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1. How does Claudius kill Hamlet’s father ?

1. By loosing a poisonous serpent in the garden
2. By hiring an assassin
3. By poisoning his drink
4. By pouring poison into his ear

2. What does the king’s ghost ask Hamlet to do?

1. To flee for his life
2. To avenge his death
3. To protect his mother
4. To protect his uncle
3. What does Hamlet do to avoid Claudius’s attention?
1. He pretends to be mad
2. He pretends to be sick
3. He hides in a secret place
4. He leaves the castle

4. What is not a reason that made Hamlet unable to expose Claudius?

1. He did not want to spoil his mother’s happiness
2. He was afraid of Claudius
3. He had doubts on the spirit
4. He was not sure if Claudius was a real murderer

5. Why does Hamlet act crazy in front of Ophelia?

1. He does not love her anymore
2. He is a mean person
3. He does not want to go to the performance that she asked him to
4. He knowa Polonius sent her and that Polonius would report to Claudius

6. What happens in the Queen’s room?

1. The Queen is alone in the room waiting for Hamlet, as she promised
2. The Queen is happy to see her son
3. Polonius is killed by Hamlet
4. Claudius comes in to protect Polonius

7. How does Hamlet return to Denmark?

1. England sendst him back
2. Pirates rescues him
3. Horatio comes to his rescue
4. He bribes the ship captain
8. Why does he go back to the castle?
1. he has nowhere else to go
2. he miss living there
3. he wants to see his mother again
4. to right all the wrongs

9. King Claudius is...?

1. deceptive
2. generous
3. charismatic
4. wise

10. What is TRUE about Claudius’ plan to kill Hamlet?

1. He planned to make guards attack Hamlet
2. He planned to kill the Queen together with Hamlet
3. He planned to use poison
4. He planned to pour poison into his ear

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