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The truly converted soul...

Recognizes that pride manifested in feelings of superiority, entitlement

and privilege, lies at the heart of sinful, human nature; and that to truly live out our purpose and
calling is to be humble and recognize that we are nothing without the grace of our God, we are
ineffective without His presence in our lives, and we have no influence and impact without the fruits
of His Spirit working in us each day... May we truly repent of our delusions, our ignorance and
misunderstanding, our negligence in allowing ourselves to be corrupted by unscrupulous people who
only have themselves in mind at the expense of our purses, our lives and souls; and live each day
being thankful of our salvation and deliverance, of the love and mercy we have received since birth,
and pouring out the same measure of grace and mercy to others too...

The inclusive God... Throughout history, wars had been waged under the banner of religious
exclusivism, or the belief that one's faith and set of traditions are the one true way, and that of others
are invalid, and must be condemned and destroyed or abandoned... Yet if we believe and follow the
teachings of our Savior, we have to take note that He preached and reached out to people beyond His
social, political and religious circle; but spent a lot of time with the "others" - - ostracized and scoffed
at for their social status, their livelihoods, their faith, preferences and nationality... And that is the
mirror of true faith: it is not an affiliation, not a membership, not a heterogenous group, but as He
said, a "feeding of the hungry, giving of drink to the thirsty, clothing of the naked, caring for the sick,
visiting of the incarcerated, being hospitable to the stranger," and like Him, "caring for, ministering
and developing a ministry for widows and orphans"... If we practice as He preached, and not
discriminate people nor judge them according to our standards and biases, then we belong to the true
church, that doesn't have a formal or written certificate, that isn't confined to four walls, that isn't
even named and indicated in legal and public documents; but that is spiritual, eternal, alive and
drives our everyday motivation and moments...

Sad begets sad; don't be, or you and others whose lives you touch might go down the way of
destruction with you... The Finnish were asked what they thought about being the happiest country
on earth; and the author of the article said that the ordinary Finnish could not relate that much... For
you see, they have different views of being happy: it's not always having fun, always having a smile
on, being constantly energetic and enjoying to the max because YOLO; but being content and at
peace, knowing that they can pay the bills because they are in good health and they have jobs that
pay well; that when they get sick, the government pays for it; that they can send their children to
school, even to post graduate courses because it's free... We don't have such a rich government, or
one that has lesser corruption than ours; but we can learn from their attitude... It is feeling confident
and thankful that wherever we are right now is where we're meant to be; that for all our troubles and
difficulties, we have a God who watches over us and is attentive to our needs and concerns; that there
is no reason to fear for tomorrow and even for eternity, because He who designed all things, also has
our future in mind, and our well-being at hand; that we can afford to be generous, patient and
understanding now, because of The One Great Love that sustains us each day... It is a stretch to wish
each of us to be happy; but rather, to pray that each one of us find that peace and contentment that
only the Prince of Peace and Everlasting Father can bring...

Proximity is an insidious jade... An old proverb to be sure, but literally one that grows on you... And
one famous saying I've learned from a favorite author during my teenage years... So it seems with our
relationship with people too... They may be gracious to us, or hostile, but like maltreated and abused
Dan, the humble heart learns to love those who are closest to us, for we realize they are given to us to
accompany us in this journey, and from we learn how to live and love more deeply... And while
crime, offense, abuse and oppression are deplorable; but the one who has let the fruits of the Spirit in
their lives learns to be patient and understanding, forgiving, secure and at peace that someday, things
will get better, people will learn without coercion, and at the end, we shall all receive our due
reward... May we truly let our Father's love and light shine through us; and even towards the
unlovable and those we deem undeserving, coexist and live in peace and understanding, in patience
and humility, in faith and trust, in wisdom and love...

