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HYPERSTOP DB HYDRO SWELING BENTONITE WATERSTOPS BANG CAN NUGC TRUONG NO HYPERSTOP DB HYPERSTOP DB KOMIX Since 2004 HYPERSTOP DB TECHNICAL DATA SHEET KOMIX TAI LIEU KY THUAT Since 2004 DESCRIPTION / MO TA Hyperstop DB is a hydro swelling water stop which seals construction joints effectively. The principal component of Hyperstop DBis sodium bentonite a material which swells in the presence of water. Hyperstop DBis installed as a rubbery strip in the center of construction joints. Water which enters the joint will cause Hyperstop DB to swell. The high swelling pressure of Hyperstop DB seals any cracks and voids effectively. | Hyperstop DB [a bang can nuée dang truong né;, tap day khe hé trong mach ngling bé tong mét céch higu qua. Thanh phan chinh cia Hyperstop DB Ia Natri c6 thé truong no khi tiép xc voi nude. Hyperstop DB duc thi cing lp dat chin gira & doc theo mach ngleng bé tng, Nuéc tham vao mach ngizng sé gay phan tng truong né cho Hyperstop DB. Hyperstop DB truvong né véi ap yc cao sé lap day céc vét nut & khoang trong higu qua. ADVANTAGE / U'U DIEM Easy to install by bonding nailing or casting into joint face. Factory made connectors enable full tegration of swellable and exciting Hyperstop DB networks. Swelling properties uneffected by long term wet/dry cycling. Sustains effective seal in wet conditions. Dé thi cng bang cach d6ng dinh. Cé thé lién hé voi nha sén xuat dé biét thém théng tin v 6 gian no cla HYPERSTOP DB. B4 gin nd khong phu thudc vao thai gian wét hay khé cia chu ky. Duy tri niém phong co higu qua trong didu kién am uct. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES / TINH CHAT VAT LY eG Nena ores Bra es TEST METHOD TEN CHI TIEU KET QUA. ane Chan ue Specific gravity at 25 °C / Trong long riéng 6 25°C 4.35 Heat-resistance Test / Kha nang khéing nhiét 15% Varition Rate of Length / TIé bién dang theo chiéu di Deformity of Appearance / 6 bién dang cia b8 mat No Abnormality ASTM D-71 Cold-resistance Test / 56 lanh khang thir nghiém Khong thay €61 Color / Mau séc Black / en Expansion volume rate / Til9 ting thé tich 250% - 300% =) HYPERSTOP DB TECHNICAL DATA SHEET KOMIX TAI LIEU KY THUAT Since 2004 PACKAGES / 5 HYPERSTOP DB-2015: 20mm x 15mm x 5.000mm / roll(cuén). 7roll(cudn) / box(thung) HYPERSTOP DB-2519: 25mm x 19mm x 5.000mm / roll(cudn), Groll(cudn)/ box(thung) TECHNICAL SUPPORT / HO TRO KY THUAT Provides a technical advisory service for on site assistance and device on curning membrane selection, evalulation trials dispensing equipment. Technical date and guidance can be provided for Hyperstop DB and other products for in the construction. Cung cp dich vy tur van ky thuat trén trang web. Tu van iva chon, bao quan & huéng dan lap dat. Huéng dn kj thuat c6 thé st: dung cho HYPERSTOP DB & cacsan pham cing lai trong xdy dung: 1. Where ground water may be contaminated badly with lime water or sea salt, consult the manufacturer for uitability of using this product. Noi nude ngém cé thé bj 6 nhiém nang né voi nudc voi hoac mudi bién, nén tham khao y kién cdc nha san xuat khi si dung sain pham nay. 2. Hyperstop DB should be centrally placed in the joint and requires a minimum concrete cover of 50mm to confine swelling pressure. Hyperstop DBnén dug dat tryctiép vo mach nging bé tong va cach mat ngoai bé téng I6i thidu la 50mm. 3. Do not immersion in water before the next concrete to be pour expansion of 250%- 300% is achieved after 6 days continuous contact with water. Khong &@ tiép xdc vai nude true khi do bé tong mach nging. BO trong nd 250% - 300% sé dat dugcsau6 ngay tiép xuc tryctiép voi nus, SWELLING CHART / SO’ DO TRUONG N x» HYPERSTOP DB TECHNICAL DATA SHEET KOMIX TAI LIEU KY THUAT Since 2004 GENERAL APPLICATIONS Hyperstop DB application include both vertical and horizontal concrete construction joints, new-to- exiting construction, irregular surfaces, around through wall & floor penetrations, such as plumbing & electrical conduit. Hyperstop DB is designer for both hydro static and nonhydrostatic conditions. Hyperstop