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What 3 new things have I learned from their creative discussion/presentation?

I've learned that dance is also a popular form of artistic expression. Aside from that, I also
discovered that several dance composition techniques are necessary to make an ideal dance.
Lastly, if a dance does not have any of these compositions or if the compositions are not
expressed or performed adequately, the dance will be deprived of significance.

In the topics discussed, what 2 ideas/concepts were familiar to me? why and in what instance
were those ideas familiar to me?

Timing and emotion are the first principles of dance composition that I am familiar with. It was
already familiar to me, as I often hear that people dance to express themselves and that timing
is important for creating good choreography.

What 1 significant learning did I gain from their video today? Why?

I learned that dance is important in art. Aside from the form of expression, it also has the
structures required for meaningful choreography.

What can I say about my group's presentation?

I could say that our group presentation is knowledgeable and creative. My group tried our best
to create a creative presentation with the theme of a talk show. We all know that talk shows are
kind of boring, but our group really tried its best to make it creative.

What essential Learning, in the content of my group's presentation, have I gained new

Certainly, I broadened my perspective; in fact, while I was working on the video, I realized that
dance is a combination of art, science, and its own composition.

Why and how come it made an impact on me and in relation to the course I am taking in
PATHFIT right now?

It made an impression because the subject PATHFIT includes social dances and various types of
movement as an activity.The information that I have gained from the dances and the
choreography itself helps me understand their meaning and the message the dance is trying to
convey. I believe it is helpful as people often forget the real purpose of dancing, which is to
express themselves, and as the viewers only enjoy the dance without understanding the
meaning or purpose behind it, which makes the whole dance meaningless.

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