The road to destruction is paved with greedy intentions... I wasn't really offended when someone
commented that if you want to get rich, build a new religion; because honestly, we've seen far too
many so-called messengers of God who were actually only after people's purses... There was even
one who was so close to the story here, giving in to fraudulent speculators decades ago, who dug up
an entire hectare-full of land where a part of his church establishment was built, strongly believing
there was gold there... Where they really able to find gold from all those dirt? No one knows, but one
thing for sure: when that guy started all the digging, for me, He just lost all claim and credibility to
seek after lost souls like our Savior commanded, in order to bring them close to Him; because indeed,
he showed himself a fraud, who was only seeking for material treasure at the expense of people's
tithes... And our Savior's words today couldn't ring truer about where our hearts and treasures are; for
truly what we value makes all the difference in us between keeping our sanity and going ahead to the
road of insanity... May we remain sane and sober; and live lives valuing what is true, seeing and
keeping ourselves far from the fake and false glitter of fame and fortune, and strive and patiently
endure on our path to eternity with our God, Savior, and One True King and Master...

A thankful heart... Manifests sincere acknowledgement of our God's goodness and love, His
salvation and deliverance and gift of eternity; and reflects and pours out the same grace, generosity,
understanding, patience, wisdom and discernment on others too... It does not force others to believe
and accept their personal opinions, biases, exclusiveness, prejudice, and less-informed ideas; but
works hand in hand with others to fulfill our one great commission to be good stewards of life and
creation, to make this world better for everyone; and to make each of us feel that more than our
inadequacies and failings, the love of our Creator shines and should be given a chance to shine on us,
on all our efforts and fruits of labors, and all creation... May thankfulness be not just a pretense, an
expression or conversation-opener for us, but our lifestyle and brand...

Of infinite potential... Maybe because I was raised through childhood to a great extent by
grandparents who lived through the second world war of modern times, I was taught some crafts, and
most importantly how to reuse many things and whatever is available and at hand, to the point of
almost instinctively knowing that what is trash to many, still can actually be used in other things...
Thankfully, I fell just a little bit of being a hoarder, but that is another story... Still, to those who have
the stewardship mindset, we know that to survive and thrive, we need to stay hopeful; because the
things entrusted to us are never vain, mundane, or useless... These always scream out for bigger
meaning and higher purpose... How much more with human life... An article recently said that there
really is no cure for depression, just medicines to control hormones that trigger it; but because one
cause of depression could be the overwhelming feeling of helplessness, maybe it would help those of
us in those situations to think that there will always be help available if we are humble enough to ask
for it, that all our efforts at living so far are not useless because they are working in us to develop our
character and patience, and that to a loving Heavenly Father of all humankind, nobody is so misled
and evil as not to warrant His rain of grace and mercy, His outpouring of love and deliverance; and to
have the wisdom and discernment to see and treat other people in the same manner too, no matter
their personal beliefs and preferences... May we transform our view to that perspective, be open to
His daily revelations, and trust in His loving and wise guidance...

Strong east winds actually drive you west, and if facing north, to the left... And those moments are
big life changes, challenging, scary at times, but amazing, and full of wonder... Because only our
Creator can bring about those, to the ones who have humbled themselves, listened to His still small
voice even if they don't understand it at the moment, and obeyed His leading in humility and patience
and courage... It is blind to eyes that only see the moment; but for the soul who takes a step back,
wisdom is given at the end, to discern that all things work together for good to those who love and
believe in Him; all things turn out greater than before, to the ones who trust His will, and walk in the
path He designated--in patience and faith...

Because the Word is life... So that we shouldn't misinterpret nor twist it when we represent it to
others, infusing it with our own biases and judgments, and muddling it with our ignorance... For like
grass that is perennial, its truths will always seep through the cracks; and in our moments of false
pride and unfounded superiority, slap us in the face or smack us over in the head... Rather we should
give it due reverence, and always be curious to know its language and culture, strive to gain wisdom
to know and understand its many levels and depths, courage to discover its revelations, and humility
to accept that we can never fully understand it nor take and appropriate it all literally; yet to give it a
chance to work in our lives and drive our motivations and perspectives... May we therefore truly
make it a lamp in our path, to keep it shining, and when it seems to go dim, to always fan its flames
daily in our lives...

