at sea. The benefits
of mangrove forests for life are that they will absorb all types of harmful metals and make water
quality cleaner [15]. The Batubara Regency Government, in this case, the Batubara Regency
Environmental Service, carried out a mangrove forest planting program by utilizing NGOs and
Student Organizations as well as existing companies by carrying out a "planting movement of a
thousand mangrove trees". But even so, there is no written obligation for the company to plant
mangroves as part of the company's responsibility. Therefore it is necessary to take firm action from
the government as part of efforts to prevent environmental damage in the area. In addition, another
problem is the change in land use. Many mangrove plants are replaced with oil palm plants. Even
though the habitat of oil palm is not on the coast. Precisely palm oil plantations are increasingly being
carried out on the coast. Of course, this situation causes faster abrasion.caption.

4. Acknowledgement
The researchers would like to thank the UNIVERSITY RESEARCH INSTITUTE of Sumatra Utara
University which has provided research funding so that this research can be carried out well. This
research was funded by contract number: 11119.1/UN5.1.R/PPM/2022, dated August 8, 2022. Under
the BASIC RESEARCH scheme in 2022 which has provided research funding so that this research
can be conducted and published.

5. Conclusion
Kuala Tanjung has been designated as a Priority Industrial Area (KI) based on Presidential Regulation
Number 56 of 2018. As an industrial area, there are many companies in this village, some of which
are PT INALUM (Persero), PT. Multimas Nabati Asahan (Wilmar Group), PT. Domba Mas is owned
by Abu Rizal Bakrie, Kuala Tanjung Port which is managed by PT Pelindo I, PT. Prima Tangki
Indonesia, as well as several other small-scale companies. It is necessary to review the environmental
impact on the people living around the company. The government's role in preserving the environment
is not only limited to the level of the central government but based on Article 63 paragraph (1) of Law
Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management, the implementation of
environmental protection and management must pay attention to the principle of regional autonomy in
which the government and regional governments handle their governmental affairs in the field of
environmental protection and management by taking into account the specificities and diversity of
their respective regions. However, whether all regions in Indonesia have regulations regarding this
matter is a separate issue, especially for regions that are industrial zones. Kuala Tanjung as one of the
priority industrial areas in Indonesia has Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2022 concerning
Environmental Management and Environmental Protection and Management. However, it is a pity
that this regional regulation has only been issued after a long period when companies in the area have
been operating. plus programs and activities carried out, namely river water monitoring, routine
monitoring of companies, and planting of mangrove forests, the whole program is still limited to
liquid waste, while air quality is still far from a concern. Coupled with the lack of budget allocations,
the programs that are run are still very limited.

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