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Pe TSM CHLUN A aie UTM OMS CL iv] ~) Monthly ey F August 2021 f fi es The Global il eeoreM ae Long 2021 Talccvaarehi(osale| escola Day of the Ranks 150 Novis J Dera UN Zo1e ING estes) General 2021 |i eite lay A0ya a omit Recruiter J i) ec aly Better AL, ingier Sateen) Just Released C S S Compulsory Subjects sowven MMCQs potest (with Explanatory Notes) ito Lay Aya For Online Booking © +92 324 8455780 eed Eee et ee ILMI BOOK HOUSE One of the leading Book Store in Pakistan We Deal All Subjects a) CSS, PMS, Medical, Technical, College Books, © Level and A Level. All Kind of Book Are Available Here Discover our full range of books at Join Us On Whatsapp 03364414150, 03214414150 Chowk Urdu Bazar Lahore (Pakistan). UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Jonthly HSM CSS Tin = Pakistan Affairs PTI clinched 25 general seats of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Legislative ‘Assembly, followed by 11 seats won by the PP, six by PML-N and one each by two regional political parties in July 25's polls, it ‘was officially announced on July 26, 2021. As election campaigns go, this was one of the ugliest in recent times. The tone and tenor of speeches, the intensity of partisan attacks and the level of personal mudslinging was, to say the least, abominable. All party leaders. focused on insulting their rivals instead of talking about issues concerning the AJK electorate. These leaders brought their animosity and mutual loathing into the AJK arena and polluted the air with their toxic brand of politics. They had no qualms about relegating the issues of Kashmir into the background and highlighting instead what they considered the most damaging aspects Of their rivals’ politics. Charges of treason ‘were bandied about callously and allegations of a ‘sellout’ of the Kashmir cause were flung without any substantiation Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | This reduced the campaign to the level of a street brawl. It was sad to see cabinet ministers resorting to violent and sexist, rhetoric and PML-N leaders peddling anti- Semitic language to tarnish their opponents, If this were not bad enough, election day too saw a flare-up of violence and the usual charges of electoral malpractices. The PML-N and PPP have both pointed to what they call rigging in various forms even though the PPP has bagged a respectable number of seats. There will be a few days of accusations and counter-accusations but at the end, the ery mation in Mi wi For Free Downioad: Weis UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS fonthly _HISMCsSTimes Pakistan Affairs 5 ensue and a PTI nominee will take oath as the ime ministe About AJK ‘Azad Jammu & Kashmir” (AJK), came into being after the 1949 ceasefire between India and Pakistan after the Kashmir war. Territory of AJK & type of rule The territory of AJK comprises 10 districts under three divisions — Mirpur, Muzaffarabad, and Poonch. The capital is Muzaffarabad. While AJK is an autonomous, self governing territory The President of AJK is the constitutional head of state, while the Prime Minister, supported by a Council of Ministers, isthe chief executive, For all practical purposes, AJK is run by the Pakistan government through the all-powerful Kashmir Council, a nominated 14-member body headed by ‘the Prime Minister of Pakistan. ‘Six members are nominated by the Pakistan government and eight are from the AJK Assembly and government, including the “prime minister” of “Azad Kashmir The territory shares a border to the north with Gilgit-Baltistan, together with which itis referred to by the United "Nations and other international organizations as “Pakistani-administered Kashmir" It also shares borders with the provinces of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to the south and west, respectively. On its eastern side, Azad Kashmiris separated from the India-occupied Kashmir by the Line of Control (LoC), which serves as the de facto border between the Pakistani- and Indian- controlled parts of Kashmi AJK Constitutional position Pakistan's constitutional position on AJK is that it is not a part of the country, but the “liberated” part of Kashmir. The constitution of Pakistan 1973 lists the country’s four provinces Punjab, Sind, Balochistan, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Article 1 of the constitution, which lists ut the territories of Pakistan, also has a provision for “such States and territories as or ‘may be included in Pakistan, whether by accession or otherwise’. ‘The one direct reference to Jammu and Kashmir in Pakistan's constitution is in Article 257, which says: "When the people of the State of Jammu and Kashmir decide to accede to Pakistan, the relationship between Pakistan and the State shall be determined in accordance with the wishes of the people of that State.” The AJK constitution has a clear injunction against persons or political parties propagating ‘against or taking part in activities prejudicial to the ideology of the state's accession to Pakistan’. ‘An Assembly member invites disqualification for doing this, and candidates have to sign an affidavit swearing allegiance to Kashmir’ accession to Pakistan. Elections in AJK & its Assembly The AJK Assembly has 53 seats, including four that were added in 2019. Over 700 candidates are in the fray, and there are about 20 lakh voters. The first direct elections in the territory were held in 1970, Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Downioad: i UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS fonthiy HSM CSS Times Aaget Pakistan Affairs 6 Azad Jammu and Kashmir General Elections 2021 4-26 Neekum Valey- 1-27 Muratferobod. (Act uzatorabod te Us sagt tea PeBnch & Sudhnot-v teal Foonsh & Suaho tA-Bo'Foonch & Suahnot i UACIOKotl-tt Ukr Ua-2 Mirpur a3 marpureat Usa Mipurly U7 Bhimber-a “AJK" got its own "interim" constitution (pending a final settlement of the Kashmir issue) in 1974 by Pakistan Peoples Party's first government. Forty-five of the 53 seats in the Assembly are for directly elected members — 33 are from constituencies in “AJK", while 12 are “refugee constituencies" in Pakistan's four provinces, representing those who migrated from the Indian side to Pakistan in 1947 The remaining eight seats in the 14-25 Neelum Valley-1 14-33 Muzatforobod-Vi 12-32 muzattorobos-V1 A-l8 Poonch & Sudhnot| UAc18 Poonch & Sudhnot- a-24 Poonen & Sudhnot-V ta Konel Ua-8Kotlt UA Kote 1A2 Koti-v 1a-8 Bhimbert LAS himber! Assembly are filled via nomination: five women, one professional, one a AJK resident settled abroad, and one from the ulema, The Assembly has a five-year term The legislators elect a “prime minister’ and a “president” for the territory. Election results in AJK The parties and contestants in the fray in elections in AJK mirror the politics of Pakistan, The winning party is usually the ruling party in Islamabad, and the losing side Usually makes the allegation that the * agencies" a reference to Pakistani intelligence agencies, gave the winners a helping hand, The last elections in AJK were held in 2016 when the Pakistan Muslim League (N) led by Nawaz Sharif was in power in Islamabad ‘The PMLIN) won a comfortable majority, and Raja Farooq Haider was elected prime minister of "Azad Kashmir’, and Masood Khan the president. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Downioad: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS International Affairs Monthly HSM C! ‘Aug 2021, S Times Haiti President's Assassination The assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise, who governed for more than four years amid increasing political instability and surging gang violence, has shaken the Caribbean nation and drawn condemnation around the world. Moise, $3, was killed in the early hours of Wednesday (7 Jul 2021) at is private home in the capital, Port-au-Prince, in what Prime Minister Claude Joseph said was "a highly coordinated attack by a highly trained and heavily armed group’ ‘About Haiti- Haiti, officially the Republic of Haiti is a country located on the island of Hispaniola in the Greater Antilles archipelago of the Caribbean Sea. Itlies to the east of Cuba and Jamaica and south of The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands. It is the third largest country in the Caribbean by area, and the most populous country in the Caribbean. The island was originally inhabited by the indigenous Taino people, who originated in South America, The first Europeans arrived on 5 December 1492 during the first voyage of Christopher Columbus, who initially believed he had found India or China Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 For Free Downioad: Monthly _HSMCSS Times International Affairs He subsequently founded the first European settlement in the Americas, La Navidad, on what is now the northeastern coast of Hait. The island was claimed by Spain and named La Espanola, forming