A diversity of gifts... Because our God is the God of unity and peace, we bear His mark if we apply
the same to all our endeavors too... The people of God therefore should recognize and acknowledge
the potential in each one, whatever may be their status or situation in life, and work together to
welcome the multiples of intelligences each one comes with... Unfortunately in many of our
communities, we lack such of what the secular and scientific world has established as to the diversity
of personality and capacity our human family has... May we truly see others through the eyes of our
Father, that towards a better world, we may work hand-in-hand with others, especially those whose
culture and beliefs are different from ours, recognizing that they are God's children too, even if they
choose to serve and worship Him in manners different from what we grew up with...

Faith in action... Is not exclusive, not condemning, not inward-focused; but goes out to the real
world, spreading the love of God without saying it out loud with words but with deeds and
presence... Because the Word is not realized with words; but bears fruit in transformed lives, freed
from judgment and bias, alive and glowing with His light, poured out by His Spirit, and generously
being poured out in everyday acts and moments that make this life and earth better...
Liberty means that if we have to sow, we sow generously... Because putting out feelers here and
there, giving out tidbits to people whom we believe need much is not charity but vainglory, just a
way to make us feel good without making us commit ourselves... So is it with the Word, with a
revelation, with the truth... A mere verse won't cut it, because as history has proven, it can cause
unlimited misinterpretations, racism and discrimination, wars and chaos... But if we have to live our
faith and conviction, then we speak our truth quietly and clearly, we expound and explain with
wisdom and love, we do not give people a taste of the kingdom but a whole heaping full serving of
God's mercy and grace, we do not just give a verse but we open up the Word to a hungry humanity in
search for its salvation and deliverance by its power; even if they might question or ridicule it, or
subject it to scrutiny, but still giving them a chance to hear, to understand, to experience... In other
words, when our Savior gave us freedom, we share such gift and give liberty to others too; not only
physically, but mentally, emotionally, spiritually... We do not cover the Word, but open it up and
expose it, warts and all... For freedom begets itself, and the gift and indwelling of the Holy Spirit
bears fruit in lives poured out for His service and sacrifice...

Having His eyes... In our time today, fewer people claim and gain confidence from the belief that we
were and are still made everyday in our God's image; and fewer still unfortunately, exhibit His
qualities in how they see and treat other people... But the God of wisdom is the all-wise and merciful
eternal, THE God of love, from whom we hear that if we love Him, we keep His command not only
to love Him but our fellowman too... And in this father's day at that, it is sad to note that fathers who
truly fulfill their God-given duties are dwindling around the world; which makes us think that maybe
we need a radical transformation in how we treat our fathers, how fathers should treat their children
and the youth, and how we all, as a family under heaven, should treat those without fathers,
especially those with absentee or abusive ones... For as God's children we all deserve to grow in His
love and grace; and as fathers, mothers, elders, teachers and mentors, we are all obligated and
responsible to give the same kind of good and godly upbringing to all children and youth entrusted to
our care, seeing them with the same fatherly loving eyes, treating them with humble hearts, gentle
and firm guidance, nurturing hands, and protective arms as they go on this journey too...

Never be silent... In proclaiming the truth, in speaking out against abuses and oppression, in
expressing love and support... For that is a life well-lived, an existence actuallized... Yet a Proverb
says we are given two ears, two eyes, but one mouth, to perceive more, and to speak by choosing our
words wisely... Perceiving what others feel and need, believing that things will work out well, and
that even the nastiest people have the desire to be acknowledged, and knowing that with such
knowledge, we need wisdom to be able to brandish such "weapon" with all humility and nobility;
primarily encourages us to choose our words with care, and conduct our speeches in understanding
and wisdom, in patience and love...

Herein lies true love, that even if one party has dementia, the other doesn't forget and still cares... So
the Word today says of our God... Unfortunately many of us, especially in generations past, have
chosen to forget how to truly love Him and our fellowmen; for we have added tenets, practices and
traditions contrary to His will even though we claim them to be, by distorting and misinterpreting the
Word, just because these make us feel good, special and superior in the eyes of others... We have
forgotten His command not to add or deduct from what He has said, and have paid dearly for it with
lost and misled souls that we have doomed to perdition... Thankfully our God always finds a way to
get back at us, and in many ways, always gives a chance for His people to learn and be saved... Let
us not waste our sane and waking time, and truly live our days in His love and leading, finding our
peace and confidence in His promises, making a living abiding by His Word, and making a life in
His presence...