DB is not designed,nor intended to fuction as an expansion joint sealant. Contact Manufacturer for precast concrete application, technical information and ap proval. Hyperstop DBis designed for structural concrete with a minimum of 3000 psi. Hyperstop DB require a minimum 3” (75mm) of concrete coverage of 2"(50mm). . Hyperstop DB thi cong cho mach ngirng bé tng ding va ngan, bé tong mdi, bé mat khéng déu, va xun, quanh 06 éng xuyén tuong va san, chang han nhu’hé théng 6ng nuéc va éng dan dién. Hyperstop DB co the ng dung cho hang muc chiu ap Ic thiiy tinh. Hyperstop DB khéng phai la sealant tram khe. Lién hé voi nha san xuat dé biét thém théng tin ky thuat khi tng dung cho bé tong duc s&n, Hyperstop DB dugc thiét ké cho két cau bé tong t6i thiéu I 3000 psi. Hyperstop DB khi lap dat phai cach bé mat bé tong hoan thién tdi thiéu 2"(50mm) -3"(75 mm). HYPERSTOP DB TYPICAL PLACEMENT OF HYPERSTOP DB AT CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION JOINT. VI TRI CUA HYPERSTOP DB TRONG MACH NGUNG XAY DU'NG CUA BE TONG =) HYPERSTOP DB TECHNICAL DATA SHEET KOMIX TAI LIEU KY THUAT Since 2004 GENERAL APPLICATIONS DUNG The Hyperstop DB may be installed either into a groove cast in the concrete or directly onto the concrete surface. Full application instructions, including the use of the ancillary products, are contained in a separate applicationleaflet which is available on request. A flexible butyl rubber and swelable clay waterproofing compound that swells upon contact with water to form a long-lasting compression seal in non moving concrete joints. Hyperstop DB requires a 2 inch minimum clear coverage from the face of the concrete. Hyperstop DB is used primarily for foundation walls slabs, slabs-on-grade, precast wall panels, main holes, pipe connections, box culverts, utility and burial valuets, wet wells, and portable water tanks. HYPERSTOP DB cé thé cai d&t vao ranh mach ngtrng bé téng hoac tryvc tiép |8n bd mat bé tong. Day aii cac hung dn ting dung, bao gdm ca vigc sir dung cdcsan phdmhé tre déuc6 trong tailiguhudngdan, ‘Voi thanh phan cao su(butyl) linh hoat & hop chat dat sét chong tham truong né khitiep xUc voi nude sé lap ay & chén chat cac khoang hé trong mach ngung bé tong. HYPERSTOP DB yéu cau dat cach bé mat tuéng 50mm, HYPERSTOP DB dugc sit dung cho turéng tang ham, tuéng dic sin, 8 ty, éng ndi, cng hp, sé higu qua hon khi str dung cho hé chiranuéc. Hyperstop DB on rough surface Hyperstop DB trén bé mat gd ghé Hyperstop DB expansion and seal all the rough surface , . . Hyperstop DB truong no & lap day bé mat gd ghé x» HYPERSTOP DB TECHNICAL DATA SHEET KOMIX TAI LIEU KY THUAT Since 2004 GENERAL INSTALLATION PROCEDURES aN oe Suface preparation: Surfaces should be clean and dry. Remove all dirt, rocks, rust or other debris. Do not intall HYPERSTOP DBin standing HYPERSTOP DB. ‘Chuan bi mat bang: Mat bang phai sach &kho. Don sach da, cacmanh vun, bui & gisat. Khéng lap dat HYPERSTOP DB theo chiéu ding cla HYPERSTOP DB. Intallation: Install Hyperstop DP to the construction joint by nails, 200 ~ 300mm/nail comes along with the waterstop line. Do not install Hyperstop onto the areas that are ponded of water. Hyperstop DB is recommended for installation outside of any formed keyway in poured-in-place concrete construction. Hyperstop DB can be installed in a formed keyway with the approval of the structural engineer. Hyperstop DB is recommended for installation outside of any formed keyway in poured-in- place concrete construction. Lap dat: Dung dinh thép dinh vi HYPERSTOP DB lén mach ngng cén lp HYPERSTOP DB. Go’bé l6p gidy xung quanh & dng din thé dh vf HYPERSTOP DB doe theo mach ning, déng dinh nh vcéch nha 20-30mm. 88 c6 két qua t6t nhat thi cng HYPERSTOP DB khdng ép dung durgc cho khu vc dang ngap nuéc. HYPERSTOP DB dug khuyén khich ap dung cho ben ngoai bat ky mach ngung bé tong tai cong trinh. HYPERSTOP DB trong qua trinh lap dat c6 thé néi voi nhau véi sy chap thuan clia ky su céng trinh. Tham khdo y kién nha san xuat déi voi nhting truéng hop khong cb & huéng dan, HYPERSTOP DB khong