part of the Spanish Empire until the early 17th century. The western portion of the island was ceded to France in 1697, which was subsequently named Saint-Domingue. French colonists established lucrative sugarcane plantations, worked by vast numbers of slaves brought from Africa In the midst of the French Revolution (1789-99), slaves and free people of color launched the Haitian Revolution (1791-1804), led by a former slave and the first black general of the French Army, Toussaint Louverture. After 12 years of conflict, Napoleon Bonaperte's forces were defeated by Louverture’s successor, Jean-Jacques UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Dessalines (later Emperor Jacques 1), who declared Haiti's sovereignty on 1 January 1804, It became the first independent nation of Latin America and the Caribbean, the second republic in the Americas, the first country to abolish slavery, and the only state in history established by a successful slave Haiti is 2 founding member of the United Nations, Organization of American States (OAS) and Association of Caribbean States, and the International Francophonie Organisation, In addition to CARICOM, itis 2 member of the International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States. The government of Haiti is a semi presidential republic, a multiparty system wherein the president of Haiti is head of state elected directly by popular elections held every five years. Executive power is exercised by the president and prime minister who together constitute the government. The current structure of Hait’s political system was set forth in the Constitution of Haiti on 29 March 1987. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Downioad: DN) MUS cue m ce Ciel a cere Cyi cy OeSI Tom tar] bee SRS Syllabus Latest Edition ae 3001 eer So a ier ind Core oy Tes ey rie Perea ere) erty es eee HSM bed To Order Online DM or Whatsapp at © +92 324 8455780 £ hsmpublishers DN Dea ied Sl euled i UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS fonthly HSM CSS Times [nternational Affairs Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Project In 2015, Russian energy giant Gazprom announced plans to build a second pipeline that would double the amount of Russian natural gas pumped into Germany. Now, six years later, U.S.-Ukraine relations are strained, U.S. lawmakers are fuming at U.S. President Joe Biden as well as at one another, Eastern Europeans are mad at Germany, and the U.S. State Department can't get its ambassadors to Mexico, Algeria, or Cameroon confirmed—all thanks to the pipeline project. ‘The United States and Germany came to a deal to address long-standing differences over Nord Stream 2, a Russia-to-Europe gas pipeline that has sown contention between ‘Washington and Berlin, as construction is entering its final stages. The pipeline has ignited geopolitical anxieties that have nearly torpedoed the project. Opponents, including in the United States, Poland and Ukraine, have expressed fears that it cauld give Russia too much leverage in Europe, Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Download: Monthly HSM CSS Times Aug 202) The US-Germany deal, which includes an agreement to invest in green energy in Ukraine, charts a path forward for the project, while addressing concerns over the geopolitical impact of potential dependence on Russian gas. ‘What is Nord Stream 2, and why does it matter? The project, nearly complete, is a natural gas line from Russian fields to the German coast, spanning 764 miles under the Baltic Sea, The $11 billion jine will double the capacity of the original 2011 Nord Stream, which runs parallel to the new project. The line will supply gas to Germany — a nation heavily dependent on gas and oil imports — at a relatively low cost as the continent's production capacity decreases. The new pipeline is entirely owned by Russian energy company Gazprom, which is majority government-owned, The company also owns 51 percent of the original Nord Stream pipeline. A group of European energy companies, including Shell and Wintershall, are paying half the $11 billion in construction costs. ‘Why has it led to controversy? Though proponents of the pipeline, including Germany and Russia, see it as a great business deal providing cheaper, cleaner energy, Nord Stream 2 has drawn ire from many opponents. USS. leaders and lawmakers Democratic and Republica both fear that the UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS _International Affairs Baltic pipeline would give Russia too much power over European gas supplies, handing Russian President Vladimir Putin a wider market and geopolitical power at a politically precarious time, During his term, President Donald Trump unsuccessfully tried to torpedo the project, claiming that Nord Stream 2 would make Germany “a captive to Russia.” President Biden has also shared these fears that Europe would become overly dependent con Russian energy supplies. Ukraine and Poland vehemently oppose the pipeline. Ukraine has long been an energy middleman nation, with Russian companies feeding much of Europe's gas supply through Ukrainian soil and paying it transit fees in the process. Some believe that Russia, in bypassing Ukraine with the new pipeline, is aiming to weaken and isolate the nation, What role does the U.S. play? Biden discussed the pipeline with German Chancellor Angela Merkel — a vigorous pipeline supporter — during her visit to Washington last week. State Department spokesman Ned Price said at a news briefing Tuesday that Biden “couldn't have been any clearer” with Merkel on his continuous opposition to the pipeline "We view it as a Kremlin geopolitical project that is intended to expand Russia's influence over Europe's energy resources and to circumvent Ukraine, Price said. "We have mace no bones about the fact that itis a bad deal for Germany, itis a bad deal for Ukraine and for Europe more broadly. The United States previously imposed sanctions on entities and vessels connected with the pipeline, including on the Fortuna pipe-laying vessel, which was set to build one line of the link, in January. The 19 sanctions imposed by Biden compare with sanctions on only two targets during the Trump administration, Price added, But in a move that angered nations and lawmakers opposing the pipeline, the Biden administration waived those sanctions in May. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Download: HSM Armed Forces Books To get book at your doorstep or Whatsapp at : 0308-4544244 fia and NATIONWIDE For Online Booking a Monthly HSM CSS Times ‘Aug 2021 eS cers Price reiterated Tuesday that itis nonsensical to impose sanctions on allies for a nearly completed project. In addition, the sanction waivers align with Biden's commitment to rebuild relations with European allies, the spokesman said, The waivers “created space for diplomacy” for the United States to address potential energy security risks with Germany, Ukraine and other European partners, he said Biden's deal with Germany allowing the project to proceed drew criticism from US. lawmakers who are hawkish on Russia. Important points : With this deal, the US, which had previously imposed sanctions to prevent the completion of the pipeline between Russia and Germany, has now signalled its approval for the project. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS International Affairs RUSSIA BELARUS The agreement on one hand wants access to Russia's hydrocarbons, but on the other distrusts President Vladimir Putin, who it holds responsible for a series of affronts, such as the Crimean conflict of 2014 and the alleged interference in the US elections of 2016 and 2020. The deal lays out that if Russia attempts to use energy as a weapon or Commit further aggressive acts against Ukraine, Germany will take steps on its own and push for actions at the EU, including sanctions. ‘The agreement also requires Germany to “utilise all available leverage" to extend by 10 years the current Russia-Ukraine gas transit agreement, which expires in 2024, and a contribution of at least $175 million to a new $1 billion “Green Fund for Ukraine” that aims at improving the country’s energy independence. For Free Downioad: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM CSS Times [International Econom Ina rare public spat between the Gulf state allies, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia have found themselves at loggerhead over an OPEC plan that seeks to extend a cap on oil production. Saudi Arabia has led a push in OPEC to raise output by some 2 million barrels per day from August to December 2021 but extend remaining cuts to the end of 2022. At issue was how much oil Abu Dhabi would be allowed to produce under a proposed deal that sought to add an extra 2 million barrels per day of crude to the market to cool oil prices, Last year, oil prices crashed after COVID-19 Crude prices have recently soared to their lockdowns gutted global crude demand and highest levels in two and a half years as Saudi Arabia piled even more pressure onto economies around the globe ~ especially markets by declaring an oil price war after it more developed ones- cast-off COVID-19 could not get its fellow OPEC+ members to restrictions, boosting demand for energy. agree to deep cuts. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Downioad: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly _HSM CSS Times International Economy 5 The crash in prices led to escalating geopolitical tensions between Washington and Riyadh, as United States shale oil producers - whose productions costs are far higher than Saudi Arabia's ~ faced an existential threat to their existence. But oil markets stabilised last year after OPEC+ agreed to record output cuts of roughly 10 million bpd. Those curbs have been gradually eased since then and now stand at about 5.8 million bpd On July 14, 2021 , Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have reached a compromise dealin a standoff over OPEC+ crude output quotas, according to media reports citing sources within OPEC+. Key updates- ‘Saudi Arabia has led a push in OPEC to raise output by some 2 million barrels per day from August to December 2021 but extend remaining cuts to the end of 2022 But the UAE has said that a cut in output beyond the initial deadline of Apri 2022 would be “unfair to the UAE Though OPEC's sharp output cuts have kept prices from collapsing even further, pumping too much too soon could Undermine the rebound in energy prices. Under a proposed OPEC Plus deal, the UAE would proportionally cut its cil production by 18 percent, while Saudi Arabia would cut its output by 5 percent. Meetings between the 13 members of OPEC proper and between the 23 members of OPEC Plus, have failed to reach a deal on oil output fe) u5e ‘The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEQ) is a permanent, intergovernmental Organization, created at the Baghdad Conference held in Iraq in 1960. The founding members are Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. It initially had its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland which was then moved to Vienna, Austria in 1965, The objective is to coordinate and Unify petroleum policies among Member Countries in order to secure fair and stable prices for petroleum producers , the efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consuming nations and @ ir return on capital to those investing in the industry. Currently, the Organization has a total of 13 Member Countries Algeri Angola, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Tran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. ‘The year 2020 marked the 60th anniversary of the founding of OPEC. Functions of OPEC- Review the status of the international oil market and the forecasts for the future in order to agree upon appropriate actions which will promote price stability in the oil market. Decisions about matching oil production to expected demand are taken at the meeting of the OPEC conference. Provides research and administrative support to the secretariat body that disseminates news and information to the world at large. OPEC+ Th September 2016, Saudi Arabia and Russia agreed to cooperate in managing the price of oil, creating an informal alliance of OPEC and non-OPEC producers that was dubbed “OPEC+” Non-OPEC countries which are major oil producers are: Russia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Brunei, Equatorial Guinea, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Oman, Russia, Sudan, South Sudan, Brazil and Bolivia, Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS World Reports & Index Monthly HSM CSS Times ‘Aug 2021, as Foon‘ SECURITY. AND NUL Te The annual UN-FAO report titled “The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021” states that between 720 and 811 million people in the world faced hunger in 2020, which is around 161 million more than in 2019. The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World is an annual flagship report jointly prepared by FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WEP and WHO to inform on progress towards ending hunger, achieving food security and improving nutrition and to provide in depth analysis on key challenges for achieving this goal in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The report targets a wide audience, including policy-makers, international organizations, acader institutions and Key Findings Dip in people's affordability of healthy food: There isa significant dip in people's affordability for healthy food due to a loss in income. The pandemic led to an additional 141 million people being unable to afford a healthy diet in the countries studied. Loss of income & rise in food prices: The primary reason for a dip in affordability is the loss of income. But food price rise has made the situation more acute. By the end of 2020, global consumer food prices were the hi the general publi six years In the first four month: Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly EMS Tins: World Reports & Index i they continued to rise. Healthy diet costs more: Cost of a healthy diet was 60% more than a diet that just meets requirements for essential nutrients” and almost five times as much as a diet that just meets “the minimum dietary energy needs through a starchy staple’. Lack of access to adequate and healthy food: In 2020, some 2.37 billion people couldn't access adequate food, an increase of 320 million people in comparison to the 2019 figure. More people in 2020 were unable to afford a healthy diet in comparison to 2019, Severe food insecurity: Nearly 12% of the global population faced severe levels of food insecurity or they ran out of food and in ‘worst situations, must have a day without food. In 2020, the rise in the food insecure population was more than the combined number of the last five years. Increased hunger levels: The overall decline iin food intake has also increased hunger levels in 2020, making the primary Sustainable Development Goal of ending hunger by 2030 impossible now. Between 720 and 811 million people in the world endured hunger in 2020. In comparison to 2019, there were an additional 161 milion people who faced hunger. Undernourishment: The increase in the number of undernourished was more than five times greater than the highest increase in undernourishment in the last two decades Undernourishment due to the pandemic has Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | impacted children the most, also a global goal to fix by 2030, In 2020, 149 million children (under five years of age) will grow up stunted or too short for their age. Some 45 million children have been wasted, or do not have the right weight for their height. Global Food Policy Report 2021 According to the recently released Global Food Policy Report 2021 by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRD) The impacts of rising poverty and reduced livelihoods are reflected clearly in rising levels of food insecurity and decreasing diet quality, Widespread food insecurity and a shift toward consumption of low-quality diets could, in turn, have devastating consequences for health and nutrition in low- and midle- income countries, especially among women as per WHO? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a healthy diet contains a balanced, diverse and appropriate selection of foods eaten over a period of time” and “it protects against malnutrition in all its forms, including rnon-communicable diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer. For Free Download: Monthly HSM CSS Times UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Kage World Reports & Index Why a Healthy Diet is Necessary? According to the WHO, Poor diet is a major reason for malnutrition, stunting and wasting among children, obesity, overweight and underweight and also diet-related non: communicable diseases. Poor diets are responsible for 22% of all deaths among adults in the world. COVID-19 Pandemic and Food Security Challenges in Pakistan The situation of COVID-19 pandemic is getting worst in Pakistan like the other countries and the pandemic attacked the country at the time when Pakistan is going through slow economic growth and high inflation. Its estimated that around 53 poverty line. Likewise, 20%-30% population in Pakistan is already suffering from food insecurity and the economic experts believe Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | What is food security? Fee Ro Run Ey atolltimes, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious eee eae mee and food preferences for an active Cad FAO NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY POLICY Building an innovation- foe ees ore ee ee eer utd SEE Ensuring food security and freedom from panes For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS World Reports & Index Monthly HSM CSS Times