Not a moment wasted... For the busy bunch, who like to fill their hours with activities and stuff, for
they believe that time is gold, and every minute needs to be filled with doing something productive...
But downtimes have their purpose too, allowing us to think and take stock, and see ourselves in the
grand journey we are all taking... For that seems to be the case with our metaphysical and spiritual
lives too; in moments crammed both with movement, and in times of rest and meditation - - not a
second wasted in nothingness and aimlessness, but always working out for the completion of our
Savior's good work in us...

The second witness... If we are to take the book of Revelation's 'Two Witnesses' metaphorically, in
our time today, truly, we (including us who say we belong to the same faith and conviction) have
murdered and trampled on them... For one could very well be the Word--preaching the gospel
undiluted, in the same spirit of love and mercy our Savior meant for it to be; and one is Living the
Word--that is, if we can boldly proselytize to what we believe is a world ignorant and uninformed, so
should we apply our faith and conviction in how we treat others too... For a sense of adventure and a
bit of bravado and pride, even a feeling of superiority, may color our reason to preach the gospel,
even if we say we do it out of love for God; but there can be no more credible evidence of our
testimony than loving our neighbor, respecting their rights and peace of mind, giving a chance for
God to work in and through them without harassing or nagging them, condemning or shaming them
into guilt and obedience about it... For our ally is time; if indeed we are true to the mission we were
called, it helps give us patience and perseverance; it allows us to wait for the right time, the right
mindframe, without letting us waste each precious moment in living for Him and for what He called
us to do for others too...

We don't put down roots... Unlike plants in which we say literally are "rooted to the ground", our
lives are mobile and moving, ever-changing with the times, always on the go with life's challenges
and breakthroughs... That is why it is unhealthy to get comfortable with comfort zones; they are
death to the soul, and an affront to the very nature our God intended for us to be... For we are meant
to influence, to spread our impact of life and restoration far and wide, nourishing other people's souls
and replenishing creation... Inertia is a natural reaction, but settling down to the demands of culture
and tradition, especially if they were actually uninformed and lacking good judgment and
discernment in the first place is a curse... For as our Savior has said, He gives us life, and He desires
for us to live it abundantly, ever growing, ever new, ever expanding in magnanimity and love...

True obedience brings freedom... Because of the weight of tradition, and the burden to conform to a
set of man-made values, unfortunately many of us just follow and parrot traditions set by men who
were filled with pride, beliefs and tenets passed down from misinterpretations and feelings of
superiority; without striving to understand why, or caring to know if these were logical, if these were
what our God and Savior exemplified for us... And without being aware that they were already
proven false and ineffective before, we fall prey to the pressure, and measure our life and walk by
erroneous, unnecessary, unreasonable, ungodly, unwise, and the same sinful and prideful standards...
It is time to go back to the Word first given to us (in the apps or the printed version, they're in red), to
rethink what we were brainwashed in, and stop misinterpreting and misappropriating what is not for
us and what is beyond us in His will and plan... Because the kind of obedience these bring only
results in chaos and confusion, shame and oppression, craziness and pain; while the kind of
obedience our Savior challenged us with brings life and healing, freedom and deliverance, peace and
joy, wisdom and love...

The reason for our hope... Not really sure if many people still believe in an afterlife, or are starting to
doubt many tenets of the faith, including the one that says we are accountable in the afterlife for
everything we do while in this body; that is why we have to act with respect, understanding,
tolerance, kindness, humility, justice and fairness... Because in our times today, many religious and
social and political or community leaders, business leaders too, seem to act with impunity, live it up,
blatantly steal from others their hard-earned incomes, trample over their rights--to their persons and
bodies, take away their self-esteem and peace, even devalue and easily dispose of their very lives...
Maybe we really have believed that we are privileged and entitled, at the expense of others, and we
must do all we can to get what we want... Yet, no matter our status, credentials, wealth and private
armies, we are mere mortals, lower than angels, weaker than even nature itself... May we stop
waking up to a lie of our invincibility, but always be mindful of our place in God's time, our value
among His creation and in His eyes, and not forget that everything we do is counted, every thought,
word and deed serving to build the life we are looking forward to, an existence and reckoning, a
reward or otherwise in the great beyond...

