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Connecting a Fragmented
Digital Architecture
A Roadmap for Reducing Digital Application
Sprawl Through Modern Integration

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 1 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
Bringing order to your digital application
sprawl improves data quality, insights, and
security so your business moves faster and
can make better decisions. This guide will
help you end the digital chaos by showing
how integration and automation play
essential roles in modern connectivity.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 2 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
Table of contents

01 Introduction
02 10 Questions to Answer to Plan Your Journey
03 Boomi and iPaaS
04 Conclusion

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 3 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
Application Proliferation

Organizations today use a vast set of applications to

run their businesses.

chaos • Large companies (more than 2,000 employees)

average 211 “best-of-breed” applications, an 8%
[ kay·aas ] noun increase from a year earlier

• Smaller companies use an average of 69 applications

1. State of total confusion with no order
• Multicloud adoption is growing — Amazon Web
2. Confused mass or mixture Services and Google Cloud Platform is the most
popular pairing

Source: Businesses at Work, Okta, 2023

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 4 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
Look behind the curtain at the digital architecture of any business How did this digital chaos happen? Two ways: gradually,
today, and chances are something will stand out: then suddenly.

Chaos. From the mainframe era to the emergence of the cloud to the 5G
revolution, technology innovation never stops. At points during
You’ll find multiple large-scale ERPs. There are antiquated legacy this digital evolution, the goal was consolidation. The promise
systems that perhaps date back decades. You’ll see dozens or even of enterprise resource planning (ERP) was a monolithic system
hundreds of point-solution applications and an explosion of data- that could handle all critical business operations – financials,
producing edge device networks. Some of these are on-premises manufacturing, supply chain, HR, etc.
tools, and others live in private or public clouds. Maybe a few
communicate with each other. But as a rule, this hodge-podge of When businesses couldn’t bend their business processes to fit their
technology probably doesn’t play well together. ERP systems, they began the expensive customization process.
When capability gaps still appeared, organizations added other
If you work for a well-established or large company, chances are high systems, some at the scale and cost of their initial ERP investment.
that infrastructure fragmentation and digital sprawl have left your
business disconnected. Data isn’t getting to the people who need it The result is today’s “Composable Enterprise Era.” Organizations
when they need it. The business can’t move fast or respond quickly to add and subtract best-of-breed applications as needed to solve
unexpected changes. You’re now at a competitive disadvantage. specific problems.

Companies can have hundreds of point-solution applications and data-producing edge

device networks. This hodge-podge of technology doesn’t tend to play well together.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 5 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
An independent global survey commissioned by Boomi found
that 94% of today’s organizations embrace composable ERP to
modernize their businesses. This guide won’t tell you what
But now, expensive technical debt also has piled up. Technologies solution to choose for addressing
are stacked atop one another until they resemble teetering your fragmented data landscape.
towers of toy blocks. The costs of managing this digital disorder Instead, it’s about the essential
are immense. Code-heavy integrations connecting everything
are time-consuming and challenging to maintain. An efficient,
questions you should ask yourself
comprehensive IT strategy becomes improbable. before starting. The answers can
provide a map for what’s required on
Bringing order to this chaos is the biggest challenge technology
leaders face. IT professionals understand that unifying systems
your journey from chaos to order.
is essential to creating the personalized, engaging experiences
customers demand today.

Integration plays a critical role. But businesses can find it

daunting to navigate the many solutions on the market.
There are competing visions of how best to address the
myriad of problems and create the best outcomes for your
business. Just figuring out where to start is bewildering.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 6 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
1 What Is Your Vision?

2 How Effectively Are You Delivering on Your Mission?

3 What Is Your Cloud Strategy?

4 What Are Your Security Concerns?

10 Questions To
Answer To Plan 5 What Is Your Plan for Scalability,
Composability, and Interoperability?

Your Journey From 6 What Is Your Philosophy Toward Low Code?

Chaos to Order
7 Do You Have an Agnostic Approach to Integration?