dugcthiétké hay cé chirenang (ng dung nhu chat tram khe. ae Tecmo a HYPERSTOP DB TECHNICAL DATA SHEET KOMIX TAI LIEU KY THUAT Since 2004 PILE CAPS AND GRADE BEAMS / D. DAM BE TONG Install Hyperstop-DB in all applicable concrete construction joints around or adjacent to pile caps and grade beams. Install Hyperstop DB around pile caps and grade beams above the layer (not contacting) of exterior waterproofing to establish a separate Hyperstop layer. Contour all I-beams, extending outward from pile caps with Hyperstop DB or encircle all metal reinforcement rods extending out of pile caps. Lap dat HYPERSTOP DB trong tat cd cac mach ngimng bé téng, quanh dai cgc hoac khu vue tiép giap san & dam bé tong. Lap dat HYPERSTOP DB xung quanh dai coc va dam, trén lop chéng tham. LapbHYPERSTOP_ DB quanh cécdam séttai vitri xung quanh dai coc. Hypertop 3 Grade beam | en EK \ddlay watrprocting, Hyperstop DB beam +— Pile Hyperstop DB ¢ L-beam Hyperstop DB. KOMIX Since 2004 HYPERSTOP DB TECHNICAL DATA SHEET TAI LIEU KY THUAT PENETRATIONS / LIEN KET O a \/ HVPERSTOP DB JNON-SHRINK GROUT Install Hyperstop DB directly around all applicable single and multiple poured-in-place or sleeved pipe penetrations. Lap dat HYPERSTOP DB quanh cd éng xuyen tuong & xuyén san. Install Hyperstop DB around ‘outer diameter of the pipe. Lap dét HYPERSTOP DB xung ‘quanh mép bén ngoaicd éng. as, around any block out box construction joint. Lap dat HYPERSTOP DB xung quanh ‘bén ngoal ting cb éng & ung quanh vi tri tiép giap gia san é tong & vita khong oo ngét dé lan 2taivitri cb éng. NON-SHRINK GROUT METALSLEEVE NON-SHRINK GROUT METAL SLEEVE HYPERSTOP DB IRREGULAR CONCRETE SLEEVED PIPE PENETRATIONS Install Hyperstop DB around the outer diameter of the sleeve. Install another Hyperstop DB strip between the sleeve's inner diameter & the pipe, contacting both surfaces continuously. (CO ONG LONG TRONG ONG Lép dat HYPESTOP DB xung quanh dng bén trong lan bén ngoai, sao choHYPESTOP DB tiép xic vei ca2maténg, ‘SLEEVED PIPE PENETRATIONS When there is an excessive gap between the inner diameter of the sleeve & the pipe, it may be necessary to install two separate Hyperstop DB strips one on the inner diameter & the other on the pipe. Then completely fill the void area between the sleeve and the pipe with non-shrinkgrout. GS LONGNAMTRONG ONG Khi Khe khogng cach gita dudng ‘ng qua lon. Lap dat Hyperstop DP ‘yao: Mép ngoai Gng no, mep trong ng lon va mép ngoai ng lop (Xem hinh va) sau dé 46 grout Install hyperstop db to existing irregular concrete or stone surfaces. Pross HYPERSTOP DB continuously against irregular surface, contouring all rises and dopressions. Lap dt HYPESTOP DB len b8 mat gd gh@ khéng déu. Nndn HYPERSTOP DB lién tucép sal vao bd mattbe tong va dong dinh, =) HYPERSTOP DB TECHNICAL DATA SHEET KOMIX TAI LIEU KY THUAT Since 2004 IRREGULAR CONCRETE / BE MAT BE Do not span cavities or cracks aving a gap between the surface and the Hyperstop DB. In special conditions it may be necessary to install Hyperstop DB in an irregular path to circumvent deep depressions or cracks. HYPERSTOP DB cé wu diém Ia thich hop cho cdc gd ghé, 181 l6m khong déu nhau. Khi trong né HYPERSTOP DB lap day cac diém khuyét trong bé tong. JOINING HYPERSTOP DB TO PVC / KET HO'P HYPERSTOP DB VAIF tall Hyperstop DB on the interior side of the PVC dumbbell Hyperstop. Hyperstop DB should be in .ct contact and overlap the passive PVC dumbbell hyperstop by a minimum of 6" (150 mm). C6 thé két hop lap dat HYPERSTOP DB voi bang cannudc PVC. Khong nén lap nd tryc tiép hoac chong len nhau. Tham khdo y kién nha san xuat 46i voi nhGing trudng hop khéng cé 6 hung dan. GE APPLICATION PICTURES MOT HINH ANH THI APPLICATION PICTURES MOT HINH H THI 3 Since 2004 KOMIX Since 2004 KOMIX COMPANY LIMITED OFFICE No. 87 St. D1, Him Lam New Urban Area, Tan Hung Ward, Dist. 7, HOMC SHOWROOM 68 Nguyen Huu Tho St., Tan Hung Ward, Dist. 7, HCMC 153 Ly Thai To St., 9 Ward, Dist. 3, HCMC. Tel: (84-8) 6271 0066 - Fax: (84-8) 6251 5718 WEBSITE www. \

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