Wisdom, humility and trust are the true markers of a successful person... It is recognizing that you do
not know everything; but when seeking for truth, answers and knowledge, you are quiet, clear, and
keenly attentive to it; it is knowing that no matter the size of your wealth, the height of your status,
the magnitude of your achievements, that you are just one breath away from a life beyond the grave,
and that you can never bring one cent or one dot of title with you after your heart stops beating; it is
acknowledging that you are limited, that you are helpless as an individual and need the community of
those close to you, physically or emotionally, in order to survive, thrive and grow... Above all, it is
knowing and being fully aware that you are mortal, and so are not entitled to privilege; but that
whatever grace received should be accepted in gratitude, lived in patience and perseverance, and
given back in love...

When the soul does a backyard-bathe... Is when it is at its most secure... For life is often full of
troubles, yet, we as God's dearly beloved creation and child, can have Him as our refuge; much like
our very own backyard in nature, where we are safe, secure of our space and belonging, and at
peace... No matter our challenges and difficulties, nay we not forget to step out into our own
"backyard" with Him, that we may enjoy the abundance and rest He promised...

Battered, bruised but not broken... Sadly, such is life for many, especially that everyday gets more
and more challenging and difficult, and many people around seem to grow more and more entitled,
enraged and abusive, oppressive and unjust... And we can only hope and pray that someday things
will get better, and that there will be a time our wishes and dreams could come true... In the process
however, we are thankful to our God and Savior that He sustains and provides, that He strengthens
and guides... For as we work every day doing our best and giving our all--to our tasks, to the
betterment of our fellowman and community, we are and always will be given love and grace,
confidence and joy, hope and peace...

Sitting on the fence... What often costs us our humanity and soul is finding faults in others; which is
why, even as a profession in audit, people have a mostly hate relationship with those who point out at
inadequacies in how others do their work... There must be a reason why our Savior couched His
words with reminders of love and unlimited forgiveness... For as one loving and caring people of
God, we are called upon to alert others if what they have been doing is wrong, but not in a
judgmental manner; that is, correction and discipline is all about what is best for the person, not the
ego or image of the one doing the correcting, nor for entertainment or shock value of those who will
see the example... But the best thing is, we should always start off in humble prayer, in honest and
loving conversation... Yet, for those who may not heed, we must not ostracize but continue praying,
and give them some space... For even if we think that person is wrong, still they deserve respect for
their choices, and an opportunity to learn from the outcomes... If praying silently and sitting on the
fence of our brethren's lives is the most loving and humane thing to do, then so be it... Anyway, we
are each in our own journey, with different challenges and milestones, but each one deserving of
support, understanding, love and mercy from one another...

Adverse Religious Experience... I came across one online article on this by someone who said she
had been brainwashed and trapped before in traditions and faith systems so insular, inward-focused,
backward and selfish, where change is eschewed for the comfort of the familiar and the affirmation
of the misled and ignorant few, even when such sacrifices truth, justice, mercy and charity towards
the lost, and those whose souls really need the inspiration and the love of God... I guess the hardest
idol to remove in our lives is our principles and traditions, that we have adapted from people who
manipulate us into thinking that we are less and inferior than them in the eyes of our God... But our
God truly is merciful, in that, because we were created in His image, He also gives us the capacity to
think, to realize the sham of busyness according to our own less-informed criteria about life and
service in Him, and to wake up from the uselessness of our prideful dependence on our own efforts at
pleasing Him... Indeed, nothing quite like fulfills His purpose in us, than for us to show in whatever
we do that we are not exclusive, we are not entitled, and we are not privileged; but that each person
we meet deserves our love and understanding no matter how unlovable we may perceive them to be;
and that each of us deserve respect and support in whatever challenge and issue we face in our
journey... May we not make AREs our own little gods that trap us in false comfort and security, but
truly dedicate the rest of our days becoming more like our Savior who went out of His comfort zone
to bring life and light to a hurting world beyond...