8 How Are You Working Through Your Technical Debt?

9 What Is Your Strategy for the Explosive Growth of Data?

10 What Is The Human Impact of Modernization?

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 7 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
While organizations have
made massive investments
What Is Your Vision? in digital transformation
initiatives, they’ve captured
Vision: The ability to think about or plan for the
less than one-third of the
future with imagination and wisdom. value they expected to
see from their efforts.
McKinsey Global Survey, 2022

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 8 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
Think Before You Leap

You may have heard of the “Five W’s” of For instance, if you’re in consumer
journalism: who, what, where, when, and manufacturing, is it about operational
why. (There’s also how.) Thinking like a excellence and high-quality products? Is it Benefit:
journalist is an excellent way to approach about creating the lowest-cost goods? Is Clearly defined goals.
the challenge of modernizing your digital it about expanding to a global presence?
architecture. Good questions make you Whatever the objective, that needs to
think and prompt discussion. become the North Star that guides your
decision-making process as you design a
Arguably, the most important technology infrastructure to help achieve it.
question is why?
It sounds counterintuitive because you
No IT leader wakes up one day and decides probably face a looming deadline. But
it’s time to modernize the company’s pause, step back, and ask thoughtful
infrastructure. Why are you doing this? questions about the motivations. The
answers will define your approach through
That will naturally lead to another question:
the modernization process and set the
What are you trying to accomplish?
stage for everything that comes next.
Unifying your technology infrastructure to
Then, you can think about the architecture
curtail digital sprawl is critically important
needed to support your decision-making
today. But it’s also merely a means to an
and the implementation required to make
end. What is your ultimate goal — or goals?
your vision a reality.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 9 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
2 IDG company Foundry found
that CEOs’ top priorities for
IT teams in 2023 are:
How Effectively Are 1. Strengthen IT and business

You Delivering Your collaboration

Mission Now? 2. Upgrade IT and data security

to reduce corporate risk

Mission: A specific task, goal, or objective to be 3. Improve the customer experience

accomplished by an individual or group.
2023 State of the CIO survey

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 10 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
Navigating the New Normal

Once you’ve established what you want to This will lead you to a broader discussion
achieve, you need to take stock of where around a wide-ranging host of potential
you are today and identify the pain points issues that complicate any modernization Benefit:
that must be addressed as you move initiative. Staffing concerns. Budget An accurate
forward. The first question was about what constraints. Existing digital architecture
understanding of
you want to accomplish in the future. complexity. Ability to create seamless
current problems.
customer experiences. It’s an exercise
But how do you do it now? that focuses on your use of digital tools
today and the need for incorporating new
Here you shift from your soaring
technology that simplifies your landscape
aspirations to today’s technical reality.
rather than adding to the digital sprawl.
How are you delivering on your mission
today? What are your digital challenges? Once you’ve established the vision and
Where are you succeeding, and where taken stock of the tools you have to
are you falling short? Where are your accomplish your mission, you can start
technology gaps? You may be surprised planning your modernization initiatives.
by some of the answers about your
current state of operations.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 11 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
Gartner says more than 85%
3 of organizations will embrace
cloud-first strategies by 2025, and
businesses will struggle to execute
What Is Your without relying on cloud-native
Cloud Strategy? architectures and technologies.

“There is no business strategy

Cloud Strategy: A definitive point of view for an
without a cloud strategy.”
organization on the role of cloud computing.
Milind Govekar
Gartner distinguished vice president
Gartner, Gartner Says Cloud Will Be the Centerpiece of New Digital
Experiences, 10 Nov 2021

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 12 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
Moving to the Cloud

Organizations face big architectural For instance, you may want to run your
decisions when it comes to cloud business on more than one cloud to avoid
adoption. Yes, the pandemic accelerated putting all of your eggs in one basket.
the migration trend as businesses You can use a private cloud and a mix of
desperately needed cloud computing to providers such as Microsoft Azure, AWS,
enable employees to perform their jobs Google Cloud, etc. Distributing your cloud
from anywhere, anytime, and continue architecture makes sense because each
satisfying customers. But that was merely vendor has different strengths and costs. It
another catalyst for a trend that already also increases reliability by spreading out
had gathered speed. the risk of downtime.