Aug 2021 that the number of food insecure people will rise in Pakistan in 2021 due to the evolving nature of the current pandemic. It has also been reported by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics that the Consumer Price Index has been increased in Pakistan by 8.2% between May 2019 and May 2020. Moreover, food inflation has also been increased by 13.73% in the rural areas and 10.94% in the urban areas during this pandemic era Recently, the World Food Programme (WEP), and FAO collaborated for a food security and ‘utrition analysis aimed at stocktaking of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the livelihood, food security, agricultural supply chain, prices of food commodities, market conditions, and management strategies along with suitable measures for mitigating the effects of this pandemic on the food insecure groups. The findings of the analysis revealed that close to 36.43 million people are highly vulnerable to food insecurity owing to both natural and manmade hazards, including the ongoing pandemic. Also, around 49 million people (25%) are moderately food insecure, while 21 million (10%) households are demographic groups most susceptible to the COVID-18 pandemic are the daily wage class (accounting for 22% of all the wage earners), refugees, internally displaced persons, senior citizens, and persons with preexisting medical conditions, as well as low-income urban households, market-dependent rural communities, and child-headed households. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and WEP further stated that an additional 2.5 million people are at a high risk of becoming food insecure due to the current pandemic situation, consequent lockdowns, and the scenario is projected to become even worse if the pandemic continues to proceed unabated. Based on these concerted estimates, WFP and FAO have recommended immediate response planning for the populations with acute livelihood needs such as the provision of lifesaving food, and food, and non-food production assistance in a highly targeted ‘manner, thereby, to prevent a full-scale humanitarian emergency. These extremely susceptible populations mostly belong to the afore-mentioned geographical regions severely food insecure in Pakistan, The severely impacted by the COVID-19 shack. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Download: ae) your Chances to Succeeed in English (Precis & Composition) & Essay CSS 2022 To Order Online DM or Whatsapp at +92 324 8455780 OW dicate My ue} UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS World Reports & Index Monthly HSM CSS Times ‘Aug 2021 i The Global Peace Index 2021 has been released, This is the 15th edition of the Global Peace Index (GP), which ranks 163 independent states and territories according to their level of peacefulness. Produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), the GPIis the world's leading measure of global peacefulness. This report presents the most comprehensive data-driven analysis to- date on trends in peace, its economic value, and how to develop peaceful societies. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | Cay et TT ay ty a Key Takeaways from the Index: Iceland has topped the peace index. twas followed by New Zealand, Denmark, and Portugal 9 Outof the 10 most peaceful countries in the world, 8 are from Europe. Afghanistan is the least peaceful country in the world for the fourth consecutive year. Only three out of nine regions in the world improved in the peace index. The largest improvement took place in the Middle East and North Africa. The economic impact of violence con the global economy in 2020 was $14.96 trillion in purchasing power parity(PPP) terms. It is equivalent to 11.6% of the world's economic activity ‘There was an increase in military expenditure as a percentage of GDP for the second straight year. This indicator has deteriorated in 105 countries. For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM CSS Times Aug 2021 Moreover, the average level of global peacefulness deteriorated by 0.07% in the Index. This is the ninth time in the last 13 years that global peacefulness has deteriorated Pakistan Pakistan witnessed the most improvement in peacefulness, with 150th rank globally and 6th in the South Asia region. India has been ranked 135th in the 2021 Global Peace Index. Bhutan and Nepal are the first and second most peaceful in the South Asia region. India is the Sth most peaceful country in this region. Bangladesh was 91st out of 163 countries across the world, while it was at 3rd place in South Asia PEACE RANKING OF SOUTH ASIAN COUNTRIES tewistoetiss soon 7 Fl 419, South Asia South Asia was one of only three regions to record an improvement in peacefulness over the past year, although it remains the second least peaceful region overall. The average level of peacefulness in the region improved by 0.1 per cent, with improvements occurring in five of the seven countries in the region. South Asia recorded improvements on the Miltarisation and Safety and Security _ World Reports & Index. domains. There is a wide disparity between the least and most countries in the region, with Bhutan being ranked 22nd overall, and Afghanistan being the least peaceful country in the world on the 2021 GPL Afghanistan Afghanistan remains the least peaceful country in the region and the world on the 2021 GPI, a position it has held for the past RANK COUNTRY SCORE | 1 @ leeland u 2 @ New Zealand 1253 3 @ Denmark 1.256 4 @ Portugal 1.267 5 @ Sloveri 1315 6 @ Austria 1.317 7 @ switzerland 1323 8 @ ireland 1326 9 @CzechRepublic 1.329 10 @ Canada 133 11 @ Singapore 1347 12 @ Jopen 1373 13 @ Finland 402 4 @ Norway 1438 15 @ Sweden 146 16 @ Australia 147 =17_ @ Croatis 148 =17__@ Germany 148 19 @ Hungary 1.494 20 @ Belgium 1496 21 @ Netherlands 1506 22 @ Bhutan 151 23 @ Malaysia 1515 24 @ Poland 1524 25 @ Romania 153 26 @ Slovakia 1557 27 @ Bulgeria 1577 28 @ Mouritius 1592 Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Download: ww hsmpubiishers com UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly _HSM CSS Times World Reports & Index. RANK COUNTRY SCORE | 29 1605 30 @ Estonia 1612 31 @ Spain 1621 32 @ hely 1652 33 @ united Kingdom __1.658 34 @ Taiwan 1.662 35 @ Latvia 1.686 36 @ Kuwait 1688 37 @ Lithuania 11689 38 @ Ghana 1715 39 @ Costa Rice 1735 40 @NorthMacedonia 1744 41 @ Botswana 1753 =42__@ Indonesia 1783 =42 @ Mongolia 1783 44 @ Serbie 1797 45 @ Laos 1.809 46 @ Sierra Leone 1813 47 @ Uruguey 1817 48 @ Albania 1824 49 @ Chile 1.831 50 @ Vietnam 1.835 51 @ Montenegro 1.847 52 @ United Arab Emirates 1.848 53 @ The Gambia 1853 54 @ Senegal 1.864 55 @ France 1.868 56 @ Timor-Leste 1873 four years. However, it did record an improvement in peacefulness over the past year. The total number of deaths from internal conflict and terrorism impact have continue to fall, and the homicide rate has also fallen in the past few years. However, Afghanistan still has a higher terrorism impact than any other country in the world, The US government announced plans to withdraw all troops from Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | ‘Afghanistan by September 11 2021, leaving the future of the country uncertain. RANK COUNTRY 57 @ SouthKorea 58 @ Tanzania =59 © Malawi =59 © Moldova 61 © Cyprus 62 © Equatorial Guinea 63 @ Jordan 64 © Panama 65 © Namibia 66 © Greece 67 © Kazakhstan 68 © Argentina 69 © Eswatini 70 © Medagescer Ti @ Zombie Bosnia a 72 © Werzegovina 73 @ Oman 74 © Jamsica 75 © Paraguay =76 © Kyrgyz Republic =76 © Liberis 78 © Cambodis 79 @ Morocco =80 © Angola =80 © Kosovo © Dominican Republic 83 © Rwends Bhutan is the most peaceful country in South Asia and is ranked 22nd overall on the 2021 1877 1.892 1.909 1.909 1912 1.915 1916 1919 1927 1.932 1.936 1945 1.955 1.963 1.964 197 1.982 1.992 1.997 1.998 1.998 2.008 2.015 2017 2017 2.024 2.028 GPI It s the highest ranking country on the GPI outside of Europe, Asia-Pacific, or North America, Bhutan's level of peaceful increased by 0.9 per cent over the past year, % For Free Download: ww hsmpubiishers com UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly JEMCS Tims World Reports & Index driven by an improvement in the homicide RANK COUNTRY SCORE : rate. As of 2018, Bhutan had a homicide rate a of 1.2 per 100,000 people. Bhutan is also one M2 © Lesotho 2.202 of the least militarised countries in the world, 113 @ Thelend 2206 with the 12th lowest score on the Militarisation domain, 14 © Ugends 2219 115 © Togo 2239 16 © Kenys 2.254 117 © Belarus 2.285 Leenine endl SCORE | “118 © Meuritenia 229 84 © Trinidedand Tobago 2029 n° — ‘of the 2291 85_@ Nepel 2033 120 © Algeria 231 88. : oo 2034 1 Azerbaijan 208 87 © cu 2042 United States 88 © Ecuador 2044 122 © america zee et Det 123 © South Africa 2344 90 @ Uzbekistan par 124 @ Honduras 2371 ‘1 © Bangladesh Baas 125 @ Saudi Arabia 2376 92 © Guinea 2069 126 @ Egypt 2397 93 @ Gabon ae 127 @ Philippines 2417 94 @ Armenia 2075 128 @ Brazil 2.43 95 @ Sri Lanka eps 129 @ Burundi 2.434 ‘96 © Benin 2093 130 @ Niceregue 2445 97 © Tojikistan 2095 131_@ Mycomor 2457 98 © Tunisia 2108 182_@ Ched 2.489 99 © Guines-Bissau 2m3 133_@ Zimbabwe 2.48 =100 © China ona 134 @ Burkina Faso 2527 =100 © Guyena Ty 135. @ India 2553 102 © Bshrsin 2121 136_@ Eritrea 2.555. 