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self introduction &
Reading Descriptive

The syllabus is a specific set of the

content of course and list of topics Guessing Picture Present Tense
which are to be covered in a subject.
While syllabus design or curriculum
is the process of development of the Part of speech Report
entire syllabus.



Hello! My name is Khalida Ahmed and I from Afghanistan. I am now living in
Middlesbrough, which is a lovely place to live. I have a big family, three young
boys and two little girls. My husband Jalal is a taxi driver, so he is quite busy all
day. I am housewife and stay at home to take care of the family and I am also
very busy. I'm not only a housewife but an ESOL student at Middlesbrough
College. I study English twenty hours a week because I want to improve my
English to help my children with their homework and become an active person
in my community. In the future, I would like to be a teacher assistant, like my
mother. My best friend is Alya. She studies English with me and in our free
time, we like to go shopping in town or meet up with other ladies for coffee at
Costa. We also like to go to the open Market at weekends and do ou shopping
there. My favourite TV shows are Arabic 'daytime sramas', but I also watch
CBBC with my children. I pick up new words and learn how to pronounce the
words correctly. I love my new life in the UK, but I still miss my friends and my
family in my country.
Answer the following in full
1. Where is Khalida from?

2. Where is she living now?

3. What is her husband's job?

4. Why does she go to college?

How to Introduce Yourself?
What do you say when you meet someone
new? Introduce yourself ofcourse!

Hi sholehah, on this topic we are going to learn

about how to introduce ourselves in English
like a native, as you may need to do it in your
English class, at a job interview, at a new job, a
new hobby, or at a big event.

Sometimes, we feel nervous when we have to

introduce ourselves to a large audience
Let's focus on the things you can do every
time you need to introduce yourself to
somebody new:

State who you are clearly Know your audience

Try not to mumble or else the person It doesn't matter if you're speaking
you're introducing yourself to might to one person or a thousand.
have to ask again knowing your audience is a key.

Be friendly If you are sitting when you first

meet omebody you are going to
Even in formal situations, you can be introduce yourself to, then it's
friendly. Saying someting like "Hi guys.. always best to STAND if you are
I'm..." with a smile says a lot about you. able. it's often seen as the polite
thing to do.
Introducing oneself Responses

Please, allow me to introduce

How do you do? Nice to meet you
myself. I am...

Good morning, My name is... Good Morning. How do you do?

May I introduce myself? I am... I am... pleased to meet you.

Let me introduce myself. My name

I am... pleased to meet you.

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