When you “move to the cloud,” it’s not There’s another essential question to
like there’s usually a single destination, consider. Are you cloud-first, cloud-only,
or location, as your endpoint. Cloud or cloud-smart? They’re very different
migration is part of a strategy that fits into technology philosophies.
your larger, hybrid technology landscape,
and it should be defined long before you
begin the move.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 13 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
Cloud-first: You primarily look to leverage are cloud-smart demonstrate a maturity
the cloud for services and technical that influences their long-term IT strategy.
elements of your environment. This Benefit:
A cloud-smart strategy looks at the
approach is typically used by older, more Dependability,
entirety of the environment from behind
established companies struggling with
the firewall to public clouds and private
flexibility, cost savings.
on-premises infrastructure and looking
to offload that burden as part of their IT clouds. Once you’ve adopted this mindset,
modernization program. you can create a strategic imperative
around what data to use, when, and how.
Cloud-only: You only use the cloud for all
of your business functions. This is common The trick is stitching it all together in
for younger, digital-native companies that a cost-effective way. The multicloud
do not have to contend with the burden of approach is more complicated because
legacy technical debt. you require integration expertise in Azure,
AWS, etc. That is unless you use a single,
Cloud-smart: You have a strategic view of independent tool to perform integrations
the cloud. You acknowledge that specific across all clouds and on-premises
processes and data either shouldn’t be systems. That will result in better time-to-
distributed across multiple clouds or aren’t value, more resilience, and the potential for
well-served in the cloud. Companies that lower cost of ownership.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 14 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.

What Are Your 38% of global business,

technology, and security
Security Concerns? leaders expect more serious
attacks via the cloud in 2023.
Security: A state of being free from
PwC 2023 Global Digital Trust Insights
danger or threat.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 15 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
The Shadow of Cyberthreats

Staying a step ahead of the bad guys are simply unavailable in legacy systems.
is what keeps leaders up at night.
We constantly hear about hacks and But to realize this value, you require an Benefit:
ransomware involving stolen personally integration process that matches all of
those cloud vendors’ security measures.
Cyberthreat reduction,
identifiable information (PII) and intellectual
That means meeting specific security improved privacy,
property. Security is fundamental to every
decision a business makes. If you want to and compliance regulations, such as compliance.
get funding for a project as a technology FedRAMP certification, GDPR support, and
leader, tie it to cyber-readiness and the high-security encryption. Legacy systems
reduction of organizational risk. won’t allow you to operate that way. But a
modern integration platform enables you to
Executives at businesses with an over- connect legacy on-premises systems and
reliance on legacy tools have good reason to the cloud to transport data more securely.
be staring at the ceiling. There’s an inherent
risk of legacy systems opening digital doors As we think about cloud-smart strategies,
to intruders. Antiquated technology can date it’s more than how you connect systems.
back decades to when we couldn’t fathom It’s also when and why. Perhaps personal
today’s world of connectivity. information shouldn’t be accessible
everywhere, all the time. Instead, it should
One benefit of modern, cloud-based be in one secure location. That way,
technologies is an inherent uplift in specific information can only be accessed
cybersecurity. You gain all the operational when needed – in real-time. Modern
excellence and vigilance of companies integration provides that kind of flexibility
like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google that to support a more secure architecture.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 16 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
By 2023, organizations that
have adopted a composable
What Is Your Plan for approach to ERP will
outpace the competition
Scalability, Composability, by 80% in the speed of new
and Interoperability? feature implementation.”
Gartner, The Future of ERP Is Composable,
Scalability: The capacity to handle Oct. 13, 2020
growing size by adding resources without
being limited by the existing structure.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 17 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.

Immediate problems demand your Scalability: Designing and

attention. But if you only solve for today, building a technology ecosystem
there will be a reckoning tomorrow. to grow with your business. Benefit:
Modernization is about the short term and Resilience,
Composability: Easily interchanging
setting a foundation for the future.
and reusing application building flexibility, speed.
The days of five-year IT plans are long blocks as needed.
gone. We don’t know what’s on the horizon
because technological change has Interoperability: Capability
accelerated so rapidly. We can no longer for all systems to always work
be sure what to expect next quarter, next together cohesively.
month, or even next week. When we lack
These three concepts are interconnected
visibility into an accurate long-range
when you’re architecting a digital landscape
forecast, we must do our best to prepare
that will be responsive to circumstances
for anything.
that you can’t possibly foresee or even
Leaders are well-advised to think hard about imagine. (Like, for instance, a fast-moving
each of the following points when planning global pandemic.) Every technology
an infrastructure simplification strategy: executive knows that innovation is coming.
The challenging part is preparing for that
unknown disruption as best you can.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 18 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
6 By 2025, 70% of new
applications developed by
enterprises will use low-code
What Is Your Philosophy or no-code technologies (up
from less than 25% in 2020).”
Toward Low Code? Gartner, Forecast Analysis: Low-Code
Development Technologies, 2021
Low Code: A visual approach to development
for applications and processes that involves
drag-and-drop, shape-based methodology
instead of code.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 19 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
Citizen Integration