903 @ Cote d hore aia 137 @ Niger 2589 =103 _@ Mozambique 2123 138 @ Palestine 261 105 © Bolvie 214 an 106 © Djibouti 2146 India is the most populous country in the 107 © PapusNewGuines 2149 region and is ranked 150 th on the 2021 GPL 108 Heiti 2151 The country experienced a slight aE 21s4_ improvement of 0.7 per cent in overall peacefulness over the past year, driven by an M0 ElSalvador 2184 ‘improvement in the Ongoing Conflict 1M © Gustemala 2195 domain, However, India has been badly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. A Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Download: ww hsmpubiishers com Monthly HSM CSS janes Aug 2021, RANK COUNTRY SCORE 139 @ Ethiopie 2613 140 @ Mexico 262 1 @ tren 2637 142 @ Ukrsine 266 143 @ Israel 2669 144 @ Colombia 2694 145 @ Cameroon 27 146 @ Nigerie 2n2 147 @ Lebanon 2797 148 @ Mali 2813 149 @ Turkey 2843 150 @ Pakistan 2.868 151 @ North Korea 2923 152 @ Venezuela 2934 153 @ Sudan 2.936 154 @ Russie 2993, ‘—” Oo 156 @ Libya ; 3166 18 Orr emu 3106 158 @ Somalia 32m 159 @ req 3.257 160 _@ South Sudan 3.363 161 @ syria 3371 162 @ Yemen 3.407 163 @ Afghanistan 3631 UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS _World Reports & Index % second wave of cases in October 2020 led to lockdowns across the country. Some estimates suggest that the Indian economy contracted by nearly ten per cent in 2020. A third wave of coronavirus cases in April 2021 has exacerbated the already fragile situation in the country. cetera) Pakistan The largest improvement in peacefulness in South Asia occurred in Pakistan, which experienced a 19 per cent improvement in overall score on the 2021 GPI. This was driven by improvements for the Ongoing Conflict, and Safety and Security domains. Pakistan was one of the few countries to record an improvement on the violent demonstrations indicator, although the overall risk of future civil unrest remains relatively high. Pakistan also recorded improvements on its homicide rate, terrorism impact, refugees and IDPs and perceptions of criminality indicators. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Download: sinGIK. =a AVAILABLE NOW a poselopedia Se fae a) Rs.58 Doubt clearing Questions a) cpsteay Wy, and Important Notes — Includes Past Years MCQs of For Online Booking Exclusive Competitive Exams © +92 324 8455780 © /nsmpublishers UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly EBM CS Tne World Reports & Index a The United States of America has added Pakistan and 14 other countries to a Child Soldier Recruiter List that identifies foreign governments having government-supported armed groups that recruit or use child soldiers, a designation that could result in restrictions on certain security assistance and commercial licensing of military equipment. The US Child Soldiers Prevention Act (CSPA) requires the publication in the annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report alist of foreign governments that have recruited or used child soldiers during the previous year, Child Soldier Recruiter List, 2021 ‘The recruitment or use of children below the age of 15 as soldiers is prohibited by both the UN Convention on. the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the additional protocols to the Geneva Conventions. ‘The United States on July 1, 2021 added Pakistan and Turkey to its Child Soldiers Prevention Act (CSPA) (Apri 1, 2020, to March 31, 202). The countries which have been added to the annual TI list of the US State Department this year are: Pakistan, Turkey, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen. The United Nations, too, has identified the recruitment and use of child soldiers as among six ‘grave violations" affecting children in war and has established numerous monitoring and reporting mechanisms and initiatives to combat this practice. The UN verified that over 7,000 children had been Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly _HISMCSS Times World Reports & Index 8 recruited and used as soldiers in 2019 alone. Reacting strongly to Pakistan's inciusion in the Child Soldiers Prevention Act (CSPA) list by the United States, the Foreign Office on July 2, 2021 said the move depicted “a factual error and lack of understanding’, and urged Washington to review the “baseless assertions” made against the country in the State Department's annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report, 2021. About Child Soldier Recruiter List- The US Child Soldiers Prevention Act (CSPA) requires the publication in the annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report alist of foreign governments that have recruited or Used child soldiers during the previous year. The countries which have been added to the annual TIP list of the US State Department this year are: Pakistan, ‘Turkey, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mal Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen, This designation could result in restrictions on certain security assistance and commercial licensing of military equipment The United States Congress adopted the CSPA in 2008, as an amendment to the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection and Reauthorization Act of 2008. The CSPA, which went into effect in 2009, prohibits the US government from providing military assistance to countries identified as having government or government-supported forces that recruit and use child soldiers The following types of security assistance are prohibited for countries that are in the ist- 1. Licenses for direct commercial sales of military equipment 2. Foreign military financing for the purchase of defense articles and services, as well as design and construction services 3. Intemational military education and training 4. Excess defense articles 5. Peacekeeping operations The recruitment or use of children below the age of 15 as soldiers is prohibited by both the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the additional protocols to the Geneva Conventions. The CRC was adopted on November 20, 1989 and entered into force on September 2, 1990, Currently, 193 countries have ratified the CRC. The CRC requires state parties to "take all feasible measures" to ensure that children under 18 are not engaged in direct hostilities, What Do Critics Say about the List? International treaties and instruments, such as the CRC and its Optional Protocol regarding children in armed conflict, are valuable and necessary tools to establish international norms as they raise awareness regarding human rights abuses. However, these treaties are limited in scope and nature, and they tend to be idealistic Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM CSS Times World Reports & Index a rather than practicable. The UN's mechanisms only bind state parties that ratify the treaties. It therefore has no authority over countries that are not parties to the convention or are ‘non-state entities, such as rebel militias, recruiting child soldiers. It also relies on the signatories themselves to implement its doctrines and prevent human rights abuses around the world, Therefore, most of the responsibility in preventing such abuses lies with the individual countries themselves. While the UN views its treaties and conventions as binding on state parties, it has ro police power mechanism to enforce its decisions. Therefore, the CRC and its Optional Protocol are limited by the signatories’ willingness to comply. Somali, for example, isa signatory but it hasrit ratified the convention. