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A pandemic is the global outbreak of a disease.

It can also defined as an epidemic that spreads to

more than one continent. According to the WHO, a pandemnic involve the worldwide spread of a
new disease. Sometimes people cannot differentiate between pandemic and epidemic While an
epidemic remains limited to one city, region, or country, a pandemic spread beyond national borders
and possibly worldwide. Pandemics are generally classify as epidemics first, which is the rapid spread
of a disease across a particular region or regions. A pandemic happens when infection due a
bacterium or virus becomes capable of spreading widely and rapidly. The disease behind a pandemic
can cause severe illness and spread easily from one person to the next. If an infection becomes
widespread in several countries at the same time, it may turn into a pandemic. Most virus
pandemics have caused by influenza (flu) viruses. Bacteria that become resistant to antibiotic
treatment may also behind the rapid spread. Humans may have little or no immunity against a new
virus. Often, a new virus cannot spread between animals and people. However, if the disease
changes or mutates it may start to spread easily, and a pandemic may result. A pandemic affects a
higher number of people and can be more deadly than an epidemic. It can also led to more social
disruption, economic loss, and general hardship on a wider scale

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