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Raise Your Game Summary

1-Sentence-Summary: Raise
Your Game  delves into the philosophy of peak
performance presented by a former basketball coach who achieved success by
focusing on self-awareness, discipline, and a series of virtues .

Peak performance, regardless of your area of improvement, can only be achieved through hard work
and discipline. Being consistent and driven in your actions beats talent by far, and it can make you
successful in ways that native inclinations cannot.

Raise Your Game focuses on the importance of discipline, improving your mindset constantly,
eliminating performance gaps, and acknowledging the essential virtues in life. By drawing lessons
from the sports industry, the book exposes the most valuable truths about success and peak

Three of the most useful lessons from the book:

1. Self-awareness and discipline are the starting point of all successful endeavors.
2. Comparison builds self-doubt and takes away time and confidence from us.
3. When you’re facing a mountain of work, take everything step by step.

Lesson 1: A person that is highly self-aware and is willing to work hard

consistently becomes unstoppable

The author praises knowing thyself as the single, most important first step in your journey towards
success. Without a clear starting point, there’s no way to tell what to improve. To become self-aware,
you’ll have to do a thorough introspection and answer the essential aspects of your life. Questions like
what are your biggest strengths, what are you good at, and what’s your purpose and true desires on
earth – are all excellent starting points.

Without consistency in your actions, your efforts will be in vain. Set a standard, work hard to achieve
it, and even surpass it. Working on yourself is one of the highest forms of self-respect and self-love, so
putting as many hours into that as possible will build your mind, body, and soul. Therefore, start by
practicing self-awareness and once you’ve established an objective, work restlessly to achieve it.
Lesson 2: If you want to live a happy life, stop comparing yourself to
someone else

Comparison is the mother of doubt, and it makes us feel miserable. No matter who you are, you’ll
always find someone prettier, smarter, more musculus, younger, and richer than you. Comparing
your situation with someone else’s will only slow down your goals, with no added benefit whatsoever.

Self-doubt is a toxic trait of humans and it holds us back from achieving our highest potential because
even if we compare, it’ll never help us become the subject of our envy. The first one is self-awareness,
and then, there’s confidence.

Lesson 3: Taking the first step towards your goal can feel overwhelming if
you don’t start gradually

Knowing where you stand from every point of view is generally a wise approach to life, yet sometimes
it can put us down and kill our morale. Realizing how much work needs to be done and that your
goals are far away into the future is not fun.

Start small, and focus on gradual steps. Your goal may look far from the present, but starting today
will surely take you one step closer to achieving it. With a lot of hard work and discipline targeted
towards a clearly-defined goal, there’s virtually no foreseeable way to fail.

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