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS imes World Reports & Index Global.Cyber security Index information and communication technologies IriemationalTelecommunicaton Union (TU) ——has ranked Pakistan onthe 79th in Global Cyber Security Index (GC) 2020 Interestingly, neighbours India and China were ranked at 10 and 33, respectively, The Gclisa trusted reference that measures the commitment of counties to cybers ata globa eve The US was ranked on the first spot indicating highest commitment to cybersecurity followed by the UK sharing the Second spot with Saul Arabia, Estonia was ranked third, South Korea, Singapore and Spain shared the fourth spot Russia, United Arab Emirates and Malaysia shared the fifth spot, Lithuania came in sath followed by Japan, Caneda, France Many counties are making progress in tei commitments to responding to cybersecurity challenges, despite opportunistic actors taking advantage of our desire for information, our fears about the pandemic, P42 shift to working from home and remote learning, dependence on healthcare systems, the index states. While releasing the GCI Index, Doreen Bogdan-Martin, director, Telecommunication Development Bureau of ITU said, "In our post-Covid-19 reality, cyber risk management and resilience matter more than ever’ Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monty _HISMCSS Times World Reports & Index 4 Key updates- ‘or engagement is assessed along five The Global Cybersecurity Index pillars ~ () Legal Measures, (GC) is a trusted reference that measures Gy Technical Measures, the commitment of countries to {i Organizational Measures, cybersecurity at a global level ~ to raise awareness of the importance and different _¥) Capacity Building, dimensions of the issue. (v) Cooperation ~ and then aggregated Each country's level of development _ into an overall score. Global Cybersecurity Index ITU is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for all matters related to information and communication technologies. It was established on 17 May 1865 as the International Telegraph Union, making it among the oldest international organizations still in operation, It adopted its current name in 1934 and became a UN specialized agency in January 1949. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, Secretary-General is Houlin Zhao. Its parent organization is the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The ITU promotes the shared global use of the radio spectrum, facilitates international cooperation in assigning satellite orbits, assists in developing and coordinating worldwide technical standards, and works to improve telecommunication infrastructure in the developing world. + There are currently 193 member states of the ITU, including all UN member states except the Republic of Palau. The most recent member state to join the ITU is South Sudan in 2011. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 For Free Download: a Ty) 00 2005-2020 - a Pear tia ~ ey English AS Lay berms ttitp sree) eriteg © 03060222288 (© /hsmpublishers UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HISM CSS Times World Reports & Index © Trafficki Persons human trafficking released on July 1, 2021 also added Turkey, a NATO ally, to thelist of countries whose “armed forces, police, or other security forces” recruit or use child soldiers. The designation could mean sanctions on The US. state Departmentant has released military aid of sales for those counties unless an annuel study called Trafficking in Persons report, 2021 recently AUS State Department report called out the governments of Myanmar, China and Russia for their patterns of trafficking and forced labour and saying in the Chinese province of Xinjiang “the government isthe trafficker’ citing "a mass detention and political indoctrination campaign against Uighurs, ho are predominantly Muslim, and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups’, over the past four years. The State Department report on global Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM CSS Times the US president issues a waiver "We document 11 countries where the government itself is the trafficker. For example, through forced labour on public works projects or in sectors of the economy that the government feels are particularly important” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said during a news conference. For the 10th year in a row, the report documents haw the Cuban government has profited from exploitative overseas medical Inall, the Biden administration said, 17 countries were not doing enough to combat human trafficking, The 2021 annual report also shone a spotlight on people made more vulnerable by global crises like the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and “systemic racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination” that create inequitable societies, Blinken said, The annual Trafficking in Persons report (TIP), World Reports & Index 34 published since 2001, uses the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) to define "severe" human trafficking as "sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act’ is not 18. The definition also includes "the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude’ Though exact figures are unknown, “the estimate we often cite is that nearly 25 million people worldwide are victims of human trafficking’, Blinken said. "Many are compelled to commercial sex work. Many are forced to work in factories, oF fields, oF to join armed groups. Millions of trafficking victims are children. This crime is an affront to human rights 5 Root Causes of Human Trafficking Poe Peres cay Cea aac natural disaster: aa Peet eo Discrimination based on race, rary displacement cat sto education or job opportunities in the Sem Reon or political instability Pde cua Ca cetacean ccs aCe] Pema Cele Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly _HSMCSSTimes World Reports & Index sss 35 About the Report Tier 2 includes governments that do not meet the requirements “but are making The annual Trafficking in Persons report (TIP), published since 2001 It uses the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) to define “severe” human trafficking as “sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act" is not 18. The definition also includes “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude” It ranks countries in tiers based on their compliance with the minimum standard for eliminating human trafficking according to the TVPA ‘There are three tiers in the report. The TIP report ranks countries in tiers based on their compliance with the minimum standard for eliminating human trafficking according to the TVPA. There are three tiers jer 1 includes governments that wholly meet the minimum standards Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | significant efforts to bring themselves into compliance. It also includes a Tier 2 watchlist. The worst rank, Tier 3, is for countries whose governments do not fully meet minimum standards and are not making significant efforts to do so. Being ranked in this tier means countries may be subject to certain restrictions on foreign assistance should the president decide to withhold hold COVID's impact The report particularly highlights the pandemic’s effect on trafficking and those working to stop the crime. Women and children were severely affected by the pandemic, according to the report, along with those facing food and economic insecurity The lockdowns meant ‘to stop COVID-19s spread, made for “a lack of credible and accurate data" which ‘posed a challenge to effective and efficient anti-trafficking efforts around the world” and exacerbated economic insecurity, the report said. “Ttwas clear that COVID-19 exacerbated the vulnerabilities of millions of individuals and adversely affected efforts to combat human trafficking” it continued Wa Human trafficking tempt o seek Aa For Free Download: 2 . Panacea for 33) Medium Students Cee renee Pacis iNT UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS wnhsmpubisherscom _HSM CSS Times World Reports & Index 37 Monthly 30 JULY WORLD — AGAINST TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS It Key Highlights of the Trafficking in Persons Report, 2021 According to the report, Covid 19 pandemic resulted in an increase in vulnerability to human trafficking and interrupted existing anti-traffic efforts. It cites a report from the Office of Security and Co- operation in Europe's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights and UN Women which highlights that almost 70 percent of trafficking survivors from 35 countries reported that their financial well-being was heavily affected by COVID-19. It has determined that governments of twelve countries, including China, had a policy of trafficking in the reporting period (year ending March 31). + The concurrence of the increased number of individuals at risk, traffickers’ ability to capitalise on competing crises, and the diversion of resources to pandemic response efforts has resulted in an ideal environment for human trafficking to flourish and evolve. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Download: ww hsmpubiishers com UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM CSS Times Aug 2021 World Reports & Index 38 Human Trafficking in Pakistan its effo Ute aaa} peeMcten he rear Rieaat Peete ry child labo Pakistan: Tier 2 Watch List ‘What does the report say about Pakistan? The 2021 TIP report reiterates that Pakistan does not meet the minimum standards to eliminate trafficking. It cites the complicity of state officials as a major cause of failure. According to the report the number of kidnapped people in Pakistan in 2020 went Up to 32,022, a huge jump from 19,954 in 2019, Of these, 15,255 were women and 6,937 children, The report says there is not enough investigation and conviction which creates impunity in the perpetrators and gives afillip to trafficking that feeds the multimillion- rupee business of prostitution and bonded labour. ‘The Government of Pakistan does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking but is making significant efforts to do so. These efforts included finalizing implementation rules for the 2018 Prevention of Trafficking in Persons Act (PTPA), adopting a new five-year national action plan to combat trafficking in persons and migrant smuggling crimes, and referring ‘more potential trafficking victims for care than the previous reporting period. The king among v ounces province of Punjab reported more overall convictions for trafficking than the previous reporting period. However, the government did not demonstrate overall increasing efforts compared to the previous reporting period, even considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on its anti-trafficking capacity. The government decreased investigations and Convictions of sex traffickers, and authorities in Punjab province, where more than half of the population resides, continued to disproportionately report nearly all anti trafficking law enforcement efforts, including all convictions. Law enforcement efforts against labor trafficking also remained inadequate compared to the scale of the problem, and authorities identified significantly fewer bonded labor victims. In Sindh, local officials continued to perpetrate bonded labor in brick kilns and on farms with impunity. For the second year the government did not take adequate action against credible reports of official complicity in trafficking. The government continued to lack overall adequate resources for victim care. Therefore Pakistan remained on Tier 2 Watch List for the second consecutive year. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Download: Books that will inch you closer to Solved Essays of CSS 2016-Till Date How to Approach and Write on Any New aCe) oom ollie Liedam nll faa Tat SCASH ON} ny For Onn bsfole)ratireg © +92 324 8455780 Rada eae UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM CSS Times ‘Aug 2021, be World Population Day is observed on 11 July every year to pay attention to the global: population issues and for highlighting problematic issues caused by overpopulation. ‘Additionally, Pakistan's population is equivalent to 2.83% of the total world population. It ranks number 5 in thelist of most populated countries. The population of Pakistan is at the moment 225 million. It was 32m in 1947 and by 1971, it had more than doubled to 65m. In 1998, it was 132m and by 2017, it was 208m. This year's theme: ‘The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on fertility’ Itis observed to shed more light on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on sexual and reproductive health and reproductive behaviour globally. It is organised by the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESAY. The day is marked to raise awareness Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | UN International Day © Purpose: To draw attention towards the issues arising out of rising population across the globe © tis observed with the goal of highlighting the difficulties created by ‘overpopulation and raising awareness about how overpopulation may harm the ecosystem and progress of humanity. about the importance of family planning child marriage, gender equality, human rights, and others. For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM CSS Times _Aug 2021, History of World Population Day It was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in 1989, buoyed by the interest in the Five Billion Day celebrated in 1987, A resolution to the effect was passed and the dayw as first marked on July 11, 1990, In December 1990, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) decided to continue observing World Population Day to enhance awareness about population issues, including their relations to the environment. UN International Day 4 United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) The United Nations has sent up a population fund (UNFPA) and a population division to plan programmes and coordinate with other agencies in order to highlight and disseminate information about population control measures. UNFPA advises against reactionary policy responses, which can be extremely harmful i they violate rights, health and choices. Instead, the agency calls for prioritizing reproductive health and rights for al through access to information and services in the face of fertility and demographic shift. World Population Percentages World Population trends The world population reached the 7 billion mark in 2011, and it now stands around at 77 billion and is expected to grow to nearly 85 billion in 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050, and 10.9 billion in 2100. The recent past has seen enormous changes in fertility rates and life expectancy. In the early 1970s, women had on average 45 children each; by 2015, total fertility for the world had fallen to below 2.5 children per woman, Meanwhile, average global life spans have risen, from 64.6 years in the early 1990s to 726 years in 2019. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Download: UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly _HSM CSS Times UN International Day 4 Pakistan: Population Emergency OVER the past two decades, successive governments have sidestepped the issue of population control and hidden behind a plethora of poverty alleviation and social development schemes. With some 225m people, Pakistan has the world's fith largest population. With a national growth rate of around 2pc, at least 4.4m people are added to the existing numbers every year. This addition alone is equal to the combined population of 40 of the world's smallest Countries. Unfortunately, there is virtual silence on the subject on the part of our political leaders. Does this attitude result from complacency and a tendency to dismiss long. ‘term challenges, or are our leaders simply not prepared to irk the religious right by bringing Up the topic? Even at the Islamabad Security Dialogue held in March, the threat posed by ur galloping numbers to the country's, natural and human resources hardly figured in the conversation, Surely, our political leadership led by the prime minister, who talks candidly about other uncomfortable yet. important global issues, can end the awkward silence that surrounds a pressing national (and international) problem. Indeed, the government took religious leaders and scholars on board to make a combined attempt at ensuring compliance with Covid- 19-related SOPs during Ramazan; can't the same be done to develop a coherent narrative on the need to bring down the Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | Given the controversial nature of the debate, perhaps there can be greater emphasis on ‘amily health’ rather than ‘population control’, since many see the latter as a Western conspiracy against Muslim societies. An effort can be made to talk about maternal health in the context of religion and the nation’s social development. Pakistan's national fertility rate of 3.6 means that on average a mother has at least three children, with one being unplanned. This figure is higher than the whole of South Asia's (2.4p0), the region itself having the highest fertility rate in the world. No surprise then that, according to the National Nutritional Survey 2018, 42pc of women of reproductive age are at least moderately anaemic. The aim should be to gently steer people's decisions by promoting this year's theme for World Population Day that is being observed today: Rights and choices are the answer: whether baby boom or bust, the solution to shifting fertility rates lies in prioritising the reproductive health and rights ofall people Surely there can be no argument about the fact that healthy mothers are the key to having healthy children and that birth spacing encourages healthier families, Even in Saudi Arabia, women can access family planning as part of healthcare. Almost all other large Muslim countries, including Bangladesh, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc have successfully implemented population reforms through broad consensus led by their respective governments. Pakistan must make efforts to arrest and bring down its population growth rate before its too late. For Free Download: What is Unique About This Book? Mgjor Highlights Previous Years Solved Papers with Detailed Explanations for Better Understanding. All the CSS Compulsory Subjects sections contain extensive questions. Latest Pattern Questions Based on 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 examinations according to Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination. Coverage of Additional Material i That has Relevance to the 13695) | Syllabus. Self-evaluation isa very important pat of preparation and you should gauge your understanding ofthe concepts you are studying forthe examination. $0, 90 ahead and solve sample papers if you really want to