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7 2 5 7 0 7 7

0 7 7 Streetslang 2 7 9 0 7 7
0 7 7 Native 4 7 11
7 2 7 9 4 8 12
0 7 7 0 7 7 2 7 9
2 7 9
5 6 5 11 Your Home 2 7 9 0 8 8
0 5 5 2 8 10
0 5 5 0 8 8
Redeye 8 0 5 5 0 8 8
0 5 5 0 8 8
Netrunner 2 5 7 0 8 8
8 0 7 7
Interface 4 0 7 7 0 7 7 6 8 14
0 7 7 6 8 14
5 0 7 7 6 5 11 0 8 8
0 7 7 2 5 7 0 8 8
0 5 5 0 8 8
6 7 13 0 5 5 2 8 10
6 7 13 0 8 8
0 7 7 6 8 14 0 8 8
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0 7 7 0 8 8
0 7 7 0 8 8
0 7 7 0 8 8
0 7 7 6 7 13 0 8 8
2 7 9 6 7 13 0 8 8
70 7
0 7 7 0 7 7 0 8 8
Montie Swensen
Personality: Rebellious, antisocial, and violent
Motivation: Honor
Your (General) Cultural Region: South East Asian
Clothing Style: High Fashion (Exclusive, Designer, Couture)
Hairstyle: Long and ratty
Affectation You Are Never Without: Strange fingernail implants
Languages: Vietnamese, Street Slang
Your Original Family Background: Urban Homeless. You lived in cars, dumpsters, or abandoned shipping modules. If
you were lucky. You were usually hungry, cold, and scared, unless you were tough enough to fight for the scraps.
Education? School of Hard Knocks.
Childhood Environment: In the ruins of a deserted town or city taken over by Reclaimers.
Your Family Crisis: You are the inheritor of a family debt; you must honor this debt before moving on with your life.
How Do You Feel About Most People? People are tools. Use them for your own goals then discard them.
Most Valued Person in Your Life? Yourself
Most Valued Possession You Own? A photograph
Your Life Goals: Get what's rightfully yours.
2550 Eddies
Asia Pop Bottoms ×8
What Kind of Runner are You? Hacktivist interested in cracking systems and exposing bad guys.
Got a Partner, or Do You Work Alone? Work Alone
What's Your Workspace Like? Minimalist, clean, and organized.
Who are Some of Your Other Clients? Local gangers who also protect your work area while you sweep for NET threats.
Where Do You Get Your Programs? You have backdoors into a few Corporate warehouses.
Who's Gunning for You? You think it might be a rogue AI or a NET Ghost. Either way, it's bad news.

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