Traditional coding is slow, costly, and requires 10 developers building out applications,
a sophisticated skill set that’s in extremely they will all write their code differently. They
high demand. Yet businesses have to will test and document differently. But that Benefit:
move faster than ever to meet customer code still will have to interoperate. Low Time-to-value,
expectations and adjust to evolving market code substitutes those potentially complex
conditions. IT departments have become a variants of code with one consistent
bottleneck – a modernization chokepoint – approach. The build is much quicker. Testing
cost savings.
for getting projects out the door. is easier. Implementation is smoother.

Low code enables developers and less Undoubtedly, this will change the view of
technical people within business lines development in the future. The developer
to move quickly. Productivity increases will become an orchestrator of systems
without hiring more expensive talent – if and processes. Yes, there will continue
you can find it. Low code also empowers to be a need for custom coding. But the
roles like business analysts to accomplish only way organizations can deliver on the
projects in a self-service manner. These accelerating volume of tasks that meet
“citizen innovators,” who likely don’t have demanding business requirements without
coding backgrounds, can tackle integration breaking budgets is to limit the complexity
challenges with minimal IT input. of code stacks.

The most significant impact of low code Low code achieves that.
is simplicity and consistency. If you have

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 20 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
7 As organizations rely on
best-of-breed technology to
accomplish specific tasks, Gartner
Do You Have an Agnostic found: “By 2023, organizations
that have adopted an intelligent
Approach to Integration? composable approach will
outpace competition by
Agnostic: Not preferring a particular 80% in the speed of new
device or system. feature implementation.”
Gartner, The Future of ERP is Composable,
Oct. 13, 2020

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 21 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
Composable Enterprise Era

We’re talking about technology, not AWS, and Microsoft Azure. If you implement
theology. Agnosticism in IT maintains their native APIs for integration, you have to
unbiased attitudes toward any specific learn how to integrate data from five different Benefit:
digital tools to solve business problems. tools. But if you have an agnostic integration Connectivity,
Businesses leverage the technologies solution, you only have to learn one system.
that work best for them because one size
doesn’t fit all. That’s how you end up with Dataflow between environments flexibility.
several major cloud providers, multiple is seamless. Your distributed cloud
ERPs, and stacks of applications. architecture across multiple environments
is cleaner. You’ll have a holistic view of how
Managing it all is a nightmare. A neutral data moves across your infrastructure.
integration strategy makes it easier. That’s because your integrations use
one process model and a single layer of
Think Switzerland. You want an independent connectivity. Then, whenever you make
tool capable of moving data seamlessly changes in your cloud strategy, you don’t
between all technologies and avoiding the have to learn yet another integration system.
lock-in that occurs when using more limited
integration tools offered by the mega- The best part is that an agnostic tool
vendors. An agnostic toolset connects doesn’t force you to do anything. You
everything to everyone. run your business as you see fit. It works
alongside whatever architecture you’ve
Let’s say you use five major cloud vendors: chosen to design. Technology should adjust
IBM Cloud, Google Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, to you, not the other way around.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 22 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
CIOs reported that 10-to-20% of
8 the technology budget dedicated
to new products gets diverted to
resolving issues related to tech
How Are You debt. They estimated that tech
Working Through Your debt amounts to 20-to-40% of
their entire technology estate.
Technical Debt? And 60% felt their organization’s
tech debt had risen perceptibly
Technical Debt: The cost organizations spend on over the previous three years.
existing digital technology that produces limited
McKinsey, 2020 survey
results instead of investing in approaches for
better market opportunities.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 23 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
Real Cost of Tech Debt