It's time... Sometimes in our lives we don't want to do some things because we feel it isn't time;
sometimes too we ask why we haven't yet received some things even when we feel we deserved it
already... But the good news is that with our God, there is no wrong timing... Psalm 37:4 says to
delight ourselves in Him, and He will give us the desires of our heart... And these blessings always
come at the right time... May we always remember that whatever may be our situation now, whatever
we are feeling, to only trust that we are where we need to be at the moment; because when we wait
patiently and not lose faith, there will always be a time when our dreams and wishes come true,
especially when those are motivated by love and service, by a desire to do good and to give
generously... We may be running late according to our GPS-connected watches, but life, as planned
and willed by Creator, for us will always be on time...

For a wider audience... Because of the Internet, it seems the world had gotten smaller, and many of
us become connected to people from the farthest corners of the earth... In the Word today, that
seemed to be the situation during the apostle Peter's time, especially when the Lord instructed him to
feed His sheep, not only the immediate disciples, but people of all nationalities around the world...
During the retreat we were shown a video of the modern day Capernaum church, below which,
separated by a glass floor in the center, was the archaeologically-dug-up original stone house of the
apostle Peter, a former fisherman, by the seaside of Galilee in the ancient province of Judea... And
that site sits in the crossroads of culture, history and faith... So it seems with our faith too: we can no
longer share God's word only to our family, neighbors, town or city, but to a wider world, and the
love and grace that goes with it... Imagine if instead of preaching doctrines and arguing against the
tenets of each one, each one of us follow the command given to the apostle, and feed each other with
our Lord's words and grace, both as His sheep, and the flock that--with the sacrifice of our time,
talent energy and lives--nourish a sad, hungry and broken world (from one end to the other) with the
love, the wisdom, the mercy, and the grace of our God?...

Awash and bursting in love, by a God who is always within reach, a whisper and prayer away...
Unfortunately in our time today, not many people can confidently say that they are blessed, loved
and loved by our Creator... But surely, that faith is one which most of us need in order to give life,
hope and light to a sad and darkened world... May we then always remember everyday, these words
by our Savior; that in our own little ways, we may each do our part to be immersed in the love and
presence of our God, and pour out a huge heaping of that love to others too...

Community... As one who grew up in the lower rungs of society, there is none more important to
survival and sanity than the support and help of family and friends... Probably because the poor have
no wealth to depend on, good relations with those who are at hand and around can ensure that we all
go through life whole and strong... And in a better world of perfect peace, this sense of community
will reign over all Man-made structures, systems and organizations... For the world does not need
bureaucracies, protocols, demagogues and fanatics to make it through wars and tragedies; but as
exemplified and willed by our Creator, people who care, people who give more than what they have,
people who go the extra mile...

The green thumb... I know of one who always makes it a point that whatever she wants to plant, she
lets the green thumb do it, while she just happily waters the plant everyday; saying that no matter
how faithful she is in watering, if she herself planted or sowed, the plant dies... Strangely, the story
today matches this recent exchange: no matter how we interpret or express our faith, only that which
was founded on the works of our God and Savior will bear good and worthy, everlasting fruit... Even
if we claim or profess it, if there is pride and malice, if induced by a desire for gain and fame, there is
no genuine faithfulness, and such a life will be full of doubt and fear, anxiety and insecurity... And
the Word today shows us Whose words to uphold: the eternal words of our Savior are our canons of
faith, while those of the epistles are mere interpretations for the culture at that time, and which we
would be remiss if we appropriate literally word-for-word in our time and generation today, because
many of these have lost context... May we always remember and heed the words of our Green
Thumb Gardener and True Vine, that our lives and spirits may thrive, bear fruit and last for all time...

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