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Dukan diet

Dieting without support is a fight - against obesity, against society, against your
own body - against all parts of yourself.
Pierre Dukan has worked as a nutritionist for over 30 years and is a specialist in
food behaviour. He is the most widely read nutritionist in France today. To lose
weight when there is an abundance of food around you is not natural, is difficult
and often unsuccessful. Dr. Dukan has created his weight loss coaching program
to help you put an end to being overweight, forever. The Dukan method proposes
a healthy eating plan that returns to the foods which founded the human
species, those eaten by primitive man, proteins and vegetables, 100 foods
including 72 from the animal world and 28 from the plant world. These foods
come with the magic words: "AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE".
Dukan diet stages are:
1 – Dukan Diet Phase 1- The Attack Phase.
2 - Dukan Diet Phase 2- The CRUISE Phase. This second phase is leading to
the True Weight
3 - Dukan Diet Phase 3- The CONSOLIDATION PHASE. In this third phase of
10 days per kg lost which prepares for the return to a balanced diet
4 - A definitive stabilization phase based on 3 simple, concrete, easy but non
negotiable measures

A successful diet is one where you don’t regain the lost pounds!

How to Start The Dukan Diet

1. Calculate your True Weight on our website. This will help determine your
goal weight, show your personalized program.
2. Decide what reasons motivate you to lose weight. You must be the one
taking that step
3. Talk to your doctor first, who will advise you about your
approach, starting with a complete check-up
5. Decide your start date, Monday for example!
6. Remove all temptations from your kitchen and stock it with the Dukan
Diet allowed foods only
7. Decide how you want to follow the Dukan Diet

If you have followed these 7 steps, then you are ready to begin the Dukan diet.
You have the green light to start the Attack phase.

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