Technical debt is the negative impact As problematic as they might be, those
due to technology that doesn’t meet antiquated systems can be the backbone
business needs. That includes software, of organizations. “Rip and replace” Benefit:
hardware, maintenance, and staff costs often is not an option because it’s not Cost savings, reduced
related to maintaining old technology. It’s feasible for the business. “Lift and shift”
infrastructure, faster
a drain on resources, leads to lost market is a more gradual process of reducing
opportunities, and creates cyber risks. the technical debt load. As you make
time to market.
your own architectural decisions and
Modernization enables organizations to develop timelines around cloud adoption,
make more efficient resource allocations it’s essential to have a plan in place for
for strategic investments. As technology the smooth transfer of data between
leaders manage digital transformation, modern systems and the existing legacy
they often attempt to tie those efforts infrastructure during the transition.
to cost-shifting/savings and market
opportunities. The benefits of moving away That way, you can continue to get the most
from on-premises legacy systems to the from those older systems in the short term
cloud are apparent. But leaders can’t just – even enhancing what they can deliver.
wave magic wands and instantaneously Then, legacy infrastructure can be retired
make those upgrades. in a less disruptive manner when it makes
more sense.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 24 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
A survey found that 55% of
data within organizations is
What Is Your Strategy “dark,” meaning they either
for the Explosive don’t know they have the
data, or they know they have
Growth of Data? it but not how to use it.
Splunk, The State of Dark Data
Data: Facts and statistics collected together for
reference or analysis.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 25 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
The Modern Data Challenge

Getting your head around the massive for what’s coming next? There are several Making Data Usable. Automated workflows
amounts of data created today is difficult. ways that organizations do this as part of speed up converting data into the
IDC has estimated that by 2025, 175 a holistic strategy that goes behind simply information required for designing the
zettabytes of data will exist worldwide. A connecting data sources. engaging experiences people want.
zettabyte is a trillion gigabytes of data.
(It’s a long string of zeros.) Discovering and Cataloging Data. Surveys Because technology landscapes are
estimate that data scientists spend 30-to- fragmented, data is everywhere. In this
Data is coming from more distributed 40% of their valuable (and expensive) time era of decentralization, seamless data
endpoints now than ever, and it’s also used identifying, cleaning, and enriching data management reduces complexity and
in more distributed ways. About 50% will before it can be used for insights. Locating creates instantaneous access to the most
soon be sensor data created in IoT devices and accessing your data is a significant precious resource in every business.
coming from the edge. Also helping fuel challenge even before considering how to
that growth is the adoption of 5G, which use it.
provides organizations with an even more
efficient pipeline to move data. That mix of Synchronizing Data. Data is structured
differently in every system. But aligning
structured and unstructured data is more
data to have a single “golden record”
varied than ever before. Because much of it
is unknown data, managing what you can’t creates a commonality across multiple Business insights,
see is impossible. applications. That provides a critical customer experience,
360-degree view of a customer, time savings.
How is your organization dealing with data transaction, process, etc. Only then
management today while also preparing can you derive trusted insights.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 26 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
10 More than 90% of surveyed business
leaders believe using technology to
improve work outcomes and team
What Is The Human performance is important or very
important to their organization’s
Impact of Modernization? success. Yet only 22% believe
their organizations are ready to
Modernization: The process of updating systems use technology to improve work
and making them work in a contemporary setting. outcomes and team performance.
Deloitte 2023 Global Human Capital Trends

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 27 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
Remote Work Is Here to Stay

We’ve reached the most critical development skills aren’t as valued. For
question when it comes to modernization. customers, it can mean consumerized
It’s vital to consider things like data digital experiences such as those perfected Benefit:
security, cloud strategies, and scalability. by Amazon, Netflix, Uber, and more. For Better customer and
But ultimately, the human element of citizens, it might be more transparent
employee experience.
modernization will determine the success access to government services and better
or failure of your initiatives. quality of life because things like potholes
are fixed quicker.
Modernization affects everyone. It will
impact people uniquely, depending on We often spend so much time focused on
their roles and groups. Internally, you have technology innovations and not enough
IT people, sales teams, production workers, thinking about the people who implement,
etc. Externally, you have customers and use, and ultimately benefit from them. But
partners. All are touched differently by it always comes back to human beings.
digital transformation. Don’t lose sight of the fact that the ripples
of modernization radiate far and wide –
For many employees, it might mean significantly impacting the day-to-day
enabling remote work, which can have existence of real people. All of their concerns
benefits (less commuting) and challenges and needs are valid. They all deserve
(more social isolation and home life stress). consideration as you create experiences
For people in IT, modernization might that everyone can feel positive about as you
mean low-code technology that can make digitally transform your organization.
their jobs easier and raise concerns their