crack the CSS Exam. By solving these papers, you also realize that there ‘are many questions which sample papers. So, you understand what not to ignore determining what strategy you should follow in identifying strengths and weaknesses. Coty The Best Way to Prepare for For Online Booking eer OO RAR LUE fi hsmpublishers {9 /hsmpublishers —__ hsmpublishers fee UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS HSM CSS Times YN International Da’ as International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples 2021 International day of indigenous people is General Assembly decided, in its resolution observed on August 9 every year, inorder to 49/214, that the International Day of the raise awareness of the needs of indigenous World's Indigenous People shall be observed people. The first meeting of the UN Working on 9 August every year. The date marks the Group on Indigenous Populations was held first meeting, in 1982, of the UN Working in Geneva in 1982 Group on Indigenous Populations. (On 23 December 1994, the United Nations Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 For Free Download: Monthly HSM C Times UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS 5M UN International Day 45 population, but fallin the 15 percent of the poorest, according to the UN website. They represent as many as 5,000 different cultures Leaving No One Behind: Indigenous peoples and the call for a new social contract. Indigenous people They are inheritors and practitioners of unique cultures and ways of relating to people and the environment, They have retained social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from those of the dominant societies in which they live. Despite their cultural differences, indigenous peoples from around the world share common problems related to the protection of their rights as distinct peoples. The indigenous people in the world make up less than 5 percent of the total Indigenous Peoples of Pakistan Many Indigenous Peoples live within the borders of Pakistan, yet the government of Pakistan refuses to acknowledge Indigenous Peoples; instead referring to most Indigenous communities as ethnic minorities. The Koochis, Rebari, Bakarwal, Kehal, Jogi, Kabootra, Sanyasi and Kalash are Indigenous Peoples in Pakistan, Pakistan has signed or ratified several international human rights treaties and declarations, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 For Free Download: Monthly UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS HSMCS Tins UN International Day _ 4 Rights (CESCR), International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), Convention Con the Rights of the Child and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Pakistan voted in favor of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) on September 13, 2007. The Pakistani Constitution states that adequate provisions shall be made so that minorities can freely practice their religions and develop their cultures. Further, the constitution states that all citizens shall be accorded fundamental rights, including economic and politcal justice, and freedom of faith and worship. Further, communities that possess “a distinct ‘language, script or culture’ shall have the right to preserve the same” The Kalash are Indigenous Peoples located in the mountainous Chitral region in northwest Pakistan, They live in Rukmu, Mumoret and Biriu - three V-shaped valleys, The Kalash number just over 5,000 people and are are Pakistan’s smallest religious minority While the Pakistani Government has yet to recognize the Kalash as Indigenous Peoples, after much advocacy from Kalash members, the government did recognize Kalasha as a separate religion in the National Database and Registration Authority (NDRA) in 2015.Thus, Kalasha can now be listed on government documents requiting religious identification, such as birth certificates. Despite Pakistan's recognition of Kalasha in the NDRA, issues directly tied to the Kalash’s, religious identity as Indigenous Peoples and practicing paganism, such as forced religious conversions to Islam and religious-based discrimination, remain. The Kalash Peoples Development Network have sought UNESCO protection for Kalash cultural heritage since 2008, The National Institute of Folk and Traditional Heritage (NIFTH) in Pakistan sponsored a conference on the issue in 2012, The NIFTH spokesman, Sajid Mnuir, said NIFTH had been working since the 1980s to preserve Kalash Culture. However, inclusion in the UNESCO Intangible Culture Heritage list is a lengthy process Urdu is the official language of Pakistan although English is often used, particularly in correspondences within the government and in courts and universities. Urdu is spoken by 7.15% of the total population of Pakistan, however, as a mother tongue, and English is a foreign language in Pakistan. The Kalasha language is spoken in several valleys within the Chiltral District ofthe Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, including Rumbur, Bumburet and Biri Valleys. Kalasha is an ancient Dardic language Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Download: ww hsmpubiishers com UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS aeons Covid-19 Lambda Strain new variant COVID-19 Lamba, the latest coronavirus variant that has A study was carried out by N captured the interest of the World Health and her colleagues at the University of Chile, Organisation, has left scientists scratching Santiago, that involved analysing blood their heads over its “unusual” set of samples from local healthcare workers to mutations, the Financial Times reported on July 2, 2021 The strain was first detected in Peru and has since spread to 27 countries including the UK. It was initially denoted as C.37. ighbouring Chile has not been spared its devastating effects either, as it accounts for nearly a third of new cases there. Potential to become variant of concern’ According to FT: "Lambda has a unique pattern of seven mutations in the spike protein that the virus uses to infect human cells. Researchers are particularly intrigued by study the effect of Lambda on viral infectivity one mutation called L452Q which is similar to The health workers had received two doses of the L452R mutation believed to contribute tothe Chinese CoronaVac vaccine. \h infectiousness of the Delta variant." The findings, published, seem to indicate Monthly HSM GSS Times (E Mat zine) | Aug 2021 For Free Download: vaww.hsmpubiish UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS Monthly HSM CSS Times Aug 2021, Lambda is more infectious than Gamma and Alpha and is more capable of escaping the antibodies produced by vaccines. ‘Considering that this variant has rapidly spread in Peru, Ecuador, Chile and Argentina, we believe that Lambda has a considerable potential to become a variant of concern,” the researchers wrote in a paper that has yet to be peer-reviewed. Key updates The first case of this variant, earlier known as C.37, was reported in December 2020. The World Health Organisation (WHO) declared Lambda as a “variant of interest” on June 14, 2021 The WHO designates a variant as a ‘variant of interest" when its genetic changes are predicted or known to affect important characteristics, including transmissibility, disease severity, immune escape, diagnostic or therapeutic escape. The WHO also says that a variant becomes a “variant of interest” when it is identified as a cause for significant community transmission or multiple COVID- 19 clusters, in multiple countries. Such a variant also shows signs of other apparent “epidemiological impacts" to suggest an emerging risk to global public health, The United Kingdom health body, Public Health England (PHE), designated Lambda as a “variant under investigation” on June 23, 2021, _ Covid-19 _ 4 Data at GISAID, a global science initiative, shows that at least 31 countries have reported the latest variant including the United States, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany and Switzerland etc. ‘According to the research, mutations present in the spike protein of the Lambda variant of interest confer increased infectivity and immune escape from neutralizing antibodies triggered by CoronaVac, the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine. However, the study was limited to just cone vaccine and there is no evidence corroborating the Lambda variant caused more severe disease or reduced the effectiveness of current vaccines. The Lambda variant has not been recorded in Pakistan so far. Latin America hit hardest by pandemic Latin America has been the region hit hardest by the pandemic. With a population that is just 8% of the worlds, it has 20% of the coronavirus cases. There has been an uptick in cases in Colombia, Paraguay and Uruguay in recent weeks. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Aug 2021 | For Free Download:

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