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Elon Musk learned everything about Rocket Industries from Book.

He proved you don’t need a degree of

certain industries if you want to work in that. You can self learn too.

When Tesla and SpaceX were almost Bankrupt He did not give up. He Came Stronger and made both a
multi-billion dollar success. He Proved that you can make impossible things possible by just working

He Betted his Entire wealth on his dreams for just making it come true. He proved if you can take big
risks then you can achieve big successes.

He got divorced by his first wife and has 5 kids now. Still Managing everything in a good way and
changing the world at the same time. He proved if you are dedicated enough towards your goal then
nothing can stop you.

1. SpaceX shows that it can be done.

Within just a few years of launching his rocket startup, Elon Musk persuaded NASA to sign billion-dollar
contracts to replace the decommissioned space shuttle with a newly designed vessel from SpaceX.

Politics matters in big deals just as much as technological ingenuity, so this wasn’t easy.

SpaceX employs more than 3,000 people, mostly in California. The traditional U.S. aerospace industry
employs more than 500,000 people, spread throughout all 50 states.

Unsurprisingly, members of Congress don’t want to give up federal funds going to their home districts.

But since complex sales require making just a few deals each year, a sales grandmaster like Elon Musk
can use that time to focus on the most crucial people —and even to overcome political inertia.

2. TIMING plays a big role.

In 2009, it was easy to think that the government would continue to support cleantech: “green jobs”
were a political priority, federal funds were already earmarked, and Congress even seemed likely to pass
cap-and-trade legislation.

But where others saw generous subsidies that could flow indefinitely, Tesla CEO Elon Musk rightly saw a
one-time-only opportunity.

In January 2010—about a year and a half before Solyndra imploded under the Obama administration
and politicized the subsidy question—Tesla secured a $465 million loan from the U.S. Department of

A half-billion-dollar subsidy was unthinkable in the mid-2000s.

It’s unthinkable today. There was only one moment where that was possible, and Tesla played it

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