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 28 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
Boomi and iPaaS
Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS):
Technology that enables the building, deployment,
and management of integration flows connecting
on-premises and cloud-based applications.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 29 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
Show a dozen people a screw, and they will likely pick up 12 wide variety of disparate applications and systems. The platform
different screwdrivers. (Or maybe someone will pick up a manages those integrations so everyone can instantly access
hammer.) Technology is the same. There’s no single way to what they want. It is ideal for harnessing distributed data under
solve any challenge. It’s subjective, based on your business and one umbrella for clear visibility and easier management – today
specific needs. And something that works today might not be the and in the future.
best solution tomorrow.
Organizations can tap into the collective knowledge of Boomi’s
But when it comes to connecting business processes, an global network of more than 100,000 users and 65,000 certified
integration platform as a service (iPaaS) is extraordinarily developers with experience using the platform to implement
efficient and well-constructed to solve the problem of integrations – the Boomiverse. Also, Boomi’s AI capabilities
fragmented infrastructure landscapes. It enables organizations enable you to tap into the knowledge of every developer
to take an agnostic approach to integrate highly complex who came before you by offering suggestions based on their
landscapes in a modular, composable, and scalable way. An experiences in mapping similar integrations.
iPaaS is appropriate for helping:
One of the key technical benefits of an iPaaS in general, and
• Manage a diverse, extensive portfolio of integrations Boomi in particular, is that organizations can integrate whatever
• Implement integrations faster to improve time-to-value systems they want, wherever they need it, in a more structured
way. But Boomi takes the idea of connection one step further.
• Accelerate the modernization of business processes
By connecting anyone to anything at any time on any device,
• Overwhelmed IT teams keep up with business needs
you can create the kinds of integrated experiences that people
Boomi was the integration and automation trailblazer, expect – and demand – today. Boomi enables you to think about
introducing the concept of a low-code, cloud-native tool. The a seamless journey through every technology touchpoint to
Boomi platform connects any digital environment containing a create the best, integrated experiences.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 30 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
We’ve found that 94% of CIOs
are under strong pressure
Conclusion to deliver more quickly.
Most just don’t have the
tools to do it. Their tools are
Order: A state of working correctly;
outdated, and they need
peace and freedom from confusion.
new ways to deliver.”
Dion Hinchcliffe, Vice President and Principal
Analyst at Constellation Research

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 31 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
Pressure to Deliver
Today, IT teams have an unofficial role: complexity management.
But the task of simplifying digital architectures is difficult.
Technology ecosystems are complicated and fragmented. Data
is everywhere. Legacy systems are not well-suited to deal with
decentralized data. Connecting all applications and systems to
unify the entire landscape is challenging. Yet the rewards are
immense when you can achieve that goal.

A cohesive architecture gives you the flexibility to deal with

changing market conditions and the speed to pounce on business
opportunities. In our one-click world, you can create the personal
and relevant customer experiences that people crave today.

Fast, secure, and reliable integration is at the heart of modernization

efforts, delivering on that promise. That’s how you connect
fragmented digital architecture and move from chaos to order.

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 32 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.
Boomi aims to make the world a better place by connecting everyone to everything,
anywhere. The pioneer of cloud-based integration platform as a service (iPaaS), and
now a category-leading, global software as a service (SaaS) company, Boomi touts the
largest customer base among integration platform vendors and a worldwide network
of approximately 800 partners – including Accenture, Capgemini, Deloitte, SAP, and
Snowflake. Global organizations turn to Boomi’s award-winning platform to discover,
manage, and orchestrate data while connecting applications, processes, and people for
better, faster outcomes. For more information, visit

From Chaos to Order: Connecting a Fragmented Digital Architecture 33 Copyright © 2023 Boomi, LP.

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