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Activity 1: Music Styles

Since ancient times, music has existed in people's lives, it is a

form of expression, communication and fun, it benefits well-
being, it generates joy and relaxation in everyday life, but with
the passage of time, musical styles that transmit different
emotions emerge. or accompany specific moments.
Music unites people, although tastes may be different, for
example, pop music is one of the most widespread musical
styles. As its name indicates, it is the abbreviation of popular
music, it is music created with the intention of pleasing the
majority, simple compositions, with great artists, who influence
fashion and style, some famous artists in this genre are Michael
Jackson, Miley Cyrus or Madonna.
On the other hand, another musical genre to highlight is salsa,
a danceable musical genre that emerged in the early 70s, it has
its roots in Cuban music and in the rhythm of the dance "Son"
but it has been imposed throughout the world as one of the most
danced genres, a particularity of this genre and what makes it
special is that it has allowed the establishment of a narrative
about the cultural identity of each territory, which includes the
transformation of cities and their populations, as well as being
used in festivities and has positioned to the city of Cali in
Colombia as a great reference. Another genre that marked
society is Rap music, it was born in the 70s in the United States,
the singers sing with speed and tell their anecdotes with simple
but powerful rhythms and improvised rhymes loaded with social
denunciation, define the genre.
Finally, it is evident that music can be heard from different
styles, but it accompanies people in each of their moments,
making them memorable, and allowing artists to cojcete with
their receivers.
Luisa Vargas Pinzón - English V

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